#!/bin/bash echo "Aif-test: a 'unit-testing' tool for AIF" echo " for a list of available tests: find /usr/share/aif/tests/" [ "$1" != runtime] && echo "\$1: type of test to execute (runtime. no support for buildtime yet)" >&2 && exit 1 [ -z "$2" ] && echo "\$2: name of test to execute" >&2 && exit 1 test_dir="/usr/share/aif/tests/$1/$2" [ ! -d "$test_dir" ] && echo "No such test found: $test_dir" >&2 && exit 2 echo "Running test $test_dir. THIS WILL PROBABLY ERASE DATA ON ONE OR MORE OF YOUR HARD DISKS. TO ABORT PRESS CTRL-C WITHIN 10 SECONDS" sleep 10 # this script should install the system $test_dir/install.sh || fail=1 # this script does any additional things such as touching files that we should recognize later $test_dir/setup_test.sh || fail=1 # this script will do the actual testing (network check, recognize filesystems and files, ..) cp $test_dir/perform_test.sh /mnt/etc/rc.d/perform_test || fail=1 # make sure the test will run on the target system sed -i's#DAEMONS=(\(.*\))#DAEMONS=(\1 perform_test)#' /mnt/etc/rc.conf || fail=1 [ "$fail" == '1' ] && echo "Something failed. will not reboot" >&2 && exit 3 reboot