#!/bin/bash # runs a process and makes sure the output is shown to the user. sets the exit state of the executed program ($CONTROLLED_EXIT) so the caller can show a concluding message. # when in dia mode, we will run the program and a dialog instance in the background (cause that's just how it works with dia) # when in cli mode, the program will just run in the foreground. technically it can be run backgrounded but then we need tail -f (cli_follow_progress), and we miss the beginning of the output if it goes too fast, not to mention because of the sleep in run_background # $1 identifier (no spaces allowed, hyphen and underscore are ok) # $2 command (will be eval'ed) # $3 logfile # $4 title to show while process is running run_controlled () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "run_controlled: please specify an identifier to keep track of the command!" [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "run_controlled needs a command to execute!" [ -z "$3" ] && die_error "run_controlled needs a logfile to redirect output to!" [ -z "$4" ] && die_error "run_controlled needs a title to show while your process is running!" log_parent=$(dirname $3) if [ ! -d $log_parent ]; then mkdir -p $log_parent || die_error "Could not create $log_parent, we were asked to log $1 to $3" fi if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then run_background $1 "$2" $3 follow_progress " $4 " $3 $BACKGROUND_PID # dia mode ignores the pid. cli uses it to know how long it must do tail -f wait_for $1 $FOLLOW_PID || die_error "Internal AIF error, the following call failed: wait_for $1 $FOLLOW_PID. This should never happen" CONTROLLED_EXIT=$BACKGROUND_EXIT else notify "$4" eval "$2" >>$3 2>&1 CONTROLLED_EXIT=$? fi debug 'MISC' "run_controlled done with $1: exitcode (\$CONTROLLED_EXIT): $CONTROLLED_EXIT .Logfile $3" return $CONTROLLED_EXIT } # run a process in the background, and log it's stdout and stderr to a specific logfile # returncode is stored in BACKGROUND_EXIT # pid of the backgrounded wrapper process is stored in BACKGROUND_PID (this is _not_ the pid of $2) # $1 identifier # $2 command (will be eval'ed) # $3 logfile run_background () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "run_background: please specify an identifier to keep track of the command!" [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "run_background needs a command to execute!" [ -z "$3" ] && die_error "run_background needs a logfile to redirect output to!" log_parent=$(dirname $3) if [ ! -d $log_parent ]; then mkdir -p $log_parent || die_error "Could not create $log_parent, we were asked to log $1 to $3" fi debug 'MISC' "run_background called. identifier: $1, command: $2, logfile: $3" ( \ touch $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-$1-running debug 'MISC' "run_background starting $1: $2 >>$3 2>&1" [ -f $3 ] && echo -e "\n\n\n" >>$3 echo "STARTING $1 . Executing $2 >>$3 2>&1\n" >> $3; eval "$2" >>$3 2>&1 BACKGROUND_EXIT=$? debug 'MISC' "run_background done with $1: exitcode (\$BACKGROUND_EXIT): $BACKGROUND_EXIT .Logfile $3" echo >> $3 echo $BACKGROUND_EXIT > $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-$1-exit rm -f $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-$1-running ) & BACKGROUND_PID=$! sleep 2 } # wait until a process - spawned by run_background - is done # $1 identifier. WARNING! see above # $2 pid of a process to kill when done (optional). useful for dialog --no-kill --tailboxbg's pid. # returns 0 unless anything failed in the wait_for logic (not tied to the exitcode of the program we actually wait for) wait_for () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "wait_for needs an identifier to known on which command to wait!" ret=0 while [ -f $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-$1-running ] do sleep 1 done BACKGROUND_EXIT=$(cat $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-$1-exit) || ret=1 rm $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-$1-exit || ret=1 if [ -n "$2" ] then kill $2 || ret=1 fi return $ret } # $1 needle # $2 set (array) haystack check_is_in () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "check_is_in needs a non-empty needle as \$1 and a haystack as \$2!(got: check_is_in '$1' '$2'" # haystack can be empty though local needle="$1" element shift for element do [[ $element = $needle ]] && return 0 done return 1 } # cleans up file in the runtime directory who can be deleted, make dir first if needed cleanup_runtime () { mkdir -p $RUNTIME_DIR || die_error "Cannot create $RUNTIME_DIR" rm -rf $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-dia* &>/dev/null } # $1 UTC or localtime (hardwareclock) # $2 direction (systohc or hctosys) dohwclock() { # TODO: we probably only need to do this once and then actually use adjtime on next invocations inform "Resetting hardware clock adjustment file" [ -d /var/lib/hwclock ] || mkdir -p /var/lib/hwclock || return 1 if [ ! -f /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime ]; then echo "0.0 0 0.0" > /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime || return 1 fi inform "Syncing clocks ($2), hc being $1 ..." if [ "$1" = "UTC" ]; then if ! hwclock --$2 --utc then show_warning 'Hwclock failure' "Could not hwclock --$2 --utc" return 1 fi else if ! hwclock --$2 --localtime then show_warning 'Hwclock failure' "Could not hwclock --$2 --localtime" return 1 fi fi return 0 } target_configure_initial_keymap_font () { ret=0 if [ -n "$var_KEYMAP" ]; then sed -i "s/^KEYMAP=.*/KEYMAP=\"`basename $var_KEYMAP .map.gz`\"/" ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/rc.conf || ret=$? fi if [ -n "$var_CONSOLEFONT" ]; then sed -i "s/^CONSOLEFONT=.*/CONSOLEFONT=\"${var_CONSOLEFONT/\.*/}\"/" ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/rc.conf || ret=$? fi return $ret } target_configure_time () { # /etc/rc.conf # Make sure timezone and utc info are what we want # NOTE: If a timezone string never contains more then 1 slash, we can use ${TIMEZONE/\//\\/} sed -i -e "s/^TIMEZONE=.*/TIMEZONE=\"${TIMEZONE//\//\\/}\"/g" \ -e "s/^HARDWARECLOCK=.*/HARDWARECLOCK=\"$HARDWARECLOCK\"/g" \ ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/rc.conf } target_localtime () { if [ -f /etc/localtime ] then cp /etc/localtime ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/localtime || return 1 fi return 0 } # apped string after last line matching regex in a file. # $1 regex # $2 string (can contain "\n", "\t" etc) # $3 file append_after_last () { [ -r "$3" -a -w "$3" ] || return 1 line_no=$(sed -ne "$1=" "$3" | tail -n 1) [ -n "$line_no" ] || return 1 sed -i ${line_no}a"$2" "$3" }