#!/bin/bash # A library which allows you to do backend stuff by using user interfaces # check if a worker has completed successfully. if not -> tell user he must do it + return 1 # if ok -> don't warn anything and return 0 check_depend () { [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && die_error "Use the check_depend function like this: check_depend with type=phase/worker" [ "$1" != phase -a "$1" != worker ] && die_error "check_depend's first argument must be a valid type (phase/worker)" ended_ok $1 $2 && return 0 subject="$1 $2" title=$1_$2_title [ -n "${!title}" ] && subject="'${!title}'" show_warning "Cannot Continue. Going back to $2" "You must do $subject first before going here!." && return 1 } prefill_configs () { #TODO: only need to do this once. check 'ended_ok worker configure_system' is not good because this could be done already even if worker did not exit 0 # /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # add installer-selected mirror to the top of the mirrorlist if [ "$var_PKG_SOURCE_TYPE" = "net" -a -n "${var_SYNC_URL}" ]; then debug 'PROCEDURE' "Adding choosen mirror (${var_SYNC_URL}) to ${var_TARGET_DIR}/$var_MIRRORLIST" mirrorlist=`awk "BEGIN { printf(\"# Mirror used during installation\nServer = "${var_SYNC_URL}"\n\n\") } 1 " "${var_TARGET_DIR}/$var_MIRRORLIST"` echo "$mirrorlist" > "${var_TARGET_DIR}/$var_MIRRORLIST" fi # /etc/rc.conf # Make sure timezone and utc info are what we want # NOTE: If a timezone string never contains more then 1 slash, we can use ${TIMEZONE/\//\\/} sed -i -e "s/^TIMEZONE=.*/TIMEZONE=\"${TIMEZONE//\//\\/}\"/g" \ -e "s/^HARDWARECLOCK=.*/HARDWARECLOCK=\"$HARDWARECLOCK\"/g" \ ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/rc.conf # Give initcpio the encrypt hook when / depends on an encrypted volume # (other encrypted volumes, not related to / don't need the encrypt hook, afaik) # If / also depends on lvm, this way the lvm2 hook will also be included in the right place if get_anchestors_mount ';/;' then hooks=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | cut -d ' ' -f2 | egrep 'lvm-lv|dm_crypt' | sed -e 's/lvm-lv/lvm2/' -e 's/dm_crypt/encrypt/' | tac` hooks=`echo $hooks` [ -n "$hooks" ] && sed -i "/^HOOKS/ s/filesystems/$hooks filesystems/" ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi # The lvm2 hook however is needed for any lvm LV, no matter the involved mountpoints, so include it if we still need to if grep -q lvm-lv $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES && ! grep -q '^HOOKS.*lvm2' ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf then sed -i "/^HOOKS/ s/filesystems/lvm2 filesystems/" ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi # if keymap/usbinput are not in mkinitcpio.conf, but encrypt is, we should probably add it if line=`grep '^HOOKS.*encrypt' ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf` then if ! echo "$line" | grep -q keymap then sed -i '/^HOOKS/ s/encrypt/keymap encrypt/' ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi if ! echo "$line" | grep -q usbinput then sed -i '/^HOOKS/ s/keymap/usbinput keymap/' ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi fi # TODO: we should probably update /etc/crypttab if the user has non-/ encrypted disks. } interactive_configure_system() { if [ -z "$EDITOR" ] then interactive_get_editor || return 1 fi FILE="" prefill_configs # main menu loop while true; do DEFAULT=no [ -n "$FILE" ] && DEFAULT="$FILE" helptext="\nNote that if you want to change any file not listed here (unlikely) you can go to another tty and update ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/ yourself" grep -q '^/dev/mapper' $TMP_FSTAB && helptext="$helptext\n/dev/mapper/ users: Pay attention to HOOKS in mkinitcpio.conf" grep -q dm_crypt $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES && crypt="/etc/crypttab Encryption_settings_for_non-root_encrypted_disks" # this simple grep will give some false positives. but oh well. ask_option $DEFAULT "Configuration" "$helptext" required $crypt \ "/etc/rc.conf" "System Config" \ "/etc/fstab" "Filesystem Mountpoints" \ "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf" "Initramfs Config" \ "/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf" "Kernel Modules" \ "/etc/resolv.conf" "DNS Servers" \ "/etc/hosts" "Network Hosts" \ "/etc/hosts.deny" "Denied Network Services" \ "/etc/hosts.allow" "Allowed Network Services" \ "/etc/locale.gen" "Glibc Locales" \ "/etc/pacman.conf" "Pacman.conf" \ "$var_MIRRORLIST" "Pacman Mirror List" \ "Root-Password" "Set the root password" \ "Done" "Return to Main Menu" || return 1 FILE=$ANSWER_OPTION if [ "$FILE" = "Done" ]; then # exit break elif [ "$FILE" = "Root-Password" ]; then # non-file while true; do chroot ${var_TARGET_DIR} passwd root && break done else #regular file $EDITOR ${var_TARGET_DIR}${FILE} fi # if user edited /etc/rc.conf, add the hostname to /etc/hosts if it's not already there. # note that if the user edits rc.conf several times to change the hostname more then once, we will add them all to /etc/hosts. this is not perfect, but to avoid this, too much code would be required (feel free to prove me wrong :)) # we could maybe do this just once after the user is really done here, but then he doesn't get to see the updated file while being in this menu... if [ "$FILE" = "/etc/rc.conf" ] then HOSTNAME=`sed -n '/^HOSTNAME/s/HOSTNAME=//p' ${var_TARGET_DIR}${FILE} | sed 's/"//g'` if ! grep '127\.0\.0\.1' ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/hosts | grep -q "$HOSTNAME" then sed -i "s/127\.0\.0\.1.*/& $HOSTNAME/" ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/hosts fi fi done # temporary backup files are not useful anymore past this point. find "${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/" -name '*~' -delete &>/dev/null return 0 } interactive_timezone () { ask_timezone || return 1 TIMEZONE=$ANSWER_TIMEZONE inform "Setting Timezone to $TIMEZONE" if [ -n "$TIMEZONE" -a -e "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" ] then # This changes probably also the systemtime (UTC->$TIMEZONE)! # localtime users will have a false time after that! /bin/rm -f /etc/localtime /bin/cp "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime fi } interactive_time () { # utc or localtime? ask_option UTC "Clock configuration" "Is your hardware clock in UTC or local time? UTC is recommended" required "UTC" - "localtime" - || return 1 HARDWARECLOCK=$ANSWER_OPTION # To avoid a false time for localtime users after above # we must re-read the hwclock value again, but now into the # correct timezone. [ "$HARDWARECLOCK" == "localtime" ] && dohwclock $HARDWARECLOCK hctosys NEXTITEM= while true; do current=$(date) default=no [ -n "$NEXTITEM" ] && default="$NEXTITEM" #TODO: only propose if network ok EXTRA=() type ntpdate &>/dev/null && EXTRA=('ntp' 'Set time and date using ntp') ask_option $default "Date/time configuration" "According to your settings and your hardwareclock, the date should now be $current. If this is incorrect, you can correct this now" required \ "return" "Looks good. back to main menu" "${EXTRA[@]}" "manual" "Set time and date manually" || return 1 if [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = ntp ] then inform "Syncing clock with internet pool ..." if ntpdate pool.ntp.org >/dev/null then notify "Synced clock with internet pool successfully." dohwclock $HARDWARECLOCK systohc && NEXTITEM=3 else show_warning 'Ntp failure' "An error has occured, time was not changed!" fi fi if [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = manual ] then ask_datetime || continue if date -s "$ANSWER_DATETIME" then dohwclock $HARDWARECLOCK systohc && NEXTITEM=3 else show_warning "Date/time setting failed" "Something went wrong when doing date -s $ANSWER_DATETIME" fi fi [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = return ] && break done } interactive_prepare_disks () { DONE=0 local ret=1 # 1 means unsuccessful. 0 for ok NEXTITEM= DISK_CONFIG_TYPE= [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "0" ] && show_warning "Rollback may be needed" "It seems you already went here. You should probably rollback previous changes before reformatting, otherwise stuff will probably fail" while [ "$DONE" = "0" ] do rollbackstr=" (you don't need to do this)" [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "0" ] && rollbackstr=" (this will revert your last changes)" default=no [ -n "$NEXTITEM" ] && default="$NEXTITEM" ask_option $default "Prepare Hard Drive" '' required \ "1" "Auto-Prepare (erases an ENTIRE hard drive and sets up partitions, filesystems and mountpoints)" \ "2" "Manually Partition Hard Drives" \ "3" "Manually Configure block devices, filesystems and mountpoints" \ "4" "Rollback last filesystem changes$rollbackstr" \ "5" "Return to Main Menu" || return 1 case $ANSWER_OPTION in "1") [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "0" ] && ask_yesno "You should probably rollback your last changes first, otherwise this will probably fail. Go back to menu to do rollback?" && NEXTITEM=4 && continue interactive_autoprepare && NEXTITEM=5 && ret=0 && DISK_CONFIG_TYPE=auto;; "2") [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "0" ] && ask_yesno "You should probably rollback your last changes first, otherwise this will probably fail. Go back to menu to do rollback?" && NEXTITEM=4 && continue interactive_partition && ret=1 && NEXTITEM=3 && DISK_CONFIG_TYPE=manual ;; "3") [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "0" ] && ask_yesno "You should probably rollback your last changes first, otherwise this will probably fail. Go back to menu to do rollback?" && NEXTITEM=4 && continue PARTFINISH="" interactive_filesystems && ret=0 && NEXTITEM=5 && DISK_CONFIG_TYPE=manual ;; "4") interactive_rollback_filesystems;; "5") DONE=1 ;; esac done return $ret } maybe_interactive_rollback_filesystems () { [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "1" ] && return 0 if ask_yesno "Do you want to rollback your filesystem changes?" then interactive_rollback_filesystems || return $? fi return 0 } # it's up to the caller to decide if it's needed to call this function, so we warn user when he wants to do a useless rollback interactive_rollback_filesystems () { if [ "$BLOCK_ROLLBACK_USELESS" = "1" ] then ask_yesno "It seems like there is nothing rollback right now. This operation is useless, but it shouldn't harm. Do you want to continue?" || return fi if rollback_filesystems then inform "Rollback succeeded" else show_warning "Rollback failed" "Rollback failed" return 1 fi } interactive_autoprepare() { listblockfriendly if [ ${#BLOCKFRIENDLY[@]} -gt 2 ] then ask_option no 'Harddrive selection' "Select the hard drive to use" required "${BLOCKFRIENDLY[@]}" || return 1 DISC=$ANSWER_OPTION elif [ ${#BLOCKFRIENDLY[@]} -eq 0 ]; then ask_string "Could not find disk. Please enter path of devicefile manually" "" || return 1 DISC=${ANSWER_STRING// /} # TODO : some checks if $DISC is really a blockdevice is probably a good idea else DISC=${BLOCKFRIENDLY[0]} fi get_blockdevice_size $DISC MiB FSOPTS=() for fs in ext2 ext3 ext4 reiserfs xfs jfs vfat nilfs2 do check_is_in $fs "${possible_fs[@]}" && FSOPTS+=($fs "${filesystem_names[$fs]}") done ask_number "Enter the size (MiB) of your /boot partition. Recommended size: 100MiB\n\nDisk space left: $BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE MiB" 16 $BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE 100 || return 1 BOOT_PART_SIZE=$ANSWER_NUMBER BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE=$(($BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE-$BOOT_PART_SIZE)) ask_number "Enter the size (MiB) of your swap partition. Recommended size: 256MiB\n\nDisk space left: $BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE MiB" 1 $BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE 256 || return 1 SWAP_PART_SIZE=$ANSWER_NUMBER BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE=$(($BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE-$SWAP_PART_SIZE)) ROOT_PART_SET="" while [ "$ROOT_PART_SET" = "" ] do ask_number "Enter the size (MiB) of your / partition. Recommended size:7500. The /home partition will use the remaining space.\n\nDisk space left: $BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE MiB" 1 $BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE 7500 || return 1 ROOT_PART_SIZE=$ANSWER_NUMBER ask_yesno "$(($BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE-$ROOT_PART_SIZE)) MiB will be used for your /home partition. Is this OK?" yes && ROOT_PART_SET=1 done ask_option no 'Filesystem selection' "Select a filesystem for / and /home:" required "${FSOPTS[@]}" || return 1 FSTYPE=$ANSWER_OPTION echo "$DISC $BOOT_PART_SIZE:ext2:+ $SWAP_PART_SIZE:swap $ROOT_PART_SIZE:$FSTYPE *:$FSTYPE" > $TMP_PARTITIONS echo "${DISC}1 raw no_label ext2;yes;/boot;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params" > $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES echo "${DISC}2 raw no_label swap;yes;no_mountpoint;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params" >> $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES echo "${DISC}3 raw no_label $FSTYPE;yes;/;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params" >> $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES echo "${DISC}4 raw no_label $FSTYPE;yes;/home;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params" >> $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES ask_yesno "$DISC will be COMPLETELY ERASED! Are you absolutely sure?" || return 1 PART_ACCESS=uuid process_disks || die_error "Something went wrong while partitioning" if ! process_filesystems then show_warning "Filesystem processing" "Something went wrong while processing the filesystems. Attempting rollback." if rollback_filesystems then show_warning "Filesystem rollback" "Rollback succeeded. Please try to figure out what went wrong and try me again. If you found a bug in the installer, please report it." return 1 else die_error "Filesystem processing and rollback failed. Please try the installer again. If you found a bug in the installer, please report it." fi else notify "Auto-prepare was successful" return 0 fi } interactive_partition() { target_umountall question_text="Select the disk you want to partition" if [ -f "$TMP_PARTITIONS" ] then if ask_yesno "I've detected you already have partition definitions in place:\n`cat $TMP_PARTITIONS`\nDo you want apply these now? Pick 'no' when in doubt to start from scratch" no then process_disks || die_error "Something went wrong while partitioning" question_text="If you want to do further changes, you can (re)partition disks here" fi fi # Select disk to partition listblockfriendly DISCS=("${BLOCKFRIENDLY[@]}" OTHER OTHER DONE DONE) DISC= while true; do # Prompt the user with a list of known disks ask_option no 'Disc selection' "$question_text (select DONE when finished)" required "${DISCS[@]}" || return 1 DISC=$ANSWER_OPTION if [ "$DISC" = "OTHER" ]; then ask_string "Enter the full path to the device you wish to partition" "/dev/sda" || return 1 DISC=$ANSWER_STRING fi # Leave our loop if the user is done partitioning [ "$DISC" = "DONE" ] && break # Partition disc notify "Now you'll be put into the cfdisk program where you can partition your hard drive. You should make a swap partition and as many data partitions as you will need.\ NOTE: cfdisk may tell you to reboot after creating partitions. If you need to reboot, just re-enter this install program, skip this step and go on to the mountpoints selection step." cfdisk $DISC done return 0 } # create new, delete, or edit a filesystem # At first I had the idea of a menu where all properties of a filesystem and you could pick one to update only that one (eg mountpoint, type etc)\ # but I think it's better to go through them all and by default always show the previous choice. interactive_filesystem () { # note: fs_mount: we dont need to ask this to the user. this is always 'target' for 99.99% of the users local part=$1 # must be given and (scheduled to become) a valid device -> don't do [ -b "$1" ] because the device might not exist *yet* local part_type=$2 # a part should always have a type local part_label=$3 # can be empty local fs_string=$4 # can be empty local fs_type= local fs_create local fs_mountpoint= local fs_mount local fs_opts= local fs_label= local fs_params= NEW_FILESYSTEM= if [ -n "$fs_string" ] then parse_filesystem_string "$fs_string" '' '' local old_fs_type=$fs_type local old_fs_create=$fs_create local old_fs_mountpoint=$fs_mountpoint local old_fs_mount=$fs_mount local old_fs_opts="$fs_opts" local old_fs_label=$fs_label local old_fs_params="$fs_params" ask_option edit "Change $fs_type filesystem settings on $part ?" \ "Change $fs_type filesystem settings (create:$fs_create, label:$fs_label, mountpoint:$fs_mountpoint) on $part (type:$part_type, label:$part_label) ?" required \ edit EDIT delete DELETE # Don't alter, and return if user cancels [ $? -gt 0 ] && NEW_FILESYSTEM=$fs_string && return 0 # Erase and return if that's what the user wants [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = delete ] && NEW_FILESYSTEM=no_fs fi if [ "$NEW_FILESYSTEM" != no_fs ] then # Determine which filesystems/blockdevices are possible for this blockdevice FSOPTS=() for fs in ${fs_on[$part_type]} do check_is_in $fs "${possible_fs[@]}" && FSOPTS+=($fs "${filesystem_names[$fs]}") done fs_create=no ask_yesno "Do you want to have this filesystem (re)created ? If not, make sure there already is a filesystem!" && fs_create=yes # determine FS choice if [ ${#FSOPTS[*]} -lt 4 ] # less then 4 words in $FSOPTS. eg only one option then notify "Automatically picked the ${FSOPTS[1]} filesystem. It's the only option for $part_type blockdevices" fs_type=${FSOPTS[0]} else default=no [ -n "$fs_type" ] && default="$fs_type" extratext="Select a filesystem for $part:" [ "$fs_create" == no ] && extratext="Select which filesystem $part is. Make sure you get this right" #otherwise he'll be screwed when we try to mount it :) ask_option $default "Select filesystem" "$extratext" required "${FSOPTS[@]}" || return 1 fs_type=$ANSWER_OPTION fi # ask mountpoint, if relevant if check_is_in $fs_type "${fs_mountable[@]}" then default=no [ -n "$fs_mountpoint" ] && default="$fs_mountpoint" ask_option $default "Select the mountpoint" "Select a mountpoint for $part" required / 'root' /boot 'files for booting' /home 'home directories' /var 'variable files' /tmp 'temporary files' custom 'enter a custom mountpoint' || return 1 fs_mountpoint=$ANSWER_OPTION [ "$default" == 'no' ] && default= if [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" == custom ] then ask_string "Enter the custom mountpoint for $part" "$default" && fs_mountpoint=$ANSWER_STRING || return 1 fi fi # ask label, if relevant if [ "$fs_create" == yes ] && check_is_in "$fs_type" "${fs_label_mandatory[@]}" then default= [ -n "$fs_label" ] && default="$fs_label" ask_string "Enter the label/name for this $fs_type on $part (Mandatory for this type of FS!)" "$default" || return 1 #TODO: check that you can't give LV's labels that have been given already or the installer will break. fs_label=$ANSWER_STRING elif [ "$fs_create" == yes ] && check_is_in "$fs_type" "${fs_label_optional[@]}" then default= [ -n "$fs_label" ] && default="$fs_label" ask_string "Enter the label for this $fs_type on $part (optional) [keep it short and don't use spaces]" "$default" 0 fs_label=${ANSWER_STRING// } # strip spaces to prevent problems in our bash code and to keep things simple. fi # ask special params, if relevant # lvm-vg: PV's to use # lvm-lv: LV size if [ "$fs_create" == yes ] && [ "$fs_type" = lvm-vg ] then # add $part to $fs_params if it's not in there because the user wants this enabled by default. TODO: we should find something out so you can't disable $part. (would be weird to have a vg listed on $part and not have $part it fs_params) pv=${part/+/} if ! egrep -q "$pv(\$| )" <<< "$fs_params"; then [ -n "$fs_params" ] && fs_params="$fs_params " fs_params="$fs_params$pv" fi list=() for pv in $fs_params do list+=("$pv" ^ ON) done for pv in `grep '+ lvm-pv' $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\+$//'` # find PV's to be added: their blockdevice ends on + and has lvm-pv as type #TODO: i'm not sure we check which pv's are taken already do grep -q "$pv ^ ON" <<< "${list[@]}" || list+=("$pv" - OFF) done if [ ${#list[*]} -lt 6 ] # less then 6 words in the list. eg only one option then notify "Automatically picked PV ${list[0]} to use for this VG. It's the only available lvm PV" fs_params=${list[0]} else ask_checklist "Which lvm PV's must this volume group span?" 0 "${list[@]}" || return 1 fs_params="${ANSWER_CHECKLIST[@]}" fi fi if [ "$fs_create" == yes ] && [ "$fs_type" = lvm-lv ] then [ -z "$fs_params" ] && default='5000' [ -n "$fs_params" ] && default="$fs_params" ask_number "Enter the size for this $fs_type on $part in MiB" 1 0 "$default" || return 1 #TODO: can we get the upperlimit from somewhere? # Lvm tools use binary units but have their own suffixes ( K,M,G,T,P,E, but they mean KiB, MiB etc) fs_params="${ANSWER_NUMBER}M" fi if [ "$fs_create" == yes ] && [ "$fs_type" = dm_crypt ] then [ -z "$fs_params" ] && default='-c aes-xts-plain -y -s 512' [ -n "$fs_params" ] && default="$fs_params" ask_string "Enter the options for this $fs_type on $part" "$default" || return 1 fs_params="$ANSWER_STRING" fi # ask opts if [ "$fs_create" == yes ] then default= [ -n "$fs_opts" ] && default="$fs_opts" program="${filesystem_programs[$fs_type]}" ask_string "Enter any additional opts for $program" "$default" 0 fs_opts="$ANSWER_STRING" fi [ -z "$fs_type" ] && fs_type=no_type [ -z "$fs_mountpoint" ] && fs_mountpoint=no_mountpoint [ -z "$fs_opts" ] && fs_opts=no_opts [ -z "$fs_label" ] && fs_label=no_label [ -z "$fs_params" ] && fs_params=no_params NEW_FILESYSTEM="$fs_type;$fs_create;$fs_mountpoint;target;${fs_opts// /__};$fs_label;${fs_params// /__}" # add new theoretical blockdevice, if relevant # these are just the resulting DM devices, # exception for lvm-pv: we create $part+ to represent the PV (+ is to differentiate from $part itself) new_device= [ "$fs_type" = lvm-vg ] && new_device="/dev/mapper/$fs_label $fs_type $fs_label" [ "$fs_type" = lvm-pv ] && new_device="$part+ $fs_type no_label" [ "$fs_type" = lvm-lv ] && new_device="/dev/mapper/$part_label-$fs_label $fs_type $fs_label" [ "$fs_type" = dm_crypt ] && new_device="/dev/mapper/$fs_label $fs_type no_label" [ -n "$new_device" ] && ! grep -q "^$new_device " $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES && echo "$new_device no_fs" >> $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES fi [ -z "$old_fs_label" ] && old_fs_label=no_label # Cascading remove theoretical blockdevice(s), if relevant ( eg if we just changed from vg->ext3, dm_crypt -> fat, or if we changed the label of a FS, causing a name change in a dm_mapper device) if [[ $old_fs_type = lvm-* || $old_fs_type = dm_crypt ]] && [ "$NEW_FILESYSTEM" = no_fs -o "$old_fs_type" != "$fs_type" -o "$old_fs_label" != "$fs_label" ] then [ "$old_fs_type" = lvm-vg ] && remove_blockdevice "/dev/mapper/$old_fs_label" "$old_fs_type" "$old_fs_label" [ "$old_fs_type" = lvm-pv ] && remove_blockdevice "$part+" "$old_fs_type" "$old_fs_label" [ "$old_fs_type" = lvm-lv ] && remove_blockdevice "/dev/mapper/$part_label-$old_fs_label" "$old_fs_type" "$old_fs_label" [ "$old_fs_type" = dm_crypt ] && remove_blockdevice "/dev/mapper/$old_fs_label" "$old_fs_type" "$old_fs_label" fi return 0 } remove_blockdevice () { local part=$1 # must be given but doesn't need to exist local part_type=$2 # a part should always have a type local part_label=$3 # must be given target="$part $part_type $part_label" declare target_escaped=${target//\//\\/} # note: apparently no need to escape the '+' sign for sed. declare target_escawk=${target_escaped/+/\\+} # ...but that doesn't count for awk fs_string=`awk "/^$target_escawk / { print \$4}" $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES` #TODO: fs_string is the entire line, incl part? debug 'UI-INTERACTIVE' "Cleaning up partition $part (type $part_type, label $part_label). It has the following FS's on it: $fs_string" sed -i "/$target_escaped/d" $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES || show_warning "blockdevice removal" "Could not remove partition $part (type $part_type, label $part_label). This is a bug. please report it" for fs in `sed 's/|/ /g' <<< $fs_string` do fs_type=` cut -d ';' -f 1 <<< $fs` fs_label=` cut -d ';' -f 6 <<< $fs` [ "$fs_type" = lvm-vg ] && remove_blockdevice "/dev/mapper/$fs_label" "$fs_type" "$fs_label" [ "$fs_type" = lvm-pv ] && remove_blockdevice "$part+" "$fs_type" "$fs_label" [ "$fs_type" = lvm-lv ] && remove_blockdevice "/dev/mapper/$part_label-$fs_label" "$fs_type" "$fs_label" [ "$fs_type" = dm_crypt ] && remove_blockdevice "/dev/mapper/$fs_label" "$fs_type" "$fs_label" done } interactive_filesystems() { if [ ! -f $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES ] || ! ask_yesno "Previous blockdevice definitions found:\n`cat $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES`\n\ Use these as a starting point? Make sure your disk(s) are partitioned correctly so your definitions can be applied. Pick 'no' when in doubt to start from scratch" no then findblockdevices 'raw no_label no_fs\n' > $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES fi [ -z "$PART_ACCESS" ] && PART_ACCESS=dev ask_option $PART_ACCESS 'Partition Access Method' 'How do you want your partitions to be accessed in grubs menu.lst and /etc/fstab?' '' \ "dev" "directly by /dev/* (most intuitive but devicefile names can change on kernel updates)" \ "label" "by Disk-Label (Will use the filesystem labels where you give them, and fall back on 'dev' otherwise)" \ "uuid" "by Universally Unique Identifier (You don't need to do anything, but doesn't look pretty)" || return 1 PART_ACCESS=$ANSWER_OPTION ALLOK=0 while [ "$ALLOK" = 0 ] do # Let the user make filesystems and mountpoints. USERHAPPY becomes 1 when the user hits DONE. USERHAPPY=0 while [ "$USERHAPPY" = 0 ] do # generate a menu based on the information in the datafile menu_list=() while read part type label fs do parse_filesystem_string "$fs" '' '-' fs_create_display=N [ "$fs_create" = yes ] && fs_create_display=Y fs_display="$fs_type $fs_create_display $fs_mountpoint $fs_opts $fs_label $fs_params" part_label_display=- part_size_display=- [ "$label" != no_label ] && part_label_display="$label" # add size in MiB for existing blockdevices (eg not for mapper devices that are not yet created yet) if [ -b "${part/+/}" ] && get_blockdevice_size ${part/+/} MiB # test -b <-- exit's 0, test -b '' exits >0. then part_size_display="${BLOCKDEVICE_SIZE}MiB" fi part_display="$part $type $part_label_display $part_size_display" menu_list+=("$part_display" "$fs_display") done < $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES ask_option no "Manage filesystems" "Here you can manage your filesystems and block devices. \ The display format is as follows:\n\ Partition Filesystem(s)\n\ device type label size type create? mountpoint options label params" required "${menu_list[@]}" DONE _ [ $? -gt 0 ] && return 1 [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" == DONE ] && USERHAPPY=1 && break part=$(echo $ANSWER_OPTION | cut -d ' ' -f1) getpartinfo $part '' if [ $part_type = lvm-vg ] # one lvm VG can host multiple LV's so that's a bit a special blockdevice... then list=() if [ -n "$fs" ] then for lv in `sed 's/|/ /g' <<< $fs` do label=$(cut -d ';' -f 6 <<< $lv) size=$( cut -d ';' -f 7 <<< $lv) list+=("$label" "$size") done fi list+=(empty NEW) ask_option empty "Manage LV's on this VG" "Edit/create new LV's on this VG:" required "${list[@]}" && { EDIT_VG=$ANSWER_OPTION if [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = empty ] then # a new LV must be created on this VG if interactive_filesystem $part $part_type $part_label '' then if [ "$NEW_FILESYSTEM" != no_fs ] then [ -n "$fs" ] && fs="$fs|$NEW_FILESYSTEM" [ -z "$fs" ] && fs=$NEW_FILESYSTEM fi fi else # an existing LV will be edited and it's settings updated for lv in `sed 's/|/ /g' <<< $fs` do label=$(cut -d ';' -f 6 <<< $lv) [ "$label" = "$EDIT_VG" ] && found_lv="$lv" done interactive_filesystem $part $part_type $part_label "$found_lv" newfs= for lv in `sed 's/|/ /g' <<< $fs` do label=$(cut -d ';' -f 6 <<< $lv) if [ "$label" != "$EDIT_VG" ] then add=$lv elif [ $NEW_FILESYSTEM != no_fs ] then add=$NEW_FILESYSTEM else add= fi [ -n "$add" -a -n "$newfs" ] && newfs="$newfs|$add" [ -n "$add" -a -z "$newfs" ] && newfs=$add done fs=$newfs fi } else interactive_filesystem $part $part_type "$part_label" "$fs" [ $? -eq 0 ] && fs=$NEW_FILESYSTEM fi # update the menu # NOTE that part_type remains raw for basic filesystems! [ -z "$part_label" ] && part_label=no_label [ -z "$fs" ] && fs=no_fs sed -i "s#^$part $part_type $part_label.*#$part $part_type $part_label $fs#" $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES # '#' is a forbidden character ! done # Check all conditions that need to be fixed and ask the user if he wants to go back and correct them errors= warnings= grep -q ';/boot;' $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES || warnings="$warnings\n-No separate /boot filesystem" grep -q ';/;' $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES || errors="$errors\n-No filesystem with mountpoint /" grep -q ' swap;' $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES || grep -q '|swap;' $TMP_BLOCKDEVICES || warnings="$warnings\n-No swap partition defined" if [ -n "$errors$warnings" ] then str="The following issues have been detected:\n" [ -n "$errors" ] && str="$str\n - Errors: $errors" [ -n "$warnings" ] && str="$str\n - Warnings: $warnings" [ -n "$errors" ] && str="$str\nIt is highly recommended you go back to fix at least the errors." str="$str\nIf you hit cancel, we will abort here and go back to the menu" if ask_option back "Issues detected. what do you want to do?" "$str" required back "go back to fix the issues" ignore "continue, ignoring the issues" then [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" == ignore ] && ALLOK=1 else return 1 fi else ALLOK=1 fi done process_filesystems && notify "Partitions were successfully created." && return 0 ask_yesno "Seems like some stuff went wrong while processing the filesystems. do you want to rollback? (this cleans up the new mountpoints, filesystems, etc. not doing this can break the next run of the installer unless you clean it up yourself" yes && rollback_filesystems return 1 } # select_packages() # prompts the user to select packages to install # # params: none # returns: 1 on error interactive_select_packages() { # set up our install location if necessary and sync up so we can get package lists target_prepare_pacman || { show_warning 'Pacman preparation failure' "Pacman preparation failed! Check $LOG for errors."; return 1; } repos=`list_pacman_repos target` notify "Package selection is split into two stages. First you will select package groups that contain packages you may be interested in. Then you will be presented with a full list of packages for each group, allowing you to fine-tune.\n\n Note that right now the packages (and groups) selection is limited to the repos available at this time ($repos). Once you have your Arch system up and running, you have access to more repositories and packages.\n\n If any previous configuration you've done until now (like fancy filesystems) require extra packages, we've already preselected them for your convenience" # show group listing for group selection, base is ON by default, all others are OFF local grouplist=(base ^ ON) for i in $(list_package_groups | grep -v '^base$'); do grouplist+=(${i} - OFF) done ask_checklist "Select Package groups\nDo not deselect base unless you know what you're doing!" 0 "${grouplist[@]}" || return 1 grouplist=("${ANSWER_CHECKLIST[@]}") # get sorted array of available packages, with their groups. TODO: we should use $repos here local pkgall=($(list_packages repo core | cut -d ' ' -f2)) pkginfo "${pkgall[@]}" # build the list of options, sorted primarily by group, then by packagename (this is already). marking where appropriate local pkglist=() needed_pkgs=("${needed_pkgs_fs[@]}") while read pkgname pkgver pkggroup pkgdesc; do mark=OFF if check_is_in "$pkggroup" "${grouplist[@]}" || check_is_in $pkgname "${needed_pkgs[@]}"; then mark=ON fi pkglist+=("$pkgname" "$pkggroup" $mark "$pkgname $pkgver: $pkgdesc") done < <(echo "$PACKAGE_INFO" | sort -f -k 2) [ ${#pkglist[@]} -eq 0 ] && show_warning "No packages found" "Sorry. I could not find any packages. maybe your network is not setup correctly, you lost connection, no mirror setup, bad group, ..." && return 1 ask_checklist "Select Packages To Install." 1 "${pkglist[@]}" || return 1 var_TARGET_PACKAGES="${ANSWER_CHECKLIST[@]}" return 0 } # Hand-hold through setting up networking # # args: none # returns: 1 on failure interactive_runtime_network() { INTERFACE="" S_DHCP="" local ifaces ifaces=$(ifconfig -a |grep "Link encap:Ethernet"|sed 's/ \+Link encap:Ethernet \+HWaddr \+/ /g') [ -z "$ifaces" ] && show_warning "No network interfaces?" "Cannot find any ethernet interfaces. This usually means udev was\nunable to load the module and you must do it yourself. Switch to\nanother VT, load the appropriate module, and run this step again." && return 1 ask_option no "Interface selection" "Select a network interface" required $ifaces || return 1 INTERFACE=$ANSWER_OPTION if ask_yesno "Do you want to use DHCP?" then inform "Please wait. Polling for DHCP server on $INTERFACE..." dhcpcd -k $INTERFACE >$LOG 2>&1 if ! dhcpcd $INTERFACE >$LOG 2>&1 then show_warning "Dhcpcd problem" "Failed to run dhcpcd. See $LOG for details." return 1 fi if ! ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep -q 'inet addr:' then show_warning "Dhcpcd problem" "DHCP request failed. dhcpcd returned 0 but no ip configured for $INTERFACE" return 1 fi S_DHCP=1 else S_DHCP=0 NETPARAMETERS="" while [ "$NETPARAMETERS" = "" ]; do ask_string "Enter your IP address" "" || return 1 IPADDR=$ANSWER_STRING ask_string "Enter your netmask" "" || return 1 SUBNET=$ANSWER_STRING ask_string "Enter your broadcast" "$(sed 's/\.[^.]*$/\.255/' <<< $IPADDR)" || return 1 BROADCAST=$ANSWER_STRING ask_string "Enter your gateway (optional)" "$(sed 's/\.[^.]*$/\.1/' <<< $IPADDR)" 0 || return 1 GW=$ANSWER_STRING [ -n "$GW" ] && default_dns="$GW" [ -z "$GW" ] && default_dns="$(sed 's/\.[^.]*$/\.1/' <<< $IPADDR)" ask_string "Enter your DNS server IP" "$default_dns" || return 1 DNS=$ANSWER_STRING ask_string "Enter your HTTP proxy server, for example:\nhttp://name:port\nhttp://ip:port\nhttp://username:password@ip:port\n\n Leave the field empty if no proxy is needed to install." "" 0 || return 1 PROXY_HTTP=$ANSWER_STRING ask_string "Enter your FTP proxy server, for example:\nhttp://name:port\nhttp://ip:port\nhttp://username:password@ip:port\n\n Leave the field empty if no proxy is needed to install." "" 0 || return 1 PROXY_FTP=$ANSWER_STRING ask_yesno "Are these settings correct?\n\nIP address: $IPADDR\nNetmask: $SUBNET\nBroadcast: $BROADCAST\nGateway (optional): $GW\nDNS server: $DNS\nHTTP proxy server: $PROXY_HTTP\nFTP proxy server: $PROXY_FTP" case $? in 1) ;; 0) NETPARAMETERS="1" ;; esac done echo "running: ifconfig $INTERFACE $IPADDR netmask $SUBNET broadcast $BROADCAST up" >$LOG if ! ifconfig $INTERFACE $IPADDR netmask $SUBNET broadcast $BROADCAST up >$LOG 2>&1 then show_warning "Ifconfig problem" "Failed to setup interface $INTERFACE" return 1 fi if [ -n "$GW" ]; then route add default gw $GW >$LOG 2>&1 || notify "Failed to setup your gateway." || return 1 fi if [ -z "$PROXY_HTTP" ]; then unset http_proxy else export http_proxy=$PROXY_HTTP fi if [ -z "$PROXY_FTP" ]; then unset ftp_proxy else export ftp_proxy=$PROXY_FTP fi echo "nameserver $DNS" >/etc/resolv.conf fi echo "INTERFACE=$INTERFACE S_DHCP=$S_DHCP IPADDR=$IPADDR SUBNET=$SUBNET BROADCAST=$BROADCAST GW=$GW DNS=$DNS PROXY_HTTP=$PROXY_HTTP PROXY_FTP=$PROXY_FTP" > $RUNTIME_DIR/aif-network-settings notify "The network is configured." return 0 } interactive_install_bootloader () { ask_option Grub "Choose bootloader" "Which bootloader would you like to use? Grub is the Arch default." required \ "Grub" "Use the GRUB bootloader (default)" \ "None" "\Zb\Z1Warning\Z0\ZB: you must install your own bootloader!" || return 1 bl=`tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "$ANSWER_OPTION"` [ "$bl" != grub ] && return 0 GRUB_OK=0 interactive_grub } interactive_grub() { get_grub_map local grubmenu="$var_TARGET_DIR/boot/grub/menu.lst" [ ! -f $grubmenu ] && show_warning "No grub?" "Error: Couldn't find $grubmenu. Is GRUB installed?" && return 1 debug FS "starting interactive_grub" # try to auto-configure GRUB... debug 'UI-INTERACTIVE' "install_grub \$PART_ROOT $PART_ROOT \$GRUB_OK $GRUB_OK" if get_device_with_mount '/' && [ "$GRUB_OK" != '1' ] ; then GRUB_OK=0 PART_ROOT=$ANSWER_DEVICE # look for a separately-mounted /boot partition # This could be used better, maybe we use a better variable name cause # we use this later in many things in workflow. # Currently we have bootdev as a device if we have a seperate /boot or empty # if no seperate /boot. Where our /boot realy lives is important later # to build the grub: root (hdx,y) part. # So maybe we set a flag variable like: sepboot=true|false and set bootdev to either # the partition with seperate /boot or to $PART_ROOT. # So that bootdev is always our real partition with /boot.... bootdev=$(mount | grep $var_TARGET_DIR/boot | cut -d' ' -f 1) # check if bootdev or PART_ROOT is on a md raid array # This dialog is only shown when we detect / or /boot on a raid device. if [ -n "$(mdraid_is-raid $bootdev)" -o -n "$(mdraid_is-raid $PART_ROOT)" ]; then ask_yesno "Do you have your system installed on software raid?\nAnswer 'YES' to install grub to another hard disk." no if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then onraid=true debug FS "onraid is selected" fi fi # Create and edit the grub menu.lst interactive_grub_menulst DEVS="$(finddisks _) $(findblockdevices _)" if [ "$DEVS" = " " ]; then notify "No hard drives were found" return 1 fi # copy initial grub files into installed system cp -a $var_TARGET_DIR/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* $var_TARGET_DIR/boot/grub/ sync # freeze xfs filesystems to enable grub installation on xfs filesystems for xfsdev in $(blkid -t TYPE=xfs -o device); do mnt=$(mount | grep $xfsdev | cut -d' ' -f 3) if [ $mnt = "$var_TARGET_DIR/boot" -o $mnt = "$var_TARGET_DIR/" ]; then /usr/sbin/xfs_freeze -f $mnt > /dev/null 2>&1 fi done if [ ! $onraid ]; then # Set boot partition to the device where our /boot lives. [ -z $bootdev ] && bootpart=$PART_ROOT || bootpart=$bootdev ask_option no "Boot device selection" "Select the boot device where the GRUB bootloader will be installed (usually the MBR and not a partition)." required $DEVS || return 1 bootdev=$ANSWER_OPTION boothd=$(echo $bootdev | cut -c -8) interactive_grub_install $bootpart $bootdev $boothd if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then GRUB_OK=1 fi else # Raid special # The bootpart and bootdev should not be changed when setup grub on all raid array members. # Instead the device is mapped via grub parameter device # So a grub setup on MBR sda/sdb with /boot on sda1/sdb1 should always be done like: # device (hd0) /dev/sd(a|b) # root (hd0,0) # setup (hd0) # get md device either if we use separate /boot or not. [ -z $bootdev ] && local md=$PART_ROOT || local md=$bootdev local ask_str="Do you want to install grub to the MBR of each harddisk from your BOOT array "$md" ? (recommended)" ask_yesno "$ask_str" yes if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then slaves=$(mdraid_all-slaves $md) for slave in $slaves; do boothd=$(echo $slave | cut -c -8) bootpart=$(mdraid_slave0 $md) bootdev=$(echo $bootpart | cut -c -8) interactive_grub_install $bootpart $bootdev $boothd if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then GRUB_OK=1 fi done else # This part needs more attention... User could select here only # a other blockdevice to install grub into... But our grub rootdevice # is not selectable, cause it is determined either from PART_ROOT or # bootdev. # Maybe better we leave the user alone and poke him to use a grub # shell if he want do something unusefull and not install grub in # aech MBR of affected HD in raid array.... USERHAPPY=0 while [ "$USERHAPPY" = 0 ] do ask_option no "Boot device selection" "Select the boot device where the GRUB bootloader will be installed." required $DEVS DONE _ [ $? -gt 0 ] && USERHAPPY=1 && break [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" == DONE ] && USERHAPPY=1 && break bootdev=$ANSWER_OPTION boothd=$(echo $bootdev | cut -c -8) bootpart=$(mdraid_slave0 $md) bootdev=$(echo $bootpart | cut -c -8) interactive_grub_install $bootpart $bootdev $boothd if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then GRUB_OK=1 fi done fi if [ "$bootpart" = "" ]; then if [ "$PART_ROOT" = "" ]; then ask_string "Enter the full path to your root device" "/dev/sda3" || return 1 bootpart=$ANSWER_STRING else bootpart=$PART_ROOT fi boothd=$(echo $bootpart | cut -c -8) interactive_grub_install $bootpart $bootdev $boothd if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then GRUB_OK=1 fi fi fi # unfreeze xfs filesystems for xfsdev in $(blkid -t TYPE=xfs -o device); do mnt=$(mount | grep $xfsdev | cut -d' ' -f 3) if [ $mnt = "$var_TARGET_DIR/boot" -o $mnt = "$var_TARGET_DIR/" ]; then /usr/sbin/xfs_freeze -u $mnt > /dev/null 2>&1 fi done if [ "$GRUB_OK" == "1" ]; then notify "GRUB was successfully installed." else show_warning "Grub installation failure" "GRUB was NOT successfully installed." return 1 fi return 0 fi } generate_grub_menulst() { local grubmenu="$var_TARGET_DIR/boot/grub/menu.lst" get_device_with_mount '/' || return 1 local _rootpart=$ANSWER_DEVICE # Determine what is the device that acts as grub's root # This is the blockdevice where /boot lives, normally a seperate partition. # # Special handling: on md raid arrays # md raid could not work directly with grub. To get grub's root device we # parse the slave 0 in the md array to get a real blockdevice (/dev/sdXY) # # We get at last in grubdev the blockdevice in grub-legacy notation (ex: (hd0,0) # # We do may things double here and in interactive_grub_install # Better way would be to determine/ask neccassary things once and then # fill (and present) menu.lst to user. If user mean there is something # wrong with menu.lst settings (wrong boot device or wrong root=/device) # he better should re-run the interactive grub install and select correct # settings. debug FS "Grub _rootpart: ${_rootpart}" debug FS "Grub bootdev: "$bootdev # No seperate /boot partition if [ -z $bootdev ]; then # Special handling on md raid if [ $onraid ]; then grubdev=$(mapdev $(mdraid_slave0 ${_rootpart})) debug FS "onraid no sep boot slave0: "$(mdraid_slave0 ${_rootpart}) debug FS "onraid no sep boot grubdev: "$grubdev else # No raid grubdev=$(mapdev ${_rootpart}) debug FS "no sep boot grubdev: "$grubdev fi # Without seperate /boot partiton we have to specify this path subdir="/boot" # with seperate /boot partition else # Special handling on md raid if [ $onraid ]; then grubdev=$(mapdev $(mdraid_slave0 $bootdev)) debug FS "onraid with sep boot slave0: "$(mdraid_slave0 $bootdev) debug FS "onraid with sep boot grubdev: "$grubdev else # No raid grubdev=$(mapdev $bootdev) debug FS "onraid with sep boot grubdev: "$grubdev fi fi # Now that we have our grub-legacy root device (grubdev). # keep the file from being completely bogus [ "$grubdev" = "DEVICE NOT FOUND" ] && grubdev= if [ -z "$grubdev" ]; then notify "Your root boot device could not be autodetected by setup. Ensure you adjust the 'root (hd0,0)' line in your GRUB config accordingly." grubdev="(hd0,0)" fi # remove default entries by truncating file at our little tag (#-*) sed -i -e '/#-\*/q' $grubmenu # find label or uuid of the root partition case $PART_ACCESS in label) local _label="$(getlabel $_rootpart)" if [ -n "${_label}" ]; then _rootpart="/dev/disk/by-label/${_label}" fi ;; uuid) local _uuid="$(getuuid $_rootpart)" if [ -n "${_uuid}" ]; then _rootpart="/dev/disk/by-uuid/${_uuid}" fi ;; esac # handle dmraid/mdadm,lvm,dm_crypt etc. replace entries where needed automatically kernel="kernel $subdir/vmlinuz26 root=${_rootpart} ro" if get_anchestors_mount ';/;' then if echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | grep -q 'dm_crypt$' && echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '2p' | grep -q 'raw$' then debug 'FS' 'Grub kernel line? Found / on dm_crypt on raw' raw_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '2p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` crypt_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` kernel="kernel $subdir/vmlinuz26 root=$crypt_device cryptdevice=$raw_device:`basename $crypt_device` ro" elif echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | grep -q 'lvm-lv$' && echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '4p' | grep -q 'dm_crypt$' && echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '5p' | grep -q 'raw$' then debug 'FS' 'Grub kernel line? Found / on lvm on dm_crypt on raw' lv_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` crypt_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '4p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` raw_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '5p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` kernel="kernel $subdir/vmlinuz26 root=$lv_device cryptdevice=$raw_device:`basename $crypt_device` ro" elif echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | grep -q 'dm_crypt$' && echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '2p' | grep -q 'lvm-lv$' && echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '5p' | grep -q 'raw$' then debug 'FS' 'Grub kernel line? Found / on dm_crypt on lvm on raw' crypt_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` lv_device=`echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '2p' | cut -d ' ' -f1` kernel="kernel $subdir/vmlinuz26 root=$crypt_device cryptdevice=$lv_device:`basename $crypt_device` ro" elif echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | grep -q 'raw$' then debug 'FS' 'Grub kernel line? Found / on raw' elif echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '1p' | grep -q 'lvm-lv$' && echo "$ANSWER_DEVICES" | sed -n '4p' | grep -q 'raw$' then debug 'FS' 'Grub kernel line? Found / on lvm on raw' else debug 'FS' 'Grub kernel line? Could not figure this one out' show_warning "Disk setup detection" "Are you using some really fancy dm_crypt/lvm/softraid setup?\nI could not figure it out, so the kernel line will be the default: you'll probably need to edit it.\nPlease file a bug for this and supply all files from /tmp/aif/" fi else show_warning "Disk setup detection" "Could not find out where your / is. Did you setup filesystems/blockdevices? manual/autoprepare? If yes, please file a bug and tell us about this" fi cat >>$grubmenu </tmp/grub.log 2>&1 <$LOG if grep "Error [0-9]*: " /tmp/grub.log >/dev/null; then notify "Error installing GRUB. (see $LOG for output)" return 1 fi } # select_source(). taken from setup. # displays installation source selection menu # and sets up relevant config files # # params: none # returns: nothing interactive_select_source() { var_PKG_SOURCE_TYPE= var_FILE_URL="file:///src/core/pkg" var_SYNC_URL= ask_option no "Source selection" "Please select an installation source" required \ "cd" "CD-ROM or OTHER SOURCE" \ "net" "NET (FTP/HTTP)" || return 1 case $ANSWER_OPTION in "cd") var_PKG_SOURCE_TYPE="cd" ;; "net") var_PKG_SOURCE_TYPE="net" ;; esac if [ "$var_PKG_SOURCE_TYPE" = "cd" ]; then TITLE="Arch Linux CDROM or OTHER SOURCE Installation" notify "Packages included on this disk have been mounted to /src/core/pkg. If you wish to use your own packages from another source, manually mount them there." if [ ! -d /src/core/pkg ]; then notify "Package directory /src/core/pkg is missing!" return 1 fi echo "Using CDROM for package installation" >$LOG else TITLE="Arch Linux NET (FTP/HTTP) Installation" notify "If you wish to load your ethernet modules manually, please do so now in an another terminal." fi return 0 } # select_mirror(). taken from setup. # Prompt user for preferred mirror and set $var_SYNC_URL # # args: none # returns: nothing interactive_select_mirror() { notify "Keep in mind ftp.archlinux.org is throttled.\nPlease select another mirror to get full download speed." # FIXME: this regex doesn't honor commenting MIRRORS=$(egrep -o '((ftp)|(http))://[^/]*' "${var_MIRRORLIST}" | sed 's|$| _|g') ask_option no "Mirror selection" "Select an FTP/HTTP mirror" required $MIRRORS "Custom" "_" || return 1 local _server=$ANSWER_OPTION if [ "${_server}" = "Custom" ]; then ask_string "Enter the full URL to core repo." "ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/core/os/$var_ARCH" || return 1 var_SYNC_URL=${ANSWER_STRING/\/core\///\$repo/} #replace '/core/' by '/$repo/' else # Form the full URL for our mirror by grepping for the server name in # our mirrorlist and pulling the full URL out. # Ensure that if it was listed twice we only return one line for the mirror. var_SYNC_URL=$(egrep -o "${_server}.*" "${var_MIRRORLIST}" | head -n1) fi echo "Using mirror: $var_SYNC_URL" >$LOG } # geteditor(). # prompts the user to choose an editor # sets EDITOR global variable # interactive_get_editor() { unset EDITOR_OPTS declare -A editors=(["nano"]="nano (easier)" ["joe"]="joe (bit more powerful)" ["vi"]="vi (advanced)") for editor in ${!editors[@]} do which $editor &>/dev/null && EDITOR_OPTS+=($editor "${editors[$editor]}") done ask_option nano "Text editor selection" "Select a Text Editor to Use" required "${EDITOR_OPTS[@]}" || return 1 EDITOR=nano check_is_in "$ANSWER_OPTION" "${!editors[@]}" && EDITOR=$ANSWER_OPTION } select_source_extras_menu () { while true; do default=no [ -n "$NEXTITEM" ] && default="$NEXTITEM" ask_option $default "NET (HTTP/FTP) Installation" "Make sure the network is ok and you've selected a mirror before continuing the installer" required \ "1" "$worker_runtime_network_title" \ "2" "$worker_select_mirror_title" \ "3" "Return to Main Menu" || return 1 [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = 1 ] && execute worker runtime_network && NEXTITEM=2 [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = 2 ] && execute worker select_mirror && NEXTITEM=3 [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = 3 ] && break done }