#!/bin/sh # TODO: lot's of implementation work still open in this library. especially the dialog & $var_UI_TYPE stuff # Taken from setup. we store dialog output in a file. TODO: can't we do this with variables? ASKDEV ANSWER="/home/arch/aif/runtime/.dialog-answer" DIA_MENU_TEXT="Use the UP and DOWN arrows to navigate menus. Use TAB to switch between buttons and ENTER to select." ### Functions that your code can use. Cli/dialog mode is fully transparant. This library takes care of it ### # display error message and die die_error () { [ -n "$LOGFILE" ] && debug "die_error: ERROR: $@" > $LOGFILE notify "ERROR: $@" exit 2 } # display warning message # $1 title # $2 item to show # $3 type of item. msg or text if it's a file. (optional. defaults to msg) show_warning () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "show_warning needs a title" [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "show_warning needs an item to show" [ -n "$3" -a "$3" != msg -a "$3" != text ] && die_error "show_warning \$3 must be text or msg" type=msg [ -n "$3" ] && type=$3 debug "show_warning '$1': $2 ($type)" if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then _dia_DIALOG --title "$1" --exit-label "Continue" --${type}box "$2" 18 70 || die_error "dialog could not show --${type}box $2. often this means a file does not exist" else echo "WARNING: $1" [ "${type}" = msg ] && echo -e "$2" [ "${type}" = text ] && cat $2 || die_error "Could not cat $2" fi return 0 } #notify user notify () { debug "notify: $@" if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then _dia_DIALOG --msgbox "$@" 20 50 else echo -e "$@" fi } # like notify, but user does not need to confirm explicitly when in dia mode infofy () { debug "infofy: $@" if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then _dia_DIALOG --infobox "$@" 20 50 else echo -e "$@" fi } # logging of stuff log () { str="[LOG] `date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` $@" if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then echo -e "$str" >$LOG else echo -e "$str" fi echo -e "$str" >> $LOGFILE } debug () { str="[DEBUG] $@" if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ] then if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then echo -e "$str" > $LOG else echo -e "$str" fi echo -e "$str" >> $LOGFILE fi } # ask the user a password. return is stored in $PASSWORD or $_PASSWORD # $1 type (optional. eg 'svn', 'ssh'). ask_password () { [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] && { _dia_ask_password "$@" ; return $? ; } [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = cli ] && { _cli_ask_password "$@" ; return $? ; } } # ask a yes/no question. # $1 question # returns 0 if response is yes/y (case insensitive). 1 otherwise # TODO: support for default answer ask_yesno () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "ask_yesno needs a question!" [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] && { _dia_ask_yesno "$@" ; return $? ; } [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = cli ] && { _cli_ask_yesno "$@" ; return $? ; } } # ask for a string. # $1 question # echo's the string the user gave. # returns 1 if the user cancelled, 0 otherwise ask_string () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "ask_string needs a question!" [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] && { _dia_ask_string "$@" ; return $? ; } [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = cli ] && { _cli_ask_string "$@" ; return $? ; } } # TODO: we should have a wrapper around this function that keeps trying until the user entered a valid numeric? # ask for a number. # $1 question # $2 lower limit (optional) # $3 upper limit (optional) # echo's the number the user said # returns 1 if the user cancelled or did not enter a numeric, 0 otherwise ask_number () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "ask_number needs a question!" [ -n "$2" ] && [[ $2 = *[^0-9]* ]] && die_error "ask_number \$2 must be a number! not $2" [ -n "$3" ] && [[ $3 = *[^0-9]* ]] && die_error "ask_number \$3 must be a number! not $3" [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] && { _dia_ask_number "$1" "$2" "$3" ; return $? ; } [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = cli ] && { _cli_ask_number "$1" "$2" "$3" ; return $? ; } } # ask the user to choose something # $1 default item (set to 'no' for none) # $2 title # shift;shift; $@ list of options. first tag. then name. (eg tagA itemA "tag B" 'item B' ) # the response will be echoed to stdout. but also $ANSWER_OPTION will be set. take that because the former method seems to not work. ask_option () { [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] && { _dia_ask_option "$@" ; return $? ; } [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = cli ] && { _cli_ask_option "$@" ; return $? ; } } # follow the progress of something by showing it's log, updating real-time # $1 title # $2 logfile follow_progress () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "follow_progress needs a title!" [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "follow_progress needs a logfile to follow!" [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] && { _dia_follow_progress "$1" "$2" ; return $? ; } [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = cli ] && { _cli_follow_progress "$1" "$2" ; return $? ; } } # taken from setup printk() { case $1 in "on") echo 4 >/proc/sys/kernel/printk ;; "off") echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/printk ;; esac } ### Internal functions, supposed to be only used internally in this library ### # DIALOG() taken from setup # an el-cheapo dialog wrapper # # parameters: see dialog(1) # returns: whatever dialog did _dia_DIALOG() { dialog --backtitle "$TITLE" --aspect 15 "$@" return $? } _dia_ask_option () { DEFAULT="" [ "$1" != 'no' ] && DEFAULT="--default-item $1" [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "ask_option \$2 must be the title" [ -z "$6" ] && die_error "ask_option makes only sense if you specify at least 2 things (with tag and name)" DIA_MENU_TITLE=$2 shift 2 _dia_DIALOG $DEFAULT --colors --title " $DIA_MENU_TITLE " --menu "$DIA_MENU_TEXT" 16 55 8 "$@" 2>$ANSWER ret=$? ANSWER_OPTION=`cat $ANSWER` echo $ANSWER_OPTION debug "dia_ask_option: User choose $ANSWER_OPTION" return $ret } _cli_ask_option () { #TODO: strip out color codes DEFAULT="" [ "$1" != 'no' ] && DEFAULT=$1 [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "ask_option \$2 must be the title" [ -z "$6" ] && die_error "ask_option makes only sense if you specify at least 2 things (with tag and name)" CLI_MENU_TITLE=$2 shift 2 echo "$CLI_MENU_TITLE" while [ -n "$1" ] do echo "$1 ] $2" shift 2 done [ -n "$DEFAULT" ] && echo -n " > [ $DEFAULT ] " [ -z "$DEFAULT" ] && echo -n " > " read ANSWER_OPTION [ -z "$ANSWER_OPTION" -a -n "$DEFAULT" ] && ANSWER_OPTION="$DEFAULT" debug "cli_ask_option: User choose $ANSWER_OPTION" echo "$ANSWER_OPTION" } # TODO: pass disks as argument to decouple backend logic # Get a list of available disks for use in the "Available disks" dialogs. This # will print the disks as follows, getting size info from hdparm: # /dev/sda: 640133 MBytes (640 GB) # /dev/sdb: 640135 MBytes (640 GB) _getavaildisks() { # NOTE: to test as non-root, stick in a 'sudo' before the hdparm call for i in $(finddisks); do echo -n "$i: "; hdparm -I $i | grep -F '1000*1000' | sed "s/.*1000:[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1/"; echo "\n"; done } _dia_follow_progress () { title=$1 logfile=$2 _dia_DIALOG --title "$1" --no-kill --tailboxbg "$2" 18 70 2>$ANSWER } _dia_ask_yesno () { height=$((`echo -e "$1" | wc -l` +7)) dialog --yesno "$1" $height 55 # returns 0 for yes, 1 for no ret=$? [ $ret -eq 0 ] && debug "dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES" [ $ret -gt 0 ] && debug "dia_ask_yesno: User picked NO" return $ret } _cli_ask_password () { if [ -n "$1" ] then type_l=`tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $1` type_u=`tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< $1` else type_l= type_u= fi echo -n "Enter your $type_l password: " stty -echo [ -n "$type_u" ] && read ${type_u}_PASSWORD [ -z "$type_u" ] && read PASSWORD stty echo echo } _cli_ask_yesno () { echo -n "$1 (y/n): " read answer answer=`tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $answer` if [ "$answer" = y -o "$answer" = yes ] then debug "cli_ask_yesno: User picked YES" return 0 else debug "cli_ask_yesno: User picked NO" return 1 fi } _cli_ask_string () { echo -n "$@: " read answ echo "$answ" debug "cli_ask_string: User entered: $answ" [ -z "$answ" ] && return 1 return 0 } _cli_ask_number () { #TODO: i'm not entirely sure this works perfectly. what if user doesnt give anything or wants to abort? while true do str="$1" [ -n "$2" ] && str2="min $2" [ -n "$3" ] && str2="$str2 max $3" [ -n "$str2" ] && str="$str ( $str2 )" echo "$str" read answ if [[ $answ = *[^0-9]* ]] then show_warning "$answ is not a number! try again." else break fi done echo "$answ" debug "cli_ask_number: user entered: $answ" [ -z "$answ" ] && return 1 return 0 } _cli_follow_progress () { title=$1 logfile=$2 echo "Title: $1" tail -f $2 #TODO: don't block anymore when it's done }