#!/bin/bash # This procedure is EARLY in development!! # This is a procedure for automatic deployment/installation/configuration of systems. # TODO: document! (readme, notes about deployment profiles, examples, ...) # In theory, the only manual thing should maybe be configuring the runtime network # TODO: I don't know if you can do non-interactive dm_crypt stuff.. maybe by pulling luks keyfiles from svn/git/..? depend_module yaourt depend_procedure core base var_OPTS_STRING="c:" process_args () { [ "$1" = '-c' ] then [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "You must specify a config" source $2 || die_error "Could not source config $2" else usage exit 5 fi } phase_preparation=(\ configure \ intro \ sysprep \ runtime_network \ runtime_svn \ msg_automatic \ select_source \ runtime_packages \ runtime_yaourt) phase_finish=(configure_home msg_report) worker_intro () { notify "Automatic procedure running..." } worker_configure () { var_UI_TYPE=${arg_ui_type:-cli} } worker_msg_manual () { # All things that need to be done manually first notify "A few manual things need to happen first..." } worker_msg_automatic () { notify "**** From now on. everything will be automatic. Enjoy the show!" # not true: you need pass for dm_crypt } worker_runtime_network () { if ask_yesno "Do you want to (re)-configure your networking?" then interactive_runtime_network else infofy "Ok. skipping network config" fi } worker_runtime_svn () { SVN_USERNAME=dieter #TODO: softcode this ask_password svn #TODO: if user entered incorrect password, the install process will just fail.. SVN="svn --username $SVN_USERNAME --password $SVN_PASSWORD" SVN_BASE= ask_string "Which host are you installing?" desktop-a7nx8 TARGET_HOST=$ANSWER_STRING #TODO: allow passing as cmdline argument (and check with svn info). handle -z $ANSWER_STRING _accept_ssl_cert } worker_prepare_disks () { svn export $SVN_BASE/ddm-configs/$TARGET_HOST/trunk/disks/.blockdata $RUNTIME_DIR || die_error "Could not svn export $SVN_BASE/ddm-configs/$TARGET_HOST/trunk/disks/.blockdata into $RUNTIME_DIR" svn export $SVN_BASE/ddm-configs/$TARGET_HOST/trunk/disks/.partitions $RUNTIME_DIR || die_error "Could not svn export $SVN_BASE/ddm-configs/$TARGET_HOST/trunk/disks/.partitions into $RUNTIME_DIR" process_disks || die_error "Could not process_disks" process_filesystems || die_error "Could not process_filesystems" #TODO: support rollback # TODO: fstab? auto-add to fstab with libs? auto mkdir's on target_dir? true } worker_package_list () { $SVN export $SVN_BASE/ddm-configs/$TARGET_HOST/trunk/package-list $var_PKG_FILE || die_error "Could not export package list!" # cat -> there are newlines in it -> var=`echo $var` -> not anymore :) TARGET_PACKAGES=`cat $var_PKG_FILE` && TARGET_PACKAGES=`echo $TARGET_PACKAGES` || die_error "Could not cat package list. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN." true } worker_install_packages () { target_prepare_pacman core extra community #TODO: it would be better if this was a separate worker, i think [ -z "$TARGET_PACKAGES" ] && die_error "No packages listed to be installed!" installpkg } worker_configure_home () { #checkout from svn true } worker_set_clock () { #timezone="Europe/Brussels" #Not doing anything. hwclock is set already and configs are coming from svn anyway.. true } worker_install_bootloader () { install-grub /dev/sda } worker_runtime_yaourt () { _yaourt_replace_pacman }