#!/bin/bash # this procedure is meant to be inherited from var_DEFAULTFS="/boot:32:ext2:+ swap:256:swap /:7500:ext3 /home:*:ext3" var_TARGET_DIR="/mnt" # When overriding this, do _not_ add a trailing /. It's not needed and maybe you could even break something var_RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES= # array like this ('name1' 'location of repo 1' ['name2' 'location of repo2',..]) var_RUNTIME_PACKAGES= var_PKG_FILE=$RUNTIME_DIR/aif-package-list # not used by default in base/interactive. can be used by custom procedures or profiles for the automatic procedure var_MIRRORLIST="/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" var_UI_TYPE="cli" # set to cli or dia for dialog var_ARCH=`uname -m` #i686 or x86_64. NOTE: this assumes you want to install the same arch as the installation environment you're using. maybe we could decouple those someday.. [ -z "$var_ARCH" ] && die_error "Could not determine your architecture" grubmenu="$var_TARGET_DIR$grubmenu" syslinuxmenu="$var_TARGET_DIR$syslinuxmenu" ###### Phases ( can be overridden by more specific procedures) ###### phase_preparation=(\ configure \ intro \ sysprep \ select_source \ runtime_network \ runtime_repositories \ runtime_packages) phase_basics=(\ set_clock \ prepare_disks) phase_system=(\ package_list \ install_packages \ configure_system \ install_bootloader) phase_finish=(msg_report) ###### Workers ( can be overridden by more specific procedures) ###### worker_intro () { ask_yesno "This is a low-interactivity 'common defaults' installation, not meant for direct invocation. Do you really want to do this? We may overwrite your data." if [ $? -gt 0 ] then die_error "User aborted base profile execution" fi true } worker_sysprep () { mount -o remount,rw / &>/dev/null } worker_configure () { var_UI_TYPE=${arg_ui_type:-cli} ui_init } worker_select_source () { var_PKG_SOURCE_TYPE='cd' var_FILE_URL="file:///src/core/pkg" var_SYNC_URL= # optional, points to a repository string something like ftp://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/archlinux.org/$repo/os/i686 (eg the same format as what you find in /etc/pacman.conf) } worker_runtime_network () { #override if needed true } worker_runtime_repositories () { for i in `seq 0 $((${#var_RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES[@]}/2-1))` do repo=${var_RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES[$(($i*2))]} location=${var_RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES[$(($i*2+1))]} if ! list_pacman_repos runtime | grep -q $repo then add_pacman_repo runtime $repo "$location" || return 1 fi done return 0 } worker_runtime_packages () { for pkg in $var_RUNTIME_PACKAGES do $PACMAN -Sy --noconfirm --needed $pkg || return 1 done return 0 } worker_set_clock () { local default=no while true; do ask_option $default "Date/time configuration" '' required \ "1" "Select region and timezone" \ "2" "Set time and date" \ "3" "Return to Main Menu" || return 1 case $ANSWER_OPTION in "1") execute worker interactive_timezone && default=2 || return 1 ;; "2") if check_depend worker interactive_timezone then execute worker interactive_time && default=3 || return 1 fi ;; "3") break ;; esac done return 0 } worker_interactive_timezone () { interactive_timezone } worker_interactive_time () { interactive_time } worker_prepare_disks () { partition && get_possible_fs # in official installer: autoprepare or diy first partitions, then mountpoints } # Put the list of packages to be installed in $var_TARGET_PACKAGES and $var_TARGET_GROUPS worker_package_list () { var_TARGET_GROUPS=base } worker_install_packages () { target_prepare_pacman core && installpkg } worker_configure_system () { preconfigure_target && postconfigure_target } worker_install_bootloader () { true } worker_msg_report () { show_report }