#!/bin/bash ###### Set some default variables or get them from the setup script ###### TITLE="Flexible Installer Framework for Arch linux" LOG="/dev/tty7" # flags like --noconfirm should not be specified here. it's up to the profile to decide the interactivity PACMAN=pacman PACMAN_TARGET="pacman --root $TARGET_DIR --config /tmp/pacman.conf" ###### Miscalleaneous functions ###### usage () { if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then DIALOG --msgbox "$0 \n If the profilename starts with 'http://' it will be wget'ed. Otherwise it's assumed to be a profile saved on disk. See README\n Available profiles:\n `ls -l /home/arch/fifa/profile-*`" 14 65 else echo "$0 " echo "If the profilename starts with 'http://' it will be wget'ed. Otherwise it's assumed to be a profile saved on disk. See README" echo "Available profiles:" ls -l /home/arch/fifa/profile-* fi } ##### "These functions would fit more in lib-ui, but we need them immediately" functions ###### # display error message and die die_error () { if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then DIALOG --msgbox "Error: $@" 0 0 else echo "ERROR: $@" fi exit 2 } # display warning message # $1 title # $2 item to show # $3 type of item. msg or text if it's a file. (optional. defaults to msg) show_warning () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "show_warning needs a title" [ -z "$2" ] && die_error "show_warning needs an item to show" [ -n "$3" -a "$3" != msg -a "$3" != text ] && die_error "show_warning \$3 must be text or msg" [ -z "$3" ] && 3=msg if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then dialog --title "$1" --exit-label "Continue" --$3box "$2" 18 70 || die_error "dialog could not show --$3box $2. often this means a file does not exist" else echo "WARNING: $1" [ "$3" = msg ] && echo $2 [ "$3" = text ] && cat $2 || die_error "Could not cat $2" fi } #notify user notify () { if [ "$var_UI_TYPE" = dia ] then DIALOG --msgbox "$@" 20 50 else echo "$@" fi } ###### Core functions ###### load_profile() { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "load_profile needs a profile argument" notify "Loading profile $1 ..." if [[ $1 =~ ^http:// ]] then profile=/home/arch/fifa/profile-downloaded-`basename $1` wget $1 -q -O $profile >/dev/null || die_error "Could not download profile $1" else profile=/home/arch/fifa/profile-$1 fi [ -f "$profile" ] && source "$profile" || die_error "Something went wrong while sourcing profile $profile" } load_library () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "load_library needs a library argument" for library in $@ do notify "Loading library $library ..." source $library || die_error "Something went wrong while sourcing library $library" done } execute () { [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && die_error "Use the execute function like this: execute with type=phase/worker" [ "$1" != phase -a "$1" != worker ] && die_error "execute's first argument must be a valid type (phase/worker)" [ "$1" = phase ] && notify "******* Executing phase $2" [ "$1" = worker ] && notify "*** Executing worker $2" if type -t $1_$2 | grep -q function then PWD_BACKUP=`pwd` $1_$2 cd $PWD_BACKUP else die_error "$1 $2 is not defined!" fi } ###### perform actual logic ###### echo "Welcome to $TITLE" [ -z "$1" ] && usage && exit 1 mount -o remount,rw / &>/dev/null load_library /home/arch/fifa/lib/lib-*.sh [ "$1" != base ] && load_profile base load_profile $1 execute phase preparation execute phase basics execute phase system execute phase finish