#!/bin/bash ###### Set some default variables or get them from the setup script ###### TITLE="Flexible Installer Framework for Arch linux" eval `grep ^LOG= /arch/setup` PACMAN_RUNTIME=pacman PACMAN="pacman --root $DESTDIR --config /tmp/pacman.conf --noconfirm" ###### Miscalleaneous functions ###### usage () { echo "$0 " echo "If the profilename starts with 'http://' it will be wget'ed. Otherwise it's assumed to be a profile file like /home/arch/fifa/profile-" echo "If you wrote your own profile, you can also save it yourself as /home/arch/fifa/profile-custom or something like that" echo "Available profiles:" ls -l /home/arch/fifa/profile-* echo "Extra info:" echo "There is a very basic but powerfull workflow defined by variables, phases and workers. Depending on the profile you choose (or write yourself), these will differ." echo "they are very recognizable and are named like this:" echo " - variable -> var_" echo " - phase -> phase_ (a function that calls workers and maybe does some stuff by itself. There are 4 phases: preparation, basics, system, finish. (executed in that order)" echo " - worker -> worker_ ( a worker function, called by a phase. implements some specific logic. eg runtime_packages, prepare_disks, package_list etc)" echo "If you specify a profile name other then base, the base profile will be sourced first, then the specific profile. This way you only need to override specific things." echo "Notes:" echo " - you _can_ override _all_ variables and functions in this script, but you should be able to achieve your goals by overriding things of these 3 classes)" echo " - you _must_ specify a profile, to avoid errors. take 'base' if unsure" echo " - don't edit the base profile (or any other that comes by default), rather make your own" } die_error () { echo "ERROR: $@" exit 2 } load_profile() { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "load_profile needs a profile argument" echo "Loading profile $1 ..." if [[ $1 =~ ^http:// ]] then profile=/home/arch/fifa/profile-downloaded-`basename $1` wget $1 -q -O $profile >/dev/null || die_error "Could not download profile $1" else profile=/home/arch/fifa/profile-$1 fi [ -f "$profile" ] && source "$profile" || die_error "Something went wrong while sourcing profile $profile" } load_library () { [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "load_library needs a library argument" echo "Loading library $1 ..." library=/arch/$1 source $library*.sh || die_error "Something went wrong while sourcing library $library*.sh" } execute () { [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && die_error "Use the execute function like this: execute with type=phase/worker" [ "$1" != phase -a "$1" != worker ] && die_error "execute's first argument must be a valid type (phase/worker)" [ "$1" = phase ] && echo "******* Executing phase $2" [ "$1" = worker ] && echo "*** Executing worker $2" if type -t $1_$2 | grep -q function then PWD_BACKUP=`pwd` $1_$2 cd $PWD_BACKUP else die_error "$1 $2 is not defined!" fi } ###### perform actual logic ###### echo "Welcome to $TITLE" [ -z "$1" ] && usage && exit 1 mount -o remount,rw / &>/dev/null load_library lib-archboot/setup load_library lib-archboot/quickinst [ "$1" != base ] && load_profile base load_profile $1 execute phase preparation execute phase basics execute phase system execute phase finish