diff options
20 files changed, 5 insertions, 1792 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b0e07fa..5c07de3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -4,70 +4,14 @@ PREFIX = /usr/local
checkpkg \
- commitpkg \
- archco \
- archrelease \
- archrm \
- archbuild \
- lddd \
- finddeps \
- rebuildpkgs \
find-libdeps \
- crossrepomove
+ finddeps \
+ lddd
mkarchroot \
- makepkg-i686.conf \
- makepkg-x86_64.conf \
- pacman-extra.conf \
- pacman-testing.conf \
- pacman-staging.conf \
- pacman-multilib.conf \
- pacman-multilib-testing.conf \
- pacman-multilib-staging.conf \
- pacman-kde-unstable.conf \
- pacman-gnome-unstable.conf
- extrapkg \
- corepkg \
- testingpkg \
- stagingpkg \
- communitypkg \
- community-testingpkg \
- community-stagingpkg \
- multilibpkg \
- multilib-testingpkg \
- multilib-stagingpkg \
- kde-unstablepkg \
- gnome-unstablepkg
- extra-i686-build \
- extra-x86_64-build \
- testing-i686-build \
- testing-x86_64-build \
- staging-i686-build \
- staging-x86_64-build \
- multilib-build \
- multilib-testing-build \
- multilib-staging-build \
- kde-unstable-i686-build \
- kde-unstable-x86_64-build \
- gnome-unstable-i686-build \
- gnome-unstable-x86_64-build
- extra2community \
- community2extra
- archco \
- communityco
all: $(BINPROGS) $(SBINPROGS) bash_completion zsh_completion
edit = sed -e "s|@pkgdatadir[@]|$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/devtools|g"
@@ -88,26 +32,17 @@ install:
install -dm0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/devtools
install -m0755 ${BINPROGS} $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
install -m0755 ${SBINPROGS} $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/sbin
- install -m0644 ${CONFIGFILES} $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/devtools
- for l in ${COMMITPKG_LINKS}; do ln -sf commitpkg $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done
- for l in ${ARCHBUILD_LINKS}; do ln -sf archbuild $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done
- for l in ${CROSSREPOMOVE_LINKS}; do ln -sf crossrepomove $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done
ln -sf find-libdeps $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/find-libprovides
install -Dm0644 bash_completion $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/devtools
- for l in ${BASHCOMPLETION_LINKS}; do ln -sf devtools $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/$$l; done
install -Dm0644 zsh_completion $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/zsh/site-functions/_devtools
- ln -sf archco $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/communityco
+ install -Dm0644 lib/ $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/devtools
for f in ${BINPROGS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$f; done
for f in ${SBINPROGS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/sbin/$$f; done
for f in ${CONFIGFILES}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/devtools/$$f; done
- for l in ${COMMITPKG_LINKS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done
- for l in ${ARCHBUILD_LINKS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done
- for l in ${CROSSREPOMOVE_LINKS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done
rm $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/devtools
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/zsh/site-functions/_devtools
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/communityco
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/find-libprovides
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9476415..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-base_packages=(base base-devel sudo)
-if [[ "${cmd%%-*}" == 'multilib' ]]; then
- repo="${cmd%-build}"
- arch='x86_64'
- base_packages+=(multilib-devel)
- tag="${cmd%-build}"
- repo=${tag%-*}
- arch=${tag##*-}
-usage() {
- echo "usage $cmd"
- echo ' -c Recreate the chroot before building'
- echo ' -r <dir> Create chroots in this directory'
- exit 1
-while getopts 'cr:' arg; do
- case "${arg}" in
- c) clean_first=true ;;
- r) chroots="$OPTARG" ;;
- *) usage ;;
- esac
-if [[ "$EUID" != '0' ]]; then
- die 'This script must be run as root.'
-if ${clean_first} || [[ ! -d "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}" ]]; then
- msg "Creating chroot for [${repo}] (${arch})..."
- for copy in "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}"/*; do
- [[ -d $copy ]] || continue
- msg2 "Deleting chroot copy '$(basename "${copy}")'..."
- lock_open_write 9 "$copy.lock" "Locking chroot copy '$copy'"
- { type -P btrfs && btrfs subvolume delete "${copy}"; } &>/dev/null
- rm -rf --one-file-system "${copy}"
- done
- lock_close 9
- rm -rf --one-file-system "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}"
- mkdir -p "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}"
- setarch "${arch}" mkarchroot \
- -C "@pkgdatadir@/pacman-${repo}.conf" \
- -M "@pkgdatadir@/makepkg-${arch}.conf" \
- "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}/root" \
- "${base_packages[@]}" || abort
- setarch ${arch} mkarchroot \
- -u \
- -C "@pkgdatadir@/pacman-${repo}.conf" \
- -M "@pkgdatadir@/makepkg-${arch}.conf" \
- "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}/root" || abort
-msg "Building in chroot for [${repo}] (${arch})..."
-exec setarch "${arch}" makechrootpkg -c -n -r "${chroots}/${repo}-${arch}"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e462ba..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
- echo 'Usage: '$scriptname' <package name>...'
- exit 1
-case $scriptname in
- archco)
- SVNURL="svn+ssh://";;
- communityco)
- SVNURL="svn+ssh://";;
- *)
- die "Couldn't find svn url for $scriptname"
- ;;
-for i in "$@"; do
- svn co "$SVNURL/$i"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e742c2..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# parse command line options
-while getopts ':f' flag; do
- case $flag in
- f) FORCE=1 ;;
- :) die "Option requires an argument -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
- \?) die "Invalid option -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
- esac
-shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
-if ! (( $# )); then
- echo 'Usage: archrelease [-f] <repo>...'
- exit 1
-# validate repo is really repo-arch
-if [[ -z $FORCE ]]; then
- for tag in "$@"; do
- if ! in_array "$tag" "${_tags[@]}"; then
- die 'archrelease: Invalid tag: "'$tag'" (use -f to force release)'
- fi
- done
-if [[ ! -f PKGBUILD ]]; then
- die 'archrelease: PKGBUILD not found'
-# Normally this should be trunk, but it may be something
-# such as 'gnome-unstable'
-IFS='/' read -r -d '' -a parts <<< "$PWD"
-if [[ "${parts[@]:(-2):1}" == "repos" ]]; then
- die 'archrelease: Should not be in repos dir (try from trunk/)'
-unset parts
-if [[ $(svn status -q) ]]; then
- die 'archrelease: You have not committed your changes yet!'
-pushd .. >/dev/null
-IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a known_files < <(svn ls -r HEAD "$trunk")
-for file in "${known_files[@]}"; do
- if [[ ${file:(-1)} = '/' ]]; then
- die "archrelease: subdirectories are not supported in package directories!"
- fi
-# gracefully handle files containing an "@" character
-for tag in "$@"; do
- stat_busy "Copying ${trunk} to ${tag}"
- if [[ -d repos/$tag ]]; then
- declare -a trash
- trash=()
- while read -r file; do
- trash+=("repos/$tag/$file")
- done < <(svn ls "repos/$tag")
- [[ $trash ]] && svn rm -q "${trash[@]/%/@}"
- else
- mkdir -p "repos/$tag"
- svn add --parents -q "repos/$tag"
- fi
- # copy all files at once from trunk to the subdirectory in repos/
- svn copy -q -r HEAD ${known_files[@]/#/$trunk/} "repos/$tag/"
- stat_done
-stat_busy "Releasing package"
-printf -v tag_list ", %s" "$@"; tag_list="${tag_list#, }"
-svn commit -q -m "archrelease: copy ${trunk} to $tag_list" || abort
-popd >/dev/null
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c7139b..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
- echo 'Usage: archrm <path to checkout>'
- exit 1
-# FIXME: Check if there are uncommited changes
-#pushd $1
-rm -rf $1
diff --git a/ b/
index cd959fc..33e232a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,31 +1,4 @@
-_devtools_compgen() {
- local i r
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$*' -- "$cur"))
- for ((i=1; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++)); do
- for r in ${!COMPREPLY[@]}; do
- if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} = ${COMPREPLY[r]} ]]; then
- unset 'COMPREPLY[r]'; break
- fi
- done
- done
-_archco_pkg() {
- _devtools_compgen "$(
- \pacman -$1
- )"
-_archco() {
- local cur prev
- cur=$(_get_cword)
- _archco_pkg Slq
- true
-} &&
-complete -F _archco archco communityco
_makechrootpkg() {
local cur
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index be1ed71..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-getpkgfile() {
- case $# in
- 0)
- error 'No canonical package found!'
- return 1
- ;;
- [!1])
- error 'Failed to canonicalize package name -- multiple packages found:'
- msg2 '%s' "$@"
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
- echo "$1"
-# Source makepkg.conf; fail if it is not found
-if [[ -r '/etc/makepkg.conf' ]]; then
- source '/etc/makepkg.conf'
- die '/etc/makepkg.conf not found!'
-# Source user-specific makepkg.conf overrides
-if [[ -r ~/.makepkg.conf ]]; then
- . ~/.makepkg.conf
-if [[ ! -f PKGBUILD ]]; then
- die 'No PKGBUILD file'
-case "$cmd" in
- commitpkg)
- if (( $# == 0 )); then
- die 'usage: commitpkg <reponame> [-f] [-s server] [-l limit] [-a arch] [commit message]'
- fi
- repo="$1"
- shift
- ;;
- *pkg)
- repo="${cmd%pkg}"
- ;;
- *)
- die 'usage: commitpkg <reponame> [-f] [-s server] [-l limit] [-a arch] [commit message]'
- ;;
-# check if all local source files are under version control
-for s in "${source[@]}"; do
- if [[ $s != *://* ]] && ! svn status -v "$s@" | grep -q '^[ AMRX~]'; then
- die "$s is not under version control"
- fi
-# check if changelog and install files are under version control
-for i in 'changelog' 'install'; do
- while read -r file; do
- # evaluate any bash variables used
- eval file=\"$(sed 's/^\(['\''"]\)\(.*\)\1$/\2/' <<< "$file")\"
- if ! svn status -v "${file}" | grep -q '^[ AMRX~]'; then
- die "${file} is not under version control"
- fi
- done < <(sed -n "s/^[[:space:]]*$i=//p" PKGBUILD)
-rsyncopts=(-e ssh -p --chmod=ug=rw,o=r -c -h -L --progress --partial -y)
-while getopts ':l:a:s:f' flag; do
- case $flag in
- f) archreleaseopts+=('-f') ;;
- s) server=$OPTARG ;;
- l) rsyncopts+=("--bwlimit=$OPTARG") ;;
- a) commit_arch=$OPTARG ;;
- :) die "Option requires an argument -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
- \?) die "Invalid option -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
- esac
-shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
-# check packages have the packager field set
-for _arch in ${arch[@]}; do
- if [[ -n $commit_arch && ${_arch} != "$commit_arch" ]]; then
- continue
- fi
- for _pkgname in ${pkgname[@]}; do
- fullver=$(get_full_version $_pkgname)
- if pkgfile=$(shopt -s nullglob;
- getpkgfile "${PKGDEST+$PKGDEST/}$_pkgname-$fullver-${_arch}".pkg.tar.?z); then
- if grep -q "packager = Unknown Packager" <(bsdtar -xOqf $pkgfile .PKGINFO); then
- die "PACKAGER was not set when building package"
- fi
- fi
- done
-if [[ -z $server ]]; then
- case "$repo" in
- core|extra|testing|staging|kde-unstable|gnome-unstable)
- server='' ;;
- community*|multilib*)
- server='' ;;
- *)
- server=''
- msg "Non-standard repository $repo in use, defaulting to server $server" ;;
- esac
-if [[ -n $(svn status -q) ]]; then
- msgtemplate="upgpkg: $pkgbase $(get_full_version)"$'\n\n'
- if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
- stat_busy 'Committing changes to trunk'
- svn commit -q -m "${msgtemplate}${1}" || die
- stat_done
- else
- msgfile="$(mktemp)"
- echo "$msgtemplate" > "$msgfile"
- if [[ -n $SVN_EDITOR ]]; then
- $SVN_EDITOR "$msgfile"
- elif [[ -n $VISUAL ]]; then
- $VISUAL "$msgfile"
- elif [[ -n $EDITOR ]]; then
- $EDITOR "$msgfile"
- else
- vi "$msgfile"
- fi
- [[ -s $msgfile ]] || die
- stat_busy 'Committing changes to trunk'
- svn commit -q -F "$msgfile" || die
- unlink "$msgfile"
- stat_done
- fi
-declare -a uploads
-declare -a commit_arches
-declare -a skip_arches
-for _arch in ${arch[@]}; do
- if [[ -n $commit_arch && ${_arch} != "$commit_arch" ]]; then
- skip_arches+=($_arch)
- continue
- fi
- for _pkgname in ${pkgname[@]}; do
- fullver=$(get_full_version $_pkgname)
- if ! pkgfile=$(shopt -s nullglob;
- getpkgfile "${PKGDEST+$PKGDEST/}$_pkgname-$fullver-${_arch}".pkg.tar.?z); then
- warning "Skipping $_pkgname-$fullver-$_arch: failed to locate package file"
- skip_arches+=($_arch)
- continue 2
- fi
- uploads+=("$pkgfile")
- sigfile="${pkgfile}.sig"
- if [[ ! -f $sigfile ]]; then
- msg "Signing package ${pkgfile}..."
- if [[ -n $GPGKEY ]]; then
- fi
- gpg --detach-sign --use-agent ${SIGNWITHKEY} "${pkgfile}" || die
- fi
- if ! gpg --verify "$sigfile" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- die "Signature ${pkgfile}.sig is incorrect!"
- fi
- uploads+=("$sigfile")
- done
-for _arch in ${arch[@]}; do
- if ! in_array $_arch ${skip_arches[@]}; then
- commit_arches+=($_arch)
- fi
-if [[ ${#commit_arches[*]} -gt 0 ]]; then
- archrelease "${archreleaseopts[@]}" "${commit_arches[@]/#/$repo-}" || die
-if [[ ${#uploads[*]} -gt 0 ]]; then
- new_uploads=()
- # convert to absolute paths so rsync can work with colons (epoch)
- while read -r -d '' upload; do
- new_uploads+=("$upload")
- done < <(realpath -z "${uploads[@]}")
- uploads=("${new_uploads[@]}")
- unset new_uploads
- msg 'Uploading all package and signature files'
- rsync "${rsyncopts[@]}" "${uploads[@]}" "$server:staging/$repo/" || die
-if [[ "${arch[*]}" == 'any' ]]; then
- if [[ -d ../repos/$repo-i686 && -d ../repos/$repo-x86_64 ]]; then
- pushd ../repos/ >/dev/null
- stat_busy "Removing $repo-i686 and $repo-x86_64"
- svn rm -q $repo-i686
- svn rm -q $repo-x86_64
- svn commit -q -m "Removed $repo-i686 and $repo-x86_64 for $pkgname"
- stat_done
- popd >/dev/null
- fi
- if [[ -d ../repos/$repo-any ]]; then
- pushd ../repos/ >/dev/null
- stat_busy "Removing $repo-any"
- svn rm -q $repo-any
- svn commit -q -m "Removed $repo-any for $pkgname"
- stat_done
- popd >/dev/null
- fi
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2c6e9..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
- echo 'Usage: '$scriptname' [pkgbase]'
- exit 1
-case $scriptname in
- extra2community)
- source_svn="${packages_svn}"
- target_svn="${community_svn}"
- source_server="${packages_server}"
- target_server="${community_server}"
- source_repo='extra'
- target_repo='community'
- ;;
- community2extra)
- source_svn="${community_svn}"
- target_svn="${packages_svn}"
- source_server="${community_server}"
- target_server="${packages_server}"
- source_repo='community'
- target_repo='extra'
- ;;
- *)
- die "Couldn't find configuration for $scriptname"
- ;;
-pushd $WORKDIR >/dev/null
-msg "Downloading sources for ${pkgbase}"
-svn -q checkout -N "${target_svn}" target_checkout
-mkdir -p "target_checkout/${pkgbase}/repos"
-svn -q export "${source_svn}/${pkgbase}/trunk" "target_checkout/${pkgbase}/trunk" || die
-. "target_checkout/${pkgbase}/trunk/PKGBUILD"
-msg "Downloading packages for ${pkgbase}"
-for _arch in ${arch[@]}; do
- if [[ "${_arch[*]}" == 'any' ]]; then
- repo_arch='x86_64'
- else
- repo_arch=${_arch}
- fi
- for _pkgname in ${pkgname[@]}; do
- fullver=$(get_full_version $_pkgname)
- # FIXME: this only works with .xz packages
- ssh "${target_server}" "cd staging/${target_repo}
- curl -O ${mirror}/${source_repo}/os/${repo_arch}/$_pkgname-$fullver-${_arch}.pkg.tar.xz
- curl -O ${mirror}/${source_repo}/os/${repo_arch}/$_pkgname-$fullver-${_arch}.pkg.tar.xz.sig" || die
- done
-msg "Adding ${pkgbase} to ${target_repo}"
-svn -q add "target_checkout/${pkgbase}"
-svn -q propset svn:keywords 'Id' "target_checkout/${pkgbase}/trunk/PKGBUILD"
-svn -q commit -m"${scriptname}: Moving ${pkgbase} from ${source_repo} to ${target_repo}" target_checkout
-pushd "target_checkout/${pkgbase}/trunk" >/dev/null
-archrelease "${arch[@]/#/$target_repo-}" || die
-popd >/dev/null
-ssh "${target_server}" '/arch/db-update' || die
-msg "Removing ${pkgbase} from ${source_repo}"
-for _arch in ${arch[@]}; do
- ssh "${source_server}" "/arch/db-remove ${source_repo} ${_arch} ${pkgbase}"
-svn -q checkout -N "${source_svn}" source_checkout
-svn -q up "source_checkout/${pkgbase}"
-svn -q rm "source_checkout/${pkgbase}"
-svn -q commit -m"${scriptname}: Moving ${pkgbase} from ${source_repo} to ${target_repo}" source_checkout
-popd >/dev/null
diff --git a/makepkg-i686.conf b/makepkg-i686.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 725c2a2..0000000
--- a/makepkg-i686.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/makepkg.conf
-#-- The download utilities that makepkg should use to acquire sources
-# Format: 'protocol::agent'
-DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/curl -fC - --ftp-pasv --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
- 'http::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
- 'https::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
- 'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync -z %u %o'
- 'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
-# Other common tools:
-# /usr/bin/snarf
-# /usr/bin/lftpget -c
-# /usr/bin/wget
-#-- Compiler and Linker Flags
-# -march (or -mcpu) builds exclusively for an architecture
-# -mtune optimizes for an architecture, but builds for whole processor family
-CFLAGS="-march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
-CXXFLAGS="-march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
-#-- Make Flags: change this for DistCC/SMP systems
-# Defaults: BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache check !sign)
-# A negated environment option will do the opposite of the comments below.
-#-- fakeroot: Allow building packages as a non-root user
-#-- distcc: Use the Distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler
-#-- color: Colorize output messages
-#-- ccache: Use ccache to cache compilation
-#-- check: Run the check() function if present in the PKGBUILD
-#-- sign: Generate PGP signature file
-BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache check !sign)
-#-- If using DistCC, your MAKEFLAGS will also need modification. In addition,
-#-- specify a space-delimited list of hosts running in the DistCC cluster.
-#-- Specify a directory for package building.
-# These are default values for the options=() settings
-# Default: OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge !upx)
-# A negated option will do the opposite of the comments below.
-#-- strip: Strip symbols from binaries/libraries
-#-- docs: Save doc directories specified by DOC_DIRS
-#-- libtool: Leave libtool (.la) files in packages
-#-- emptydirs: Leave empty directories in packages
-#-- zipman: Compress manual (man and info) pages in MAN_DIRS with gzip
-#-- purge: Remove files specified by PURGE_TARGETS
-#-- upx: Compress binary executable files using UPX
-OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge !upx)
-#-- File integrity checks to use. Valid: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
-#-- Options to be used when stripping binaries. See `man strip' for details.
-#-- Options to be used when stripping shared libraries. See `man strip' for details.
-#-- Options to be used when stripping static libraries. See `man strip' for details.
-#-- Manual (man and info) directories to compress (if zipman is specified)
-#-- Doc directories to remove (if !docs is specified)
-DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
-#-- Files to be removed from all packages (if purge is specified)
-PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
-# Default: put built package and cached source in build directory
-#-- Destination: specify a fixed directory where all packages will be placed
-#-- Source cache: specify a fixed directory where source files will be cached
-#-- Source packages: specify a fixed directory where all src packages will be placed
-#-- Packager: name/email of the person or organization building packages
-#PACKAGER="John Doe <>"
-#-- Specify a key to use for package signing
-# WARNING: Do NOT modify these variables unless you know what you are
-# doing.
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/makepkg-x86_64.conf b/makepkg-x86_64.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de5c67..0000000
--- a/makepkg-x86_64.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/makepkg.conf
-#-- The download utilities that makepkg should use to acquire sources
-# Format: 'protocol::agent'
-DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/curl -fC - --ftp-pasv --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
- 'http::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
- 'https::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
- 'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync -z %u %o'
- 'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
-# Other common tools:
-# /usr/bin/snarf
-# /usr/bin/lftpget -c
-# /usr/bin/wget
-#-- Compiler and Linker Flags
-# -march (or -mcpu) builds exclusively for an architecture
-# -mtune optimizes for an architecture, but builds for whole processor family
-CFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
-CXXFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
-#-- Make Flags: change this for DistCC/SMP systems
-# Defaults: BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache check !sign)
-# A negated environment option will do the opposite of the comments below.
-#-- fakeroot: Allow building packages as a non-root user
-#-- distcc: Use the Distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler
-#-- color: Colorize output messages
-#-- ccache: Use ccache to cache compilation
-#-- check: Run the check() function if present in the PKGBUILD
-#-- sign: Generate PGP signature file
-BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache check !sign)
-#-- If using DistCC, your MAKEFLAGS will also need modification. In addition,
-#-- specify a space-delimited list of hosts running in the DistCC cluster.
-#-- Specify a directory for package building.
-# These are default values for the options=() settings
-# Default: OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge !upx)
-# A negated option will do the opposite of the comments below.
-#-- strip: Strip symbols from binaries/libraries
-#-- docs: Save doc directories specified by DOC_DIRS
-#-- libtool: Leave libtool (.la) files in packages
-#-- emptydirs: Leave empty directories in packages
-#-- zipman: Compress manual (man and info) pages in MAN_DIRS with gzip
-#-- purge: Remove files specified by PURGE_TARGETS
-#-- upx: Compress binary executable files using UPX
-OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge !upx)
-#-- File integrity checks to use. Valid: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
-#-- Options to be used when stripping binaries. See `man strip' for details.
-#-- Options to be used when stripping shared libraries. See `man strip' for details.
-#-- Options to be used when stripping static libraries. See `man strip' for details.
-#-- Manual (man and info) directories to compress (if zipman is specified)
-#-- Doc directories to remove (if !docs is specified)
-DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
-#-- Files to be removed from all packages (if purge is specified)
-PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
-# Default: put built package and cached source in build directory
-#-- Destination: specify a fixed directory where all packages will be placed
-#-- Source cache: specify a fixed directory where source files will be cached
-#-- Source packages: specify a fixed directory where all src packages will be placed
-#-- Packager: name/email of the person or organization building packages
-#PACKAGER="John Doe <>"
-#-- Specify a key to use for package signing
-# WARNING: Do NOT modify these variables unless you know what you are
-# doing.
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/pacman-extra.conf b/pacman-extra.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 821f9a5..0000000
--- a/pacman-extra.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-#SigLevel = PackageRequired
-#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-#SigLevel = PackageRequired
-#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-gnome-unstable.conf b/pacman-gnome-unstable.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdca63..0000000
--- a/pacman-gnome-unstable.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-kde-unstable.conf b/pacman-kde-unstable.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bec946..0000000
--- a/pacman-kde-unstable.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-multilib-staging.conf b/pacman-multilib-staging.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1ab75..0000000
--- a/pacman-multilib-staging.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
-# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-multilib-testing.conf b/pacman-multilib-testing.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d24eb6c..0000000
--- a/pacman-multilib-testing.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
-# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-multilib.conf b/pacman-multilib.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d10757..0000000
--- a/pacman-multilib.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-#SigLevel = PackageRequired
-#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-#SigLevel = PackageRequired
-#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
-# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
-#SigLevel = PackageRequired
-#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-staging.conf b/pacman-staging.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d4116e2..0000000
--- a/pacman-staging.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/pacman-testing.conf b/pacman-testing.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 353bdbb..0000000
--- a/pacman-testing.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/pacman.conf
-# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
-# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
-# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
-#RootDir = /
-#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
-#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
-#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
-#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
-HoldPkg = pacman glibc
-# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
-SyncFirst = pacman
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
-#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
-#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
-Architecture = auto
-# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
-#IgnorePkg =
-#IgnoreGroup =
-#NoUpgrade =
-#NoExtract =
-# Misc options
-# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
-# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
-# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
-# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
-# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
-# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
-# - can be defined here or included from another file
-# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
-# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
-# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
-# have identical names, regardless of version number
-# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
-# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
-# Repository entries are of the format:
-# [repo-name]
-# Server = ServerName
-# Include = IncludePath
-# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
-# uncommented to enable the repo.
-# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
-# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
-# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-SigLevel = PackageRequired
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
-# tips on creating your own repositories.
-#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
-#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7b1612..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# This script rebuilds a list of packages in order
-# and reports anything that fails
-# Due to sudo usage, it is recommended to allow makechrootpkg
-# to be run with NOPASSWD in your sudoers file
-# Currently uses $(pwd)/rebuilds as the directory for rebuilding...
-# TODO make this work for community too
-if (( $# < 1 )); then
- echo "usage: $(basename $0) <chrootdir> <packages to rebuild>"
- echo " example: $(basename $0) ~/chroot readline bash foo bar baz"
- exit 1
-# Source makepkg.conf; fail if it is not found
-if [[ -r '/etc/makepkg.conf' ]]; then
- source '/etc/makepkg.conf'
- die '/etc/makepkg.conf not found!'
-bump_pkgrel() {
- # Get the current pkgrel from SVN and update the working copy with it
- # This prevents us from incrementing out of control :)
- pbuild='.svn/text-base/PKGBUILD.svn-base'
- oldrel=$(grep 'pkgrel=' $pbuild | cut -d= -f2)
- #remove decimals
- rel=$(echo $oldrel | cut -d. -f1)
- newrel=$(($rel + 1))
- sed -i "s/pkgrel=$oldrel/pkgrel=$newrel/" PKGBUILD
-pkg_from_pkgbuild() {
- # we want the sourcing to be done in a subshell so we don't pollute our current namespace
- (source PKGBUILD; echo "$pkgname-$pkgver-$pkgrel-$CARCH$PKGEXT")
-chrootdir="$1"; shift
-msg "Work will be done in $(pwd)/rebuilds"
-mkdir -p "$REBUILD_ROOT"
-/usr/bin/svn co -N $SVNPATH
-for pkg in $pkgs; do
- cd "$REBUILD_ROOT/svn-packages"
- msg2 "Building '$pkg'"
- /usr/bin/svn update "$pkg"
- if [[ ! -d "$pkg/trunk" ]]; then
- warning "$pkg does not exist in SVN"
- continue
- fi
- cd "$pkg/trunk/"
- bump_pkgrel
- if ! sudo makechrootpkg -u -d -r "$chrootdir" -- --noconfirm; then
- error "$pkg Failed!"
- else
- pkgfile=$(pkg_from_pkgbuild)
- if [[ -e $pkgfile ]]; then
- msg2 "$pkg Complete"
- else
- error "$pkg Failed, no package built!"
- fi
- fi
-if [[ -n $FAILED ]]; then
- msg 'Packages failed:'
- for pkg in $FAILED; do
- msg2 "$pkg"
- done
-msg 'SVN pkgbumps in svn-packages/ - commit when ready'
diff --git a/ b/
index 727112a..51a023b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,30 +1,10 @@
-#compdef archbuild archco archrelease archrm commitpkg finddeps makechrootpkg mkarchroot rebuildpkgs extrapkg=commitpkg corepkg=commitpkg testingpkg=commitpkg stagingpkg=commitpkg communitypkg=commitpkg community-testingpkg=commitpkg community-stagingpkg=commitpkg multilibpkg=commitpkg multilib-testingpkg=commitpkg extra-i686-build=archbuild extra-x86_64-build=archbuild testing-i686-build=archbuild testing-x86_64-build=archbuild staging-i686-build=archbuild staging-x86_64-build=archbuild multilib-build=archbuild multilib-testing-build=archbuild multilib-staging-build=archbuild kde-unstable-i686-build=archbuild kde-unstable-x86_64-build=archbuild gnome-unstable-i686-build=archbuild gnome-unstable-x86_64-build=archbuild communityco=archco
+#compdef archbuild finddeps makechrootpkg mkarchroot
'-c[Recreate the chroot before building]'
'-r[Create chroots in this directory]:base_dir:_files -/'
- '*:packages:_devtools_completions_all_packages'
- "*:arch:($_tags[*])"
- '1:path:_files -/'
- "-a[Release to a specific architecture only]:arch:($_arch[*])"
- '-l[Set bandwidth limit]:limit'
- '1:commit_msg'
@@ -50,11 +30,6 @@ _mkarchroot_args=(
'-h[Display usage]'
- '1:chroot_dir:_files -/'
- '*:packages:_devtools_completions_all_packages'
_devtools_completions_all_packages() {
typeset -U packages
packages=($(_call_program packages pacman -Sql))