path: root/functions
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Diffstat (limited to 'functions')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/functions b/functions
index 8b4ac18..3fc6fa9 100644
--- a/functions
+++ b/functions
@@ -234,55 +234,50 @@ ck_status() {
# single_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.single
# shutdown_poweroff: directly before powering off in rc.shutdown
-# Make sure to never override the add_hook and run_hook functions via functions.d
+# Declare add_hook and run_hook as read-only to prevent overwriting them.
+# Too bad we cannot do the same thing with hook_funcs
declare -A hook_funcs
add_hook() {
- [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && return 1
- hook_funcs["$1"]="${hook_funcs["$1"]} $2"
+ [[ $1 && $2 ]] || return 1
+ hook_funcs["$1"]+=" $2"
run_hook() {
- local func
- [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
- for func in ${hook_funcs["$1"]}; do
- ${func}
- done
+ [[ $1 ]] || return 1
+ local func
+ for func in ${hook_funcs["$1"]}; do
+ "${func}"
+ done
+declare -r add_hook run_hook
# Function for setting console font if required
set_consolefont() {
- if [ -n "$CONSOLEFONT" ]; then
- stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT"
- #CONSOLEMAP in UTF-8 shouldn't be used
- if [ -n "$CONSOLEMAP" ] && echo "$LOCALE" | /bin/grep -qi utf ; then
- fi
- for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do
- if [ -n "$CONSOLEMAP" ]; then
- /usr/bin/setfont -m $CONSOLEMAP $CONSOLEFONT -C ${i} >/dev/null 2>&1
- else
- /usr/bin/setfont $CONSOLEFONT -C ${i} >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- done
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- stat_fail
- else
- if [ -n "$CONSOLEMAP" ]; then
- echo 'if [ "$CONSOLE" = "" -a "$TERM" = "linux" -a -t 1 ]; then printf "\033(K"; fi' >>/etc/profile.d/
- fi
- stat_done
- fi
+ [[ $CONSOLEFONT ]] || return 0
+ stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT"
+ #CONSOLEMAP in UTF-8 shouldn't be used
+ [[ $CONSOLEMAP && ${LOCALE,,} =~ utf ]] && CONSOLEMAP=""
+ for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do
+ /usr/bin/setfont ${CONSOLEMAP:+-m ${CONSOLEMAP}} \
+ $CONSOLEFONT -C ${i} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ done
+ if (($? != 0)); then
+ stat_fail
+ elif [[ $CONSOLEMAP ]]; then
+ cat <<"EOF" >>/etc/profile.d/
+if [ "$CONSOLE" = "" -a "$TERM" = "linux" -a -t 1 ]; then printf "\033(K"; fi
+ stat_done
# Source additional functions at the end to allow overrides
for f in /etc/rc.d/functions.d/*; do
- if [ -e $f ]; then
- . $f
- fi
+ [[ -e $f ]] && . "$f"
# End of file