Releasing 1) create an anotated tag on the format YYYY.MM.X, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and X is a number starting from 1. E.g.: $ git tag -a 2011.04.1 2) create a tarball $ make release 3) copy the tarball to gerolde $ scp initscripts-YYYY.MM.X.tar.xz 4) check that the PKGBUILD in git is in sync with the PKGBUILD to be released 5) create package and push to testing: 5.1) [first time only] set up ssh forwarding so you can connect to gerolde from alderaan 5.1.1) Add "ForwardAgent=yes" to ~/.ssh/config 5.1.2) Add your private key to the authentication agent "ssh-add" 5.2) ssh 5.3) [first time only] check out initscripts from svn 5.3.1) svn checkout -N svn+ssh:// 5.3.2) "cd svn-packages && svn update initscripts" 5.4) get the latest version of initscripts: "cd svn-packages && svn update" 5.5) update the version field in the PKGBUILD 5.6) build the package for both arches: "sudo testing-{i686,x86_64}-build" 5.7) run checkpkg, namcap, and install test at least one of the two packages 5.8) commit to svn and move package to your staging folder (which needs to exist on gerolde): 'testingpkg "commit message"'