// initial values for either Nosy, Superseder, Keyword and Waiting On, // depending on which has called original_field = form[field].value; // Some browsers (ok, IE) don't define the "undefined" variable. undefined = document.geez_IE_is_really_friggin_annoying; function trim(value) { var temp = value; var obj = /^(\s*)([\W\w]*)(\b\s*$)/; if (obj.test(temp)) { temp = temp.replace(obj, '$2'); } var obj = / /g; while (temp.match(obj)) { temp = temp.replace(obj, " "); } return temp; } function determineList() { // generate a comma-separated list of the checked items var list = new String(''); // either a checkbox object or an array of checkboxes var check = document.frm_help.check; if ((check.length == undefined) && (check.checked != undefined)) { // only one checkbox on page if (check.checked) { list = check.value; } } else { // array of checkboxes for (box=0; box < check.length; box++) { if (check[box].checked) { if (list.length == 0) { separator = ''; } else { separator = ','; } // we used to use an Array and push / join, but IE5.0 sux list = list + separator + check[box].value; } } } return list; } /** * update the field in the opening window; * the text_field variable must be set in the calling page */ function updateOpener() { // write back to opener window if (document.frm_help.check==undefined) { return; } form[field].value = text_field.value; } function updateList() { // write back to opener window if (document.frm_help.check==undefined) { return; } form[field].value = determineList(); } function updatePreview() { // update the preview box if (document.frm_help.check==undefined) { return; } writePreview(determineList()); } function clearList() { // uncheck all checkboxes if (document.frm_help.check==undefined) { return; } for (box=0; box < document.frm_help.check.length; box++) { document.frm_help.check[box].checked = false; } } function reviseList_framed(form, textfield) { // update the checkboxes based on the preview field // alert('reviseList_framed') // alert(form) if (form.check==undefined) return; // alert(textfield) var to_check; var list = textfield.value.split(","); if (form.check.length==undefined) { check = form.check; to_check = false; for (val in list) { if (check.value==trim(list[val])) { to_check = true; break; } } check.checked = to_check; } else { for (box=0; box < form.check.length; box++) { check = form.check[box]; to_check = false; for (val in list) { if (check.value==trim(list[val])) { to_check = true; break; } } check.checked = to_check; } } } function reviseList(vals) { // update the checkboxes based on the preview field if (document.frm_help.check==undefined) { return; } var to_check; var list = vals.split(","); if (document.frm_help.check.length==undefined) { check = document.frm_help.check; to_check = false; for (val in list) { if (check.value==trim(list[val])) { to_check = true; break; } } check.checked = to_check; } else { for (box=0; box < document.frm_help.check.length; box++) { check = document.frm_help.check[box]; to_check = false; for (val in list) { if (check.value==trim(list[val])) { to_check = true; break; } } check.checked = to_check; } } } function resetList() { // reset preview and check boxes to initial values if (document.frm_help.check==undefined) { return; } writePreview(original_field); reviseList(original_field); } function writePreview(val) { // writes a value to the text_preview document.frm_help.text_preview.value = val; } function focusField(name) { for(i=0; i < document.forms.length; ++i) { var obj = document.forms[i].elements[name]; if (obj && obj.focus) {obj.focus();} } } function selectField(name) { for(i=0; i < document.forms.length; ++i) { var obj = document.forms[i].elements[name]; if (obj && obj.focus){obj.focus();} if (obj && obj.select){obj.select();} } } function checkRequiredFields(fields) { var bonk=''; var res=''; var argv = checkRequiredFields.arguments; var argc = argv.length; var input = ''; var val=''; for (var i=0; i < argc; i++) { fi = argv[i]; input = document.getElementById(fi); if (input) { val = input.value if (val == '' || val == '-1' || val == -1) { if (res == '') { res = fi; bonk = input; } else { res += ', '+fi; } } } else { alert('Field with id='+fi+' not found!') } } if (res == '') { return submit_once(); } else { alert('Missing value here ('+res+')!'); if (window.event && window.event.returnvalue) { event.returnValue = 0; // work-around for IE } bonk.focus(); return false; } } /** * seeks the given value (2nd argument) * in the value of the given input element (1st argument), * which is considered a list of values, separated by commas */ function has_value(input, val) { var actval = input.value var arr = feld.value.split(','); var max = arr.length; for (i=0;i remove_val() * * This will work nicely even for batched lists */ function append_val(name, val) { var feld = document.itemSynopsis[name]; var actval = feld.value; if (actval == '') { feld.value = val } else { var arr = feld.value.split(','); var max = arr.length; for (i=0;i append_val() */ function remove_val(name, val) { var feld = document.itemSynopsis[name]; var actval = feld.value; var changed=false; if (actval == '') { return } else { var arr = feld.value.split(','); var max = arr.length; var neu = '' for (i=0;i