package org.usfirst.frc.team4272.robot2016; import org.usfirst.frc.team4272.robotlib.PIDOutputSplitter; //import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Encoder; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PIDOutput; //import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PIDSourceType; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Talon; public class HwRobot { /* Relay == a Spike */ /* PCM = Pneumatics Control Module */ /* All of the numbered inputs are in the classes: * - DIO: 0-9 * - Relay: 0-3 * - Analog In: 0-3 * - PWM: 0-9 * - PCM: 0-7 (the PCM is connected via CAN). * - CAN * * For completeness, the roboRIO also has: i2c, RS-232, SPI, * RSL, 2xUSB-A, an accelerometer, and an expansion port. * * And, for communication: USB-B and Ethernet. */ // naming convention: {side_letter}{Thing}{E|M (encoder/motor)} //public Encoder lDriveE = new Encoder(/*DIO*/2,/*DIO*/3); //public Encoder rDriveE = new Encoder(/*DIO*/0,/*DIO*/1, true); private PIDOutput lDriveM1 = new Talon(/*PWM*/0), lDriveM2 = new Talon(/*PWM*/1); private PIDOutput rDriveM1 = new Talon(/*PWM*/2), rDriveM2 = new Talon(/*PWM*/3); private PIDOutput armM = new PIDOutputSplitter(new Talon(/*PWM*/4), new Talon(/*PWM*/5)); private PIDOutput fBallM = new PIDOutputSplitter(new Talon(/*PWM*/6), new Talon(/*PWM*/7)); private PIDOutput bBallM = new PIDOutputSplitter(new Talon(/*PWM*/8), new Talon(/*PWM*/9)); public HwRobot() { //lDriveE.setPIDSourceType(PIDSourceType.kRate); //rDriveE.setPIDSourceType(PIDSourceType.kRate); } public void run(Control c) { lDriveM1.pidWrite( c.lDrive1); lDriveM2.pidWrite( c.lDrive2); rDriveM1.pidWrite(-c.rDrive1); rDriveM2.pidWrite(-c.rDrive2); armM.pidWrite(-c.arm); fBallM.pidWrite(-c.fBall); bBallM.pidWrite(-c.bBall); } }