diff options
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/enhancers.txt b/enhancers.txt
index 22c684b..d70a5f8 100644
--- a/enhancers.txt
+++ b/enhancers.txt
@@ -23,36 +23,77 @@ X-Thing: Tail
tip.innerHTML =
'<p>Tip: To set the page title (what appears in the tab '+
'name/window bar), put this at the top of the page:</p>\n'+
- '<pre>---\ntitle: "Your Title Here"\n---\n</pre>'+
- '<p>I apologize that it looks funny on this page and in the '+
- 'preview.</p>';
+ '<pre>---\ntitle: "Your Title Here"\n---\n</pre>\n'+
+ '<p>(I apologize that it looks funny on this page and in the '+
+ 'preview.)</p>\n'+
+ '<p>Otherwise, the first line will be used as the title. This means '+
+ 'that if you want the title to also appear at the top of the document, '+
+ 'you can instead use:<p>\n'+
+ '<pre>Your Title Here\n===============\n</pre>\n'+
+ '<p>which will also include it as a heading at the top of the page.</p>';
+ // bug workaround from
+ var updateSectionHeaderStyles = function(cm, change) {
+ var lines = cm.lineCount();
+ for (var i = Math.max(0, change.from.line-1); i <= Math.min(, lines-1); i++) {
+ var line = cm.getLineHandle(i);
+ cm.removeLineClass(line, 'text', 'cm-header');
+ cm.removeLineClass(line, 'text', 'cm-header-1');
+ cm.removeLineClass(line, 'text', 'cm-header-2');
+ var lineTokens = cm.getLineTokens(i);
+ var tok = lineTokens[0];
+ if (!tok || !tok.type || tok.type.indexOf('header') === -1) {
+ // first token could be some spaces, try 2nd
+ tok = lineTokens[1];
+ }
+ if (tok && tok.type && tok.type.indexOf('header') !== -1
+ && tok.string !== '#') { // not ATX header style, which starts with #
+ var classes = tok.type.
+ split(' ').
+ filter(function(cls) { return cls.indexOf('header') === 0; }).
+ map(function (cls) { return 'cm-' + cls; }).
+ join(' ');
+ var prev_line = cm.getLineHandle(i-1);
+ cm.addLineClass(prev_line, 'text', classes);
+ }
+ }
+ };
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
element: textarea,
promptURLs: true,
- forceSync: true,
showIcons: ['code', 'table'],
+ var cm = simplemde.codemirror;
+ cm.on("change", function(cm, change) {
+; // this is SimpleMDE forceSync
+ updateSectionHeaderStyles(cm, change);
+ });
+ updateSectionHeaderStyles(cm, {from: {line: 0}, to: {line: cm.lineCount()}});
X-Thing: Pattern
-text/*; */*+xml
+text/*; */*+xml; application/x-ruby
X-Thing: Head
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@@ -79,7 +120,7 @@ X-Thing: Tail
lineNumbers: true,
matchBrackets: true,
foldGutter: true,
- rulers: [{column: 80, lineStyle: "dashed"}],
+ rulers: [{column: 72, color: '#DDDDDD', lineStyle: "dashed"}, {column: 80, color: '#F4DDDD', lineStyle: "dashed"}],
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gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"],