# Set the default target ####################################################### phony += all all: # Boilerplate ################################################################## SHELL = bash phony += FORCE .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .SECONDARY: # Development server ########################################################### serve: serve-8000 serve-%: all dir=$$(mktemp -d -t) && trap 'fusermount -u "$$dir"; rmdir "$$dir"' EXIT && unionfs -o ro out:src "$$dir" && (cd "$$dir" && python3 -m http.server $*) phony += serve serve-% # Real rules to actually make the website ###################################### RUBYLIB=$(realpath .)/lib export RUBYLIB patsubst-all = $(if $1,$(call patsubst-all,$(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1),$2,$(patsubst $(firstword $1),$2,$3)),$3) html.suffixes = md org erb html.src = $(shell find src -type f \( -false $(foreach s,$(html.suffixes), -o -name '*.$s' -o -name '*.$s.m4' ) \) | grep -v /web/) html.out = $(call patsubst-all,$(addprefix src/%.,$(html.suffixes)),out/%.html,$(patsubst %.m4,%,$(html.src))) all: $(html.out) all: out/style.css all: out/header-path.svg pagerender.deps = bin/pagerender lib/pandoc.rb lib/template.erb out/%: src/%.m4 mkdir -p -- $(@D) m4 -P < $< > $@ out/%: out/%.m4 m4 -P < $< > $@ out/%.html: src/%.md $(pagerender.deps) mkdir -p -- $(@D) bin/pagerender $< > $@ out/%.html: out/%.md $(pagerender.deps) bin/pagerender $< > $@ out/%.html: src/%.org $(pagerender.deps) mkdir -p -- $(@D) bin/pagerender $< > $@ out/%.html: out/%.org $(pagerender.deps) bin/pagerender $< > $@ out/%.html: src/%.erb $(pagerender.deps) mkdir -p -- $(@D) bin/pagerender $< > $@ out/%.html: out/%.erb $(pagerender.deps) bin/pagerender $< > $@ var-%: @printf '%s\n' $(call quote.shell,$($*)) out/%.css: src/%.scss scss -s < $< > $@ # Recurse into the logos folder ################################################ outdir=out/logos srcdir=src/logos topoutdir=out topsrcdir=src include src/logos/Makefile # Boilerplate ################################################################## .PHONY: $(phony) define nl endef # I put this as the last line in the file because it confuses Emacs syntax # highlighting and makes the remainder of the file difficult to edit. quote.shell = $(subst $(nl),'$$'\n'','$(subst ','\'',$1)')