diff options
authorCiaranG <>2008-09-09 03:22:24 -0400
committerCiaranG <>2008-09-09 03:22:24 -0400
commit26634ef0a08234980835698e40b23a291305d1f8 (patch)
parenteb4df223e6bb63c4a81e744c74b2f7fae335a8a0 (diff)
Initial support for PostgreSQL
4 files changed, 300 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/classes/User.php b/classes/User.php
index 9251a9a84..96a7482ea 100644
--- a/classes/User.php
+++ b/classes/User.php
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ class User extends DB_DataObject
function noticesWithFriends($offset=0, $limit=20) {
$notice = new Notice();
$notice->query('SELECT notice.* ' .
'FROM notice JOIN subscription on notice.profile_id = subscription.subscribed ' .
'WHERE subscription.subscriber = ' . $this->id . ' ' .
'ORDER BY created DESC, DESC ' .
'LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $limit);
return $notice;
diff --git a/config.php.sample b/config.php.sample
index 900d99c41..7a6e3ad77 100644
--- a/config.php.sample
+++ b/config.php.sample
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ $config['db']['database'] = 'mysql://laconica:microblog@localhost/laconica';
#$config['db']['debug'] = 0;
#$config['db']['db_driver'] = 'MDB2';
+#Database type. For mysql, these defaults are fine. For postgresql, set
+#'quote_identifiers' to true and 'type' to 'pgsql':
+#$config['db']['quote_identifiers'] = false;
+#$config['db']['type'] = 'mysql';
#session_set_cookie_params(0, '/'. $config['site']['path'] .'/');
#Standard fancy-url clashes prevented by not allowing nicknames on a blacklist
diff --git a/db/laconica_pg.sql b/db/laconica_pg.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8becea99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/laconica_pg.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* local and remote users have profiles */
+create table profile (
+ id serial primary key /* comment 'unique identifier' */,
+ nickname varchar(64) not null /* comment 'nickname or username' */,
+ fullname varchar(255) /* comment 'display name' */,
+ profileurl varchar(255) /* comment 'URL, cached so we dont regenerate' */,
+ homepage varchar(255) /* comment 'identifying URL' */,
+ bio varchar(140) /* comment 'descriptive biography' */,
+ location varchar(255) /* comment 'physical location' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+/* FULLTEXT(nickname, fullname, location, bio, homepage) */
+create index profile_nickname_idx on profile using btree(nickname);
+create table avatar (
+ profile_id integer not null /* comment 'foreign key to profile table' */ references profile (id) ,
+ original integer default 0 /* comment 'uploaded by user or generated?' */,
+ width integer not null /* comment 'image width' */,
+ height integer not null /* comment 'image height' */,
+ mediatype varchar(32) not null /* comment 'file type' */,
+ filename varchar(255) null /* comment 'local filename, if local' */,
+ url varchar(255) unique /* comment 'avatar location' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key(profile_id, width, height)
+create index avatar_profile_id_idx on avatar using btree(profile_id);
+create table sms_carrier (
+ id serial primary key /* comment 'primary key for SMS carrier' */,
+ name varchar(64) unique /* comment 'name of the carrier' */,
+ email_pattern varchar(255) not null /* comment 'sprintf pattern for making an email address from a phone number' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified ' */
+/* local users */
+create table "user" (
+ id integer primary key /* comment 'foreign key to profile table' */ references profile (id) ,
+ nickname varchar(64) unique /* comment 'nickname or username, duped in profile' */,
+ password varchar(255) /* comment 'salted password, can be null for OpenID users' */,
+ email varchar(255) unique /* comment 'email address for password recovery etc.' */,
+ incomingemail varchar(255) unique /* comment 'email address for post-by-email' */,
+ emailnotifysub integer default 1 /* comment 'Notify by email of subscriptions' */,
+ emailmicroid integer default 1 /* comment 'whether to publish email microid' */,
+ language varchar(50) /* comment 'preferred language' */,
+ timezone varchar(50) /* comment 'timezone' */,
+ emailpost integer default 1 /* comment 'Post by email' */,
+ jabber varchar(255) unique /* comment 'jabber ID for notices' */,
+ jabbernotify integer default 0 /* comment 'whether to send notices to jabber' */,
+ jabberreplies integer default 0 /* comment 'whether to send notices to jabber on replies' */,
+ jabbermicroid integer default 1 /* comment 'whether to publish xmpp microid' */,
+ updatefrompresence integer default 0 /* comment 'whether to record updates from Jabber presence notices' */,
+ sms varchar(64) unique /* comment 'sms phone number' */,
+ carrier integer /* comment 'foreign key to sms_carrier' */ references sms_carrier (id) ,
+ smsnotify integer default 0 /* comment 'whether to send notices to SMS' */,
+ smsreplies integer default 0 /* comment 'whether to send notices to SMS on replies' */,
+ smsemail varchar(255) /* comment 'built from sms and carrier' */,
+ uri varchar(255) unique /* comment 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI' */,
+ autosubscribe integer default 0 /* comment 'automatically subscribe to users who subscribe to us' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create index user_smsemail_idx on "user" using btree(smsemail);
+/* remote people */
+create table remote_profile (
+ id integer primary key /* comment 'foreign key to profile table' */ references profile (id) ,
+ uri varchar(255) unique /* comment 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI' */,
+ postnoticeurl varchar(255) /* comment 'URL we use for posting notices' */,
+ updateprofileurl varchar(255) /* comment 'URL we use for updates to this profile' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create table subscription (
+ subscriber integer not null /* comment 'profile listening' */,
+ subscribed integer not null /* comment 'profile being listened to' */,
+ token varchar(255) /* comment 'authorization token' */,
+ secret varchar(255) /* comment 'token secret' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key (subscriber, subscribed)
+create index subscription_subscriber_idx on subscription using btree(subscriber);
+create index subscription_subscribed_idx on subscription using btree(subscribed);
+create table notice (
+ id serial primary key /* comment 'unique identifier' */,
+ profile_id integer not null /* comment 'who made the update' */ references profile (id) ,
+ uri varchar(255) unique /* comment 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI' */,
+ content varchar(140) /* comment 'update content' */,
+ rendered text /* comment 'HTML version of the content' */,
+ url varchar(255) /* comment 'URL of any attachment (image, video, bookmark, whatever)' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ reply_to integer /* comment 'notice replied to (usually a guess)' */ references notice (id) ,
+ is_local integer default 0 /* comment 'notice was generated by a user' */,
+ source varchar(32) /* comment 'source of comment, like "web", "im", or "clientname"' */
+/* FULLTEXT(content) */
+create index notice_profile_id_idx on notice using btree(profile_id);
+create index notice_created_idx on notice using btree(created);
+create table notice_source (
+ code varchar(32) primary key not null /* comment 'source code' */,
+ name varchar(255) not null /* comment 'name of the source' */,
+ url varchar(255) not null /* comment 'url to link to' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create table reply (
+ notice_id integer not null /* comment 'notice that is the reply' */ references notice (id) ,
+ profile_id integer not null /* comment 'profile replied to' */ references profile (id) ,
+ modified timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ replied_id integer /* comment 'notice replied to (not used, see notice.reply_to)' */,
+ primary key (notice_id, profile_id)
+create index reply_notice_id_idx on reply using btree(notice_id);
+create index reply_profile_id_idx on reply using btree(profile_id);
+create index reply_replied_id_idx on reply using btree(replied_id);
+create table fave (
+ notice_id integer not null /* comment 'notice that is the favorite' */ references notice (id),
+ user_id integer not null /* comment 'user who likes this notice' */ references "user" (id) ,
+ modified timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key (notice_id, user_id)
+create index fave_notice_id_idx on fave using btree(notice_id);
+create index fave_user_id_idx on fave using btree(user_id);
+create index fave_modified_idx on fave using btree(modified);
+/* tables for OAuth */
+create table consumer (
+ consumer_key varchar(255) primary key /* comment 'unique identifier, root URL' */,
+ seed char(32) not null /* comment 'seed for new tokens by this consumer' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create table token (
+ consumer_key varchar(255) not null /* comment 'unique identifier, root URL' */ references consumer (consumer_key),
+ tok char(32) not null /* comment 'identifying value' */,
+ secret char(32) not null /* comment 'secret value' */,
+ type integer not null default 0 /* comment 'request or access' */,
+ state integer default 0 /* comment 'for requests; 0 = initial, 1 = authorized, 2 = used' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key (consumer_key, tok)
+create table nonce (
+ consumer_key varchar(255) not null /* comment 'unique identifier, root URL' */,
+ tok char(32) not null /* comment 'identifying value' */,
+ nonce char(32) not null /* comment 'nonce' */,
+ ts timestamp not null /* comment 'timestamp sent' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key (consumer_key, tok, nonce),
+ foreign key (consumer_key, tok) references token (consumer_key, tok)
+/* One-to-many relationship of user to openid_url */
+create table user_openid (
+ canonical varchar(255) primary key /* comment 'Canonical true URL' */,
+ display varchar(255) not null unique /* comment 'URL for viewing, may be different from canonical' */,
+ user_id integer not null /* comment 'user owning this URL' */ references "user" (id) ,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create index user_openid_user_id_idx on user_openid using btree(user_id);
+/* These are used by JanRain OpenID library */
+create table oid_associations (
+ server_url varchar(2047),
+ handle varchar(255),
+ secret bytea,
+ issued integer,
+ lifetime integer,
+ assoc_type varchar(64),
+ primary key (server_url, handle)
+create table oid_nonces (
+ server_url varchar(2047),
+ "timestamp" integer,
+ salt character(40),
+ unique (server_url, "timestamp", salt)
+create table confirm_address (
+ code varchar(32) not null primary key /* comment 'good random code' */,
+ user_id integer not null /* comment 'user who requested confirmation' */ references "user" (id),
+ address varchar(255) not null /* comment 'address (email, Jabber, SMS, etc.)' */,
+ address_extra varchar(255) not null /* comment 'carrier ID, for SMS' */,
+ address_type varchar(8) not null /* comment 'address type ("email", "jabber", "sms")' */,
+ claimed timestamp /* comment 'date this was claimed for queueing' */,
+ sent timestamp /* comment 'date this was sent for queueing' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create table remember_me (
+ code varchar(32) not null primary key /* comment 'good random code' */,
+ user_id integer not null /* comment 'user who is logged in' */ references "user" (id),
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create table queue_item (
+ notice_id integer not null /* comment 'notice queued' */ references notice (id) ,
+ transport varchar(8) not null /* comment 'queue for what? "email", "jabber", "sms", "irc", ...' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ claimed timestamp /* comment 'date this item was claimed' */,
+ primary key (notice_id, transport)
+create index queue_item_created_idx on queue_item using btree(created);
+/* Hash tags */
+create table notice_tag (
+ tag varchar( 64 ) not null /* comment 'hash tag associated with this notice' */,
+ notice_id integer not null /* comment 'notice tagged' */ references notice (id) ,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ primary key (tag, notice_id)
+create index notice_tag_created_idx on notice_tag using btree(created);
+/* Synching with foreign services */
+create table foreign_service (
+ id int not null primary key /* comment 'numeric key for service' */,
+ name varchar(32) not null unique /* comment 'name of the service' */,
+ description varchar(255) /* comment 'description' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
+create table foreign_user (
+ id int not null /* comment 'unique numeric key on foreign service' */,
+ service int not null /* comment 'foreign key to service' */ references foreign_service(id) ,
+ uri varchar(255) not null unique /* comment 'identifying URI' */,
+ nickname varchar(255) /* comment 'nickname on foreign service' */,
+ user_id int /* comment 'link to user on this system, if exists' */ references "user" (id),
+ credentials varchar(255) /* comment 'authc credentials, typically a password' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key (id, service)
+create index foreign_user_user_id_idx on foreign_user using btree(user_id);
+create table foreign_subscription (
+ service int not null /* comment 'service where relationship happens' */ references foreign_service(id) ,
+ subscriber int not null /* comment 'subscriber on foreign service' */ ,
+ subscribed int not null /* comment 'subscribed user' */ ,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ primary key (service, subscriber, subscribed)
+create index foreign_subscription_subscriber_idx on foreign_subscription using btree(subscriber);
+create index foreign_subscription_subscribed_idx on foreign_subscription using btree(subscribed);
diff --git a/lib/common.php b/lib/common.php
index 71a75ff10..e37e330ea 100644
--- a/lib/common.php
+++ b/lib/common.php
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ $config['db'] =
'class_prefix' => '',
'mirror' => NULL,
'db_driver' => 'DB', # XXX: JanRain libs only work with DB
- 'quote_identifiers' => false);
+ 'quote_identifiers' => false,
+ 'type' => 'mysql' );
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
/* Work internally in UTC */