diff options
authorEvan Prodromou <>2009-10-04 03:02:04 -0400
committerEvan Prodromou <>2009-10-04 03:15:59 -0400
commit035978270d609b650b8e32f252366e0e75b12507 (patch)
parent9c2d0879e9064fe3b9cf9af2c7eabe869966bd92 (diff)
Update OrbitedPlugin to work with RealtimePlugin framework
3 files changed, 60 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Orbited/OrbitedPlugin.php b/plugins/Orbited/OrbitedPlugin.php
index cf6e5de13..ad7d1d276 100644
--- a/plugins/Orbited/OrbitedPlugin.php
+++ b/plugins/Orbited/OrbitedPlugin.php
@@ -52,34 +52,49 @@ class OrbitedPlugin extends RealtimePlugin
public $webport = null;
public $channelbase = null;
public $stompserver = null;
+ public $stompport = null;
public $username = null;
public $password = null;
+ public $webuser = null;
+ public $webpass = null;
protected $con = null;
function _getScripts()
$scripts = parent::_getScripts();
- $root = 'http://'.$this->webserver.(($this->webport == 80) ? '':':'.$this->webport);
+ $port = (is_null($this->webport)) ? 8000 : $this->webport;
+ $server = (is_null($this->webserver)) ? common_config('site', 'server') : $this->webserver;
+ $root = 'http://'.$server.(($port == 80) ? '':':'.$port);
$scripts[] = $root.'/static/Orbited.js';
$scripts[] = $root.'/static/protocols/stomp/stomp.js';
$scripts[] = common_path('plugins/Orbited/orbitedupdater.js');
return $scripts;
function _updateInitialize($timeline, $user_id)
$script = parent::_updateInitialize($timeline, $user_id);
- return $script." OrbitedUpdater.init(\"$this->stompserver\", $this->stompport, \"{$timeline}\");";
+ $server = $this->_getStompServer();
+ $port = $this->_getStompPort();
+ return $script." OrbitedUpdater.init(\"$server\", $port, ".
+ "\"{$timeline}\", \"{$this->webuser}\", \"{$this->webpass}\");";
function _connect()
- $stompserver = (empty($this->stompserver)) ? "tcp://{$this->webserver}:61613/" : $this->stompserver;
+ $url = $this->_getStompUrl();
- $this->con = new Stomp($stompserver);
+ $this->con = new Stomp($url);
if ($this->con->connect($this->username, $this->password)) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Connected.");
@@ -110,4 +125,24 @@ class OrbitedPlugin extends RealtimePlugin
return '/' . implode('/', $path);
+ function _getStompServer()
+ {
+ $server = (!is_null($this->stompserver)) ? $this->stompserver :
+ (!is_null($this->webserver)) ? $this->webserver :
+ common_config('site', 'server');
+ return $server;
+ }
+ function _getStompPort()
+ {
+ $port = (!is_null($this->stompport)) ? $this->stompport : 61613;
+ }
+ function _getStompUrl()
+ {
+ $server = $this->_getStompServer();
+ $port = $this->_getStompPort();
+ return "tcp://$server:$port/";
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/Orbited/orbitedupdater.js b/plugins/Orbited/orbitedupdater.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d70f4a4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Orbited/orbitedupdater.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Update the local timeline from a Orbited server
+var OrbitedUpdater = function()
+ return {
+ init: function(server, port, timeline, username, password)
+ {
+ // set up stomp client.
+ stomp = new STOMPClient();
+ stomp.connect(server, port, username, password);
+ stomp.subscribe(timeline);
+ stomp.onmessageframe = function(frame) {
+ RealtimeUpdate.receive(JSON.parse(frame.body));
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/Orbited/updatetimeline.js b/plugins/Orbited/updatetimeline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 170949e9b..000000000
--- a/plugins/Orbited/updatetimeline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// update the local timeline from a Comet server
-var updater = function()
- var _server;
- var _timeline;
- var _userid;
- var _replyurl;
- var _favorurl;
- var _deleteurl;
- var _cometd;
- return {
- init: function(server, timeline, userid, replyurl, favorurl, deleteurl)
- {
- _cometd = $.cometd; // Uses the default Comet object
- _cometd.setLogLevel('debug');
- _cometd.init(server);
- _server = server;
- _timeline = timeline;
- _userid = userid;
- _favorurl = favorurl;
- _replyurl = replyurl;
- _deleteurl = deleteurl;
- _cometd.subscribe(timeline, receive);
- $(window).unload(leave);
- }
- }
- function leave()
- {
- _cometd.disconnect();
- }
- function receive(message)
- {
- id =;
- // Don't add it if it already exists
- if ($("#notice-"+id).length > 0) {
- return;
- }
- var noticeItem = makeNoticeItem(;
- $("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(noticeItem, true);
- $("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"});
- $("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(1000);
- NoticeHover();
- NoticeReply();
- }
- function makeNoticeItem(data)
- {
- user = data['user'];
- html = data['html'].replace(/&amp;/g,'&').replace(/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g,'>').replace(/&quot;/g,'"');
- source = data['source'].replace(/&amp;/g,'&').replace(/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g,'>').replace(/&quot;/g,'"');
- ni = "<li class=\"hentry notice\" id=\"notice-"+data['id']+"\">"+
- "<div class=\"entry-title\">"+
- "<span class=\"vcard author\">"+
- "<a href=\""+user['profile_url']+"\" class=\"url\">"+
- "<img src=\""+user['profile_image_url']+"\" class=\"avatar photo\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\""+user['screen_name']+"\"/>"+
- "<span class=\"nickname fn\">"+user['screen_name']+"</span>"+
- "</a>"+
- "</span>"+
- "<p class=\"entry-content\">"+html+"</p>"+
- "</div>"+
- "<div class=\"entry-content\">"+
- "<dl class=\"timestamp\">"+
- "<dt>Published</dt>"+
- "<dd>"+
- "<a rel=\"bookmark\" href=\""+data['url']+"\" >"+
- "<abbr class=\"published\" title=\""+data['created_at']+"\">a few seconds ago</abbr>"+
- "</a> "+
- "</dd>"+
- "</dl>"+
- "<dl class=\"device\">"+
- "<dt>From</dt> "+
- "<dd>"+source+"</dd>"+ // may have a link, I think
- "</dl>";
- if (data['in_reply_to_status_id']) {
- ni = ni+" <dl class=\"response\">"+
- "<dt>To</dt>"+
- "<dd>"+
- "<a href=\""+data['in_reply_to_status_url']+"\" rel=\"in-reply-to\">in reply to</a>"+
- "</dd>"+
- "</dl>";
- }
- ni = ni+"</div>"+
- "<div class=\"notice-options\">";
- if (_userid != 0) {
- var input = $("form#form_notice fieldset input#token");
- var session_key = input.val();
- ni = ni+makeFavoriteForm(data['id'], session_key);
- ni = ni+makeReplyLink(data['id'], data['user']['screen_name']);
- if (_userid == data['user']['id']) {
- ni = ni+makeDeleteLink(data['id']);
- }
- }
- ni = ni+"</div>"+
- "</li>";
- return ni;
- }
- function makeFavoriteForm(id, session_key)
- {
- var ff;
- ff = "<form id=\"favor-"+id+"\" class=\"form_favor\" method=\"post\" action=\""+_favorurl+"\">"+
- "<fieldset>"+
- "<legend>Favor this notice</legend>"+ // XXX: i18n
- "<input name=\"token-"+id+"\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"token-"+id+"\" value=\""+session_key+"\"/>"+
- "<input name=\"notice\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"notice-n"+id+"\" value=\""+id+"\"/>"+
- "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" name=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Favor\" title=\"Favor this notice\"/>"+
- "</fieldset>"+
- "</form>";
- return ff;
- }
- function makeReplyLink(id, nickname)
- {
- var rl;
- rl = "<dl class=\"notice_reply\">"+
- "<dt>Reply to this notice</dt>"+
- "<dd>"+
- "<a href=\""+_replyurl+"?replyto="+nickname+"\" title=\"Reply to this notice\">Reply <span class=\"notice_id\">"+id+"</span>"+
- "</a>"+
- "</dd>"+
- "</dl>";
- return rl;
- }
- function makeDeleteLink(id)
- {
- var dl, delurl;
- delurl = _deleteurl.replace("0000000000", id);
- dl = "<dl class=\"notice_delete\">"+
- "<dt>Delete this notice</dt>"+
- "<dd>"+
- "<a href=\""+delurl+"\" title=\"Delete this notice\">Delete</a>"+
- "</dd>"+
- "</dl>";
- return dl;
- }