InitializePlugin: a chance to initialize a plugin in a complete

CleanupPlugin: a chance to cleanup a plugin at the end of a program

StartPrimaryNav: Showing the primary nav menu
- $action: the current action

EndPrimaryNav: At the end of the primary nav menu
- $action: the current action

StartSecondaryNav: Showing the secondary nav menu
- $action: the current action

EndSecondaryNav: At the end of the secondary nav menu
- $action: the current action

StartShowStyles: Showing Style links; good place to add UA style resets
- $action: the current action

EndShowStyles: End showing Style links; good place to add custom styles
- $action: the current action

StartShowLaconicaStyles: Showing Laconica Style links
- $action: the current action

EndShowLaconicaStyles: End showing Laconica Style links;  good place to add handheld or JavaScript dependant styles
- $action: the current action

StartShowUAStyles: Showing custom UA Style links
- $action: the current action

EndShowUAStyles: End showing custom UA Style links; good place to add user-agent (e.g., filter, -webkit, -moz) specific styles
- $action: the current action

StartShowScripts: Showing JavaScript links
- $action: the current action

EndShowScripts: End showing JavaScript links; good place to add custom
		links like Google Analytics
- $action: the current action

StartShowJQueryScripts: Showing JQuery script links (use this to link to e.g. Google mirrors)
- $action: the current action

EndShowJQueryScripts: End showing JQuery script links
- $action: the current action

StartShowLaconicaScripts: Showing Laconica script links (use this to link to a CDN or something)
- $action: the current action

EndShowLaconicaScripts: End showing Laconica script links
- $action: the current action

StartShowSections: Start the list of sections in the sidebar
- $action: the current action

EndShowSections: End the list of sections in the sidebar
- $action: the current action

StartShowHeader: Showing before the header container
- $action: the current action

EndShowHeader: Showing after the header container
- $action: the current action

StartShowFooter: Showing before the footer container
- $action: the current action

EndShowFooter: Showing after the footer container
- $action: the current action

StartShowContentBlock: Showing before the content container
- $action: the current action

EndShowContentBlock: Showing after the content container
- $action: the current action

StartNoticeSave: before inserting a notice (good place for content filters)
- $notice: notice being saved (no ID or URI)

EndNoticeSave: after inserting a notice and related code
- $notice: notice that was saved (with ID and URI)

StartShowLocalNavBlock: Showing the local nav menu
- $action: the current action

EndShowLocalNavBlock: At the end of the local nav menu
- $action: the current action

StartShowHTML: Chance to set document headers (e.g., content type, charset, language), DOCTYPE and html element properties
- $action: the current action

EndShowHTML: Showing after the html element
- $action: the current action

StartPublicGroupNav: Showing the public group nav menu
- $action: the current action

EndPublicGroupNav: At the end of the public group nav menu
- $action: the current action

StartSubGroupNav: Showing the subscriptions group nav menu
- $action: the current action

EndSubGroupNav: At the end of the subscriptions group nav menu
- $action: the current action

RouterInitialized: After the router instance has been initialized
- $m: the Net_URL_Mapper that has just been set up

ArgsInitialized: After the argument array has been initialized
- $args: associative array of arguments, can be modified