Starting with tag: [TAG 0.6.1 Evan Prodromou **20081006041249] [fixup return value of XMPP channel on setting notification Evan Prodromou **20081006054425] [Twitter-compatible API - direct_messages/new.json was not answering**20081006153715] [Twitter bridge - was checking the wrong bit (!) for reply sync preference**20081007004432] [Adapted stoica theme for iPhone use Ken Sheppardson **20080816181321] [Adapted stoica theme for iphone use Ken Sheppardson **20080816181845] [Renamed 'mobile' theme to more appropriate 'iphone' Ken Sheppardson **20080816200437] [enjitqueuehandler Ken Sheppardson **20080904215328] [Skip remote notices Ken Sheppardson **20080905032903] [enjit queue handler (from kshep) Evan Prodromou **20081008164624] [add about 60px Evan Prodromou **20081012155650] [add about 60px to default theme, too Evan Prodromou **20081012161211] [fixup margins in stoica theme Evan Prodromou **20081012162719] [fixup margin and padding in default theme Evan Prodromou **20081012162810] [Twitter-compatible API - added favorites/favorites to list of methods only requiring bare auth**20081015163112] [Twitter-compatible API:**20081017023638 - Filled in favorites tags in statuses - Filled in more tags in user/show, including undocumented features - Better error handling and more consistent error messages - Code clean-up and refactoring - Removed huge obnoxious comments ] [try to make replies point to the clicked-on notice Evan Prodromou **20081020170245] [don't overwrite replies in notices Evan Prodromou **20081020170828] [add a little debugging for replyto Evan Prodromou **20081020171033] [more specific selector for updating replies Evan Prodromou **20081020172117] [more value updates Evan Prodromou **20081020172305] [move update of replyto value to correct area Evan Prodromou **20081020172549] [correct number of args to saveNew in newnotice Evan Prodromou **20081020173108] [force util.js to reload on version change Evan Prodromou **20081020174231] [accidentally setting replies to 'false' Evan Prodromou **20081020174956] [add 'invite-only' mode for registration Evan Prodromou **20081021182822] [full sentence for invite-only error Evan Prodromou **20081021183035] [try to synch changes in stoica theme to default theme Evan Prodromou **20081021192914] [try to force background on favorite heart in default Evan Prodromou **20081021193501] [try to set correct background color on hover, too Evan Prodromou **20081021193612] [change "stoica" theme to "identica" Evan Prodromou **20081021194440] [move identica ie[67].css to default Evan Prodromou **20081021194833] [make identica theme use default theme, only include differences Evan Prodromou **20081021201853] [fix link color in identica theme Evan Prodromou **20081021202455] [add is_readonly() to api.php Evan Prodromou **20081024201234] [remove unused noticesWithFriendsWindow from User Evan Prodromou **20081022210428] [add atom and RSS 2.0 link elements to head of profile page Evan Prodromou **20081023212659] [Twitter-compatible API - checks for is_readonly() now work!**20081024213745] [Twitter-compatible API - removed debugging statement**20081024215101] [add an index to subscription token Evan Prodromou **20081022192750] [add SUP link to User RSS Evan Prodromou **20081025022849] [override initrss Evan Prodromou **20081025023252] [fixed use of header() Evan Prodromou **20081025023347] [a SUP action to product correct SUP json output Evan Prodromou **20081026033353] [add SUP links to RSS and Atom, too Evan Prodromou **20081026145326] [fix calls to show_rss_timeline Evan Prodromou **20081026145749] [handle seconds argument to SUP Evan Prodromou **20081026150623] [Twitter bridge - change regex to look for mb @-replies**20081027191629] [heuristics for paren linking (thanks @brion!) Evan Prodromou **20081102090241] [Twitter-compatible API - properly encode and decode UTF-8 HTML entities**20081103211653] [Better UTF-8 escaped entity handling. Fixed bad chars in all RSS feeds.**20081104084027] [use correct class for avatar deletion so memcached is updated Evan Prodromou **20081113063850] [notice inbox Evan Prodromou **20081022203600] [save notice to inbox on saveNew Evan Prodromou **20081022205621] [better prefix for Notice_inbox.php Evan Prodromou **20081022205823] [change User to use notice inboxes rather than subscription Evan Prodromou **20081022210445] [blow inboxes Evan Prodromou **20081023203505] [Twitter-compatible API - since_id and before_id were polluting the cache and generating bad SQL**20081104053359 (Also cleaned out some extra whitespace.) ] [created timestamp on notice_inbox Evan Prodromou **20081112172517] [ -> notice_inbox.notice_id Evan Prodromou **20081112173627] [add a script to populate notice inboxes Evan Prodromou **20081112181117] [correct method for querying Evan Prodromou **20081112181327] [some memory and execution time management Evan Prodromou **20081112181533] [add created to notice update Evan Prodromou **20081112185117] [check for errors in fixup_inboxes Evan Prodromou **20081112185146] [add LOW_PRIORITY and IGNORE extensions for INSERT Evan Prodromou **20081112190828] [Fix error when maildaemon tries to report a message parsing error CiaranG **20081007083521] [Only log locale sets that fail CiaranG **20081007145232] [Fix to previous fix :( CiaranG **20081007155038] [Script to update laconica.pot from source, and the results of running it CiaranG **20081013200837] [Twitter-compatible API - don't strip XML-illegal chars from JSON output**20081106225721] [CSRF Protection for login and new notice. Ticket #503**20081111022330] [trac31 url_auto_shortening by sgmurphy**20081106205926] [trac31 forgot actions/othersettings.php file**20081106210552] [trac31 added othersettings fancy url**20081106224006] [added Shorturl_api to add support for ur1, 2tu and other services lacking a native api - trac31**20081107193831] [trac31 added 3 more short url services:, and**20081107194735] [trac31 added support**20081107201926] [trac31 don't shorten URLs prefixed with a ***20081107203039] [trac31 revert the "don't shorten URLs prefixed with a *" patch since we automatically shorten in notices > 140 chars**20081107222100] [trac31 pg support, fixing 2tu typo, set as default service**20081113152718] [trac31 shorten all URLs even if notice is already <= 140 chars**20081113153216] [trac31 forgot about twitapi, now fixed.**20081113164741] [trac31 let * preceding a url prevent its shortening.**20081113170234] [trac31 added longurl title to anchors when applicable. Also removed * url prefix feature to prevent short urls.**20081113182834] [Conflict resolution patch for newnotice.php (zach vs. millette)**20081113195237] [add inboxed and regenerate data objects Evan Prodromou **20081113210209] [add documentation on notice inboxes Evan Prodromou **20081113214544] [different query based on config var and user inbox status Evan Prodromou **20081113215734] [update inboxed flag in fixup inboxes Evan Prodromou **20081113220335] [Ticket 753**20081113024833] [Bug fix for ticket 753**20081113212214] [Ticket 753 bugfix, characters/digits only**20081113213119] [clear memcached cache in fixup_inboxes Evan Prodromou **20081113223514] [take a command-line argument to start with a particular user ID Evan Prodromou **20081114015930] [add Net Socket Evan Prodromou **20081114021217] [update README Evan Prodromou **20081114025715] [remove 'nudge' -- it won't be in this release Evan Prodromou **20081114032817]