 * Laconica, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
 * Login form
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @category  Login
 * @package   Laconica
 * @author    Evan Prodromou <evan@controlyourself.ca>
 * @copyright 2008-2009 Control Yourself, Inc.
 * @license   http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
 * @link      http://laconi.ca/

if (!defined('LACONICA')) {

 * Login form
 * @category Personal
 * @package  Laconica
 * @author   Evan Prodromou <evan@controlyourself.ca>
 * @license  http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
 * @link     http://laconi.ca/

class LoginAction extends Action
     * Has there been an error?

    var $error = null;

     * Is this a read-only action?
     * @return boolean false

    function isReadOnly($args)
        return false;

     * Handle input, produce output
     * Switches on request method; either shows the form or handles its input.
     * @param array $args $_REQUEST data
     * @return void

    function handle($args)
        if (common_is_real_login()) {
            $this->clientError(_('Already logged in.'));
        } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        } else {

     * Check the login data
     * Determines if the login data is valid. If so, logs the user
     * in, and redirects to the 'with friends' page, or to the stored
     * return-to URL.
     * @return void

    function checkLogin()
        // XXX: login throttle

        // CSRF protection - token set in NoticeForm
        $token = $this->trimmed('token');
        if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
            $this->clientError(_('There was a problem with your session token. '.
                                 'Try again, please.'));

        $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($this->trimmed('nickname'));
        $password = $this->arg('password');

        $user = common_check_user($nickname, $password);

        if (!$user) {
            $this->showForm(_('Incorrect username or password.'));

        // success!
        if (!common_set_user($user)) {
            $this->serverError(_('Error setting user.'));


        if ($this->boolean('rememberme')) {

        $url = common_get_returnto();

        if ($url) {
            // We don't have to return to it again
        } else {
            $url = common_local_url('all',
                                    array('nickname' =>

        common_redirect($url, 303);

     * Store an error and show the page
     * This used to show the whole page; now, it's just a wrapper
     * that stores the error in an attribute.
     * @param string $error error, if any.
     * @return void

    function showForm($error=null)
        $this->error = $error;

     * Title of the page
     * @return string title of the page

    function title()
        return _('Login');

     * Show page notice
     * Display a notice for how to use the page, or the
     * error if it exists.
     * @return void

    function showPageNotice()
        if ($this->error) {
            $this->element('p', 'error', $this->error);
        } else {
            $instr  = $this->getInstructions();
            $output = common_markup_to_html($instr);


     * Core of the display code
     * Shows the login form.
     * @return void

    function showContent()
        $this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post',
                                           'id' => 'form_login',
                                           'class' => 'form_settings',
                                           'action' => common_local_url('login')));
        $this->element('legend', null, _('Login to site'));
        $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
        $this->input('nickname', _('Nickname'));
        $this->password('password', _('Password'));
        $this->checkbox('rememberme', _('Remember me'), false,
                        _('Automatically login in the future; ' .
                           'not for shared computers!'));
        $this->submit('submit', _('Login'));
        $this->hidden('token', common_session_token());
        $this->element('a', array('href' => common_local_url('recoverpassword')),
                       _('Lost or forgotten password?'));

     * Instructions for using the form
     * For "remembered" logins, we make the user re-login when they
     * try to change settings. Different instructions for this case.
     * @return void

    function getInstructions()
        if (common_logged_in() && !common_is_real_login() &&
            common_get_returnto()) {
            // rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before
            // changing any profile settings (cookie-stealing protection)
            return _('For security reasons, please re-enter your ' .
                     'user name and password ' .
                     'before changing your settings.');
        } else {
            return _('Login with your username and password. ' .
                     'Don\'t have a username yet? ' .
                     '[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account, or ' .
                     'try [OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). ');

     * A local menu
     * Shows different login/register actions.
     * @return void

    function showLocalNav()
        $nav = new LoginGroupNav($this);