. */ if (!defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); } class NewnoticeAction extends Action { function handle($args) { parent::handle($args); if (!common_logged_in()) { common_user_error(_('Not logged in.')); } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { # CSRF protection - token set in common_notice_form() $token = $this->trimmed('token'); if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) { $this->client_error(_('There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please.')); return; } $this->save_new_notice(); } else { $this->show_form(); } } function save_new_notice() { $user = common_current_user(); assert($user); # XXX: maybe an error instead... $content = $this->trimmed('status_textarea'); if (!$content) { $this->show_form(_('No content!')); return; // } else if (mb_strlen($content) > 140) { } else { $content = common_shorten_links($content); if (mb_strlen($content) > 140) { common_debug("Content = '$content'", __FILE__); common_debug("mb_strlen(\$content) = " . mb_strlen($content), __FILE__); $this->show_form(_('That\'s too long. Max notice size is 140 chars.')); return; } } $inter = new CommandInterpreter(); $cmd = $inter->handle_command($user, $content); if ($cmd) { $cmd->execute(new WebChannel()); return; } $replyto = $this->trimmed('inreplyto'); common_debug("Replyto = $replyto\n"); $notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content, 'web', 1, ($replyto == 'false') ? NULL : $replyto); if (is_string($notice)) { $this->show_form($notice); return; } common_broadcast_notice($notice); if ($this->boolean('ajax')) { common_start_html('text/xml'); common_element_start('head'); common_element('title', null, _('Notice posted')); common_element_end('head'); common_element_start('body'); $this->show_notice($notice); common_element_end('body'); common_element_end('html'); } else { $returnto = $this->trimmed('returnto'); if ($returnto) { $url = common_local_url($returnto, array('nickname' => $user->nickname)); } else { $url = common_local_url('shownotice', array('notice' => $notice->id)); } common_redirect($url, 303); } } function ajax_error_msg($msg) { common_start_html('text/xml'); common_element_start('head'); common_element('title', null, _('Ajax Error')); common_element_end('head'); common_element_start('body'); common_element('p', array('class' => 'error'), $msg); common_element_end('body'); common_element_end('html'); } function show_top($content=NULL) { common_notice_form(NULL, $content); } function show_form($msg=NULL) { if ($msg && $this->boolean('ajax')) { $this->ajax_error_msg($msg); return; } $content = $this->trimmed('status_textarea'); if (!$content) { $replyto = $this->trimmed('replyto'); $profile = Profile::staticGet('nickname', $replyto); if ($profile) { $content = '@' . $profile->nickname . ' '; } } common_show_header(_('New notice'), NULL, $content, array($this, 'show_top')); if ($msg) { common_element('p', 'error', $msg); } common_show_footer(); } function show_notice($notice) { global $config; $profile = $notice->getProfile(); $user = common_current_user(); # XXX: RDFa common_element_start('li', array('class' => 'notice_single', 'id' => 'notice-' . $notice->id)); if ($user) { if ($user->hasFave($notice)) { common_disfavor_form($notice); } else { common_favor_form($notice); } } $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE); common_element_start('a', array('href' => $profile->profileurl)); common_element('img', array('src' => ($avatar) ? common_avatar_display_url($avatar) : common_default_avatar(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE), 'class' => 'avatar stream', 'width' => AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE, 'height' => AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE, 'alt' => ($profile->fullname) ? $profile->fullname : $profile->nickname)); common_element_end('a'); common_element('a', array('href' => $profile->profileurl, 'class' => 'nickname'), $profile->nickname); # FIXME: URL, image, video, audio common_element_start('p', array('class' => 'content')); if ($notice->rendered) { common_raw($notice->rendered); } else { # XXX: may be some uncooked notices in the DB, # we cook them right now. This should probably disappear in future # versions (>> 0.4.x) common_raw(common_render_content($notice->content, $notice)); } common_element_end('p'); $noticeurl = common_local_url('shownotice', array('notice' => $notice->id)); # XXX: we need to figure this out better. Is this right? if (strcmp($notice->uri, $noticeurl) != 0 && preg_match('/^http/', $notice->uri)) { $noticeurl = $notice->uri; } common_element_start('p', 'time'); common_element('a', array('class' => 'permalink', 'href' => $noticeurl, 'title' => common_exact_date($notice->created)), common_date_string($notice->created)); if ($notice->source) { common_text(_(' from ')); $this->source_link($notice->source); } if ($notice->reply_to) { $replyurl = common_local_url('shownotice', array('notice' => $notice->reply_to)); common_text(' ('); common_element('a', array('class' => 'inreplyto', 'href' => $replyurl), _('in reply to...')); common_text(')'); } common_element_start('a', array('href' => common_local_url('newnotice', array('replyto' => $profile->nickname)), 'onclick' => 'return doreply("'.$profile->nickname.'", '.$notice->id.');', 'title' => _('reply'), 'class' => 'replybutton')); common_raw('→'); common_element_end('a'); if ($user && $notice->profile_id == $user->id) { $deleteurl = common_local_url('deletenotice', array('notice' => $notice->id)); common_element_start('a', array('class' => 'deletenotice', 'href' => $deleteurl, 'title' => _('delete'))); common_raw('×'); common_element_end('a'); } common_element_end('p'); common_element_end('li'); } function source_link($source) { $source_name = _($source); switch ($source) { case 'web': case 'xmpp': case 'mail': case 'omb': case 'api': common_element('span', 'noticesource', $source_name); break; default: $ns = Notice_source::staticGet($source); if ($ns) { common_element('a', array('href' => $ns->url), $ns->name); } else { common_element('span', 'noticesource', $source_name); } break; } return; } }