. * * @category Feed * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @author Zach Copley * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPLv3 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } class PoCoURL { const URLS = 'urls'; const TYPE = 'type'; const VALUE = 'value'; const PRIMARY = 'primary'; public $type; public $value; public $primary; function __construct($type, $value, $primary = false) { $this->type = $type; $this->value = $value; $this->primary = $primary; } function asString() { $xs = new XMLStringer(true); $xs->elementStart('poco:urls'); $xs->element('poco:type', null, $this->type); $xs->element('poco:value', null, $this->value); if (!empty($this->primary)) { $xs->element('poco:primary', null, 'true'); } $xs->elementEnd('poco:urls'); return $xs->getString(); } } class PoCoAddress { const ADDRESS = 'address'; const FORMATTED = 'formatted'; public $formatted; // @todo Other address fields function asString() { if (!empty($this->formatted)) { $xs = new XMLStringer(true); $xs->elementStart('poco:address'); $xs->element('poco:formatted', null, $this->formatted); $xs->elementEnd('poco:address'); return $xs->getString(); } return null; } } class PoCo { const NS = 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0'; const USERNAME = 'preferredUsername'; const DISPLAYNAME = 'displayName'; const NOTE = 'note'; public $preferredUsername; public $displayName; public $note; public $address; public $urls = array(); function __construct($element = null) { if (empty($element)) { return; } $this->preferredUsername = ActivityUtils::childContent( $element, self::USERNAME, self::NS ); $this->displayName = ActivityUtils::childContent( $element, self::DISPLAYNAME, self::NS ); $this->note = ActivityUtils::childContent( $element, self::NOTE, self::NS ); $this->address = $this->_getAddress($element); $this->urls = $this->_getURLs($element); } private function _getURLs($element) { $urlEls = $element->getElementsByTagnameNS(self::NS, PoCoURL::URLS); $urls = array(); foreach ($urlEls as $urlEl) { $type = ActivityUtils::childContent( $urlEl, PoCoURL::TYPE, PoCo::NS ); $value = ActivityUtils::childContent( $urlEl, PoCoURL::VALUE, PoCo::NS ); $primary = ActivityUtils::childContent( $urlEl, PoCoURL::PRIMARY, PoCo::NS ); $isPrimary = false; if (isset($primary) && $primary == 'true') { $isPrimary = true; } // @todo check to make sure a primary hasn't already been added array_push($urls, new PoCoURL($type, $value, $isPrimary)); } return $urls; } private function _getAddress($element) { $addressEl = ActivityUtils::child( $element, PoCoAddress::ADDRESS, PoCo::NS ); if (!empty($addressEl)) { $formatted = ActivityUtils::childContent( $addressEl, PoCoAddress::FORMATTED, self::NS ); if (!empty($formatted)) { $address = new PoCoAddress(); $address->formatted = $formatted; return $address; } } return null; } function fromProfile($profile) { if (empty($profile)) { return null; } $poco = new PoCo(); $poco->preferredUsername = $profile->nickname; $poco->displayName = $profile->getBestName(); $poco->note = $profile->bio; $paddy = new PoCoAddress(); $paddy->formatted = $profile->location; $poco->address = $paddy; if (!empty($profile->homepage)) { array_push( $poco->urls, new PoCoURL( 'homepage', $profile->homepage, true ) ); } return $poco; } function fromGroup($group) { if (empty($group)) { return null; } $poco = new PoCo(); $poco->preferredUsername = $group->nickname; $poco->displayName = $group->getBestName(); $poco->note = $group->description; $paddy = new PoCoAddress(); $paddy->formatted = $group->location; $poco->address = $paddy; if (!empty($group->homepage)) { array_push( $poco->urls, new PoCoURL( 'homepage', $group->homepage, true ) ); } return $poco; } function getPrimaryURL() { foreach ($this->urls as $url) { if ($url->primary) { return $url; } } } function asString() { $xs = new XMLStringer(true); $xs->element( 'poco:preferredUsername', null, $this->preferredUsername ); $xs->element( 'poco:displayName', null, $this->displayName ); if (!empty($this->note)) { $xs->element('poco:note', null, $this->note); } if (!empty($this->address)) { $xs->raw($this->address->asString()); } foreach ($this->urls as $url) { $xs->raw($url->asString()); } return $xs->getString(); } } /** * Utilities for turning DOMish things into Activityish things * * Some common functions that I didn't have the bandwidth to try to factor * into some kind of reasonable superclass, so just dumped here. Might * be useful to have an ActivityObject parent class or something. * * @category OStatus * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPLv3 * @link http://status.net/ */ class ActivityUtils { const ATOM = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'; const LINK = 'link'; const REL = 'rel'; const TYPE = 'type'; const HREF = 'href'; const CONTENT = 'content'; const SRC = 'src'; /** * Get the permalink for an Activity object * * @param DOMElement $element A DOM element * * @return string related link, if any */ static function getPermalink($element) { return self::getLink($element, 'alternate', 'text/html'); } /** * Get the permalink for an Activity object * * @param DOMElement $element A DOM element * * @return string related link, if any */ static function getLink(DOMNode $element, $rel, $type=null) { $links = $element->getElementsByTagnameNS(self::ATOM, self::LINK); foreach ($links as $link) { $linkRel = $link->getAttribute(self::REL); $linkType = $link->getAttribute(self::TYPE); if ($linkRel == $rel && (is_null($type) || $linkType == $type)) { return $link->getAttribute(self::HREF); } } return null; } /** * Gets the first child element with the given tag * * @param DOMElement $element element to pick at * @param string $tag tag to look for * @param string $namespace Namespace to look under * * @return DOMElement found element or null */ static function child(DOMNode $element, $tag, $namespace=self::ATOM) { $els = $element->childNodes; if (empty($els) || $els->length == 0) { return null; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $els->length; $i++) { $el = $els->item($i); if ($el->localName == $tag && $el->namespaceURI == $namespace) { return $el; } } } } /** * Grab the text content of a DOM element child of the current element * * @param DOMElement $element Element whose children we examine * @param string $tag Tag to look up * @param string $namespace Namespace to use, defaults to Atom * * @return string content of the child */ static function childContent(DOMNode $element, $tag, $namespace=self::ATOM) { $el = self::child($element, $tag, $namespace); if (empty($el)) { return null; } else { return $el->textContent; } } /** * Get the content of an atom:entry-like object * * @param DOMElement $element The element to examine. * * @return string unencoded HTML content of the element, like "This -< is HTML." * * @todo handle remote content * @todo handle embedded XML mime types * @todo handle base64-encoded non-XML and non-text mime types */ static function getContent($element) { $contentEl = ActivityUtils::child($element, self::CONTENT); if (!empty($contentEl)) { $src = $contentEl->getAttribute(self::SRC); if (!empty($src)) { throw new ClientException(_("Can't handle remote content yet.")); } $type = $contentEl->getAttribute(self::TYPE); // slavishly following http://atompub.org/rfc4287.html#rfc.section. if ($type == 'text') { return $contentEl->textContent; } else if ($type == 'html') { $text = $contentEl->textContent; return htmlspecialchars_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES); } else if ($type == 'xhtml') { $divEl = ActivityUtils::child($contentEl, 'div'); if (empty($divEl)) { return null; } $doc = $divEl->ownerDocument; $text = ''; $children = $divEl->childNodes; for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { $child = $children->item($i); $text .= $doc->saveXML($child); } return trim($text); } else if (in_array(array('text/xml', 'application/xml'), $type) || preg_match('#(+|/)xml$#', $type)) { throw new ClientException(_("Can't handle embedded XML content yet.")); } else if (strncasecmp($type, 'text/', 5)) { return $contentEl->textContent; } else { throw new ClientException(_("Can't handle embedded Base64 content yet.")); } } } } /** * A noun-ish thing in the activity universe * * The activity streams spec talks about activity objects, while also having * a tag activity:object, which is in fact an activity object. Aaaaaah! * * This is just a thing in the activity universe. Can be the subject, object, * or indirect object (target!) of an activity verb. Rotten name, and I'm * propagating it. *sigh* * * @category OStatus * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPLv3 * @link http://status.net/ */ class ActivityObject { const ARTICLE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/article'; const BLOGENTRY = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/blog-entry'; const NOTE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note'; const STATUS = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/status'; const FILE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/file'; const PHOTO = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/photo'; const ALBUM = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/photo-album'; const PLAYLIST = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/playlist'; const VIDEO = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/video'; const AUDIO = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/audio'; const BOOKMARK = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/bookmark'; const PERSON = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/person'; const GROUP = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/group'; const PLACE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/place'; const COMMENT = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/comment'; // ^^^^^^^^^^ tea! // Atom elements we snarf const TITLE = 'title'; const SUMMARY = 'summary'; const ID = 'id'; const SOURCE = 'source'; const NAME = 'name'; const URI = 'uri'; const EMAIL = 'email'; public $element; public $type; public $id; public $title; public $summary; public $content; public $link; public $source; public $avatar; public $geopoint; public $poco; public $displayName; /** * Constructor * * This probably needs to be refactored * to generate a local class (ActivityPerson, ActivityFile, ...) * based on the object type. * * @param DOMElement $element DOM thing to turn into an Activity thing */ function __construct($element = null) { if (empty($element)) { return; } $this->element = $element; $this->geopoint = $this->_childContent( $element, ActivityContext::POINT, ActivityContext::GEORSS ); if ($element->tagName == 'author') { $this->type = self::PERSON; // XXX: is this fair? $this->title = $this->_childContent($element, self::NAME); $this->id = $this->_childContent($element, self::URI); if (empty($this->id)) { $email = $this->_childContent($element, self::EMAIL); if (!empty($email)) { // XXX: acct: ? $this->id = 'mailto:'.$email; } } } else { $this->type = $this->_childContent($element, Activity::OBJECTTYPE, Activity::SPEC); if (empty($this->type)) { $this->type = ActivityObject::NOTE; } $this->id = $this->_childContent($element, self::ID); $this->title = $this->_childContent($element, self::TITLE); $this->summary = $this->_childContent($element, self::SUMMARY); $this->source = $this->_getSource($element); $this->content = ActivityUtils::getContent($element); $this->link = ActivityUtils::getPermalink($element); } // Some per-type attributes... if ($this->type == self::PERSON || $this->type == self::GROUP) { $this->displayName = $this->title; // @fixme we may have multiple avatars with different resolutions specified $this->avatar = ActivityUtils::getLink($element, 'avatar'); $this->poco = new PoCo($element); } } private function _childContent($element, $tag, $namespace=ActivityUtils::ATOM) { return ActivityUtils::childContent($element, $tag, $namespace); } // Try to get a unique id for the source feed private function _getSource($element) { $sourceEl = ActivityUtils::child($element, 'source'); if (empty($sourceEl)) { return null; } else { $href = ActivityUtils::getLink($sourceEl, 'self'); if (!empty($href)) { return $href; } else { return ActivityUtils::childContent($sourceEl, 'id'); } } } static function fromNotice($notice) { $object = new ActivityObject(); $object->type = ActivityObject::NOTE; $object->id = $notice->uri; $object->title = $notice->content; $object->content = $notice->rendered; $object->link = $notice->bestUrl(); return $object; } static function fromProfile($profile) { $object = new ActivityObject(); $object->type = ActivityObject::PERSON; $object->id = $profile->getUri(); $object->title = $profile->getBestName(); $object->link = $profile->profileurl; $object->avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE); if (isset($profile->lat) && isset($profile->lon)) { $object->geopoint = (float)$profile->lat . ' ' . (float)$profile->lon; } $object->poco = PoCo::fromProfile($profile); return $object; } static function fromGroup($group) { $object = new ActivityObject(); $object->type = ActivityObject::GROUP; $object->id = $group->getUri(); $object->title = $group->getBestName(); $object->link = $group->getUri(); $object->avatar = $group->getAvatar(); $object->poco = PoCo::fromGroup($group); return $object; } function asString($tag='activity:object') { $xs = new XMLStringer(true); $xs->elementStart($tag); $xs->element('activity:object-type', null, $this->type); $xs->element(self::ID, null, $this->id); if (!empty($this->title)) { $xs->element(self::TITLE, null, $this->title); } if (!empty($this->summary)) { $xs->element(self::SUMMARY, null, $this->summary); } if (!empty($this->content)) { // XXX: assuming HTML content here $xs->element(ActivityUtils::CONTENT, array('type' => 'html'), $this->content); } if (!empty($this->link)) { $xs->element( 'link', array( 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $this->link ), null ); } if ($this->type == ActivityObject::PERSON) { $xs->element( 'link', array( 'type' => empty($this->avatar) ? 'image/png' : $this->avatar->mediatype, 'rel' => 'avatar', 'href' => empty($this->avatar) ? Avatar::defaultImage(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE) : $this->avatar->displayUrl() ), null ); } // XXX: Gotta figure out mime-type! Gar. if ($this->type == ActivityObject::GROUP) { $xs->element( 'link', array( 'rel' => 'avatar', 'href' => $this->avatar ), null ); } if (!empty($this->geopoint)) { $xs->element( 'georss:point', null, $this->geopoint ); } if (!empty($this->poco)) { $xs->raw($this->poco->asString()); } $xs->elementEnd($tag); return $xs->getString(); } } /** * Utility class to hold a bunch of constant defining default verb types * * @category OStatus * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPLv3 * @link http://status.net/ */ class ActivityVerb { const POST = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post'; const SHARE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/share'; const SAVE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/save'; const FAVORITE = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/favorite'; const PLAY = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/play'; const FOLLOW = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/follow'; const FRIEND = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/make-friend'; const JOIN = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/join'; const TAG = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/tag'; // Custom OStatus verbs for the flipside until they're standardized const DELETE = 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/unfollow'; const UNFAVORITE = 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/unfavorite'; const UNFOLLOW = 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/unfollow'; const LEAVE = 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/leave'; // For simple profile-update pings; no content to share. const UPDATE_PROFILE = 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/update-profile'; } class ActivityContext { public $replyToID; public $replyToUrl; public $location; public $attention = array(); public $conversation; const THR = 'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0'; const GEORSS = 'http://www.georss.org/georss'; const OSTATUS = 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0'; const INREPLYTO = 'in-reply-to'; const REF = 'ref'; const HREF = 'href'; const POINT = 'point'; const ATTENTION = 'ostatus:attention'; const CONVERSATION = 'ostatus:conversation'; function __construct($element) { $replyToEl = ActivityUtils::child($element, self::INREPLYTO, self::THR); if (!empty($replyToEl)) { $this->replyToID = $replyToEl->getAttribute(self::REF); $this->replyToUrl = $replyToEl->getAttribute(self::HREF); } $this->location = $this->getLocation($element); $this->conversation = ActivityUtils::getLink($element, self::CONVERSATION); // Multiple attention links allowed $links = $element->getElementsByTagNameNS(ActivityUtils::ATOM, ActivityUtils::LINK); for ($i = 0; $i < $links->length; $i++) { $link = $links->item($i); $linkRel = $link->getAttribute(ActivityUtils::REL); if ($linkRel == self::ATTENTION) { $this->attention[] = $link->getAttribute(self::HREF); } } } /** * Parse location given as a GeoRSS-simple point, if provided. * http://www.georss.org/simple * * @param feed item $entry * @return mixed Location or false */ function getLocation($dom) { $points = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::GEORSS, self::POINT); for ($i = 0; $i < $points->length; $i++) { $point = $points->item($i)->textContent; return self::locationFromPoint($point); } return null; } // XXX: Move to ActivityUtils or Location? static function locationFromPoint($point) { $point = str_replace(',', ' ', $point); // per spec "treat commas as whitespace" $point = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $point); $point = trim($point); $coords = explode(' ', $point); if (count($coords) == 2) { list($lat, $lon) = $coords; if (is_numeric($lat) && is_numeric($lon)) { common_log(LOG_INFO, "Looking up location for $lat $lon from georss point"); return Location::fromLatLon($lat, $lon); } } common_log(LOG_ERR, "Ignoring bogus georss:point value $point"); return null; } } /** * An activity in the ActivityStrea.ms world * * An activity is kind of like a sentence: someone did something * to something else. * * 'someone' is the 'actor'; 'did something' is the verb; * 'something else' is the object. * * @category OStatus * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPLv3 * @link http://status.net/ */ class Activity { const SPEC = 'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/'; const SCHEMA = 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/'; const VERB = 'verb'; const OBJECT = 'object'; const ACTOR = 'actor'; const SUBJECT = 'subject'; const OBJECTTYPE = 'object-type'; const CONTEXT = 'context'; const TARGET = 'target'; const ATOM = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'; const AUTHOR = 'author'; const PUBLISHED = 'published'; const UPDATED = 'updated'; public $actor; // an ActivityObject public $verb; // a string (the URL) public $object; // an ActivityObject public $target; // an ActivityObject public $context; // an ActivityObject public $time; // Time of the activity public $link; // an ActivityObject public $entry; // the source entry public $feed; // the source feed public $summary; // summary of activity public $content; // HTML content of activity public $id; // ID of the activity public $title; // title of the activity public $categories = array(); // list of AtomCategory objects /** * Turns a regular old Atom into a magical activity * * @param DOMElement $entry Atom entry to poke at * @param DOMElement $feed Atom feed, for context */ function __construct($entry = null, $feed = null) { if (is_null($entry)) { return; } $this->entry = $entry; $this->feed = $feed; $pubEl = $this->_child($entry, self::PUBLISHED, self::ATOM); if (!empty($pubEl)) { $this->time = strtotime($pubEl->textContent); } else { // XXX technically an error; being liberal. Good idea...? $updateEl = $this->_child($entry, self::UPDATED, self::ATOM); if (!empty($updateEl)) { $this->time = strtotime($updateEl->textContent); } else { $this->time = null; } } $this->link = ActivityUtils::getPermalink($entry); $verbEl = $this->_child($entry, self::VERB); if (!empty($verbEl)) { $this->verb = trim($verbEl->textContent); } else { $this->verb = ActivityVerb::POST; // XXX: do other implied stuff here } $objectEl = $this->_child($entry, self::OBJECT); if (!empty($objectEl)) { $this->object = new ActivityObject($objectEl); } else { $this->object = new ActivityObject($entry); } $actorEl = $this->_child($entry, self::ACTOR); if (!empty($actorEl)) { $this->actor = new ActivityObject($actorEl); } else if (!empty($feed) && $subjectEl = $this->_child($feed, self::SUBJECT)) { $this->actor = new ActivityObject($subjectEl); } else if ($authorEl = $this->_child($entry, self::AUTHOR, self::ATOM)) { $this->actor = new ActivityObject($authorEl); } else if (!empty($feed) && $authorEl = $this->_child($feed, self::AUTHOR, self::ATOM)) { $this->actor = new ActivityObject($authorEl); } $contextEl = $this->_child($entry, self::CONTEXT); if (!empty($contextEl)) { $this->context = new ActivityContext($contextEl); } else { $this->context = new ActivityContext($entry); } $targetEl = $this->_child($entry, self::TARGET); if (!empty($targetEl)) { $this->target = new ActivityObject($targetEl); } $this->summary = ActivityUtils::childContent($entry, 'summary'); $this->id = ActivityUtils::childContent($entry, 'id'); $this->content = ActivityUtils::getContent($entry); $catEls = $entry->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::ATOM, 'category'); if ($catEls) { for ($i = 0; $i < $catEls->length; $i++) { $catEl = $catEls->item($i); $this->categories[] = new AtomCategory($catEl); } } } /** * Returns an Atom based on this activity * * @return DOMElement Atom entry */ function toAtomEntry() { return null; } function asString($namespace=false) { $xs = new XMLStringer(true); if ($namespace) { $attrs = array('xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom', 'xmlns:activity' => 'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/', 'xmlns:georss' => 'http://www.georss.org/georss', 'xmlns:ostatus' => 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0', 'xmlns:poco' => 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0'); } else { $attrs = array(); } $xs->elementStart('entry', $attrs); $xs->element('id', null, $this->id); $xs->element('title', null, $this->title); $xs->element('published', null, common_date_iso8601($this->time)); $xs->element('content', array('type' => 'html'), $this->content); if (!empty($this->summary)) { $xs->element('summary', null, $this->summary); } if (!empty($this->link)) { $xs->element('link', array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html'), $this->link); } // XXX: add context $xs->elementStart('author'); $xs->element('uri', array(), $this->actor->id); if ($this->actor->title) { $xs->element('name', array(), $this->actor->title); } $xs->elementEnd('author'); $xs->raw($this->actor->asString('activity:actor')); $xs->element('activity:verb', null, $this->verb); if ($this->object) { $xs->raw($this->object->asString()); } if ($this->target) { $xs->raw($this->target->asString('activity:target')); } foreach ($this->categories as $cat) { $xs->raw($cat->asString()); } $xs->elementEnd('entry'); return $xs->getString(); } private function _child($element, $tag, $namespace=self::SPEC) { return ActivityUtils::child($element, $tag, $namespace); } } class AtomCategory { public $term; public $scheme; public $label; function __construct($element=null) { if ($element && $element->attributes) { $this->term = $this->extract($element, 'term'); $this->scheme = $this->extract($element, 'scheme'); $this->label = $this->extract($element, 'label'); } } protected function extract($element, $attrib) { $node = $element->attributes->getNamedItemNS(Activity::ATOM, $attrib); if ($node) { return trim($node->textContent); } $node = $element->attributes->getNamedItem($attrib); if ($node) { return trim($node->textContent); } return null; } function asString() { $attribs = array(); if ($this->term !== null) { $attribs['term'] = $this->term; } if ($this->scheme !== null) { $attribs['scheme'] = $this->scheme; } if ($this->label !== null) { $attribs['label'] = $this->label; } $xs = new XMLStringer(); $xs->element('category', $attribs); return $xs->asString(); } }