namespaces = array(); $this->links = array(); $this->entries = array(); $this->addNamespace('xmlns', ''); } function addNamespace($namespace, $uri) { $ns = array($namespace => $uri); $this->namespaces = array_merge($this->namespaces, $ns); } function getNamespaces() { return $this->namespaces; } function initFeed() { $this->xw->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $commonAttrs = array('xml:lang' => 'en-US'); $commonAttrs = array_merge($commonAttrs, $this->namespaces); $this->elementStart('feed', $commonAttrs); $this->element('id', null, $this->id); $this->element('title', null, $this->title); $this->element('subtitle', null, $this->subtitle); $this->element('logo', null, $this->logo); $this->element('updated', null, $this->updated); $this->renderLinks(); } /** * Check that all required elements have been set, etc. * Throws an Atom10FeedException if something's missing. * * @return void */ function validate() { } function renderLinks() { foreach ($this->links as $attrs) { $this->element('link', $attrs, null); } } function addEntryRaw($entry) { array_push($this->entries, $entry); } function addEntry($entry) { array_push($this->entries, $entry->getString()); } function renderEntries() { foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { $this->raw($entry); } } function endFeed() { $this->elementEnd('feed'); $this->xw->endDocument(); } function getString() { $this->validate(); $this->initFeed(); $this->renderEntries(); $this->endFeed(); return $this->xw->outputMemory(); } function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } function setSubtitle($subtitle) { $this->subtitle = $subtitle; } function setLogo($logo) { $this->logo = $logo; } function setUpdated($dt) { $this->updated = common_date_iso8601($dt); } function setPublished($dt) { $this->published = common_date_iso8601($dt); } /** * Adds a link element into the Atom document * * Assumes you want rel="alternate" and type="text/html" unless * you send in $otherAttrs. * * @param string $uri the uri the href needs to point to * @param array $otherAttrs other attributes to stick in * * @return void */ function addLink($uri, $otherAttrs = null) { $attrs = array('href' => $uri); if (is_null($otherAttrs)) { $attrs['rel'] = 'alternate'; $attrs['type'] = 'text/html'; } else { $attrs = array_merge($attrs, $otherAttrs); } array_push($this->links, $attrs); } }