 * StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
 * Plugin to provide map visualization of location data
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @category  Action
 * @package   StatusNet
 * @author    Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net>
 * @copyright 2009 StatusNet Inc.
 * @license   http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
 * @link      http://status.net/

if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {

 * Plugin to provide map visualization of location data
 * This plugin uses the Mapstraction JavaScript library to
 * @category Plugin
 * @package  StatusNet
 * @author   Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net>
 * @license  http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
 * @link     http://status.net/
 * @seeAlso  Location

class MapstractionPlugin extends Plugin
    /** provider name, one of:
     'cloudmade', 'google', 'microsoft', 'openlayers', 'yahoo' */
    public $provider = 'openlayers';
    /** provider API key (or 'appid'), if required ('google' and 'yahoo' only) */
    public $apikey = null;

     * Hook for new URLs
     * The way to register new actions from a plugin.
     * @param Router $m reference to router
     * @return boolean event handler return

    function onRouterInitialized($m)
                    array('action' => 'allmap'),
                    array('nickname' => '['.NICKNAME_FMT.']{1,64}'));
                    array('action' => 'usermap'),
                    array('nickname' => '['.NICKNAME_FMT.']{1,64}'));
        return true;

     * Hook for autoloading classes
     * This makes sure our classes get autoloaded from our directory
     * @param string $cls name of class being used
     * @return boolean event handler return

    function onAutoload($cls)
        switch ($cls)
        case 'AllmapAction':
        case 'UsermapAction':
            include_once INSTALLDIR.'/plugins/Mapstraction/' . strtolower(mb_substr($cls, 0, -6)) . '.php';
            return false;
            return true;

     * Hook for adding extra JavaScript
     * This makes sure our scripts get loaded for map-related pages
     * @param Action $action Action object for the page
     * @return boolean event handler return

    function onEndShowScripts($action)
        $actionName = $action->trimmed('action');
        // These are the ones that have maps on 'em
        if (!in_array($actionName,
                      array('showstream', 'all', 'allmap', 'usermap'))) {
            return true;

        switch ($this->provider)
        case 'cloudmade':
        case 'google':
        case 'microsoft':
        case 'openlayers':
            // XXX: is this not nice...?
        case 'yahoo':
        case 'geocommons': // don't support this yet
            return true;



        $action->elementStart('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript'));
        $action->raw(sprintf('var _provider = "%s";', $this->provider));

        switch ($actionName) {
        case 'usermap':
        case 'showstream':
            $notice = empty($action->tag)
              ? $action->user->getNotices(($action->page-1)*NOTICES_PER_PAGE, NOTICES_PER_PAGE + 1)
                : $action->user->getTaggedNotices($action->tag, ($action->page-1)*NOTICES_PER_PAGE, NOTICES_PER_PAGE + 1, 0, 0, null);
        case 'all':
        case 'allmap':
            $cur = common_current_user();
            if (!empty($cur) && $cur->id == $action->user->id) {
                $notice = $action->user->noticeInbox(($action->page-1)*NOTICES_PER_PAGE, NOTICES_PER_PAGE + 1);
            } else {
                $notice = $action->user->noticesWithFriends(($action->page-1)*NOTICES_PER_PAGE, NOTICES_PER_PAGE + 1);

        $jsonArray = array();

        while ($notice->fetch()) {
            if (!empty($notice->lat) && !empty($notice->lon)) {
                $jsonNotice = $this->noticeAsJson($notice);
                $jsonArray[] = $jsonNotice;

        $action->elementStart('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript'));
        $action->raw('/*<![CDATA[*/'); // XHTML compat for Safari
        $action->raw('var _notices = ' . json_encode($jsonArray));
        $action->raw('/*]]>*/'); // XHTML compat for Safari

        return true;

    function onEndShowSections($action)
        $actionName = $action->trimmed('action');
        // These are the ones that have maps on 'em
        if (!in_array($actionName,
                      array('showstream', 'all'))) {
            return true;

        $action->elementStart('div', array('id' => 'entity_map',
                                         'class' => 'section'));

        $action->element('h2', null, _('Map'));

        $action->element('div', array('id' => 'map_canvas',
                                    'class' => 'gray smallmap',
                                    'style' => "width: 100%; height: 240px"));

        $mapAct = ($actionName == 'showstream') ? 'usermap' : 'allmap';
        $mapUrl =  common_local_url($mapAct,
                                    array('nickname' => $action->trimmed('nickname')));

        $action->element('a', array('href' => $mapUrl),
                         _("Full size"));


    function noticeAsJson($notice)
        // FIXME: this code should be abstracted to a neutral third
        // party, like Notice::asJson(). I'm not sure of the ethics
        // of refactoring from within a plugin, so I'm just abusing
        // the ApiAction method. Don't do this unless you're me!


        $act = new ApiAction('/dev/null');

        $arr = $act->twitterStatusArray($notice, true);
        $arr['url'] = $notice->bestUrl();
        $arr['html'] = $notice->rendered;
        $arr['source'] = $arr['source'];

        if (!empty($notice->reply_to)) {
            $reply_to = Notice::staticGet('id', $notice->reply_to);
            if (!empty($reply_to)) {
                $arr['in_reply_to_status_url'] = $reply_to->bestUrl();
            $reply_to = null;

        $profile = $notice->getProfile();
        $arr['user']['profile_url'] = $profile->profileurl;

        return $arr;