/*! is.js (c) 2001 Douglas Crockford 2001 June 3 */ // is // The -is- object is used to identify the browser. Every browser edition // identifies itself, but there is no standard way of doing it, and some of // the identification is deceptive. This is because the authors of web // browsers are liars. For example, Microsoft's IE browsers claim to be // Mozilla 4. Netscape 6 claims to be version 5. var is = { ie: navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer', java: navigator.javaEnabled(), ns: navigator.appName == 'Netscape', ua: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), version: parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.substr(21)) || parseFloat(navigator.appVersion), win: navigator.platform == 'Win32' } /*!* * preserve this comment, too */ is.mac = is.ua.indexOf('mac') >= 0; if (is.ua.indexOf('opera') >= 0) { is.ie = is.ns = false; is.opera = true; } if (is.ua.indexOf('gecko') >= 0) { is.ie = is.ns = false; is.gecko = true; } /*@cc_on /*@if (@_win32) if (is.ie && is.win) document.write("PASS: IE/win honored conditional comment.
"); @else @*/ if (is.ie && is.win) document.write("FAIL: IE/win did not honor multi-line conditional comment.
"); else document.write("PASS: Non-IE/win browser ignores multi-line conditional comment.
"); /*@end @*/ var recognizesCondComm = true; //@cc_on/* recognizesCondComm = false; //@cc_on*/ if ((is.ie && is.win) == recognizesCondComm) document.write("PASS: IE/win honored single-line conditional comment.
"); else document.write("FAIL: Non-IE/win browser did not ignore single-line conditional comment.