. * * @package StatusNet * @author James Walker * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ require_once 'Crypt/RSA.php'; interface Magicsig { public function sign($bytes); public function verify($signed, $signature_b64); } class MagicsigRsaSha256 { public $keypair; public function __construct($init = null) { if (is_null($init)) { $this->generate(); } else { $this->fromString($init); } } public function generate($key_length = 512) { $keypair = new Crypt_RSA_KeyPair($key_length); $params['public_key'] = $keypair->getPublicKey(); $params['private_key'] = $keypair->getPrivateKey(); $this->keypair = new Crypt_RSA($params); } public function toString($full_pair = true) { $public_key = $this->keypair->_public_key; $private_key = $this->keypair->_private_key; $mod = base64_url_encode($public_key->getModulus()); $exp = base64_url_encode($public_key->getExponent()); $private_exp = ''; if ($full_pair && $private_key->getExponent()) { $private_exp = '.' . base64_url_encode($private_key->getExponent()); } return 'RSA.' . $mod . '.' . $exp . $private_exp; } public function fromString($text) { // remove whitespace $text = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $text); // parse components if (!preg_match('/RSA\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)(.([^\.]+))?/', $text, $matches)) { return false; } $mod = base64_url_decode($matches[1]); $exp = base64_url_decode($matches[2]); if ($matches[4]) { $private_exp = base64_url_decode($matches[4]); } $params['public_key'] = new Crypt_RSA_KEY($mod, $exp, 'public'); if ($params['public_key']->isError()) { $error = $params['public_key']->getLastError(); print $error->getMessage(); exit; } if ($private_exp) { $params['private_key'] = new Crypt_RSA_KEY($mod, $private_exp, 'private'); if ($params['private_key']->isError()) { $error = $params['private_key']->getLastError(); print $error->getMessage(); exit; } } $this->keypair = new Crypt_RSA($params); } public function getName() { return 'RSA-SHA256'; } public function sign($bytes) { $sig = $this->keypair->createSign($bytes, null, 'sha256'); if ($this->keypair->isError()) { $error = $this->keypair->getLastError(); common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'RSA Error: '. $error->getMessage()); } return $sig; } public function verify($signed_bytes, $signature) { $result = $this->keypair->validateSign($signed_bytes, $signature, null, 'sha256'); if ($this->keypair->isError()) { $error = $this->keypair->getLastError(); //common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'RSA Error: '. $error->getMessage()); print $error->getMessage(); } return $result; } } // Define a sha256 function for hashing // (Crypt_RSA should really be updated to use hash() ) function sha256($bytes) { return hash('sha256', $bytes); } function base64_url_encode($input) { return strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/', '-_'); } function base64_url_decode($input) { return base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_', '+/')); }