/* * StatusNet - a distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, StatusNet, Inc. * * Add a notice encoded as JSON into the current timeline * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @category Plugin * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @author Sarven Capadisli * @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ // TODO: i18n RealtimeUpdate = { _userid: 0, _replyurl: '', _favorurl: '', _deleteurl: '', _updatecounter: 0, _updatedelay: 500, _maxnotices: 50, init: function(userid, replyurl, favorurl, deleteurl) { RealtimeUpdate._userid = userid; RealtimeUpdate._replyurl = replyurl; RealtimeUpdate._favorurl = favorurl; RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl = deleteurl; DT = document.title; $(window).blur(function() { $('#notices_primary .notice').css({ 'border-top-color':$('#notices_primary .notice:last').css('border-top-color'), 'border-top-style':'dotted' }); $('#notices_primary .notice:first').css({ 'border-top-color':'#AAAAAA', 'border-top-style':'solid' }); RealtimeUpdate._updatecounter = 0; document.title = DT; return false; }); }, receive: function(data) { setTimeout(function() { id = data.id; // Don't add it if it already exists if ($("#notice-"+id).length > 0) { return; } var noticeItem = RealtimeUpdate.makeNoticeItem(data); $("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(noticeItem); $("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"}); $("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(1000); if ($('#notices_primary .notice').length > RealtimeUpdate._maxnotices) { $("#notices_primary .notice:last .form_disfavor").unbind('submit'); $("#notices_primary .notice:last .form_favor").unbind('submit'); $("#notices_primary .notice:last #notice_in-reply-to").unbind('click'); $("#notices_primary .notice:last").remove(); } NoticeReply(); RealtimeUpdate._updatecounter += 1; document.title = '('+RealtimeUpdate._updatecounter+') ' + DT; }, RealtimeUpdate._updatedelay); }, makeNoticeItem: function(data) { user = data['user']; html = data['html'].replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"'); source = data['source'].replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"'); ni = "
  • "+ "
    "+ ""+ ""+ "\""+user['screen_name']+"\"/"+ ""+user['screen_name']+""+ ""+ ""+ "


    "+ "
    "+ "
    "+ ""+ "a few seconds ago"+ " "+ ""+ "from "+ ""+source+""+ // may have a link ""; if (data['in_reply_to_status_id']) { ni = ni+" in context"; } ni = ni+"
    "+ "
    "; if (RealtimeUpdate._userid != 0) { var input = $("form#form_notice fieldset input#token"); var session_key = input.val(); ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeFavoriteForm(data['id'], session_key); ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeReplyLink(data['id'], data['user']['screen_name']); if (RealtimeUpdate._userid == data['user']['id']) { ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeDeleteLink(data['id']); } } ni = ni+"
    "+ "
  • "; return ni; }, makeFavoriteForm: function(id, session_key) { var ff; ff = "
    "+ "
    "+ "Favor this notice"+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "
    "+ "
    "; return ff; }, makeReplyLink: function(id, nickname) { var rl; rl = "Reply "+id+""; return rl; }, makeDeleteLink: function(id) { var dl, delurl; delurl = RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl.replace("0000000000", id); dl = "Delete"; return dl; }, addPopup: function(url, timeline, iconurl) { $('#notices_primary').css({'position':'relative'}); $('#notices_primary').prepend(''); $('#realtime_timeline').css({ 'margin':'0 0 11px 0', 'background':'transparent url('+ iconurl + ') no-repeat 0% 30%', 'padding':'0 0 0 20px', 'display':'block', 'position':'absolute', 'top':'-20px', 'right':'0', 'border':'none', 'cursor':'pointer', 'color':$("a").css("color"), 'font-weight':'bold', 'font-size':'1em' }); $('#realtime_timeline').click(function() { window.open(url, timeline, 'toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); return false; }); }, initPopupWindow: function() { window.resizeTo(500, 550); $('address').hide(); $('#content').css({'width':'93.5%'}); $('#form_notice').css({ 'margin':'18px 0 18px 1.795%', 'width':'93%', 'max-width':'451px' }); $('#form_notice label[for=notice_data-text], h1').css({'display': 'none'}); $('.notices li:first-child').css({'border-top-color':'transparent'}); $('#form_notice label[for="notice_data-attach"], #form_notice #notice_data-attach').css({'top':'0'}); $('#form_notice #notice_data-attach').css({ 'left':'auto', 'right':'0' }); } }