diff options
authorCiaranG <>2009-01-07 22:16:02 +0000
committerEvan Prodromou <>2009-01-14 11:05:15 -0500
commit33c13030e559a3e89a66a788e5d496c7c4fba6cd (patch)
parent140bee20a29fe967cbfcbda3e79af97b7f8f08e5 (diff)
PostgreSQL - added the rest of the recently added tables for blocking, notice inboxes, etc. Needs testing
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/db/laconica_pg.sql b/db/laconica_pg.sql
index 3538e97ad..eb0dfc0ee 100644
--- a/db/laconica_pg.sql
+++ b/db/laconica_pg.sql
@@ -275,8 +275,6 @@ create table foreign_user (
service int not null /* comment 'foreign key to service' */ references foreign_service(id) ,
uri varchar(255) not null unique /* comment 'identifying URI' */,
nickname varchar(255) /* comment 'nickname on foreign service' */,
- user_id int /* comment 'link to user on this system, if exists' */ references "user" (id),
- credentials varchar(255) /* comment 'authc credentials, typically a password' */,
created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
@@ -284,11 +282,25 @@ create table foreign_user (
create index foreign_user_user_id_idx on foreign_user using btree(user_id);
+create table foreign_link (
+ user_id int /* comment 'link to user on this system, if exists' */ references "user" (id),
+ foreign_id int /* comment 'link' */ references foreign_user (id),
+ service int not null /* comment 'foreign key to service' */ references foreign_service (id),
+ credentials varchar(255) /* comment 'authc credentials, typically a password',
+ noticesync int not null default 1 /* comment 'notice synchronisation, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming, bit 3 = filter local replies' */,
+ friendsync int not null default 2 /* comment 'friend synchronisation, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ modified timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
+ primary key (user_id,foreign_id,service)
+create index foreign_user_user_id_idx on foreign_link using btree(user_id);
create table foreign_subscription (
service int not null /* comment 'service where relationship happens' */ references foreign_service(id) ,
subscriber int not null /* comment 'subscriber on foreign service' */ ,
subscribed int not null /* comment 'subscribed user' */ ,
- created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
+ created timestamp not null /* comment 'date this record was created' /,
primary key (service, subscriber, subscribed)
@@ -324,6 +336,38 @@ create index message_from_idx on message using btree(from_profile);
create index message_to_idx on message using btree(to_profile);
create index message_created_idx on message using btree(created);
+create table notice_inbox (
+ user_id integer not null /* comment 'user receiving the message' */ references user (id),
+ notice_id integer not null /* comment 'notice received' */ references notice (id),
+ created datetime not null /* comment 'date the notice was created' */,
+ source integer default 1 /* comment 'reason it is in the inbox; 1=subscription' */,
+ primary key (user_id, notice_id)
+create index notice_inbox_notice_id_idx (notice_id) on notice_inbox using btree(notice_id);
+create table profile_tag (
+ tagger integer not null /* comment 'user making the tag' */ references "user" (id),
+ tagged integer not null /* comment 'profile tagged' */ references profile (id),
+ tag varchar(64) not null /* comment 'hash tag associated with this notice' */,
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date the tag was added' */,
+ primary key (tagger, tagged, tag)
+create index profile_tag_modified_idx on profile_tag using btree(modified);
+create index profile_tag_tagger_tag_idx on profile_tag using btree(tagger,tag);
+create table profile_block (
+ blocker integer not null i/* comment 'user making the block' */ references user (id),
+ blocked integer not null /* comment 'profile that is blocked' */ references profile (id),
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date of blocking' */,
+ primary key (blocker, blocked)
/* Textsearch stuff */
create index textsearch_idx on profile using gist(textsearch);