path: root/js
diff options
authorEvan Prodromou <>2009-05-25 22:47:23 -0400
committerEvan Prodromou <>2009-05-25 22:47:23 -0400
commit76aa85fe5ef408cecf7c40c0c56d58ff9ac9fcbb (patch)
treef2bd52d08e421f934bc8466ab1ecb4facbbcc6a5 /js
parentb140bcdee4b1f4c8f2f34a89a9c5c51e7ecfe826 (diff)
parent68d90bcab04713d53cf3731d45729a617e68a2fa (diff)
Merge branch '0.8.x' into stats
Conflicts: README
Diffstat (limited to 'js')
6 files changed, 188 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/js/farbtastic/farbtastic.go.js b/js/farbtastic/farbtastic.go.js
index 21a1530bc..0149eca7d 100644
--- a/js/farbtastic/farbtastic.go.js
+++ b/js/farbtastic/farbtastic.go.js
@@ -1,10 +1,85 @@
+/** Init for Farbtastic library and page setup
+ *
+ * @package Laconica
+ * @author Sarven Capadisli <>
+ * @copyright 2009 Control Yourself, Inc.
+ * @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
+ * @link
+ */
$(document).ready(function() {
- var f = $.farbtastic('#color-picker');
- var colors = $('#settings_design_color input');
- colors
- .each(function () { f.linkTo(this); })
- .focus(function() {
- f.linkTo(this);
- });
+ function UpdateColors(S) {
+ C = $(S).val();
+ switch (parseInt( {
+ case 0: default:
+ $('body').css({'background-color':C});
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $('#content').css({'background-color':C});
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $('#aside_primary').css({'background-color':C});
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $('body').css({'color':C});
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $('a').css({'color':C});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function UpdateFarbtastic(e) {
+ f.linked = e;
+ f.setColor(e.value);
+ }
+ function UpdateSwatch(e) {
+ $(e).css({"background-color": e.value,
+ "color": f.hsl[2] > 0.5 ? "#000": "#fff"});
+ }
+ function SynchColors(e) {
+ var S = f.linked;
+ var C = f.color;
+ if (S && S.value && S.value != C) {
+ S.value = C;
+ UpdateSwatch(S);
+ UpdateColors(S);
+ }
+ }
+ function Init() {
+ $('#settings_design_color').append('<div id="color-picker"></div>');
+ $('#color-picker').hide();
+ f = $.farbtastic('#color-picker', SynchColors);
+ swatches = $('#settings_design_color .swatch');
+ swatches
+ .each(SynchColors)
+ .blur(function() {
+ $(this).val($(this).val().toUpperCase());
+ })
+ .focus(function() {
+ $('#color-picker').show();
+ UpdateFarbtastic(this);
+ })
+ .change(function() {
+ UpdateFarbtastic(this);
+ UpdateSwatch(this);
+ UpdateColors(this);
+ }).change();
+ }
+ var f, swatches;
+ Init();
+ $('#form_settings_design').bind('reset', function(){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ swatches.each(function(){UpdateColors(this);});
+ $('#color-picker').remove();
+ swatches.unbind();
+ Init();
+ },10);
+ });
diff --git a/js/identica-badge.js b/js/identica-badge.js
index 869230b7a..ffa55ae93 100644
--- a/js/identica-badge.js
+++ b/js/identica-badge.js
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
var a = document.createElement('A');
a.innerHTML = 'get this'; = '_blank';
- a.href = 'http://identica/doc/badge';
+ a.href = '';
diff --git a/js/install.js b/js/install.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32a54111e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/install.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ $.ajax({url:'check-fancy',
+ type:'GET',
+ success:function(data, textStatus) {
+ $('#fancy-enable').attr('checked', true);
+ $('#fancy-disable').attr('checked', false);
+ $('#fancy-form_guide').text(data);
+ },
+ error:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ $('#fancy-enable').attr('checked', false);
+ $('#fancy-disable').attr('checked', true);
+ $('#fancy-enable').attr('disabled', true);
+ $('#fancy-disable').attr('disabled', true);
+ $('#fancy-form_guide').text("Fancy URL support detection failed, disabling this option. Make sure you renamed htaccess.sample to .htaccess.");
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.go.js b/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.go.js
index a0399d540..4e1cbfd1e 100644
--- a/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.go.js
+++ b/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.go.js
@@ -1,39 +1,48 @@
- $(function(){
- var x = ($('#avatar_crop_x').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_x').val() : 0;
- var y = ($('#avatar_crop_y').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_y').val() : 0;
- var w = ($('#avatar_crop_w').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_w').val() : $("#avatar_original img").attr("width");
- var h = ($('#avatar_crop_h').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_h').val() : $("#avatar_original img").attr("height");
+/** Init for Jcrop library and page setup
+ *
+ * @package Laconica
+ * @author Sarven Capadisli <>
+ * @copyright 2009 Control Yourself, Inc.
+ * @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
+ * @link
+ */
- jQuery("#avatar_original img").Jcrop({
- onChange: showPreview,
- setSelect: [ x, y, w, h ],
- onSelect: updateCoords,
- aspectRatio: 1,
- boxWidth: 480,
- boxHeight: 480,
- bgColor: '#000',
- bgOpacity: .4
- });
- });
+ var x = ($('#avatar_crop_x').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_x').val() : 0;
+ var y = ($('#avatar_crop_y').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_y').val() : 0;
+ var w = ($('#avatar_crop_w').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_w').val() : $("#avatar_original img").attr("width");
+ var h = ($('#avatar_crop_h').val()) ? $('#avatar_crop_h').val() : $("#avatar_original img").attr("height");
- function showPreview(coords) {
- var rx = 96 / coords.w;
- var ry = 96 / coords.h;
+ jQuery("#avatar_original img").Jcrop({
+ onChange: showPreview,
+ setSelect: [ x, y, w, h ],
+ onSelect: updateCoords,
+ aspectRatio: 1,
+ boxWidth: 480,
+ boxHeight: 480,
+ bgColor: '#000',
+ bgOpacity: .4
+ });
- var img_width = $("#avatar_original img").attr("width");
- var img_height = $("#avatar_original img").attr("height");
+function showPreview(coords) {
+ var rx = 96 / coords.w;
+ var ry = 96 / coords.h;
- $('#avatar_preview img').css({
- width: Math.round(rx *img_width) + 'px',
- height: Math.round(ry * img_height) + 'px',
- marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(rx * coords.x) + 'px',
- marginTop: '-' + Math.round(ry * coords.y) + 'px'
- });
- };
+ var img_width = $("#avatar_original img").attr("width");
+ var img_height = $("#avatar_original img").attr("height");
- function updateCoords(c) {
- $('#avatar_crop_x').val(c.x);
- $('#avatar_crop_y').val(c.y);
- $('#avatar_crop_w').val(c.w);
- $('#avatar_crop_h').val(c.h);
- };
+ $('#avatar_preview img').css({
+ width: Math.round(rx *img_width) + 'px',
+ height: Math.round(ry * img_height) + 'px',
+ marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(rx * coords.x) + 'px',
+ marginTop: '-' + Math.round(ry * coords.y) + 'px'
+ });
+function updateCoords(c) {
+ $('#avatar_crop_x').val(c.x);
+ $('#avatar_crop_y').val(c.y);
+ $('#avatar_crop_w').val(c.w);
+ $('#avatar_crop_h').val(c.h);
diff --git a/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js b/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9168506a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 Alvaro A. Lima Jr
+ * Licensed under the MIT (
+ * Version: 0.6 (Abr 23, 2009)
+ * Requires: jQuery 1.3+
+ */
+(function($){var f=$.browser.msie&&$.browser.version==6.0;var g=null;$.fn.jOverlay=function(b){var b=$.extend({},$.fn.jOverlay.options,b);if(g!=null){clearTimeout(g)}var'*')?this:'#jOverlayContent';var d=f?'absolute':'fixed';var e=b.imgLoading?"<img id='jOverlayLoading' src='"+b.imgLoading+"' style='position:"+d+"; z-index:"+(b.zIndex+9)+";'/>":'';$('body').prepend(e+"<div id='jOverlay' />"+"<div id='jOverlayContent' style='position:"+d+"; z-index:"+(b.zIndex+5)+"; display:none;'/>");$('#jOverlayLoading').load(function(){if({$.center(this)}});if(f){$("select").hide();$("#jOverlayContent select").show()}$('#jOverlay').css({backgroundColor:b.color,position:d,top:'0px',left:'0px',filter:'alpha(opacity='+(b.opacity*100)+')',opacity:b.opacity,zIndex:b.zIndex,width:!f?'100%':$(window).width()+'px',height:!f?'100%':$(document).height()+'px'}).show();if('*')){$('#jOverlayContent').html(this.addClass('jOverlayChildren').show()).show();if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}if(!b.url&&$.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(this.html())}}if(b.url){$.ajax({type:b.method,,url:b.url,success:function(a){$('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(600);$(c).html(a).show();if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}if($.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(a)}}})}if(f){$(window).scroll(function(){if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}});$(window).resize(function(){$('#jOverlay').css({width:$(window).width()+'px',height:$(document).height()+'px'});if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}})}$(document).keydown(function(a){if(a.keyCode==27){$.closeOverlay()}});if(b.bgClickToClose){$('#jOverlay').click($.closeOverlay)}if(Number(b.timeout)>0){g=setTimeout($.closeOverlay,Number(b.timeout))}};$.center=function(a){var a=$(a);var b=a.height();var c=a.width();a.css({width:c+'px',marginLeft:'-'+(c/2)+'px',marginTop:'-'+b/2+'px',height:'auto',top:!f?'50%':$(window).scrollTop()+($(window).height()/2)+"px",left:'50%'})};$.fn.jOverlay.options={method:'GET',data:'',url:'',color:'#000',opacity:'0.6',zIndex:9999,center:true,imgLoading:'',bgClickToClose:true,success:null,timeout:0};$.closeOverlay=function(){if(f){$("select").show()}$('#jOverlayContent .jOverlayChildren').hide().prependTo($('body'));$('#jOverlayLoading, #jOverlayContent, #jOverlay').remove()}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/util.js b/js/util.js
index 81139744f..31d9eb4f5 100644
--- a/js/util.js
+++ b/js/util.js
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
+ $('.attachments').click(function() {$().jOverlay({zIndex:999, success:function(html) {$('.attachment').click(function() {$().jOverlay({url:$(this).attr('href') + '/ajax'}); return false; });
+ }, url:$(this).attr('href') + '/ajax'}); return false; });
+ $('.attachment').click(function() {$().jOverlay({url:$(this).attr('href') + '/ajax'}); return false; });
// count character on keyup
function counter(event){
var maxLength = 140;
@@ -166,19 +170,45 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
return true;
- success: function(xml) { if ($("#error", xml).length > 0 || $("#command_result", xml).length > 0) {
+ timeout: '60000',
+ error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#form_notice").removeClass("processing");
+ $("#notice_action-submit").removeAttr("disabled");
+ $("#notice_action-submit").removeClass("disabled");
+ if (textStatus == "timeout") {
+ alert ("Sorry! We had trouble sending your notice. The servers are overloaded. Please try again, and contact the site administrator if this problem persists");
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($(".error", xhr.responseXML).length > 0) {
+ $('#form_notice').append(document._importNode($(".error", xhr.responseXML).get(0), true));
+ }
+ else {
+ alert("Sorry! We had trouble sending your notice ("+xhr.status+" "+xhr.statusText+"). Please report the problem to the site administrator if this happens again.");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ success: function(xml) { if ($("#error", xml).length > 0) {
var result = document._importNode($("p", xml).get(0), true);
result = result.textContent || result.innerHTML;
else {
- $("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(document._importNode($("li", xml).get(0), true));
+ if ($("#command_result", xml).length > 0) {
+ var result = document._importNode($("p", xml).get(0), true);
+ result = result.textContent || result.innerHTML;
+ alert(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ li = $("li", xml).get(0);
+ if ($("#" == 0) {
+ $("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(document._importNode(li, true));
+ $("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"});
+ $("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(2500);
+ NoticeHover();
+ NoticeReply();
+ }
+ }
- counter();
- $("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"});
- $("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(2500);
- NoticeHover();
- NoticeReply();
+ counter();
@@ -187,7 +217,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){