path: root/js
diff options
authorEvan Prodromou <>2009-07-02 08:51:10 -0400
committerEvan Prodromou <>2009-07-02 08:51:10 -0400
commit5f9a4ebef493997557ef4470268bed0e5799b6cb (patch)
treef9a06c1773e511d3273c5d9223d06ca0806d5341 /js
parente52997e52fe02960908eb6a9637a3349a2c74dad (diff)
parentd04ab14a5a15f9119bedca1332eb516ecf5ca483 (diff)
Merge branch '0.8.x' into queuemanager
Diffstat (limited to 'js')
3 files changed, 281 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/js/jquery.joverlay.js b/js/jquery.joverlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4effec8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery.joverlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 Alvaro A. Lima Jr
+ * Licensed under the MIT (
+ * Version: 0.7.1 (JUN 15, 2009)
+ * Requires: jQuery 1.3+
+ */
+(function($) {
+ // Global vars
+ var isIE6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version == 6.0; // =(
+ var JOVERLAY_TIMER = null;
+ $.fn.jOverlay = function(options) {
+ // Element exist?
+ if ( $('#jOverlay').length ) {$.closeOverlay();}
+ // Clear Element Prev
+ // Clear Timer
+ if (JOVERLAY_TIMER !== null) {
+ clearTimeout( JOVERLAY_TIMER );
+ }
+ // Set Options
+ var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.jOverlay.options, options);
+ // private function
+ function center(id) {
+ if ( {
+ $.center(id);
+ }
+ }
+ var element ='*') ? this : '#jOverlayContent';
+ var position = isIE6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed';
+ var isImage = /([^\/\\]+)\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)$/i.test( options.url );
+ var imgLoading = options.imgLoading ? "<img id='jOverlayLoading' src='"+options.imgLoading+"' style='position:"+position+"; z-index:"+(options.zIndex + 9)+";'/>" : '';
+ $('body').prepend(imgLoading + "<div id='jOverlay' />"
+ + "<div id='jOverlayContent' style='position:"+position+"; z-index:"+(options.zIndex + 5)+"; display:none;'/>"
+ );
+ // Loading Centered
+ $('#jOverlayLoading').load(function(){
+ center(this);
+ });
+ //IE 6 FIX
+ if ( isIE6 ) {
+ $('select').hide();
+ $('#jOverlayContent select').show();
+ }
+ // Overlay Style
+ $('#jOverlay').css({
+ backgroundColor : options.color,
+ position : position,
+ top : '0px',
+ left : '0px',
+ filter : 'alpha(opacity='+ (options.opacity * 100) +')', // IE =(
+ opacity : options.opacity, // Good Browser =D
+ zIndex : options.zIndex,
+ width : !isIE6 ? '100%' : $(window).width() + 'px',
+ height : !isIE6 ? '100%' : $(document).height() + 'px'
+ }).show();
+ if ('*') ) {
+ JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV = this.prev();
+ $('#jOverlayContent').html(
+'display', options.autoHide ? 'none' : this.css('display') )
+ );
+ if ( !isImage ) {
+ center('#jOverlayContent');
+ $('#jOverlayContent').show();
+ // Execute callback
+ if ( !options.url && $.isFunction( options.success ) ) {
+ options.success( this );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // IMAGE
+ if ( isImage ) {
+ $('<img/>').load(function(){
+ var resize = $.resize(this.width, this.height);
+ $(this).css({
+ width : resize.width,
+ height : resize.height
+ });
+ $( element ).html(this);
+ center('#jOverlayContent');
+ $('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(500);
+ $('#jOverlayContent').show();
+ // Execute callback
+ if ( $.isFunction( options.success ) ) {
+ options.success( this );
+ }
+ }).error(function(){
+ alert('Image ('+options.url+') not found.');
+ $.closeOverlay();
+ }).attr({'src' : options.url, 'alt' : options.url});
+ }
+ // AJAX
+ if ( options.url && !isImage ) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: options.method,
+ data:,
+ url: options.url,
+ success: function(responseText) {
+ $('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(500);
+ $( element ).html(responseText).show();
+ center('#jOverlayContent');
+ // Execute callback
+ if ($.isFunction( options.success )) {
+ options.success(responseText);
+ }
+ },
+ error : function() {
+ alert('URL ('+options.url+') not found.');
+ $.closeOverlay();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // :(
+ if ( isIE6 ) {
+ // Window scroll
+ $(window).scroll(function(){
+ center('#jOverlayContent');
+ });
+ // Window resize
+ $(window).resize(function(){
+ $('#jOverlay').css({
+ width: $(window).width() + 'px',
+ height: $(document).height() + 'px'
+ });
+ center('#jOverlayContent');
+ });
+ }
+ // Press ESC to close
+ $(document).keydown(function(event){
+ if (event.keyCode == 27) {
+ $.closeOverlay();
+ }
+ });
+ // Click to close
+ if ( options.bgClickToClose ) {
+ $('#jOverlay').click($.closeOverlay);
+ }
+ // Timeout (auto-close)
+ // time in millis to wait before auto-close
+ // set to 0 to disable
+ if ( Number(options.timeout) > 0 ) {
+ jOverlayTimer = setTimeout( $.closeOverlay, Number(options.timeout) );
+ }
+ // ADD CSS
+ $('#jOverlayContent').css(options.css || {});
+ };
+ // Resizing large images - orginal by Christian Montoya.
+ // Edited by - Cody Lindley ( (Thickbox 3.1)
+ $.resize = function(imageWidth, imageHeight) {
+ var x = $(window).width() - 150;
+ var y = $(window).height() - 150;
+ if (imageWidth > x) {
+ imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth);
+ imageWidth = x;
+ if (imageHeight > y) {
+ imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight);
+ imageHeight = y;
+ }
+ } else if (imageHeight > y) {
+ imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight);
+ imageHeight = y;
+ if (imageWidth > x) {
+ imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth);
+ imageWidth = x;
+ }
+ }
+ return {width:imageWidth, height:imageHeight};
+ };
+ // Centered Element
+ $.center = function(element) {
+ var element = $(element);
+ var elemWidth = element.width();
+ element.css({
+ width : elemWidth + 'px',
+ marginLeft : '-' + (elemWidth / 2) + 'px',
+ marginTop : '-' + element.height() / 2 + 'px',
+ height : 'auto',
+ top : !isIE6 ? '50%' : $(window).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() / 2) + 'px',
+ left : '50%'
+ });
+ };
+ // Options default
+ $.fn.jOverlay.options = {
+ method : 'GET',
+ data : '',
+ url : '',
+ color : '#000',
+ opacity : '0.6',
+ zIndex : 9999,
+ center : true,
+ imgLoading : '',
+ bgClickToClose : true,
+ success : null,
+ timeout : 0,
+ autoHide : true,
+ css : {}
+ };
+ // Close
+ $.closeOverlay = function() {
+ if (isIE6) { $("select").show(); }
+ if ( JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV !== null ) {
+ if ( JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV !== null ) {
+ var element = $('#jOverlayContent').children();
+ JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV.after( element.css('display', element.attr('display') ) );
+ element.removeAttr('display');
+ }
+ }
+ $('#jOverlayLoading, #jOverlayContent, #jOverlay').remove();
+ };
+})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js b/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js
index c9168506a..44cd46043 100644
--- a/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js
+++ b/js/jquery.joverlay.min.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Alvaro A. Lima Jr
* Licensed under the MIT (
- * Version: 0.6 (Abr 23, 2009)
+ * Version: 0.7.1 (JUN 15, 2009
* Requires: jQuery 1.3+
+ * Packer from
-(function($){var f=$.browser.msie&&$.browser.version==6.0;var g=null;$.fn.jOverlay=function(b){var b=$.extend({},$.fn.jOverlay.options,b);if(g!=null){clearTimeout(g)}var'*')?this:'#jOverlayContent';var d=f?'absolute':'fixed';var e=b.imgLoading?"<img id='jOverlayLoading' src='"+b.imgLoading+"' style='position:"+d+"; z-index:"+(b.zIndex+9)+";'/>":'';$('body').prepend(e+"<div id='jOverlay' />"+"<div id='jOverlayContent' style='position:"+d+"; z-index:"+(b.zIndex+5)+"; display:none;'/>");$('#jOverlayLoading').load(function(){if({$.center(this)}});if(f){$("select").hide();$("#jOverlayContent select").show()}$('#jOverlay').css({backgroundColor:b.color,position:d,top:'0px',left:'0px',filter:'alpha(opacity='+(b.opacity*100)+')',opacity:b.opacity,zIndex:b.zIndex,width:!f?'100%':$(window).width()+'px',height:!f?'100%':$(document).height()+'px'}).show();if('*')){$('#jOverlayContent').html(this.addClass('jOverlayChildren').show()).show();if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}if(!b.url&&$.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(this.html())}}if(b.url){$.ajax({type:b.method,,url:b.url,success:function(a){$('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(600);$(c).html(a).show();if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}if($.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(a)}}})}if(f){$(window).scroll(function(){if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}});$(window).resize(function(){$('#jOverlay').css({width:$(window).width()+'px',height:$(document).height()+'px'});if({$.center('#jOverlayContent')}})}$(document).keydown(function(a){if(a.keyCode==27){$.closeOverlay()}});if(b.bgClickToClose){$('#jOverlay').click($.closeOverlay)}if(Number(b.timeout)>0){g=setTimeout($.closeOverlay,Number(b.timeout))}};$.center=function(a){var a=$(a);var b=a.height();var c=a.width();a.css({width:c+'px',marginLeft:'-'+(c/2)+'px',marginTop:'-'+b/2+'px',height:'auto',top:!f?'50%':$(window).scrollTop()+($(window).height()/2)+"px",left:'50%'})};$.fn.jOverlay.options={method:'GET',data:'',url:'',color:'#000',opacity:'0.6',zIndex:9999,center:true,imgLoading:'',bgClickToClose:true,success:null,timeout:0};$.closeOverlay=function(){if(f){$("select").show()}$('#jOverlayContent .jOverlayChildren').hide().prependTo($('body'));$('#jOverlayLoading, #jOverlayContent, #jOverlay').remove()}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
+(function($){var g=$.browser.msie&&$.browser.version==6.0;var h=null;var i=null;$.fn.jOverlay=function(b){if($('#jOverlay').length){$.closeOverlay()}i=null;if(h!==null){clearTimeout(h)}var b=$.extend({},$.fn.jOverlay.options,b);function center(a){if({$.center(a)}}var'*')?this:'#jOverlayContent';var d=g?'absolute':'fixed';var e=/([^\/\\]+)\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)$/i.test(b.url);var f=b.imgLoading?"<img id='jOverlayLoading' src='"+b.imgLoading+"' style='position:"+d+"; z-index:"+(b.zIndex+9)+";'/>":'';$('body').prepend(f+"<div id='jOverlay' />"+"<div id='jOverlayContent' style='position:"+d+"; z-index:"+(b.zIndex+5)+"; display:none;'/>");$('#jOverlayLoading').load(function(){center(this)});if(g){$('select').hide();$('#jOverlayContent select').show()}$('#jOverlay').css({backgroundColor:b.color,position:d,top:'0px',left:'0px',filter:'alpha(opacity='+(b.opacity*100)+')',opacity:b.opacity,zIndex:b.zIndex,width:!g?'100%':$(window).width()+'px',height:!g?'100%':$(document).height()+'px'}).show();if('*')){i=this.prev();$('#jOverlayContent').html('display',b.autoHide?'none':this.css('display')));if(!e){center('#jOverlayContent');$('#jOverlayContent').show();if(!b.url&&$.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(this)}}}if(e){$('<img/>').load(function(){var a=$.resize(this.width,this.height);$(this).css({width:a.width,height:a.height});$(c).html(this);center('#jOverlayContent');$('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(500);$('#jOverlayContent').show();if($.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(this)}}).error(function(){alert('Image ('+b.url+') not found.');$.closeOverlay()}).attr({'src':b.url,'alt':b.url})}if(b.url&&!e){$.ajax({type:b.method,,url:b.url,success:function(a){$('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(500);$(c).html(a).show();center('#jOverlayContent');if($.isFunction(b.success)){b.success(a)}},error:function(){alert('URL ('+b.url+') not found.');$.closeOverlay()}})}if(g){$(window).scroll(function(){center('#jOverlayContent')});$(window).resize(function(){$('#jOverlay').css({width:$(window).width()+'px',height:$(document).height()+'px'});center('#jOverlayContent')})}$(document).keydown(function(a){if(a.keyCode==27){$.closeOverlay()}});if(b.bgClickToClose){$('#jOverlay').click($.closeOverlay)}if(Number(b.timeout)>0){jOverlayTimer=setTimeout($.closeOverlay,Number(b.timeout))}$('#jOverlayContent').css(b.css||{})};$.resize=function(a,b){var x=$(window).width()-150;var y=$(window).height()-150;if(a>x){b=b*(x/a);a=x;if(b>y){a=a*(y/b);b=y}}else if(b>y){a=a*(y/b);b=y;if(a>x){b=b*(x/a);a=x}}return{width:a,height:b}};$.center=function(a){var a=$(a);var b=a.width();a.css({width:b+'px',marginLeft:'-'+(b/2)+'px',marginTop:'-'+a.height()/2+'px',height:'auto',top:!g?'50%':$(window).scrollTop()+($(window).height()/2)+'px',left:'50%'})};$.fn.jOverlay.options={method:'GET',data:'',url:'',color:'#000',opacity:'0.6',zIndex:9999,center:true,imgLoading:'',bgClickToClose:true,success:null,timeout:0,autoHide:true,css:{}};$.closeOverlay=function(){if(g){$("select").show()}if(i!==null){if(i!==null){var a=$('#jOverlayContent').children();i.after(a.css('display',a.attr('display')));a.removeAttr('display')}}$('#jOverlayLoading, #jOverlayContent, #jOverlay').remove()}})(jQuery);
diff --git a/js/util.js b/js/util.js
index e7c54b74a..638104c1c 100644
--- a/js/util.js
+++ b/js/util.js
@@ -272,21 +272,23 @@ function NoticeAttachments() {
color : '#000',
opacity : '0.6',
zIndex : 99,
- center : true,
+ center : false,
imgLoading : $('address .url')[0].href+'theme/base/images/illustrations/illu_progress_loading-01.gif',
bgClickToClose : true,
success : function() {
$('#jOverlayContent button').click($.closeOverlay);
- timeout : 0
+ timeout : 0,
+ autoHide : true,
+ css : {'max-width':'502px', 'top':'22.5%', 'left':'32.5%'}
$('#content .notice a.attachment').click(function() {
- $().jOverlay({url: $('address .url')[0].href+'/attachment/' + ($(this).attr('id').substring('attachment'.length + 1)) + '/ajax'});
+ $().jOverlay({url: $('address .url')[0].href+'attachment/' + ($(this).attr('id').substring('attachment'.length + 1)) + '/ajax'});
return false;
var t;
$("body:not(#shownotice) #content .notice a.thumbnail").hover(
function() {
@@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ function NoticeAttachments() {
if (anchor.children('img').length == 0) {
t = setTimeout(function() {
- $.get($('address .url')[0].href+'/attachment/' + (anchor.attr('id').substring('attachment'.length + 1)) + '/thumbnail', null, function(data) {
+ $.get($('address .url')[0].href+'attachment/' + (anchor.attr('id').substring('attachment'.length + 1)) + '/thumbnail', null, function(data) {
}, 500);