path: root/plugins
diff options
authorEvan Prodromou <>2010-05-31 07:50:10 -0700
committerEvan Prodromou <>2010-06-01 13:52:28 -0700
commitd78dfd627e558804c1ce79c69f586db29fa6c0fa (patch)
treecc7f5234f0118f3340dee82fbf705d17109d42d5 /plugins
parent271d7dd8509537aee7e10fd6c8f493e62e6c75b2 (diff)
cache notice counts in utility table
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Sitemap/Sitemap_notice_count.php b/plugins/Sitemap/Sitemap_notice_count.php
index 72bb2b9d4..673417b78 100644
--- a/plugins/Sitemap/Sitemap_notice_count.php
+++ b/plugins/Sitemap/Sitemap_notice_count.php
@@ -122,4 +122,166 @@ class Sitemap_notice_count extends Memcached_DataObject
return $this->keys();
+ static function getAll()
+ {
+ $noticeCounts = self::cacheGet('sitemap:notice:counts');
+ if ($noticeCounts === false) {
+ $snc = new Sitemap_notice_count();
+ $snc->orderBy('notice_date DESC');
+ // Fetch the first one to check up-to-date-itude
+ $n = $snc->find(true);
+ $today = self::today();
+ $noticeCounts = array();
+ if (!$n) { // No counts saved yet
+ $noticeCounts = self::initializeCounts();
+ } else if ($snc->notice_date < $today) { // There are counts but not up to today
+ $noticeCounts = self::fillInCounts($snc->notice_date);
+ } else if ($snc->notice_date == $today) { // Refresh today's
+ $noticeCounts[$today] = self::updateToday();
+ }
+ // starts with second-to-last date
+ while ($snc->fetch()) {
+ $noticeCounts[$snc->notice_date] = $snc->notice_count;
+ }
+ self::cacheSet('sitemap:notice:counts', $noticeCounts);
+ }
+ return $noticeCounts;
+ }
+ static function initializeCounts()
+ {
+ $firstDate = self::getFirstDate(); // awww
+ $today = self::today();
+ $counts = array();
+ for ($d = $firstDate; $d <= $today; $d = self::incrementDay($d)) {
+ $n = self::getCount($d);
+ self::insertCount($d, $n);
+ $counts[$d] = $n;
+ }
+ return $counts;
+ }
+ static function fillInCounts($lastDate)
+ {
+ $today = self::today();
+ $counts = array();
+ $n = self::getCount($lastDate);
+ self::updateCount($lastDate, $n);
+ $counts[$lastDate] = $n;
+ for ($d = self::incrementDay($lastDate); $d <= $today; $d = self::incrementDay($d)) {
+ $n = self::getCount($d);
+ self::insertCount($d, $n);
+ }
+ return $counts;
+ }
+ static function updateToday()
+ {
+ $today = self::today();
+ $n = self::getCount($today);
+ self::updateCount($today, $n);
+ return $n;
+ }
+ static function getCount($d)
+ {
+ $notice = new Notice();
+ $notice->whereAdd('created BETWEEN "'.$d.' 00:00:00" AND "'.self::incrementDay($d).' 00:00:00"');
+ $n = $notice->count();
+ return $n;
+ }
+ static function insertCount($d, $n)
+ {
+ $snc = new Sitemap_notice_count();
+ $snc->notice_date = DB_DataObject_Cast::date($d);
+ $snc->notice_count = $n;
+ $snc->created = common_sql_now();
+ $snc->modified = $snc->created;
+ if (!$snc->insert()) {
+ common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not save user counts for '$d'");
+ }
+ }
+ static function updateCount($d, $n)
+ {
+ $snc = Sitemap_notice_count::staticGet('notice_date', DB_DataObject_Cast::date($d));
+ if (empty($snc)) {
+ throw new Exception("No such registration date: $d");
+ }
+ $orig = clone($snc);
+ $snc->notice_date = DB_DataObject_Cast::date($d);
+ $snc->notice_count = $n;
+ $snc->created = common_sql_now();
+ $snc->modified = $snc->created;
+ if (!$snc->update($orig)) {
+ common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not save user counts for '$d'");
+ }
+ }
+ static function incrementDay($d)
+ {
+ $dt = self::dateStrToInt($d);
+ return self::dateIntToStr($dt + 24 * 60 * 60);
+ }
+ static function dateStrToInt($d)
+ {
+ return strtotime($d.' 00:00:00');
+ }
+ static function dateIntToStr($dt)
+ {
+ return date('Y-m-d', $dt);
+ }
+ static function getFirstDate()
+ {
+ $n = new Notice();
+ $n->selectAdd();
+ $n->selectAdd('date(min(created)) as first_date');
+ if ($n->find(true)) {
+ return $n->first_date;
+ } else {
+ // Is this right?
+ return self::dateIntToStr(time());
+ }
+ }
+ static function today()
+ {
+ return self::dateIntToStr(time());
+ }