diff options
7 files changed, 1383 insertions, 557 deletions
diff --git a/classes/Managed_DataObject.php b/classes/Managed_DataObject.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..162c3c81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Managed_DataObject.php
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+ * Wrapper for Memcached_DataObject which knows its own schema definition.
+ * Builds its own damn settings from a schema definition.
+ *
+ * @author Brion Vibber <>
+ */
+abstract class Managed_DataObject extends Memcached_DataObject
+ /**
+ * The One True Thingy that must be defined and declared.
+ */
+ public static abstract function schemaDef();
+ /**
+ * get/set an associative array of table columns
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return array (associative)
+ */
+ function table()
+ {
+ $table = self::schemaDef();
+ return array_map(array($this, 'columnBitmap'), $table['fields']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get/set an array of table primary keys
+ *
+ * Key info is pulled from the table definition array.
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @return array
+ */
+ function keys()
+ {
+ return array_keys($this->keyTypes());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a sequence key
+ *
+ * Returns the first serial column defined in the table, if any.
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @return array (column,use_native,sequence_name)
+ */
+ function sequenceKey()
+ {
+ $table = self::schemaDef();
+ foreach ($table['fields'] as $name => $column) {
+ if ($column['type'] == 'serial') {
+ // We have a serial/autoincrement column.
+ // Declare it to be a native sequence!
+ return array($name, true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // No sequence key on this table.
+ return array(false, false, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return key definitions for DB_DataObject and Memcache_DataObject.
+ *
+ * DB_DataObject needs to know about keys that the table has; this function
+ * defines them.
+ *
+ * @return array key definitions
+ */
+ function keyTypes()
+ {
+ $keys = array();
+ $table = self::schemaDef();
+ if (!empty($table['unique keys'])) {
+ foreach ($table['unique keys'] as $idx => $fields) {
+ foreach ($fields as $name) {
+ $keys[$name] = 'U';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($table['primary key'])) {
+ foreach ($table['primary key'] as $name) {
+ $keys[$name] = 'K';
+ }
+ }
+ return $keys;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the appropriate DB_DataObject bitfield map for this field.
+ *
+ * @param array $column
+ * @return int
+ */
+ function columnBitmap($column)
+ {
+ $type = $column['type'];
+ // For quoting style...
+ $intTypes = array('int',
+ 'integer',
+ 'float',
+ 'serial',
+ 'numeric');
+ if (in_array($type, $intTypes)) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ // Data type formatting style...
+ $formatStyles = array('blob' => DB_DATAOBJECT_BLOB,
+ 'text' => DB_DATAOBJECT_TXT,
+ if (isset($formatStyles[$type])) {
+ $style |= $formatStyles[$type];
+ }
+ // Nullable?
+ if (!empty($column['not null'])) {
+ }
+ return $style;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/db/core.php b/db/core.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04c53a585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/core.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+Some notes...
+drupal docs don't list a bool type, but it might be nice to use rather than 'tinyint'
+note however that we use bitfields and things as well in tinyints
+decimal <-> numeric
+timestamps... how to specify?
+fulltext indexes?
+got one or two things wanting a custom charset setting on a field?
+foreign keys are kinda funky...
+ those specified in inline syntax (as all in the original .sql) are NEVER ENFORCED on mysql
+ those made with an explicit 'foreign key' WITHIN INNODB and IF there's a proper index, do get enforced
+ double-check what we've been doing on postgres?
+$schema['profile'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'local and remote users have profiles',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'nickname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'nickname or username'),
+ 'fullname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'display name'),
+ 'profileurl' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL, cached so we dont regenerate'),
+ 'homepage' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'identifying URL'),
+ 'bio' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'descriptive biography'),
+ 'location' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'physical location'),
+ 'lat' => array('type' => 'numeric', 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 7, 'description' => 'latitude'),
+ 'lon' => array('type' => 'numeric', 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 7, 'description' => 'longitude'),
+ 'location_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'location id if possible'),
+ 'location_ns' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'namespace for location'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'profile_nickname_idx' => array('nickname'),
+ 'FULLTEXT' => array('nickname', 'fullname', 'location', 'bio', 'homepage') // ??
+ ),
+// Any way to specify that this table needs to be myisam if using the fulltext?
+$schema['avatar'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to profile table'),
+ 'original' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default' => false, 'description' => 'uploaded by user or generated?'),
+ 'width' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'image width'),
+ 'height' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'image height'),
+ 'mediatype' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'file type'),
+ 'filename' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'local filename, if local'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'avatar location'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('profile_id', 'width', 'height'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'avatar_url_idx' => array('url'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'avatar_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['sms_carrier'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'primary key for SMS carrier'),
+ 'name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'name of the carrier'),
+ 'email_pattern' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'sprintf pattern for making an email address from a phone number'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'sms_carrier_name_idx' => array('name'),
+ ),
+$schema['user'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'local users',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'foreign key to profile table'),
+ 'nickname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'nickname or username, duped in profile'),
+ 'password' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'salted password, can be null for OpenID users'),
+ 'email' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'email address for password recovery etc.'),
+ 'incomingemail' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'email address for post-by-email'),
+ 'emailnotifysub' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of subscriptions'),
+ 'emailnotifyfav' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of favorites'),
+ 'emailnotifynudge' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of nudges'),
+ 'emailnotifymsg' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of direct messages'),
+ 'emailnotifyattn' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of @-replies'),
+ 'emailmicroid' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'whether to publish email microid'),
+ 'language' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'preferred language'),
+ 'timezone' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'timezone'),
+ 'emailpost' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Post by email'),
+ 'sms' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'sms phone number'),
+ 'carrier' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'foreign key to sms_carrier'),
+ 'smsnotify' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'whether to send notices to SMS'),
+ 'smsreplies' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'whether to send notices to SMS on replies'),
+ 'smsemail' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'built from sms and carrier'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI'),
+ 'autosubscribe' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'automatically subscribe to users who subscribe to us'),
+ 'urlshorteningservice' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'default' => '', 'description' => 'service to use for auto-shortening URLs'),
+ 'inboxed' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'has an inbox been created for this user?'),
+ 'design_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'id of a design'),
+ 'viewdesigns' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'whether to view user-provided designs'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'user_name_idx' => array('name'),
+ 'user_email_idx' => array('email'),
+ 'user_incomingemail_idx' => array('incomingemail'),
+ 'user_sms_idx' => array('sms'),
+ 'user_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ 'carrier' => array('sms_carrier' => 'id'),
+ 'design_id' => array('desgin' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'user_smsemail_idx' => array('smsemail'),
+ ),
+$schema['remote_profile'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'remote people (OMB)',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'foreign key to profile table'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI'),
+ 'postnoticeurl' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL we use for posting notices'),
+ 'updateprofileurl' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL we use for updates to this profile'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'remote_profile_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['subscription'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'subscriber' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile listening'),
+ 'subscribed' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile being listened to'),
+ 'jabber' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'deliver jabber messages'),
+ 'sms' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'deliver sms messages'),
+ 'token' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'authorization token'),
+ 'secret' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'token secret'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('subscriber', 'subscribed'),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'subscription_subscriber_idx' => array('subscriber', 'created'),
+ 'subscription_subscribed_idx' => array('subscribed', 'created'),
+ 'subscription_token_idx' => array('token'),
+ ),
+$schema['notice'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'who made the update'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI'),
+ 'content' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'update content'),
+ 'rendered' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'HTML version of the content'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL of any attachment (image, video, bookmark, whatever)'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ 'reply_to' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'notice replied to (usually a guess)'),
+ 'is_local' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'notice was generated by a user'),
+ 'source' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'description' => 'source of comment, like "web", "im", or "clientname"'),
+ 'conversation' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'id of root notice in this conversation'),
+ 'lat' => array('type' => 'numeric', 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 7, 'description' => 'latitude'),
+ 'lon' => array('type' => 'numeric', 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 7, 'description' => 'longitude'),
+ 'location_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'location id if possible'),
+ 'location_ns' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'namespace for location'),
+ 'repeat_of' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'notice this is a repeat of'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'notice_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ 'reply_to' => array('notice', 'id'),
+ 'conversation' => array('conversation', 'id'), # note... used to refer to
+ 'repeat_of' => array('notice', 'id'), # @fixme: what about repeats of deleted notices?
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'notice_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id,created,id'),
+ 'notice_conversation_idx' => array('conversation'),
+ 'notice_created_idx' => array('created'),
+ 'notice_replyto_idx' => array('reply_to'),
+ 'notice_repeatof_idx' => array('repeat_of'),
+ 'FULLTEXT' => array('content'),
+ ),
+$schema['notice_source'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'code' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'source code'),
+ 'name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'name of the source'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'url to link to'),
+ 'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('code'),
+$schema['reply'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notice that is the reply'),
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile replied to'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ 'replied_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'notice replied to (not used, see notice.reply_to)'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('notice_id', 'profile_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'notice_id' => array('notice' => 'id'),
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'reply_notice_id_idx' => array('notice_id'),
+ 'reply_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id'),
+ 'reply_replied_id_idx' => array('replied_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['fave'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notice that is the favorite'),
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user who likes this notice'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('notice_id', 'user_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'notice_id' => array('notice', 'id'),
+ 'user_id' => array('profile', 'id'), // note: formerly referenced, but we can now record remote users' favorites
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'fave_notice_id_idx' => array('notice_id'),
+ 'fave_user_id_idx' => array('user_id', 'modified'),
+ 'fave_modified_idx' => array('modified'),
+ ),
+/* tables for OAuth */
+$schema['consumer'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'OAuth consumer record',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'consumer_key' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'unique identifier, root URL'),
+ 'consumer_secret' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'secret value'),
+ 'seed' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'seed for new tokens by this consumer'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('consumer_key'),
+$schema['token'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'OAuth token record',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'consumer_key' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'unique identifier, root URL'),
+ 'tok' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'identifying value'),
+ 'secret' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'secret value'),
+ 'type' => array('type' => 'bool', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'request or access'),
+ 'state' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'for requests, 0 = initial, 1 = authorized, 2 = used'),
+ 'verifier' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'verifier string for OAuth 1.0a'),
+ 'verified_callback' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'verified callback URL for OAuth 1.0a'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('consumer_key', 'tok'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'consumer_key' => array('consumer' => 'consumer_key'),
+ ),
+$schema['nonce'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'OAuth nonce record',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'consumer_key' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'unique identifier, root URL'),
+ 'tok' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 32, 'description' => 'buggy old value, ignored'),
+ 'nonce' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'nonce'),
+ 'ts' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'timestamp sent'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('consumer_key', 'ts', 'nonce'),
+$schema['oauth_application'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'OAuth application registration record',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'owner' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'owner of the application'),
+ 'consumer_key' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'application consumer key'),
+ 'name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'name of the application'),
+ 'description' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'description of the application'),
+ 'icon' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'application icon'),
+ 'source_url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'application homepage - used for source link'),
+ 'organization' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'name of the organization running the application'),
+ 'homepage' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'homepage for the organization'),
+ 'callback_url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'url to redirect to after authentication'),
+ 'type' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'type of app, 1 = browser, 2 = desktop'),
+ 'access_type' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'default access type, bit 1 = read, bit 2 = write'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'oauth_application_name_idx' => array('name'), // in the long run, we should perhaps not force these unique, and use another source id
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'owner' => array('profile' => 'id'), // Are remote users allowed to create oauth application records?
+ 'consumer_key' => array('consumer' => 'consumer_key'),
+ ),
+$schema['oauth_application_user'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user of the application'),
+ 'application_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'id of the application'),
+ 'access_type' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'access type, bit 1 = read, bit 2 = write'),
+ 'token' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'request or access token'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('profile_id', 'application_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ 'application_id' => array('oauth_application' => 'id'),
+ ),
+/* These are used by JanRain OpenID library */
+$schema['oid_associations'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'server_url' => array('type' => 'blob'),
+ 'handle' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255), // character set latin1,
+ 'secret' => array('type' => 'blob'),
+ 'issued' => array('type' => 'int'),
+ 'lifetime' => array('type' => 'int'),
+ 'assoc_type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array(array('server_url', 255), 'handle'),
+$schema['oid_nonces'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'server_url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 2047),
+ 'timestamp' => array('type' => 'int'),
+ 'salt' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 40),
+ ),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'oid_nonces_server_url_type_idx' => array(array('server_url', 255), 'timestamp', 'salt'),
+ ),
+$schema['confirm_address'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'code' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'good random code'),
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user who requested confirmation'),
+ 'address' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'address (email, xmpp, SMS, etc.)'),
+ 'address_extra' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'carrier ID, for SMS'),
+ 'address_type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 8, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'address type ("email", "xmpp", "sms")'),
+ 'claimed' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'description' => 'date this was claimed for queueing'),
+ 'sent' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'description' => 'date this was sent for queueing'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('code'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['remember_me'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'code' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'good random code'),
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user who is logged in'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('code'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['queue_item'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'frame' => array('type' => 'blob', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'data: object reference or opaque string'),
+ 'transport' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 8, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'queue for what? "email", "xmpp", "sms", "irc", ...'), // @fixme 8 chars is too short; bump up.
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'claimed' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'description' => 'date this item was claimed'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'queue_item_created_idx' => array('created'),
+ ),
+$schema['notice_tag'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'Hash tags',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'tag' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'hash tag associated with this notice'),
+ 'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notice tagged'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('tag', 'notice_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'notice_id' => array('notice' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'notice_tag_created_idx' => array('created'),
+ 'notice_tag_notice_id_idx' => array('notice_id'),
+ ),
+/* Synching with foreign services */
+$schema['foreign_service'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'numeric key for service'),
+ 'name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'name of the service'),
+ 'description' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'description'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'foreign_service_name_idx' => array('name'),
+ ),
+$schema['foreign_user'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'bigint', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'unique numeric key on foreign service'),
+ 'service' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to service'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'identifying URI'),
+ 'nickname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'nickname on foreign service'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id', 'service'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'service' => array('foreign_service' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'foreign_user_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+$schema['foreign_link'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'link to user on this system, if exists'),
+ 'foreign_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'big', 'unsigned' => true, 'description' => 'link to user on foreign service, if exists'),
+ 'service' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to service'),
+ 'credentials' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'authc credentials, typically a password'),
+ 'noticesync' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'notice synchronization, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming, bit 3 = filter local replies'),
+ 'friendsync' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 2, 'description' => 'friend synchronization, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming'),
+ 'profilesync' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'profile synchronization, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming'),
+ 'last_noticesync' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'description' => 'last time notices were imported'),
+ 'last_friendsync' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'description' => 'last time friends were imported'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('user_id', 'foreign_id', 'service'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ 'foreign_id' => array('foreign_user' => 'id'),
+ 'service' => array('foreign_service' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'foreign_user_user_id_idx' => array('user_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['foreign_subscription'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'service' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'service where relationship happens'),
+ 'subscriber' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'subscriber on foreign service'),
+ 'subscribed' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'subscribed user'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('service', 'subscriber', 'subscribed'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'service' => array('foreign_service' => 'id'),
+ 'subscriber' => array('foreign_user' => 'id'),
+ 'subscribed' => array('foreign_user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'foreign_subscription_subscriber_idx' => array('subscriber'),
+ 'foreign_subscription_subscribed_idx' => array('subscribed'),
+ ),
+$schema['invitation'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'code' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'random code for an invitation'),
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'who sent the invitation'),
+ 'address' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'invitation sent to'),
+ 'address_type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 8, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'address type ("email", "xmpp", "sms")'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('code'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'invitation_address_idx' => array('address', 'address_type'),
+ 'invitation_user_id_idx' => array('user_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['message'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier'),
+ 'from_profile' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'who the message is from'),
+ 'to_profile' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'who the message is to'),
+ 'content' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'message content'),
+ 'rendered' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'HTML version of the content'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL of any attachment (image, video, bookmark, whatever)'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ 'source' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'description' => 'source of comment, like "web", "im", or "clientname"'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique key' => array(
+ 'message_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'from_profile' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ 'to_profile' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ // @fixme these are really terrible indexes, since you can only sort on one of them at a time.
+ // looks like we really need a (to_profile, created) for inbox and a (from_profile, created) for outbox
+ 'message_from_idx' => array('from_profile'),
+ 'message_to_idx' => array('to_profile'),
+ 'message_created_idx' => array('created'),
+ ),
+$schema['notice_inbox'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'Obsolete; old entries here are converted to packed entries in the inbox table since 0.9',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user receiving the message'),
+ 'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notice received'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the notice was created'),
+ 'source' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'reason it is in the inbox, 1=subscription'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('user_id', 'notice_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ 'notice_id' => array('notice' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'notice_inbox_notice_id_idx' => array('notice_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['profile_tag'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'tagger' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user making the tag'),
+ 'tagged' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile tagged'),
+ 'tag' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'hash tag associated with this notice'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date the tag was added'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('tagger', 'tagged', 'tag'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'tagger' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ 'tagged' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'profile_tag_modified_idx' => array('modified'),
+ 'profile_tag_tagger_tag_idx' => array('tagger', 'tag'),
+ 'profile_tag_tagged_idx' => array('tagged'),
+ ),
+$schema['profile_block'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'blocker' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user making the block'),
+ 'blocked' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile that is blocked'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date of blocking'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'blocker' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ 'blocked' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('blocker', 'blocked'),
+$schema['user_group'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'nickname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'nickname for addressing'),
+ 'fullname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'display name'),
+ 'homepage' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL, cached so we dont regenerate'),
+ 'description' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'group description'),
+ 'location' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'related physical location, if any'),
+ 'original_logo' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'original size logo'),
+ 'homepage_logo' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'homepage (profile) size logo'),
+ 'stream_logo' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'stream-sized logo'),
+ 'mini_logo' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'mini logo'),
+ 'design_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'id of a design'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universal identifier'),
+ 'mainpage' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'page for group info to link to'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique key' => array(
+ 'user_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'design_id' => array('design' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'user_group_nickname_idx' => array('nickname'),
+ ),
+$schema['group_member'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to user_group'),
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to profile table'),
+ 'is_admin' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default' => false, 'description' => 'is this user an admin?'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('group_id', 'profile_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ // @fixme probably we want a (profile_id, created) index here?
+ 'group_member_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id'),
+ 'group_member_created_idx' => array('created'),
+ ),
+$schema['related_group'] = array(
+ // @fixme description for related_group?
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to user_group'),
+ 'related_group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to user_group'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('group_id', 'related_group_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ 'related_group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['group_inbox'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'Many-many table listing notices posted to a given group, or which groups a given notice was posted to.',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'group receiving the message'),
+ 'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notice received'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the notice was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('group_id', 'notice_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ 'notice_id' => array('notice' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'group_inbox_created_idx' => array('created'),
+ 'group_inbox_notice_id_idx' => array('notice_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['file'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'destination URL after following redirections'),
+ 'mimetype' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'mime type of resource'),
+ 'size' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'size of resource when available'),
+ 'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'title of resource when available'),
+ 'date' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'date of resource according to http query'),
+ 'protected' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'true when URL is private (needs login)'),
+ 'filename' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'if a local file, name of the file'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'file_url_idx' => array('url'),
+ ),
+$schema['file_oembed'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'oEmbed for that URL/file'),
+ 'version' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 20, 'description' => 'oEmbed spec. version'),
+ 'type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 20, 'description' => 'oEmbed type: photo, video, link, rich'),
+ 'mimetype' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'mime type of resource'),
+ 'provider' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'name of this oEmbed provider'),
+ 'provider_url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL of this oEmbed provider'),
+ 'width' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'width of oEmbed resource when available'),
+ 'height' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'height of oEmbed resource when available'),
+ 'html' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'html representation of this oEmbed resource when applicable'),
+ 'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'title of oEmbed resource when available'),
+ 'author_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'author name for this oEmbed resource'),
+ 'author_url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'author URL for this oEmbed resource'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL for this oEmbed resource when applicable (photo, link)'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('file_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('file' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['file_redirection'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'short URL (or any other kind of redirect) for file (id)'),
+ 'file_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'short URL for what URL/file'),
+ 'redirections' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'redirect count'),
+ 'httpcode' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'HTTP status code (20x, 30x, etc.)'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('url'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('file' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['file_thumbnail'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'thumbnail for what URL/file'),
+ 'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'URL of thumbnail'),
+ 'width' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'width of thumbnail'),
+ 'height' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'height of thumbnail'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('file_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('file' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'file_thumbnail_url_idx' => array('url'),
+ ),
+$schema['file_to_post'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'id of URL/file'),
+ 'post_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'id of the notice it belongs to'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('file_id', 'post_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'file_id' => array('file' => 'id'),
+ 'post_id' => array('notice' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'post_id_idx' => array('post_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['design'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'design ID'),
+ 'backgroundcolor' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'main background color'),
+ 'contentcolor' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'content area background color'),
+ 'sidebarcolor' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'sidebar background color'),
+ 'textcolor' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'text color'),
+ 'linkcolor' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'link color'),
+ 'backgroundimage' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'background image, if any'),
+ 'disposition' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'bit 1 = hide background image, bit 2 = display background image, bit 4 = tile background image'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+$schema['group_block'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'group profile is blocked from'),
+ 'blocked' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile that is blocked'),
+ 'blocker' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user making the block'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date of blocking'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('group_id', 'blocked'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ 'blocked' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ 'blocker' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['group_alias'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'alias' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'additional nickname for the group'),
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'group profile is blocked from'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date alias was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('alias'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'group_alias_group_id_idx' => array('group_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['session'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'description' => 'session ID'),
+ 'session_data' => array('type' => 'text', 'description' => 'session data'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'session_modified_idx' => array('modified'),
+ ),
+$schema['deleted_notice'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'identity of notice'),
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'author of the notice'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the notice record was created'),
+ 'deleted' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the notice record was created'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'deleted_notice_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+ 'indexes' => array(
+ 'deleted_notice_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id'),
+ ),
+$schema['config'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'section' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'description' => 'configuration section'),
+ 'setting' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'description' => 'configuration setting'),
+ 'value' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'configuration value'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('section', 'setting'),
+$schema['profile_role'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'account having the role'),
+ 'role' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'string representing the role'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the role was granted'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('profile_id', 'role'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['location_namespace'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'identity for this namespace'),
+ 'description' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'description of the namespace'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+$schema['login_token'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user owning this token'),
+ 'token' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'token useable for logging in'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('user_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['user_location_prefs'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user who has the preference'),
+ 'share_location' => array('type' => 'bool', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Whether to share location data'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array(user_id),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['inbox'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user receiving the notice'),
+ 'notice_ids' => array('type' => 'blob', 'description' => 'packed list of notice ids'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('user_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+// @fixme possibly swap this for a more general prefs table?
+$schema['user_im_prefs'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user'),
+ 'screenname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'screenname on this service'),
+ 'transport' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'transport (ex xmpp, aim)'),
+ 'notify' => array('type' => 'bool', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'Notify when a new notice is sent'),
+ 'replies' => array('type' => 'bool', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'Send replies from people not subscribed to'),
+ 'microid' => array('type' => 'bool', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Publish a MicroID'),
+ 'updatefrompresence' => array('type' => 'bool', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'Send replies from people not subscribed to.'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'description' => 'date this record was created'), // @fixme will that default work?
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('user_id', 'transport'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'transport_screenname_key' => array('transport', 'screenname'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
+$schema['conversation'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'description' => 'unique identifier'),
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 225, 'description' => 'URI of the conversation'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('id'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'conversation_uri_idx' => array('uri'),
+ ),
+$schema['local_group'] = array(
+ 'description' => 'Record for a user group on the local site, with some additional info not in user_group',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'group represented'),
+ 'nickname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'group represented'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('group_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'local_group_nickname_idx' => array('nickname'),
+ ),
+$schema['user_urlshortener_prefs'] = array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user'),
+ 'urlshorteningservice' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'default' => '', 'description' => 'service to use for auto-shortening URLs'),
+ 'maxurllength' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'urls greater than this length will be shortened, 0 = always, null = never'),
+ 'maxnoticelength' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notices with content greater than this value will have all urls shortened, 0 = always, null = never'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('user_id'),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('user' => 'id'),
+ ),
diff --git a/lib/mysqlschema.php b/lib/mysqlschema.php
index f9552c1dc..b84883c03 100644
--- a/lib/mysqlschema.php
+++ b/lib/mysqlschema.php
@@ -168,31 +168,6 @@ class MysqlSchema extends Schema
- * Gets a ColumnDef object for a single column.
- *
- * Throws an exception if the table is not found.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param string $column name of the column
- *
- * @return ColumnDef definition of the column or null
- * if not found.
- */
- public function getColumnDef($table, $column)
- {
- $td = $this->getTableDef($table);
- foreach ($td->columns as $cd) {
- if ($cd->name == $column) {
- return $cd;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
* Creates a table with the given names and columns.
* @param string $name Name of the table
@@ -290,156 +265,6 @@ class MysqlSchema extends Schema
- * Drops a table from the schema
- *
- * Throws an exception if the table is not found.
- *
- * @param string $name Name of the table to drop
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function dropTable($name)
- {
- $res = $this->conn->query("DROP TABLE $name");
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Adds an index to a table.
- *
- * If no name is provided, a name will be made up based
- * on the table name and column names.
- *
- * Throws an exception on database error, esp. if the table
- * does not exist.
- *
- * @param string $table Name of the table
- * @param array $columnNames Name of columns to index
- * @param string $name (Optional) name of the index
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function createIndex($table, $columnNames, $name=null)
- {
- if (!is_array($columnNames)) {
- $columnNames = array($columnNames);
- }
- if (empty($name)) {
- $name = "{$table}_".implode("_", $columnNames)."_idx";
- }
- $res = $this->conn->query("ALTER TABLE $table ".
- "ADD INDEX $name (".
- implode(",", $columnNames).")");
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Drops a named index from a table.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table the index is on.
- * @param string $name name of the index
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function dropIndex($table, $name)
- {
- $res = $this->conn->query("ALTER TABLE $table DROP INDEX $name");
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a column to a table
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param ColumnDef $columndef Definition of the new
- * column.
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function addColumn($table, $columndef)
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN " . $this->_columnSql($columndef);
- $res = $this->conn->query($sql);
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Modifies a column in the schema.
- *
- * The name must match an existing column and table.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param ColumnDef $columndef new definition of the column.
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function modifyColumn($table, $columndef)
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY COLUMN " .
- $this->_columnSql($columndef);
- $res = $this->conn->query($sql);
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Drops a column from a table
- *
- * The name must match an existing column.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param string $columnName name of the column to drop
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function dropColumn($table, $columnName)
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $columnName";
- $res = $this->conn->query($sql);
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
* Ensures that a table exists with the given
* name and the given column definitions.
@@ -589,44 +414,12 @@ class MysqlSchema extends Schema
- * Returns the array of names from an array of
- * ColumnDef objects.
- *
- * @param array $cds array of ColumnDef objects
- *
- * @return array strings for name values
- */
- private function _names($cds)
- {
- $names = array();
- foreach ($cds as $cd) {
- $names[] = $cd->name;
- }
- return $names;
- }
- /**
- * Get a ColumnDef from an array matching
- * name.
- *
- * @param array $cds Array of ColumnDef objects
- * @param string $name Name of the column
- *
- * @return ColumnDef matching item or null if no match.
+ * Is this column a string type?
- private function _byName($cds, $name)
+ private function _isString(array $cd)
- foreach ($cds as $cd) {
- if ($cd->name == $name) {
- return $cd;
- }
- }
- return null;
+ $strings = array('char', 'varchar', 'text');
+ return in_array(strtolower($cd['type']), $strings);
@@ -641,43 +434,61 @@ class MysqlSchema extends Schema
* @return string correct SQL for that column
- private function _columnSql($cd)
+ function columnSql(array $cd)
- $sql = "{$cd->name} ";
+ $line = array();
+ $line[] = parent::_columnSql($cd);
- if (!empty($cd->size)) {
- $sql .= "{$cd->type}({$cd->size}) ";
- } else {
- $sql .= "{$cd->type} ";
+ if ($cd['type'] == 'serial') {
+ $line[] = 'auto_increment';
- if ($this->_isString($cd)) {
- $sql .= " CHARACTER SET utf8 ";
+ if (!empty($cd['extra'])) {
+ $line[] = $cd['extra']; // hisss boooo
- if (!empty($cd->default)) {
- $sql .= "default {$cd->default} ";
- } else {
- $sql .= ($cd->nullable) ? "null " : "not null ";
- }
- if (!empty($cd->auto_increment)) {
- $sql .= " auto_increment ";
+ if (!empty($cd['description'])) {
+ $line[] = 'comment';
+ $line[] = $this->quote($cd['description']);
- if (!empty($cd->extra)) {
- $sql .= "{$cd->extra} ";
+ return implode(' ', $line);
+ }
+ function mapType($column)
+ {
+ $map = array('serial' => 'int',
+ 'integer' => 'int',
+ 'numeric' => 'decimal');
+ $type = $column['type'];
+ if (isset($map[$type])) {
+ $type = $map[$type];
+ }
+ if (!empty($column['size'])) {
+ $size = $column['size'];
+ if ($type == 'int' &&
+ in_array($size, array('tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'big'))) {
+ $type = $size . $type;
+ } else if (in_array($type, array('blob', 'text')) &&
+ in_array($size, array('tiny', 'medium', 'long'))) {
+ $type = $size . $type;
+ }
- return $sql;
+ return $type;
- /**
- * Is this column a string type?
- */
- private function _isString(ColumnDef $cd)
+ function typeAndSize($column)
- $strings = array('char', 'varchar', 'text');
- return in_array(strtolower($cd->type), $strings);
+ if ($column['type'] == 'enum') {
+ $vals = array_map(array($this, 'quote'), $column['enum']);
+ return 'enum(' . implode(',', $vals) . ')';
+ } else if ($this->_isString($column)) {
+ return parent::typeAndSize($column) . ' CHARSET utf8';
+ } else {
+ return parent::typeAndSize($column);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/pgsqlschema.php b/lib/pgsqlschema.php
index 272f7eff6..2d0f60983 100644
--- a/lib/pgsqlschema.php
+++ b/lib/pgsqlschema.php
@@ -104,31 +104,6 @@ class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
- * Gets a ColumnDef object for a single column.
- *
- * Throws an exception if the table is not found.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param string $column name of the column
- *
- * @return ColumnDef definition of the column or null
- * if not found.
- */
- public function getColumnDef($table, $column)
- {
- $td = $this->getTableDef($table);
- foreach ($td->columns as $cd) {
- if ($cd->name == $column) {
- return $cd;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
* Creates a table with the given names and columns.
* @param string $name Name of the table
@@ -193,27 +168,6 @@ class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
- * Drops a table from the schema
- *
- * Throws an exception if the table is not found.
- *
- * @param string $name Name of the table to drop
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function dropTable($name)
- {
- $res = $this->conn->query("DROP TABLE $name");
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
* Translate the (mostly) mysql-ish column types into somethings more standard
* @param string column type
@@ -230,86 +184,6 @@ class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
- * Adds an index to a table.
- *
- * If no name is provided, a name will be made up based
- * on the table name and column names.
- *
- * Throws an exception on database error, esp. if the table
- * does not exist.
- *
- * @param string $table Name of the table
- * @param array $columnNames Name of columns to index
- * @param string $name (Optional) name of the index
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function createIndex($table, $columnNames, $name=null)
- {
- if (!is_array($columnNames)) {
- $columnNames = array($columnNames);
- }
- if (empty($name)) {
- $name = "$table_".implode("_", $columnNames)."_idx";
- }
- $res = $this->conn->query("ALTER TABLE $table ".
- "ADD INDEX $name (".
- implode(",", $columnNames).")");
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Drops a named index from a table.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table the index is on.
- * @param string $name name of the index
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function dropIndex($table, $name)
- {
- $res = $this->conn->query("ALTER TABLE $table DROP INDEX $name");
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a column to a table
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param ColumnDef $columndef Definition of the new
- * column.
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function addColumn($table, $columndef)
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN " . $this->_columnSql($columndef);
- $res = $this->conn->query($sql);
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
* Modifies a column in the schema.
* The name must match an existing column and table.
@@ -334,29 +208,6 @@ class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
return true;
- /**
- * Drops a column from a table
- *
- * The name must match an existing column.
- *
- * @param string $table name of the table
- * @param string $columnName name of the column to drop
- *
- * @return boolean success flag
- */
- public function dropColumn($table, $columnName)
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $columnName";
- $res = $this->conn->query($sql);
- if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
- throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
- }
- return true;
- }
* Ensures that a table exists with the given
@@ -445,88 +296,68 @@ class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
- * Returns the array of names from an array of
- * ColumnDef objects.
- *
- * @param array $cds array of ColumnDef objects
+ * Return the proper SQL for creating or
+ * altering a column.
- * @return array strings for name values
- */
- private function _names($cds)
- {
- $names = array();
- foreach ($cds as $cd) {
- $names[] = $cd->name;
- }
- return $names;
- }
- /**
- * Get a ColumnDef from an array matching
- * name.
+ * Appropriate for use in CREATE TABLE or
+ * ALTER TABLE statements.
- * @param array $cds Array of ColumnDef objects
- * @param string $name Name of the column
+ * @param string $tableName
+ * @param array $tableDef
+ * @param string $columnName
+ * @param array $cd column to create
- * @return ColumnDef matching item or null if no match.
+ * @return string correct SQL for that column
- private function _byName($cds, $name)
+ function columnSql($name, array $cd)
- foreach ($cds as $cd) {
- if ($cd->name == $name) {
- return $cd;
+ $line = array();
+ $line[] = parent::_columnSql($cd);
+ if ($table['foreign keys'][$name]) {
+ foreach ($table['foreign keys'][$name] as $foreignTable => $foreignColumn) {
+ $line[] = 'references';
+ $line[] = $this->quoteId($foreignTable);
+ $line[] = '(' . $this->quoteId($foreignColumn) . ')';
- return null;
+ return implode(' ', $line);
- /**
- * Return the proper SQL for creating or
- * altering a column.
- *
- * Appropriate for use in CREATE TABLE or
- * ALTER TABLE statements.
- *
- * @param ColumnDef $cd column to create
- *
- * @return string correct SQL for that column
- */
- private function _columnSql($cd)
+ function mapType($column)
- $sql = "{$cd->name} ";
- $type = $this->_columnTypeTranslation($cd->type);
- //handle those mysql enum fields that postgres doesn't support
- if (preg_match('!^enum!', $type)) {
- $allowed_values = preg_replace('!^enum!', '', $type);
- $sql .= " text check ({$cd->name} in $allowed_values)";
- return $sql;
- }
- if (!empty($cd->auto_increment)) {
- $type = "bigserial"; // FIXME: creates the wrong name for the sequence for some internal sequence-lookup function, so better fix this to do the real 'create sequence' dance.
+ $map = array('serial' => 'bigserial', // FIXME: creates the wrong name for the sequence for some internal sequence-lookup function, so better fix this to do the real 'create sequence' dance.
+ 'numeric' => 'decimal',
+ 'datetime' => 'timestamp',
+ 'blob' => 'bytea');
+ $type = $column['type'];
+ if (isset($map[$type])) {
+ $type = $map[$type];
- if (!empty($cd->size)) {
- $sql .= "{$type}({$cd->size}) ";
- } else {
- $sql .= "{$type} ";
+ if (!empty($column['size'])) {
+ $size = $column['size'];
+ if ($type == 'integer' &&
+ in_array($size, array('small', 'big'))) {
+ $type = $size . 'int';
+ }
- if (!empty($cd->default)) {
- $sql .= "default {$cd->default} ";
+ return $type;
+ }
+ // @fixme need name... :P
+ function typeAndSize($column)
+ {
+ if ($column['type'] == 'enum') {
+ $vals = array_map(array($this, 'quote'), $column['enum']);
+ return "text check ($name in " . implode(',', $vals) . ')';
} else {
- $sql .= ($cd->nullable) ? "null " : "not null ";
+ return parent::typeAndSize($column);
-// if (!empty($cd->extra)) {
-// $sql .= "{$cd->extra} ";
-// }
- return $sql;
diff --git a/lib/schema.php b/lib/schema.php
index e5def514e..d20bced4a 100644
--- a/lib/schema.php
+++ b/lib/schema.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
* @category Database
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
+ * @author Brion Vibber <>
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ class Schema
if (empty($name)) {
- $name = "$table_".implode("_", $columnNames)."_idx";
+ $name = "{$table}_".implode("_", $columnNames)."_idx";
$res = $this->conn->query("ALTER TABLE $table ".
@@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ class Schema
* @return array strings for name values
- private function _names($cds)
+ protected function _names($cds)
$names = array();
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ class Schema
* @return ColumnDef matching item or null if no match.
- private function _byName($cds, $name)
+ protected function _byName($cds, $name)
foreach ($cds as $cd) {
if ($cd->name == $name) {
@@ -465,31 +466,122 @@ class Schema
* @return string correct SQL for that column
- private function _columnSql($cd)
+ function columnSql(array $cd)
- $sql = "{$cd->name} ";
+ $line = array();
+ $line[] = $this->typeAndSize();
+ if (isset($cd['default'])) {
+ $line[] = 'default';
+ $line[] = $this->quoted($cd['default']);
+ } else if (!empty($cd['not null'])) {
+ // Can't have both not null AND default!
+ $line[] = 'not null';
+ }
- if (!empty($cd->size)) {
- $sql .= "{$cd->type}({$cd->size}) ";
- } else {
- $sql .= "{$cd->type} ";
+ return implode(' ', $line);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param string $column canonical type name in defs
+ * @return string native DB type name
+ */
+ function mapType($column)
+ {
+ return $column;
+ }
+ function typeAndSize($column)
+ {
+ $type = $this->mapType($column);
+ $lengths = array();
+ if ($column['type'] == 'numeric') {
+ if (isset($column['precision'])) {
+ $lengths[] = $column['precision'];
+ if (isset($column['scale'])) {
+ $lengths[] = $column['scale'];
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (isset($column['length'])) {
+ $lengths[] = $column['length'];
- if (!empty($cd->default)) {
- $sql .= "default {$cd->default} ";
+ if ($lengths) {
+ return $type . '(' . implode(',', $lengths) . ')';
} else {
- $sql .= ($cd->nullable) ? "null " : "not null ";
+ return $type;
+ }
- if (!empty($cd->auto_increment)) {
- $sql .= " auto_increment ";
- }
+ /**
+ * Convert an old-style set of ColumnDef objects into the current
+ * Drupal-style schema definition array, for backwards compatibility
+ * with plugins written for 0.9.x.
+ *
+ * @param string $tableName
+ * @param array $defs
+ * @return array
+ */
+ function oldToNew($tableName, $defs)
+ {
+ $table = array();
+ $prefixes = array(
+ 'tiny',
+ 'small',
+ 'medium',
+ 'big',
+ );
+ foreach ($defs as $cd) {
+ $cd->addToTableDef($table);
+ $column = array();
+ $column['type'] = $cd->type;
+ foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
+ if (substr($cd->type, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) {
+ $column['type'] = substr($cd->type, strlen($prefix));
+ $column['size'] = $prefix;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- if (!empty($cd->extra)) {
- $sql .= "{$cd->extra} ";
+ if ($cd->size) {
+ if ($cd->type == 'varchar' || $cd->type == 'char') {
+ $column['length'] = $cd->size;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$cd->nullable) {
+ $column['not null'] = true;
+ }
+ if ($cd->autoincrement) {
+ $column['type'] = 'serial';
+ }
+ if ($cd->default) {
+ $column['default'] = $cd->default;
+ }
+ $table['fields'][$cd->name] = $column;
+ if ($cd->key == 'PRI') {
+ // If multiple columns are defined as primary key,
+ // we'll pile them on in sequence.
+ if (!isset($table['primary key'])) {
+ $table['primary key'] = array();
+ }
+ $table['primary key'][] = $cd->name;
+ } else if ($cd->key == 'MUL') {
+ // Individual multiple-value indexes are only per-column
+ // using the old ColumnDef syntax.
+ $idx = "{$tableName}_{$cd->name}_idx";
+ $table['indexes'][$idx] = array($cd->name);
+ } else if ($cd->key == 'UNI') {
+ // Individual unique-value indexes are only per-column
+ // using the old ColumnDef syntax.
+ $idx = "{$tableName}_{$cd->name}_idx";
+ $table['unique keys'][$idx] = array($cd->name);
+ }
- return $sql;
+ return $table;
diff --git a/plugins/CacheLog/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/CacheLog.po b/plugins/CacheLog/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/CacheLog.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba685a7e..000000000
--- a/plugins/CacheLog/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/CacheLog.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of StatusNet - CacheLog to Norwegian (bokmål)‬ (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬)
-# Expored from
-# Author: Nghtwlkr
-# --
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the StatusNet package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: StatusNet - CacheLog\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-04 22:30+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-04 22:32:56+0000\n"
-"Language-Team: Norwegian (bokmål)‬ <>\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-POT-Import-Date: 2010-10-03 20:56:06+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: MediaWiki 1.17alpha (r74276); Translate extension (2010-09-17)\n"
-"X-Translation-Project: at\n"
-"X-Language-Code: no\n"
-"X-Message-Group: #out-statusnet-plugin-cachelog\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: CacheLogPlugin.php:116
-msgid "Log reads and writes to the cache."
-msgstr "Logg leser og skriver til hurtiglageret."
diff --git a/plugins/OStatus/classes/Ostatus_profile.php b/plugins/OStatus/classes/Ostatus_profile.php
index 10cee917e..ee126c02a 100644
--- a/plugins/OStatus/classes/Ostatus_profile.php
+++ b/plugins/OStatus/classes/Ostatus_profile.php
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
* @package OStatusPlugin
* @maintainer Brion Vibber <>
-class Ostatus_profile extends Memcached_DataObject
+class Ostatus_profile extends Managed_DataObject
public $__table = 'ostatus_profile';
@@ -43,74 +44,35 @@ class Ostatus_profile extends Memcached_DataObject
- * return table definition for DB_DataObject
- *
- * DB_DataObject needs to know something about the table to manipulate
- * instances. This method provides all the DB_DataObject needs to know.
+ * Return table definition for Schema setup and DB_DataObject usage.
* @return array array of column definitions
- function table()
- {
- 'profile_id' => DB_DATAOBJECT_INT,
- 'group_id' => DB_DATAOBJECT_INT,
- 'feeduri' => DB_DATAOBJECT_STR,
- 'salmonuri' => DB_DATAOBJECT_STR,
- 'avatar' => DB_DATAOBJECT_STR,
- }
static function schemaDef()
- return array(new ColumnDef('uri', 'varchar',
- 255, false, 'PRI'),
- new ColumnDef('profile_id', 'integer',
- null, true, 'UNI'),
- new ColumnDef('group_id', 'integer',
- null, true, 'UNI'),
- new ColumnDef('feeduri', 'varchar',
- 255, true, 'UNI'),
- new ColumnDef('salmonuri', 'text',
- null, true),
- new ColumnDef('avatar', 'text',
- null, true),
- new ColumnDef('created', 'datetime',
- null, false),
- new ColumnDef('modified', 'datetime',
- null, false));
- }
- /**
- * return key definitions for DB_DataObject
- *
- * DB_DataObject needs to know about keys that the table has; this function
- * defines them.
- *
- * @return array key definitions
- */
- function keys()
- {
- return array_keys($this->keyTypes());
- }
- /**
- * return key definitions for Memcached_DataObject
- *
- * Our caching system uses the same key definitions, but uses a different
- * method to get them.
- *
- * @return array key definitions
- */
- function keyTypes()
- {
- return array('uri' => 'K', 'profile_id' => 'U', 'group_id' => 'U', 'feeduri' => 'U');
- }
- function sequenceKey()
- {
- return array(false, false, false);
+ return array(
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true),
+ 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'integer'),
+ 'group_id' => array('type' => 'integer'),
+ 'feeduri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255),
+ 'salmonuri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255),
+ 'avatar' => array('type' => 'text'),
+ 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true),
+ 'modified' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('uri'),
+ 'unique keys' => array(
+ 'ostatus_profile_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id'),
+ 'ostatus_profile_group_id_idx' => array('group_id'),
+ 'ostatus_profile_feeduri_idx' => array('feeduri'),
+ ),
+ 'foreign keys' => array(
+ 'profile_id' => array('profile' => 'id'),
+ 'group_id' => array('user_group' => 'id'),
+ ),
+ );