path: root/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 669 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/atom.rnc b/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/atom.rnc
deleted file mode 100755
index e662d2626..000000000
--- a/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/atom.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-# -*- rnc -*-
-# RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the
-# Atom Format Specification Version 11
-namespace atom = ""
-namespace xhtml = ""
-namespace s = ""
-namespace local = ""
-start = atomFeed | atomEntry
-# Common attributes
-atomCommonAttributes =
- attribute xml:base { atomUri }?,
- attribute xml:lang { atomLanguageTag }?,
- undefinedAttribute*
-# Text Constructs
-atomPlainTextConstruct =
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute type { "text" | "html" }?,
- text
-atomXHTMLTextConstruct =
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute type { "xhtml" },
- xhtmlDiv
-atomTextConstruct = atomPlainTextConstruct | atomXHTMLTextConstruct
-# Person Construct
-atomPersonConstruct =
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (element atom:name { text }
- & element atom:uri { atomUri }?
- & element atom:email { atomEmailAddress }?
- & extensionElement*)
-# Date Construct
-atomDateConstruct =
- atomCommonAttributes,
- xsd:dateTime
-# atom:feed
-atomFeed =
- [
- s:rule [
- context = "atom:feed"
- s:assert [
- test = "atom:author or not(atom:entry[not(atom:author)])"
- "An atom:feed must have an atom:author unless all "
- ~ "of its atom:entry children have an atom:author."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- element atom:feed {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (atomAuthor*
- & atomCategory*
- & atomContributor*
- & atomGenerator?
- & atomIcon?
- & atomId
- & atomLink*
- & atomLogo?
- & atomRights?
- & atomSubtitle?
- & atomTitle
- & atomUpdated
- & extensionElement*),
- atomEntry*
- }
-# atom:entry
-atomEntry =
- [
- s:rule [
- context = "atom:entry"
- s:assert [
- test = "atom:link[@rel='alternate'] "
- ~ "or atom:link[not(@rel)] "
- ~ "or atom:content"
- "An atom:entry must have at least one atom:link element "
- ~ "with a rel attribute of 'alternate' "
- ~ "or an atom:content."
- ]
- ]
- s:rule [
- context = "atom:entry"
- s:assert [
- test = "atom:author or "
- ~ "../atom:author or atom:source/atom:author"
- "An atom:entry must have an atom:author "
- ~ "if its feed does not."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- element atom:entry {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (atomAuthor*
- & atomCategory*
- & atomContent?
- & atomContributor*
- & atomId
- & atomLink*
- & atomPublished?
- & atomRights?
- & atomSource?
- & atomSummary?
- & atomTitle
- & atomUpdated
- & extensionElement*)
- }
-# atom:content
-atomInlineTextContent =
- element atom:content {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute type { "text" | "html" }?,
- (text)*
- }
-atomInlineXHTMLContent =
- element atom:content {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute type { "xhtml" },
- xhtmlDiv
- }
-atomInlineOtherContent =
- element atom:content {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute type { atomMediaType }?,
- (text|anyElement)*
- }
-atomOutOfLineContent =
- element atom:content {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute type { atomMediaType }?,
- attribute src { atomUri },
- empty
- }
-atomContent = atomInlineTextContent
- | atomInlineXHTMLContent
- | atomInlineOtherContent
- | atomOutOfLineContent
-# atom:author
-atomAuthor = element atom:author { atomPersonConstruct }
-# atom:category
-atomCategory =
- element atom:category {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute term { text },
- attribute scheme { atomUri }?,
- attribute label { text }?,
- undefinedContent
- }
-# atom:contributor
-atomContributor = element atom:contributor { atomPersonConstruct }
-# atom:generator
-atomGenerator = element atom:generator {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute uri { atomUri }?,
- attribute version { text }?,
- text
-# atom:icon
-atomIcon = element atom:icon {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (atomUri)
-# atom:id
-atomId = element atom:id {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (atomUri)
-# atom:logo
-atomLogo = element atom:logo {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (atomUri)
-# atom:link
-atomLink =
- element atom:link {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- attribute href { atomUri },
- attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?,
- attribute type { atomMediaType }?,
- attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?,
- attribute title { text }?,
- attribute length { text }?,
- undefinedContent
- }
-# atom:published
-atomPublished = element atom:published { atomDateConstruct }
-# atom:rights
-atomRights = element atom:rights { atomTextConstruct }
-# atom:source
-atomSource =
- element atom:source {
- atomCommonAttributes,
- (atomAuthor*
- & atomCategory*
- & atomContributor*
- & atomGenerator?
- & atomIcon?
- & atomId?
- & atomLink*
- & atomLogo?
- & atomRights?
- & atomSubtitle?
- & atomTitle?
- & atomUpdated?
- & extensionElement*)
- }
-# atom:subtitle
-atomSubtitle = element atom:subtitle { atomTextConstruct }
-# atom:summary
-atomSummary = element atom:summary { atomTextConstruct }
-# atom:title
-atomTitle = element atom:title { atomTextConstruct }
-# atom:updated
-atomUpdated = element atom:updated { atomDateConstruct }
-# Low-level simple types
-atomNCName = xsd:string { minLength = "1" pattern = "[^:]*" }
-# Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash
-atomMediaType = xsd:string { pattern = ".+/.+" }
-# As defined in RFC 3066
-atomLanguageTag = xsd:string {
- pattern = "[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*"
-# Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into
-# xsd:anyURI so let's not try to constrain it here
-atomUri = text
-# Whatever an email address is, it contains at least one @
-atomEmailAddress = xsd:string { pattern = ".+@.+" }
-# Simple Extension
-simpleExtensionElement =
- element * - atom:* {
- text
- }
-# Structured Extension
-structuredExtensionElement =
- element * - atom:* {
- (attribute * { text }+,
- (text|anyElement)*)
- | (attribute * { text }*,
- (text?, anyElement+, (text|anyElement)*))
- }
-# Other Extensibility
-extensionElement =
- simpleExtensionElement | structuredExtensionElement
-undefinedAttribute =
- attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | local:*) { text }
-undefinedContent = (text|anyForeignElement)*
-anyElement =
- element * {
- (attribute * { text }
- | text
- | anyElement)*
- }
-anyForeignElement =
- element * - atom:* {
- (attribute * { text }
- | text
- | anyElement)*
- }
-anyXHTML = element xhtml:* {
- (attribute * { text }
- | text
- | anyXHTML)*
-xhtmlDiv = element xhtml:div {
- (attribute * { text }
- | text
- | anyXHTML)*
-# EOF \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/rss10.rnc b/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/rss10.rnc
deleted file mode 100755
index 725094788..000000000
--- a/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/rss10.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!-- -->
-<!-- -->
-<!-- -->
-<grammar xmlns=''
- xmlns:rdf=''
- xmlns:xsi=''
- ns=''
- datatypeLibrary=''>
- <start>
- <element name='RDF' ns=''>
- <ref name='RDFContent'/>
- </element>
- </start>
- <define name='RDFContent' ns=''>
- <interleave>
- <element name='channel'>
- <ref name='channelContent'/>
- </element>
- <optional>
- <element name='image'><ref name='imageContent'/></element>
- </optional>
- <oneOrMore>
- <element name='item'><ref name='itemContent'/></element>
- </oneOrMore>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name='channelContent' combine="interleave">
- <interleave>
- <element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
- <element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
- <element name='description'><data type='string'/></element>
- <element name='image'>
- <attribute name='resource' ns=''>
- <data type='anyURI'/>
- </attribute>
- </element>
- <element name='items'>
- <ref name='itemsContent'/>
- </element>
- <attribute name='about' ns=''>
- <data type='anyURI'/>
- </attribute>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name="itemsContent">
- <element name="Seq" ns=''>
- <oneOrMore>
- <element name="li" ns=''>
- <choice>
- <attribute name='resource'> <!-- Why doesn't RDF/RSS1.0 ns qualify this attribute? -->
- <data type='anyURI'/>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name='resource' ns=''>
- <data type='anyURI'/>
- </attribute>
- </choice>
- </element>
- </oneOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name='imageContent'>
- <interleave>
- <element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
- <element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
- <element name='url'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
- <attribute name='about' ns=''>
- <data type='anyURI'/>
- </attribute>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name='itemContent'>
- <interleave>
- <element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
- <element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
- <optional><element name='description'><data type='string'/></element></optional>
- <ref name="anyThing"/>
- <attribute name='about' ns=''>
- <data type='anyURI'/>
- </attribute>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name='anyThing'>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <choice>
- <text/>
- <element>
- <anyName>
- <except>
- <nsName/>
- </except>
- </anyName>
- <ref name='anyThing'/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <attribute>
- <anyName/>
- </attribute>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </choice>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </define>
diff --git a/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/rss11.rnc b/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/rss11.rnc
deleted file mode 100755
index c8633766f..000000000
--- a/plugins/FeedSub/extlib/XML/Feed/schemas/rss11.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- RELAX NG Compact Schema for RSS 1.1
- Sean B. Palmer,
- Christopher Schmidt,
- License: This schema is in the public domain
-<grammar xmlns:rss="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:rdf="" ns="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
- <start>
- <ref name="Channel"/>
- </start>
- <define name="Channel">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="Channel">
- <ref name="Channel.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="Channel.content">
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLBase"/>
- </optional>
- <ref name="AttrRDFAbout"/>
- <interleave>
- <ref name="title"/>
- <ref name="link"/>
- <ref name="description"/>
- <optional>
- <ref name="image"/>
- </optional>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="Any"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="items"/>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name="title">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="title">
- <ref name="title.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="title.content">
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
- </optional>
- <text/>
- </define>
- <define name="link">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="link">
- <ref name="link.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="link.content">
- <data type="anyURI"/>
- </define>
- <define name="description">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="description">
- <ref name="description.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="description.content">
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
- </optional>
- <text/>
- </define>
- <define name="image">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="image">
- <ref name="image.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="image.content">
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
- </optional>
- <ref name="AttrRDFResource"/>
- <interleave>
- <ref name="title"/>
- <optional>
- <ref name="link"/>
- </optional>
- <ref name="url"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="Any"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name="url">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="url">
- <ref name="url.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="url.content">
- <data type="anyURI"/>
- </define>
- <define name="items">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="items">
- <ref name="items.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="items.content">
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
- </optional>
- <ref name="AttrRDFCollection"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="item"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </define>
- <define name="item">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element name="item">
- <ref name="item.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="item.content">
- <optional>
- <ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
- </optional>
- <ref name="AttrRDFAbout"/>
- <interleave>
- <ref name="title"/>
- <ref name="link"/>
- <optional>
- <ref name="description"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <ref name="image"/>
- </optional>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="Any"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </interleave>
- </define>
- <define name="Any">
- <a:documentation></a:documentation>
- <element>
- <anyName>
- <except>
- <nsName/>
- </except>
- </anyName>
- <ref name="Any.content"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="Any.content">
- <zeroOrMore>
- <attribute>
- <anyName>
- <except>
- <nsName/>
- <nsName ns=""/>
- </except>
- </anyName>
- </attribute>
- </zeroOrMore>
- <mixed>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="Any"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </mixed>
- </define>
- <define name="AttrXMLLang">
- <attribute name="xml:lang">
- <data type="language"/>
- </attribute>
- </define>
- <define name="AttrXMLBase">
- <attribute name="xml:base">
- <data type="anyURI"/>
- </attribute>
- </define>
- <define name="AttrRDFAbout">
- <attribute name="rdf:about">
- <data type="anyURI"/>
- </attribute>
- </define>
- <define name="AttrRDFResource">
- <attribute name="rdf:parseType">
- <value>Resource</value>
- </attribute>
- </define>
- <define name="AttrRDFCollection">
- <attribute name="rdf:parseType">
- <value>Collection</value>
- </attribute>
- </define>