path: root/plugins/Irc/extlib/phergie/Phergie/Plugin/Encoding.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Irc/extlib/phergie/Phergie/Plugin/Encoding.php')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Irc/extlib/phergie/Phergie/Plugin/Encoding.php b/plugins/Irc/extlib/phergie/Phergie/Plugin/Encoding.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..419322bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Irc/extlib/phergie/Phergie/Plugin/Encoding.php
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Phergie
+ *
+ * PHP version 5
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ *
+ * @category Phergie
+ * @package Phergie_Plugin_Encoding
+ * @author Phergie Development Team <>
+ * @copyright 2008-2010 Phergie Development Team (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @link
+ */
+ * Handles decoding markup entities and converting text between character
+ * encodings.
+ *
+ * @category Phergie
+ * @package Phergie_Plugin_Encoding
+ * @author Phergie Development Team <>
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @link
+ */
+class Phergie_Plugin_Encoding extends Phergie_Plugin_Abstract
+ /**
+ * Lookup table for entity conversions not supported by
+ * html_entity_decode()
+ *
+ * @var array
+ * @link
+ * @link
+ */
+ protected static $entities = array(
+ '&alpha;' => 913,
+ '&apos;' => 39,
+ '&beta;' => 914,
+ '&bull;' => 149,
+ '&chi;' => 935,
+ '&circ;' => 94,
+ '&delta;' => 916,
+ '&epsilon;' => 917,
+ '&eta;' => 919,
+ '&fnof;' => 402,
+ '&gamma;' => 915,
+ '&iota;' => 921,
+ '&kappa;' => 922,
+ '&lambda;' => 923,
+ '&ldquo;' => 147,
+ '&lsaquo;' => 139,
+ '&lsquo;' => 145,
+ '&mdash;' => 151,
+ '&minus;' => 45,
+ '&mu;' => 924,
+ '&ndash;' => 150,
+ '&nu;' => 925,
+ '&oelig;' => 140,
+ '&omega;' => 937,
+ '&omicron;' => 927,
+ '&phi;' => 934,
+ '&pi;' => 928,
+ '&piv;' => 982,
+ '&psi;' => 936,
+ '&rdquo;' => 148,
+ '&rho;' => 929,
+ '&rsaquo;' => 155,
+ '&rsquo;' => 146,
+ '&scaron;' => 138,
+ '&sigma;' => 931,
+ '&sigmaf;' => 962,
+ '&tau;' => 932,
+ '&theta;' => 920,
+ '&thetasym;' => 977,
+ '&tilde;' => 126,
+ '&trade;' => 153,
+ '&upsih;' => 978,
+ '&upsilon;' => 933,
+ '&xi;' => 926,
+ '&yuml;' => 159,
+ '&zeta;' => 918,
+ );
+ /**
+ * Decodes markup entities in a given string.
+ *
+ * @param string $string String containing markup entities
+ * @param string $charset Optional character set name to use in decoding
+ * entities, defaults to UTF-8
+ *
+ * @return string String with markup entities decoded
+ */
+ public function decodeEntities($string, $charset = 'UTF-8')
+ {
+ $string = str_ireplace(
+ array_keys(self::$entities),
+ array_map('chr', self::$entities),
+ $string
+ );
+ $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
+ $string = preg_replace(
+ array('/&#0*([0-9]+);/me', '/&#x0*([a-f0-9]+);/mei'),
+ array('$this->codeToUtf(\\1)', '$this->codeToUtf(hexdec(\\1))'),
+ $string
+ );
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a given unicode to its UTF-8 equivalent.
+ *
+ * @param int $code Code to convert
+ * @return string Character corresponding to code
+ */
+ public function codeToUtf8($code)
+ {
+ $code = (int) $code;
+ switch ($code) {
+ // 1 byte, 7 bits
+ case 0:
+ return chr(0);
+ case ($code & 0x7F):
+ return chr($code);
+ // 2 bytes, 11 bits
+ case ($code & 0x7FF):
+ return chr(0xC0 | (($code >> 6) & 0x1F)) .
+ chr(0x80 | ($code & 0x3F));
+ // 3 bytes, 16 bits
+ case ($code & 0xFFFF):
+ return chr(0xE0 | (($code >> 12) & 0x0F)) .
+ chr(0x80 | (($code >> 6) & 0x3F)) .
+ chr(0x80 | ($code & 0x3F));
+ // 4 bytes, 21 bits
+ case ($code & 0x1FFFFF):
+ return chr(0xF0 | ($code >> 18)) .
+ chr(0x80 | (($code >> 12) & 0x3F)) .
+ chr(0x80 | (($code >> 6) & 0x3F)) .
+ chr(0x80 | ($code & 0x3F));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Transliterates characters in a given string where possible.
+ *
+ * @param string $string String containing characters to
+ * transliterate
+ * @param string $charsetFrom Optional character set of the string,
+ * defaults to UTF-8
+ * @param string $charsetTo Optional character set to which the string
+ * should be converted, defaults to ISO-8859-1
+ *
+ * @return string String with characters transliterated or the original
+ * string if transliteration was not possible
+ */
+ public function transliterate($string, $charsetFrom = 'UTF-8', $charsetTo = 'ISO-8859-1')
+ {
+ // @link
+ if (function_exists('transliterate')) {
+ $string = transliterate($string, array('han_transliterate', 'diacritical_remove'), $charsetFrom, $charsetTo);
+ } elseif (function_exists('iconv')) {
+ $string = iconv($charsetFrom, $charsetTo . '//TRANSLIT', $string);
+ } else {
+ // @link
+ $string = preg_replace(
+ '~&([a-z]{1,2})(acute|cedil|circ|grave|lig|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);~i',
+ '$1',
+ htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, $charsetFrom)
+ );
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }