path: root/plugins/Mapstraction/js/mxn.openlayers.core.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Mapstraction/js/mxn.openlayers.core.js')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Mapstraction/js/mxn.openlayers.core.js b/plugins/Mapstraction/js/mxn.openlayers.core.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c04c3321b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Mapstraction/js/mxn.openlayers.core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+mxn.register('openlayers', {
+ Mapstraction: {
+ init: function(element, api){
+ var me = this;
+ this.maps[api] = new OpenLayers.Map(
+ {
+ maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34),
+ maxResolution:156543,
+ numZoomLevels:18,
+ units:'meters',
+ projection: "EPSG:41001"
+ }
+ );
+ this.layers['osmmapnik'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
+ 'OSM Mapnik',
+ [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ {
+ type:'png',
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ var res =;
+ var x = Math.round ((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
+ var y = Math.round (( - / (res * this.tileSize.h));
+ var z =;
+ var limit = Math.pow(2, z);
+ if (y < 0 || y >= limit) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit;
+ var path = z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type;
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (url instanceof Array) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(path, url);
+ }
+ return url + path;
+ }
+ },
+ displayOutsideMaxExtent: true
+ }
+ );
+ this.layers['osm'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
+ 'OSM',
+ [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ {
+ type:'png',
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ var res =;
+ var x = Math.round ((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
+ var y = Math.round (( - / (res * this.tileSize.h));
+ var z =;
+ var limit = Math.pow(2, z);
+ if (y < 0 || y >= limit) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit;
+ var path = z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type;
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (url instanceof Array) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(path, url);
+ }
+ return url + path;
+ }
+ },
+ displayOutsideMaxExtent: true
+ }
+ );
+ this.maps[api].addLayer(this.layers['osmmapnik']);
+ this.maps[api].addLayer(this.layers['osm']);
+ },
+ applyOptions: function(){
+ // var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // var myOptions = [];
+ // if (this.options.enableDragging) {
+ // myOptions.draggable = true;
+ // }
+ // if (this.options.enableScrollWheelZoom){
+ // myOptions.scrollwheel = true;
+ // }
+ // map.setOptions(myOptions);
+ },
+ resizeTo: function(width, height){
+ = width;
+ = height;
+ this.maps[this.api].updateSize();
+ },
+ addControls: function( args ) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // FIXME: OpenLayers has a bug removing all the controls says crschmidt
+ for (var i = map.controls.length; i>1; i--) {
+ map.controls[i-1].deactivate();
+ map.removeControl(map.controls[i-1]);
+ }
+ if ( args.zoom == 'large' ) {
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar());
+ }
+ else if ( args.zoom == 'small' ) {
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel());
+ if ( args.pan) {
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( args.pan){
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( args.overview ) {
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap());
+ }
+ if ( args.map_type ) {
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
+ }
+ },
+ addSmallControls: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ this.addControlsArgs.pan = false;
+ this.addControlsArgs.scale = false;
+ this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small';
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox());
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({
+ 'ascending':false
+ }));
+ },
+ addLargeControls: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar());
+ this.addControlsArgs.pan = true;
+ this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large';
+ },
+ addMapTypeControls: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({
+ 'ascending':false
+ }) );
+ this.addControlsArgs.map_type = true;
+ },
+ setCenterAndZoom: function(point, zoom) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var pt = point.toProprietary(this.api);
+ map.setCenter(point.toProprietary(this.api), zoom);
+ },
+ addMarker: function(marker, old) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var pin = marker.toProprietary(this.api);
+ if (!this.layers['markers']) {
+ this.layers['markers'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers('markers');
+ map.addLayer(this.layers['markers']);
+ }
+ this.layers['markers'].addMarker(pin);
+ return pin;
+ },
+ removeMarker: function(marker) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var pin = marker.toProprietary(this.api);
+ this.layers['markers'].removeMarker(pin);
+ pin.destroy();
+ },
+ removeAllMarkers: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ declutterMarkers: function(opts) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ addPolyline: function(polyline, old) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var pl = polyline.toProprietary(this.api);
+ if (!this.layers['polylines']) {
+ this.layers['polylines'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('polylines');
+ map.addLayer(this.layers['polylines']);
+ }
+ polyline.setChild(pl);
+ this.layers['polylines'].addFeatures([pl]);
+ return pl;
+ },
+ removePolyline: function(polyline) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var pl = polyline.toProprietary(this.api);
+ this.layers['polylines'].removeFeatures([pl]);
+ },
+ removeAllPolylines: function() {
+ var olpolylines = [];
+ for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){
+ olpolylines.push(this.polylines[i].toProprietary(this.api));
+ }
+ if (this.layers['polylines']) this.layers['polylines'].removeFeatures(olpolylines);
+ },
+ getCenter: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ pt = map.getCenter();
+ return new mxn.LatLonPoint(, pt.lon);
+ },
+ setCenter: function(point, options) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var pt = point.toProprietary(this.api);
+ map.setCenter(pt);
+ },
+ setZoom: function(zoom) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ map.zoomTo(zoom);
+ },
+ getZoom: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ return map.zoom;
+ },
+ getZoomLevelForBoundingBox: function( bbox ) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // throw 'Not implemented';
+ return zoom;
+ },
+ setMapType: function(type) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ throw 'Not implemented (setMapType)';
+ // switch(type) {
+ // case mxn.Mapstraction.ROAD:
+ // map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP);
+ // break;
+ // case mxn.Mapstraction.SATELLITE:
+ // map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE);
+ // break;
+ // case mxn.Mapstraction.HYBRID:
+ // map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID);
+ // break;
+ // default:
+ // map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP);
+ // }
+ },
+ getMapType: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: implement actual layer support
+ return mxn.Mapstraction.ROAD;
+ // var type = map.getMapTypeId();
+ // switch(type) {
+ // case google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP:
+ // return mxn.Mapstraction.ROAD;
+ // case google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE:
+ // return mxn.Mapstraction.SATELLITE;
+ // case google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID:
+ // return mxn.Mapstraction.HYBRID;
+ // //case google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN:
+ // // return something;
+ // default:
+ // return null;
+ // }
+ },
+ getBounds: function () {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var olbox = map.calculateBounds();
+ return new mxn.BoundingBox(olbox.bottom, olbox.left,, olbox.right);
+ },
+ setBounds: function(bounds){
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var sw = bounds.getSouthWest();
+ var ne = bounds.getNorthEast();
+ if(sw.lon > ne.lon) {
+ sw.lon -= 360;
+ }
+ var obounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
+ obounds.extend(new mxn.LatLonPoint(,sw.lon).toProprietary(this.api));
+ obounds.extend(new mxn.LatLonPoint(,ne.lon).toProprietary(this.api));
+ map.zoomToExtent(obounds);
+ },
+ addImageOverlay: function(id, src, opacity, west, south, east, north, oContext) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ setImagePosition: function(id, oContext) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ var topLeftPoint; var bottomRightPoint;
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ // = ...;
+ //oContext.pixels.left = ...;
+ //oContext.pixels.bottom = ...;
+ //oContext.pixels.right = ...;
+ },
+ addOverlay: function(url, autoCenterAndZoom) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ addTileLayer: function(tile_url, opacity, copyright_text, min_zoom, max_zoom) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ toggleTileLayer: function(tile_url) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ getPixelRatio: function() {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ mousePosition: function(element) {
+ var map = this.maps[this.api];
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ }
+ },
+ LatLonPoint: {
+ toProprietary: function() {
+ var ollon = this.lon * 20037508.34 / 180;
+ var ollat = Math.log(Math.tan((90 + * Math.PI / 360)) / (Math.PI / 180);
+ ollat = ollat * 20037508.34 / 180;
+ return new OpenLayers.LonLat(ollon, ollat);
+ },
+ fromProprietary: function(olPoint) {
+ var lon = (olPoint.lon / 20037508.34) * 180;
+ var lat = ( / 20037508.34) * 180;
+ lat = 180/Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(lat * Math.PI / 180)) - Math.PI / 2);
+ this.lon = lon;
+ = lat;
+ }
+ },
+ Marker: {
+ toProprietary: function() {
+ var size, anchor, icon;
+ if(this.iconSize) {
+ size = new OpenLayers.Size(this.iconSize[0], this.iconSize[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ size = new OpenLayers.Size(21,25);
+ }
+ if(this.iconAnchor) {
+ anchor = new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.iconAnchor[0], this.iconAnchor[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ // FIXME: hard-coding the anchor point
+ anchor = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(size.w/2), -size.h);
+ }
+ if(this.iconUrl) {
+ icon = new OpenLayers.Icon(this.iconUrl, size, anchor);
+ }
+ else {
+ icon = new OpenLayers.Icon('', size, anchor);
+ }
+ var marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(this.location.toProprietary("openlayers"), icon);
+ if(this.infoBubble) {
+ var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup(null,
+ this.location.toProprietary("openlayers"),
+ new OpenLayers.Size(100,100),
+ this.infoBubble,
+ true);
+ popup.autoSize = true;
+ var theMap =;
+ if(this.hover) {
+"mouseover", marker, function(event) {
+ theMap.addPopup(popup);
+ });
+"mouseout", marker, function(event) {
+ popup.hide();
+ theMap.removePopup(popup);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ var shown = false;
+"mousedown", marker, function(event) {
+ if (shown) {
+ popup.hide();
+ theMap.removePopup(popup);
+ shown = false;
+ } else {
+ theMap.addPopup(popup);
+ shown = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.hoverIconUrl) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ if(this.infoDiv){
+ // TODO
+ }
+ return marker;
+ },
+ openBubble: function() {
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ this.proprietary_marker.setOptions({visible:false});
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ this.proprietary_marker.setOptions({visible:true});
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ // TODO: Add provider code
+ }
+ },
+ Polyline: {
+ toProprietary: function() {
+ var olpolyline;
+ var olpoints = [];
+ var ring;
+ var style = {
+ strokeColor: this.color || "#000000",
+ strokeOpacity: this.opacity || 1,
+ strokeWidth: this.width || 1,
+ fillColor: this.fillColor || "#000000",
+ fillOpacity: this.getAttribute('fillOpacity') || 0.2
+ };
+ //TODO Handle closed attribute
+ for (var i = 0, length = this.points.length ; i< length; i++){
+ olpoint = this.points[i].toProprietary("openlayers");
+ olpoints.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(olpoint.lon,;
+ }
+ if (this.closed) {
+ // a closed polygon
+ ring = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(olpoints);
+ } else {
+ // a line
+ ring = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(olpoints);
+ }
+ olpolyline = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(ring, null, style);
+ return olpolyline;
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ throw 'Not implemented';
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ throw 'Not implemented';
+ }
+ }
+}); \ No newline at end of file