path: root/plugins/TinyMCE/js/themes/advanced/editor_template_src.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/TinyMCE/js/themes/advanced/editor_template_src.js')
1 files changed, 1204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/TinyMCE/js/themes/advanced/editor_template_src.js b/plugins/TinyMCE/js/themes/advanced/editor_template_src.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a3a30819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/TinyMCE/js/themes/advanced/editor_template_src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1204 @@
+ * editor_template_src.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * Contributing:
+ */
+(function(tinymce) {
+ var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, extend = tinymce.extend, each = tinymce.each, Cookie = tinymce.util.Cookie, lastExtID, explode = tinymce.explode;
+ // Tell it to load theme specific language pack(s)
+ tinymce.ThemeManager.requireLangPack('advanced');
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.themes.AdvancedTheme', {
+ sizes : [8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36],
+ // Control name lookup, format: title, command
+ controls : {
+ bold : ['bold_desc', 'Bold'],
+ italic : ['italic_desc', 'Italic'],
+ underline : ['underline_desc', 'Underline'],
+ strikethrough : ['striketrough_desc', 'Strikethrough'],
+ justifyleft : ['justifyleft_desc', 'JustifyLeft'],
+ justifycenter : ['justifycenter_desc', 'JustifyCenter'],
+ justifyright : ['justifyright_desc', 'JustifyRight'],
+ justifyfull : ['justifyfull_desc', 'JustifyFull'],
+ bullist : ['bullist_desc', 'InsertUnorderedList'],
+ numlist : ['numlist_desc', 'InsertOrderedList'],
+ outdent : ['outdent_desc', 'Outdent'],
+ indent : ['indent_desc', 'Indent'],
+ cut : ['cut_desc', 'Cut'],
+ copy : ['copy_desc', 'Copy'],
+ paste : ['paste_desc', 'Paste'],
+ undo : ['undo_desc', 'Undo'],
+ redo : ['redo_desc', 'Redo'],
+ link : ['link_desc', 'mceLink'],
+ unlink : ['unlink_desc', 'unlink'],
+ image : ['image_desc', 'mceImage'],
+ cleanup : ['cleanup_desc', 'mceCleanup'],
+ help : ['help_desc', 'mceHelp'],
+ code : ['code_desc', 'mceCodeEditor'],
+ hr : ['hr_desc', 'InsertHorizontalRule'],
+ removeformat : ['removeformat_desc', 'RemoveFormat'],
+ sub : ['sub_desc', 'subscript'],
+ sup : ['sup_desc', 'superscript'],
+ forecolor : ['forecolor_desc', 'ForeColor'],
+ forecolorpicker : ['forecolor_desc', 'mceForeColor'],
+ backcolor : ['backcolor_desc', 'HiliteColor'],
+ backcolorpicker : ['backcolor_desc', 'mceBackColor'],
+ charmap : ['charmap_desc', 'mceCharMap'],
+ visualaid : ['visualaid_desc', 'mceToggleVisualAid'],
+ anchor : ['anchor_desc', 'mceInsertAnchor'],
+ newdocument : ['newdocument_desc', 'mceNewDocument'],
+ blockquote : ['blockquote_desc', 'mceBlockQuote']
+ },
+ stateControls : ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'justifyfull', 'sub', 'sup', 'blockquote'],
+ init : function(ed, url) {
+ var t = this, s, v, o;
+ t.editor = ed;
+ t.url = url;
+ t.onResolveName = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);
+ // Default settings
+ t.settings = s = extend({
+ theme_advanced_path : true,
+ theme_advanced_toolbar_location : 'bottom',
+ theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,styleselect,formatselect",
+ theme_advanced_buttons2 : "bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,cleanup,help,code",
+ theme_advanced_buttons3 : "hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,charmap",
+ theme_advanced_blockformats : "p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6",
+ theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "center",
+ theme_advanced_fonts : "Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;Courier New=courier new,courier;Georgia=georgia,palatino;Helvetica=helvetica;Impact=impact,chicago;Symbol=symbol;Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Terminal=terminal,monaco;Times New Roman=times new roman,times;Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;Verdana=verdana,geneva;Webdings=webdings;Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats",
+ theme_advanced_more_colors : 1,
+ theme_advanced_row_height : 23,
+ theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : 1,
+ theme_advanced_resizing_use_cookie : 1,
+ theme_advanced_font_sizes : "1,2,3,4,5,6,7",
+ readonly : ed.settings.readonly
+ }, ed.settings);
+ // Setup default font_size_style_values
+ if (!s.font_size_style_values)
+ s.font_size_style_values = "8pt,10pt,12pt,14pt,18pt,24pt,36pt";
+ if (, 'string')) {
+ s.font_size_style_values = tinymce.explode(s.font_size_style_values);
+ s.font_size_classes = tinymce.explode(s.font_size_classes || '');
+ // Parse string value
+ o = {};
+ ed.settings.theme_advanced_font_sizes = s.theme_advanced_font_sizes;
+ each(ed.getParam('theme_advanced_font_sizes', '', 'hash'), function(v, k) {
+ var cl;
+ if (k == v && v >= 1 && v <= 7) {
+ k = v + ' (' + t.sizes[v - 1] + 'pt)';
+ cl = s.font_size_classes[v - 1];
+ v = s.font_size_style_values[v - 1] || (t.sizes[v - 1] + 'pt');
+ }
+ if (/^\s*\./.test(v))
+ cl = v.replace(/\./g, '');
+ o[k] = cl ? {'class' : cl} : {fontSize : v};
+ });
+ s.theme_advanced_font_sizes = o;
+ }
+ if ((v = s.theme_advanced_path_location) && v != 'none')
+ s.theme_advanced_statusbar_location = s.theme_advanced_path_location;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_statusbar_location == 'none')
+ s.theme_advanced_statusbar_location = 0;
+ // Init editor
+ ed.onInit.add(function() {
+ if (!ed.settings.readonly)
+ ed.onNodeChange.add(t._nodeChanged, t);
+ if (ed.settings.content_css !== false)
+ ed.dom.loadCSS(ed.baseURI.toAbsolute("themes/advanced/skins/" + + "/content.css"));
+ });
+ ed.onSetProgressState.add(function(ed, b, ti) {
+ var co, id =, tb;
+ if (b) {
+ t.progressTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+ co = ed.getContainer();
+ co = co.insertBefore(DOM.create('DIV', {style : 'position:relative'}), co.firstChild);
+ tb = DOM.get( + '_tbl');
+ DOM.add(co, 'div', {id : id + '_blocker', 'class' : 'mceBlocker', style : {width : tb.clientWidth + 2, height : tb.clientHeight + 2}});
+ DOM.add(co, 'div', {id : id + '_progress', 'class' : 'mceProgress', style : {left : tb.clientWidth / 2, top : tb.clientHeight / 2}});
+ }, ti || 0);
+ } else {
+ DOM.remove(id + '_blocker');
+ DOM.remove(id + '_progress');
+ clearTimeout(t.progressTimer);
+ }
+ });
+ DOM.loadCSS(s.editor_css ? ed.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(s.editor_css) : url + "/skins/" + + "/ui.css");
+ if (s.skin_variant)
+ DOM.loadCSS(url + "/skins/" + + "/ui_" + s.skin_variant + ".css");
+ },
+ createControl : function(n, cf) {
+ var cd, c;
+ if (c = cf.createControl(n))
+ return c;
+ switch (n) {
+ case "styleselect":
+ return this._createStyleSelect();
+ case "formatselect":
+ return this._createBlockFormats();
+ case "fontselect":
+ return this._createFontSelect();
+ case "fontsizeselect":
+ return this._createFontSizeSelect();
+ case "forecolor":
+ return this._createForeColorMenu();
+ case "backcolor":
+ return this._createBackColorMenu();
+ }
+ if ((cd = this.controls[n]))
+ return cf.createButton(n, {title : "advanced." + cd[0], cmd : cd[1], ui : cd[2], value : cd[3]});
+ },
+ execCommand : function(cmd, ui, val) {
+ var f = this['_' + cmd];
+ if (f) {
+, ui, val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _importClasses : function(e) {
+ var ed = this.editor, ctrl = ed.controlManager.get('styleselect');
+ if (ctrl.getLength() == 0) {
+ each(ed.dom.getClasses(), function(o, idx) {
+ var name = 'style_' + idx;
+ ed.formatter.register(name, {
+ inline : 'span',
+ classes : o['class']
+ });
+ ctrl.add(o['class'], name);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _createStyleSelect : function(n) {
+ var t = this, ed = t.editor, ctrlMan = ed.controlManager, ctrl;
+ // Setup style select box
+ ctrl = ctrlMan.createListBox('styleselect', {
+ title : 'advanced.style_select',
+ onselect : function(name) {
+ ed.focus();
+ ed.formatter.toggle(name);
+ return false; // No auto select
+ }
+ });
+ // Handle specified format
+ ed.onInit.add(function() {
+ var counter = 0, formats = ed.getParam('style_formats');
+ if (formats) {
+ each(formats, function(fmt) {
+ var name, keys = 0;
+ each(fmt, function() {keys++;});
+ if (keys > 1) {
+ name = = || 'style_' + (counter++);
+ ed.formatter.register(name, fmt);
+ ctrl.add(fmt.title, name);
+ } else
+ ctrl.add(fmt.title);
+ });
+ } else {
+ each(ed.getParam('theme_advanced_styles', '', 'hash'), function(val, key) {
+ var name;
+ if (val) {
+ name = 'style_' + (counter++);
+ ed.formatter.register(name, {
+ inline : 'span',
+ classes : val
+ });
+ ctrl.add(t.editor.translate(key), name);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // Auto import classes if the ctrl box is empty
+ if (ctrl.getLength() == 0) {
+ ctrl.onPostRender.add(function(ed, n) {
+ if (!ctrl.NativeListBox) {
+ Event.add( + '_text', 'focus', t._importClasses, t);
+ Event.add( + '_text', 'mousedown', t._importClasses, t);
+ Event.add( + '_open', 'focus', t._importClasses, t);
+ Event.add( + '_open', 'mousedown', t._importClasses, t);
+ } else
+ Event.add(, 'focus', t._importClasses, t);
+ });
+ }
+ return ctrl;
+ },
+ _createFontSelect : function() {
+ var c, t = this, ed = t.editor;
+ c = ed.controlManager.createListBox('fontselect', {
+ title : 'advanced.fontdefault',
+ onselect : function(v) {
+ ed.execCommand('FontName', false, v);
+ return false; // No auto select
+ }
+ });
+ if (c) {
+ each(ed.getParam('theme_advanced_fonts', t.settings.theme_advanced_fonts, 'hash'), function(v, k) {
+ c.add(ed.translate(k), v, {style : v.indexOf('dings') == -1 ? 'font-family:' + v : ''});
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ _createFontSizeSelect : function() {
+ var t = this, ed = t.editor, c, i = 0, cl = [];
+ c = ed.controlManager.createListBox('fontsizeselect', {title : 'advanced.font_size', onselect : function(v) {
+ if (v.fontSize)
+ ed.execCommand('FontSize', false, v.fontSize);
+ else {
+ each(t.settings.theme_advanced_font_sizes, function(v, k) {
+ if (v['class'])
+ cl.push(v['class']);
+ });
+ ed.editorCommands._applyInlineStyle('span', {'class' : v['class']}, {check_classes : cl});
+ }
+ return false; // No auto select
+ }});
+ if (c) {
+ each(t.settings.theme_advanced_font_sizes, function(v, k) {
+ var fz = v.fontSize;
+ if (fz >= 1 && fz <= 7)
+ fz = t.sizes[parseInt(fz) - 1] + 'pt';
+ c.add(k, v, {'style' : 'font-size:' + fz, 'class' : 'mceFontSize' + (i++) + (' ' + (v['class'] || ''))});
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ _createBlockFormats : function() {
+ var c, fmts = {
+ p : 'advanced.paragraph',
+ address : 'advanced.address',
+ pre : 'advanced.pre',
+ h1 : 'advanced.h1',
+ h2 : 'advanced.h2',
+ h3 : 'advanced.h3',
+ h4 : 'advanced.h4',
+ h5 : 'advanced.h5',
+ h6 : 'advanced.h6',
+ div : 'advanced.div',
+ blockquote : 'advanced.blockquote',
+ code : 'advanced.code',
+ dt : 'advanced.dt',
+ dd : 'advanced.dd',
+ samp : 'advanced.samp'
+ }, t = this;
+ c = t.editor.controlManager.createListBox('formatselect', {title : 'advanced.block', cmd : 'FormatBlock'});
+ if (c) {
+ each(t.editor.getParam('theme_advanced_blockformats', t.settings.theme_advanced_blockformats, 'hash'), function(v, k) {
+ c.add(t.editor.translate(k != v ? k : fmts[v]), v, {'class' : 'mce_formatPreview mce_' + v});
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ _createForeColorMenu : function() {
+ var c, t = this, s = t.settings, o = {}, v;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_more_colors) {
+ o.more_colors_func = function() {
+ t._mceColorPicker(0, {
+ color : c.value,
+ func : function(co) {
+ c.setColor(co);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ if (v = s.theme_advanced_text_colors)
+ o.colors = v;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_default_foreground_color)
+ o.default_color = s.theme_advanced_default_foreground_color;
+ o.title = 'advanced.forecolor_desc';
+ o.cmd = 'ForeColor';
+ o.scope = this;
+ c = t.editor.controlManager.createColorSplitButton('forecolor', o);
+ return c;
+ },
+ _createBackColorMenu : function() {
+ var c, t = this, s = t.settings, o = {}, v;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_more_colors) {
+ o.more_colors_func = function() {
+ t._mceColorPicker(0, {
+ color : c.value,
+ func : function(co) {
+ c.setColor(co);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ if (v = s.theme_advanced_background_colors)
+ o.colors = v;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_default_background_color)
+ o.default_color = s.theme_advanced_default_background_color;
+ o.title = 'advanced.backcolor_desc';
+ o.cmd = 'HiliteColor';
+ o.scope = this;
+ c = t.editor.controlManager.createColorSplitButton('backcolor', o);
+ return c;
+ },
+ renderUI : function(o) {
+ var n, ic, tb, t = this, ed = t.editor, s = t.settings, sc, p, nl;
+ n = p = DOM.create('span', {id : + '_parent', 'class' : 'mceEditor ' + + 'Skin' + (s.skin_variant ? ' ' + + 'Skin' + t._ufirst(s.skin_variant) : '')});
+ if (!DOM.boxModel)
+ n = DOM.add(n, 'div', {'class' : 'mceOldBoxModel'});
+ n = sc = DOM.add(n, 'table', {id : + '_tbl', 'class' : 'mceLayout', cellSpacing : 0, cellPadding : 0});
+ n = tb = DOM.add(n, 'tbody');
+ switch ((s.theme_advanced_layout_manager || '').toLowerCase()) {
+ case "rowlayout":
+ ic = t._rowLayout(s, tb, o);
+ break;
+ case "customlayout":
+ ic = ed.execCallback("theme_advanced_custom_layout", s, tb, o, p);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ic = t._simpleLayout(s, tb, o, p);
+ }
+ n = o.targetNode;
+ // Add classes to first and last TRs
+ nl = DOM.stdMode ? sc.getElementsByTagName('tr') : sc.rows; // Quick fix for IE 8
+ DOM.addClass(nl[0], 'mceFirst');
+ DOM.addClass(nl[nl.length - 1], 'mceLast');
+ // Add classes to first and last TDs
+ each('tr', tb), function(n) {
+ DOM.addClass(n.firstChild, 'mceFirst');
+ DOM.addClass(n.childNodes[n.childNodes.length - 1], 'mceLast');
+ });
+ if (DOM.get(s.theme_advanced_toolbar_container))
+ DOM.get(s.theme_advanced_toolbar_container).appendChild(p);
+ else
+ DOM.insertAfter(p, n);
+ Event.add( + '_path_row', 'click', function(e) {
+ e =;
+ if (e.nodeName == 'A') {
+ t._sel(e.className.replace(/^.*mcePath_([0-9]+).*$/, '$1'));
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ }
+ });
+ if (DOM.get( + '_path_row')) {
+ Event.add( + '_tbl', 'mouseover', function(e) {
+ var re;
+ e =;
+ if (e.nodeName == 'SPAN' && DOM.hasClass(e.parentNode, 'mceButton')) {
+ re = DOM.get( + '_path_row');
+ t.lastPath = re.innerHTML;
+ DOM.setHTML(re, e.parentNode.title);
+ }
+ });
+ Event.add( + '_tbl', 'mouseout', function(e) {
+ if (t.lastPath) {
+ DOM.setHTML( + '_path_row', t.lastPath);
+ t.lastPath = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (!ed.getParam('accessibility_focus'))
+ Event.add(DOM.add(p, 'a', {href : '#'}, '<!-- IE -->'), 'focus', function() {tinyMCE.get(;});
+ if (s.theme_advanced_toolbar_location == 'external')
+ o.deltaHeight = 0;
+ t.deltaHeight = o.deltaHeight;
+ o.targetNode = null;
+ return {
+ iframeContainer : ic,
+ editorContainer : + '_parent',
+ sizeContainer : sc,
+ deltaHeight : o.deltaHeight
+ };
+ },
+ getInfo : function() {
+ return {
+ longname : 'Advanced theme',
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
+ authorurl : '',
+ version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
+ }
+ },
+ resizeBy : function(dw, dh) {
+ var e = DOM.get( + '_tbl');
+ this.resizeTo(e.clientWidth + dw, e.clientHeight + dh);
+ },
+ resizeTo : function(w, h) {
+ var ed = this.editor, s = ed.settings, e = DOM.get( + '_tbl'), ifr = DOM.get( + '_ifr'), dh;
+ // Boundery fix box
+ w = Math.max(s.theme_advanced_resizing_min_width || 100, w);
+ h = Math.max(s.theme_advanced_resizing_min_height || 100, h);
+ w = Math.min(s.theme_advanced_resizing_max_width || 0xFFFF, w);
+ h = Math.min(s.theme_advanced_resizing_max_height || 0xFFFF, h);
+ // Calc difference between iframe and container
+ dh = e.clientHeight - ifr.clientHeight;
+ // Resize iframe and container
+ DOM.setStyle(ifr, 'height', h - dh);
+ DOM.setStyles(e, {width : w, height : h});
+ },
+ destroy : function() {
+ var id =;
+ Event.clear(id + '_resize');
+ Event.clear(id + '_path_row');
+ Event.clear(id + '_external_close');
+ },
+ // Internal functions
+ _simpleLayout : function(s, tb, o, p) {
+ var t = this, ed = t.editor, lo = s.theme_advanced_toolbar_location, sl = s.theme_advanced_statusbar_location, n, ic, etb, c;
+ if (s.readonly) {
+ n = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
+ n = ic = DOM.add(n, 'td', {'class' : 'mceIframeContainer'});
+ return ic;
+ }
+ // Create toolbar container at top
+ if (lo == 'top')
+ t._addToolbars(tb, o);
+ // Create external toolbar
+ if (lo == 'external') {
+ n = c = DOM.create('div', {style : 'position:relative'});
+ n = DOM.add(n, 'div', {id : + '_external', 'class' : 'mceExternalToolbar'});
+ DOM.add(n, 'a', {id : + '_external_close', href : 'javascript:;', 'class' : 'mceExternalClose'});
+ n = DOM.add(n, 'table', {id : + '_tblext', cellSpacing : 0, cellPadding : 0});
+ etb = DOM.add(n, 'tbody');
+ if (p.firstChild.className == 'mceOldBoxModel')
+ p.firstChild.appendChild(c);
+ else
+ p.insertBefore(c, p.firstChild);
+ t._addToolbars(etb, o);
+ ed.onMouseUp.add(function() {
+ var e = DOM.get( + '_external');
+ DOM.hide(lastExtID);
+ var f = Event.add( + '_external_close', 'click', function() {
+ DOM.hide( + '_external');
+ Event.remove( + '_external_close', 'click', f);
+ });
+ DOM.setStyle(e, 'top', 0 - DOM.getRect( + '_tblext').h - 1);
+ // Fixes IE rendering bug
+ DOM.hide(e);
+ = '';
+ lastExtID = + '_external';
+ e = null;
+ });
+ }
+ if (sl == 'top')
+ t._addStatusBar(tb, o);
+ // Create iframe container
+ if (!s.theme_advanced_toolbar_container) {
+ n = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
+ n = ic = DOM.add(n, 'td', {'class' : 'mceIframeContainer'});
+ }
+ // Create toolbar container at bottom
+ if (lo == 'bottom')
+ t._addToolbars(tb, o);
+ if (sl == 'bottom')
+ t._addStatusBar(tb, o);
+ return ic;
+ },
+ _rowLayout : function(s, tb, o) {
+ var t = this, ed = t.editor, dc, da, cf = ed.controlManager, n, ic, to, a;
+ dc = s.theme_advanced_containers_default_class || '';
+ da = s.theme_advanced_containers_default_align || 'center';
+ each(explode(s.theme_advanced_containers || ''), function(c, i) {
+ var v = s['theme_advanced_container_' + c] || '';
+ switch (v.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'mceeditor':
+ n = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
+ n = ic = DOM.add(n, 'td', {'class' : 'mceIframeContainer'});
+ break;
+ case 'mceelementpath':
+ t._addStatusBar(tb, o);
+ break;
+ default:
+ a = (s['theme_advanced_container_' + c + '_align'] || da).toLowerCase();
+ a = 'mce' + t._ufirst(a);
+ n = DOM.add(DOM.add(tb, 'tr'), 'td', {
+ 'class' : 'mceToolbar ' + (s['theme_advanced_container_' + c + '_class'] || dc) + ' ' + a || da
+ });
+ to = cf.createToolbar("toolbar" + i);
+ t._addControls(v, to);
+ DOM.setHTML(n, to.renderHTML());
+ o.deltaHeight -= s.theme_advanced_row_height;
+ }
+ });
+ return ic;
+ },
+ _addControls : function(v, tb) {
+ var t = this, s = t.settings, di, cf = t.editor.controlManager;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_disable && !t._disabled) {
+ di = {};
+ each(explode(s.theme_advanced_disable), function(v) {
+ di[v] = 1;
+ });
+ t._disabled = di;
+ } else
+ di = t._disabled;
+ each(explode(v), function(n) {
+ var c;
+ if (di && di[n])
+ return;
+ // Compatiblity with 2.x
+ if (n == 'tablecontrols') {
+ each(["table","|","row_props","cell_props","|","row_before","row_after","delete_row","|","col_before","col_after","delete_col","|","split_cells","merge_cells"], function(n) {
+ n = t.createControl(n, cf);
+ if (n)
+ tb.add(n);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ c = t.createControl(n, cf);
+ if (c)
+ tb.add(c);
+ });
+ },
+ _addToolbars : function(c, o) {
+ var t = this, i, tb, ed = t.editor, s = t.settings, v, cf = ed.controlManager, di, n, h = [], a;
+ a = s.theme_advanced_toolbar_align.toLowerCase();
+ a = 'mce' + t._ufirst(a);
+ n = DOM.add(DOM.add(c, 'tr'), 'td', {'class' : 'mceToolbar ' + a});
+ if (!ed.getParam('accessibility_focus'))
+ h.push(DOM.createHTML('a', {href : '#', onfocus : 'tinyMCE.get(\'' + + '\').focus();'}, '<!-- IE -->'));
+ h.push(DOM.createHTML('a', {href : '#', accesskey : 'q', title : ed.getLang("advanced.toolbar_focus")}, '<!-- IE -->'));
+ // Create toolbar and add the controls
+ for (i=1; (v = s['theme_advanced_buttons' + i]); i++) {
+ tb = cf.createToolbar("toolbar" + i, {'class' : 'mceToolbarRow' + i});
+ if (s['theme_advanced_buttons' + i + '_add'])
+ v += ',' + s['theme_advanced_buttons' + i + '_add'];
+ if (s['theme_advanced_buttons' + i + '_add_before'])
+ v = s['theme_advanced_buttons' + i + '_add_before'] + ',' + v;
+ t._addControls(v, tb);
+ //n.appendChild(n = tb.render());
+ h.push(tb.renderHTML());
+ o.deltaHeight -= s.theme_advanced_row_height;
+ }
+ h.push(DOM.createHTML('a', {href : '#', accesskey : 'z', title : ed.getLang("advanced.toolbar_focus"), onfocus : 'tinyMCE.getInstanceById(\'' + + '\').focus();'}, '<!-- IE -->'));
+ DOM.setHTML(n, h.join(''));
+ },
+ _addStatusBar : function(tb, o) {
+ var n, t = this, ed = t.editor, s = t.settings, r, mf, me, td;
+ n = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
+ n = td = DOM.add(n, 'td', {'class' : 'mceStatusbar'});
+ n = DOM.add(n, 'div', {id : + '_path_row'}, s.theme_advanced_path ? ed.translate('advanced.path') + ': ' : '&#160;');
+ DOM.add(n, 'a', {href : '#', accesskey : 'x'});
+ if (s.theme_advanced_resizing) {
+ DOM.add(td, 'a', {id : + '_resize', href : 'javascript:;', onclick : "return false;", 'class' : 'mceResize'});
+ if (s.theme_advanced_resizing_use_cookie) {
+ ed.onPostRender.add(function() {
+ var o = Cookie.getHash("TinyMCE_" + + "_size"), c = DOM.get( + '_tbl');
+ if (!o)
+ return;
+ if (s.theme_advanced_resize_horizontal)
+ = Math.max(10, + 'px';
+ = Math.max(10, + 'px';
+ DOM.get( + '_ifr').style.height = Math.max(10, parseInt( + t.deltaHeight) + 'px';
+ });
+ }
+ ed.onPostRender.add(function() {
+ Event.add( + '_resize', 'mousedown', function(e) {
+ var c, p, w, h, n, pa;
+ // Measure container
+ c = DOM.get( + '_tbl');
+ w = c.clientWidth;
+ h = c.clientHeight;
+ miw = s.theme_advanced_resizing_min_width || 100;
+ mih = s.theme_advanced_resizing_min_height || 100;
+ maw = s.theme_advanced_resizing_max_width || 0xFFFF;
+ mah = s.theme_advanced_resizing_max_height || 0xFFFF;
+ // Setup placeholder
+ p = DOM.add(DOM.get( + '_parent'), 'div', {'class' : 'mcePlaceHolder'});
+ DOM.setStyles(p, {width : w, height : h});
+ // Replace with placeholder
+ DOM.hide(c);
+ // Create internal resize obj
+ r = {
+ x : e.screenX,
+ y : e.screenY,
+ w : w,
+ h : h,
+ dx : null,
+ dy : null
+ };
+ // Start listening
+ mf = Event.add(DOM.doc, 'mousemove', function(e) {
+ var w, h;
+ // Calc delta values
+ r.dx = e.screenX - r.x;
+ r.dy = e.screenY - r.y;
+ // Boundery fix box
+ w = Math.max(miw, r.w + r.dx);
+ h = Math.max(mih, r.h + r.dy);
+ w = Math.min(maw, w);
+ h = Math.min(mah, h);
+ // Resize placeholder
+ if (s.theme_advanced_resize_horizontal)
+ = w + 'px';
+ = h + 'px';
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ });
+ me = Event.add(DOM.doc, 'mouseup', function(e) {
+ var ifr;
+ // Stop listening
+ Event.remove(DOM.doc, 'mousemove', mf);
+ Event.remove(DOM.doc, 'mouseup', me);
+ = '';
+ DOM.remove(p);
+ if (r.dx === null)
+ return;
+ ifr = DOM.get( + '_ifr');
+ if (s.theme_advanced_resize_horizontal)
+ = Math.max(10, r.w + r.dx) + 'px';
+ = Math.max(10, r.h + r.dy) + 'px';
+ = Math.max(10, ifr.clientHeight + r.dy) + 'px';
+ if (s.theme_advanced_resizing_use_cookie) {
+ Cookie.setHash("TinyMCE_" + + "_size", {
+ cw : r.w + r.dx,
+ ch : r.h + r.dy
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ o.deltaHeight -= 21;
+ n = tb = null;
+ },
+ _nodeChanged : function(ed, cm, n, co, ob) {
+ var t = this, p, de = 0, v, c, s = t.settings, cl, fz, fn;
+ tinymce.each(t.stateControls, function(c) {
+ cm.setActive(c, ed.queryCommandState(t.controls[c][1]));
+ });
+ function getParent(name) {
+ var i, parents = ob.parents, func = name;
+ if (typeof(name) == 'string') {
+ func = function(node) {
+ return node.nodeName == name;
+ };
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
+ if (func(parents[i]))
+ return parents[i];
+ }
+ };
+ cm.setActive('visualaid', ed.hasVisual);
+ cm.setDisabled('undo', !ed.undoManager.hasUndo() && !ed.typing);
+ cm.setDisabled('redo', !ed.undoManager.hasRedo());
+ cm.setDisabled('outdent', !ed.queryCommandState('Outdent'));
+ p = getParent('A');
+ if (c = cm.get('link')) {
+ if (!p || ! {
+ c.setDisabled(!p && co);
+ c.setActive(!!p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (c = cm.get('unlink')) {
+ c.setDisabled(!p && co);
+ c.setActive(!!p && !;
+ }
+ if (c = cm.get('anchor')) {
+ c.setActive(!!p &&;
+ }
+ p = getParent('IMG');
+ if (c = cm.get('image'))
+ c.setActive(!!p && n.className.indexOf('mceItem') == -1);
+ if (c = cm.get('styleselect')) {
+ t._importClasses();
+ // Check each format and update
+ {
+ return !!ed.formatter.match(fmt);
+ });
+ }
+ if (c = cm.get('formatselect')) {
+ p = getParent(DOM.isBlock);
+ if (p)
+ }
+ // Find out current fontSize, fontFamily and fontClass
+ getParent(function(n) {
+ if (n.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
+ if (!cl && n.className)
+ cl = n.className;
+ if (!fz &&
+ fz =;
+ if (!fn &&
+ fn =[\"\']+/g, '').replace(/^([^,]+).*/, '$1').toLowerCase();
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ if (c = cm.get('fontselect')) {
+ {
+ return v.replace(/^([^,]+).*/, '$1').toLowerCase() == fn;
+ });
+ }
+ // Select font size
+ if (c = cm.get('fontsizeselect')) {
+ // Use computed style
+ if (s.theme_advanced_runtime_fontsize && !fz && !cl)
+ fz = ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'fontSize', true);
+ {
+ if (v.fontSize && v.fontSize === fz)
+ return true;
+ if (v['class'] && v['class'] === cl)
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ if (s.theme_advanced_path && s.theme_advanced_statusbar_location) {
+ p = DOM.get( + '_path') || DOM.add( + '_path_row', 'span', {id : + '_path'});
+ DOM.setHTML(p, '');
+ getParent(function(n) {
+ var na = n.nodeName.toLowerCase(), u, pi, ti = '';
+ /*if (n.getAttribute('_mce_bogus'))
+ return;
+ // Ignore non element and hidden elements
+ if (n.nodeType != 1 || n.nodeName === 'BR' || (DOM.hasClass(n, 'mceItemHidden') || DOM.hasClass(n, 'mceItemRemoved')))
+ return;
+ // Fake name
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'mce_name'))
+ na = v;
+ // Handle prefix
+ if (tinymce.isIE && n.scopeName !== 'HTML')
+ na = n.scopeName + ':' + na;
+ // Remove internal prefix
+ na = na.replace(/mce\:/g, '');
+ // Handle node name
+ switch (na) {
+ case 'b':
+ na = 'strong';
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ na = 'em';
+ break;
+ case 'img':
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'src'))
+ ti += 'src: ' + v + ' ';
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'name')) {
+ ti += 'name: ' + v + ' ';
+ na += '#' + v;
+ }
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'href'))
+ ti += 'href: ' + v + ' ';
+ break;
+ case 'font':
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'face'))
+ ti += 'font: ' + v + ' ';
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'size'))
+ ti += 'size: ' + v + ' ';
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'color'))
+ ti += 'color: ' + v + ' ';
+ break;
+ case 'span':
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'style'))
+ ti += 'style: ' + v + ' ';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (v = DOM.getAttrib(n, 'id'))
+ ti += 'id: ' + v + ' ';
+ if (v = n.className) {
+ v = v.replace(/\b\s*(webkit|mce|Apple-)\w+\s*\b/g, '')
+ if (v) {
+ ti += 'class: ' + v + ' ';
+ if (DOM.isBlock(n) || na == 'img' || na == 'span')
+ na += '.' + v;
+ }
+ }
+ na = na.replace(/(html:)/g, '');
+ na = {name : na, node : n, title : ti};
+ t.onResolveName.dispatch(t, na);
+ ti = na.title;
+ na =;
+ //u = "javascript:tinymce.EditorManager.get('" + + "').theme._sel('" + (de++) + "');";
+ pi = DOM.create('a', {'href' : "javascript:;", onmousedown : "return false;", title : ti, 'class' : 'mcePath_' + (de++)}, na);
+ if (p.hasChildNodes()) {
+ p.insertBefore(DOM.doc.createTextNode(' \u00bb '), p.firstChild);
+ p.insertBefore(pi, p.firstChild);
+ } else
+ p.appendChild(pi);
+ }, ed.getBody());
+ }
+ },
+ // Commands gets called by execCommand
+ _sel : function(v) {
+ this.editor.execCommand('mceSelectNodeDepth', false, v);
+ },
+ _mceInsertAnchor : function(ui, v) {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/anchor.htm',
+ width : 320 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.anchor_delta_width', 0)),
+ height : 90 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.anchor_delta_height', 0)),
+ inline : true
+ }, {
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceCharMap : function() {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/charmap.htm',
+ width : 550 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.charmap_delta_width', 0)),
+ height : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.charmap_delta_height', 0)),
+ inline : true
+ }, {
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceHelp : function() {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/about.htm',
+ width : 480,
+ height : 380,
+ inline : true
+ }, {
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceColorPicker : function(u, v) {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ v = v || {};
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/color_picker.htm',
+ width : 375 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.colorpicker_delta_width', 0)),
+ height : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.colorpicker_delta_height', 0)),
+ close_previous : false,
+ inline : true
+ }, {
+ input_color : v.color,
+ func : v.func,
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceCodeEditor : function(ui, val) {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/source_editor.htm',
+ width : parseInt(ed.getParam("theme_advanced_source_editor_width", 720)),
+ height : parseInt(ed.getParam("theme_advanced_source_editor_height", 580)),
+ inline : true,
+ resizable : true,
+ maximizable : true
+ }, {
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceImage : function(ui, val) {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ // Internal image object like a flash placeholder
+ if (ed.dom.getAttrib(ed.selection.getNode(), 'class').indexOf('mceItem') != -1)
+ return;
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/image.htm',
+ width : 355 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.image_delta_width', 0)),
+ height : 275 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.image_delta_height', 0)),
+ inline : true
+ }, {
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceLink : function(ui, val) {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/advanced/link.htm',
+ width : 310 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.link_delta_width', 0)),
+ height : 200 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.link_delta_height', 0)),
+ inline : true
+ }, {
+ theme_url : this.url
+ });
+ },
+ _mceNewDocument : function() {
+ var ed = this.editor;
+ ed.windowManager.confirm('advanced.newdocument', function(s) {
+ if (s)
+ ed.execCommand('mceSetContent', false, '');
+ });
+ },
+ _mceForeColor : function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._mceColorPicker(0, {
+ color: t.fgColor,
+ func : function(co) {
+ t.fgColor = co;
+ t.editor.execCommand('ForeColor', false, co);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _mceBackColor : function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._mceColorPicker(0, {
+ color: t.bgColor,
+ func : function(co) {
+ t.bgColor = co;
+ t.editor.execCommand('HiliteColor', false, co);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _ufirst : function(s) {
+ return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
+ }
+ });
+ tinymce.ThemeManager.add('advanced', tinymce.themes.AdvancedTheme);
+}(tinymce)); \ No newline at end of file