/* Copyright (c) 2009 Alvaro A. Lima Jr http://alvarojunior.com/jquery/joverlay.html * Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * Version: 0.7.1 (JUN 15, 2009) * Requires: jQuery 1.3+ */ (function($) { // Global vars var isIE6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version == 6.0; // =( var JOVERLAY_TIMER = null; var JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV = null; $.fn.jOverlay = function(options) { // Element exist? if ( $('#jOverlay').length ) {$.closeOverlay();} // Clear Element Prev JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV = null; // Clear Timer if (JOVERLAY_TIMER !== null) { clearTimeout( JOVERLAY_TIMER ); } // Set Options var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.jOverlay.options, options); // private function function center(id) { if (options.center) { $.center(id); } } var element = this.is('*') ? this : '#jOverlayContent'; var position = isIE6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; var isImage = /([^\/\\]+)\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)$/i.test( options.url ); var imgLoading = options.imgLoading ? "<img id='jOverlayLoading' src='"+options.imgLoading+"' style='position:"+position+"; z-index:"+(options.zIndex + 9)+";'/>" : ''; $('body').prepend(imgLoading + "<div id='jOverlay' />" + "<div id='jOverlayContent' style='position:"+position+"; z-index:"+(options.zIndex + 5)+"; display:none;'/>" ); // Loading Centered $('#jOverlayLoading').load(function(){ center(this); }); //IE 6 FIX if ( isIE6 ) { $('select').hide(); $('#jOverlayContent select').show(); } // Overlay Style $('#jOverlay').css({ backgroundColor : options.color, position : position, top : '0px', left : '0px', filter : 'alpha(opacity='+ (options.opacity * 100) +')', // IE =( opacity : options.opacity, // Good Browser =D zIndex : options.zIndex, width : !isIE6 ? '100%' : $(window).width() + 'px', height : !isIE6 ? '100%' : $(document).height() + 'px' }).show(); // ELEMENT if ( this.is('*') ) { JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV = this.prev(); $('#jOverlayContent').html( this.show().attr('display', options.autoHide ? 'none' : this.css('display') ) ); if ( !isImage ) { center('#jOverlayContent'); $('#jOverlayContent').show(); // Execute callback if ( !options.url && $.isFunction( options.success ) ) { options.success( this ); } } } // IMAGE if ( isImage ) { $('<img/>').load(function(){ var resize = $.resize(this.width, this.height); $(this).css({ width : resize.width, height : resize.height }); $( element ).html(this); center('#jOverlayContent'); $('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(500); $('#jOverlayContent').show(); // Execute callback if ( $.isFunction( options.success ) ) { options.success( this ); } }).error(function(){ alert('Image ('+options.url+') not found.'); $.closeOverlay(); }).attr({'src' : options.url, 'alt' : options.url}); } // AJAX if ( options.url && !isImage ) { $.ajax({ type: options.method, data: options.data, url: options.url, success: function(responseText) { $('#jOverlayLoading').fadeOut(500); $( element ).html(responseText).show(); center('#jOverlayContent'); // Execute callback if ($.isFunction( options.success )) { options.success(responseText); } }, error : function() { alert('URL ('+options.url+') not found.'); $.closeOverlay(); } }); } // :( if ( isIE6 ) { // Window scroll $(window).scroll(function(){ center('#jOverlayContent'); }); // Window resize $(window).resize(function(){ $('#jOverlay').css({ width: $(window).width() + 'px', height: $(document).height() + 'px' }); center('#jOverlayContent'); }); } // Press ESC to close $(document).keydown(function(event){ if (event.keyCode == 27) { $.closeOverlay(); } }); // Click to close if ( options.bgClickToClose ) { $('#jOverlay').click($.closeOverlay); } // Timeout (auto-close) // time in millis to wait before auto-close // set to 0 to disable if ( Number(options.timeout) > 0 ) { jOverlayTimer = setTimeout( $.closeOverlay, Number(options.timeout) ); } // ADD CSS $('#jOverlayContent').css(options.css || {}); }; // Resizing large images - orginal by Christian Montoya. // Edited by - Cody Lindley (http://www.codylindley.com) (Thickbox 3.1) $.resize = function(imageWidth, imageHeight) { var x = $(window).width() - 150; var y = $(window).height() - 150; if (imageWidth > x) { imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth); imageWidth = x; if (imageHeight > y) { imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight); imageHeight = y; } } else if (imageHeight > y) { imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight); imageHeight = y; if (imageWidth > x) { imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth); imageWidth = x; } } return {width:imageWidth, height:imageHeight}; }; // Centered Element $.center = function(element) { var element = $(element); var elemWidth = element.width(); element.css({ width : elemWidth + 'px', marginLeft : '-' + (elemWidth / 2) + 'px', marginTop : '-' + element.height() / 2 + 'px', height : 'auto', top : !isIE6 ? '50%' : $(window).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() / 2) + 'px', left : '50%' }); }; // Options default $.fn.jOverlay.options = { method : 'GET', data : '', url : '', color : '#000', opacity : '0.6', zIndex : 9999, center : true, imgLoading : '', bgClickToClose : true, success : null, timeout : 0, autoHide : true, css : {} }; // Close $.closeOverlay = function() { if (isIE6) { $("select").show(); } if ( JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV !== null ) { if ( JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV !== null ) { var element = $('#jOverlayContent').children(); JOVERLAY_ELEMENT_PREV.after( element.css('display', element.attr('display') ) ); element.removeAttr('display'); } } $('#jOverlayLoading, #jOverlayContent, #jOverlay').remove(); }; })(jQuery);