/* * StatusNet - a distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @category UI interaction * @package StatusNet * @author Sarven Capadisli * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ var SN = { // StatusNet C: { // Config I: { // Init CounterBlackout: false, MaxLength: 140, PatternUsername: /^[0-9a-zA-Z\-_.]*$/, HTTP20x30x: [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307] }, S: { // Selector Disabled: 'disabled', Warning: 'warning', Error: 'error', Success: 'success', Processing: 'processing', CommandResult: 'command_result', FormNotice: 'form_notice', NoticeDataText: 'notice_data-text', NoticeTextCount: 'notice_text-count', NoticeInReplyTo: 'notice_in-reply-to', NoticeDataAttach: 'notice_data-attach', NoticeDataAttachSelected: 'notice_data-attach_selected', NoticeActionSubmit: 'notice_action-submit', NoticeLat: 'notice_data-lat', NoticeLon: 'notice_data-lon', NoticeLocationId: 'notice_data-location_id', NoticeLocationNs: 'notice_data-location_ns' } }, U: { // Utils FormNoticeEnhancements: function(form) { form_id = form.attr('id'); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).unbind('keyup'); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).unbind('keydown'); if (maxLength > 0) { $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).bind('keyup', function(e) { SN.U.Counter(form); }); // run once in case there's something in there SN.U.Counter(form); } $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).bind('keydown', function(e) { SN.U.SubmitOnReturn(e, form); }); if($('body')[0].id != 'conversation') { $('#'+form_id+' textarea').focus(); } }, SubmitOnReturn: function(event, el) { if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10) { el.submit(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('#'+el[0].id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).blur(); $('body').focus(); return false; } return true; }, Counter: function(form) { SN.C.I.FormNoticeCurrent = form; form_id = form.attr('id'); if (typeof(maxLength) == "undefined") { maxLength = SN.C.I.MaxLength; } if (maxLength <= 0) { return; } var remaining = maxLength - $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).val().length; var counter = $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeTextCount); if (remaining.toString() != counter.text()) { if (!SN.C.I.CounterBlackout || remaining === 0) { if (counter.text() != String(remaining)) { counter.text(remaining); } if (remaining < 0) { form.addClass(SN.C.S.Warning); } else { form.removeClass(SN.C.S.Warning); } // Skip updates for the next 500ms. // On slower hardware, updating on every keypress is unpleasant. if (!SN.C.I.CounterBlackout) { SN.C.I.CounterBlackout = true; SN.C.I.FormNoticeCurrent = form; window.setTimeout("SN.U.ClearCounterBlackout(SN.C.I.FormNoticeCurrent);", 500); } } } }, ClearCounterBlackout: function(form) { // Allow keyup events to poke the counter again SN.C.I.CounterBlackout = false; // Check if the string changed since we last looked SN.U.Counter(form); }, FormXHR: function(f) { if (jQuery.data(f[0], "ElementData") === undefined) { jQuery.data(f[0], "ElementData", {Bind:'submit'}); f.bind('submit', function(e) { form_id = $(this)[0].id; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'xml', url: $(this)[0].action, data: $(this).serialize() + '&ajax=1', beforeSend: function(xhr) { $('#'+form_id).addClass(SN.C.S.Processing); $('#'+form_id+' .submit').addClass(SN.C.S.Disabled); $('#'+form_id+' .submit').attr(SN.C.S.Disabled, SN.C.S.Disabled); }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(errorThrown || textStatus); }, success: function(data, textStatus) { if (typeof($('form', data)[0]) != 'undefined') { form_new = document._importNode($('form', data)[0], true); $('#'+form_id).replaceWith(form_new); $('#'+form_new.id).each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); } else { $('#'+form_id).replaceWith(document._importNode($('p', data)[0], true)); } } }); return false; }); } }, FormNoticeXHR: function(form) { form_id = form.attr('id'); form.append(''); form.ajaxForm({ dataType: 'xml', timeout: '60000', beforeSend: function(xhr) { if ($('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText)[0].value.length === 0) { form.addClass(SN.C.S.Warning); return false; } form.addClass(SN.C.S.Processing); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit).addClass(SN.C.S.Disabled); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit).attr(SN.C.S.Disabled, SN.C.S.Disabled); return true; }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { form.removeClass(SN.C.S.Processing); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit).removeClass(SN.C.S.Disabled); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit).removeAttr(SN.C.S.Disabled, SN.C.S.Disabled); if (textStatus == 'timeout') { alert ('Sorry! We had trouble sending your notice. The servers are overloaded. Please try again, and contact the site administrator if this problem persists'); } else { if ($('.'+SN.C.S.Error, xhr.responseXML).length > 0) { form.append(document._importNode($('.'+SN.C.S.Error, xhr.responseXML)[0], true)); } else { if(jQuery.inArray(parseInt(xhr.status), SN.C.I.HTTP20x30x) < 0) { alert('Sorry! We had trouble sending your notice ('+xhr.status+' '+xhr.statusText+'). Please report the problem to the site administrator if this happens again.'); } else { $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).val(''); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements($('#'+form_id)); } } } }, success: function(data, textStatus) { var result; if ($('#'+SN.C.S.Error, data).length > 0) { result = document._importNode($('p', data)[0], true); alert(result.textContent || result.innerHTML); } else { if($('body')[0].id == 'bookmarklet') { self.close(); } if ($('#'+SN.C.S.CommandResult, data).length > 0) { result = document._importNode($('p', data)[0], true); alert(result.textContent || result.innerHTML); } else { notice = document._importNode($('li', data)[0], true); if ($('#'+notice.id).length === 0) { var notice_irt_value = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeInReplyTo).val(); var notice_irt = '#notices_primary #notice-'+notice_irt_value; if($('body')[0].id == 'conversation') { if(notice_irt_value.length > 0 && $(notice_irt+' .notices').length < 1) { $(notice_irt).append('
    '); } $($(notice_irt+' .notices')[0]).append(notice); } else { $("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(notice); } $('#'+notice.id).css({display:'none'}); $('#'+notice.id).fadeIn(2500); SN.U.NoticeWithAttachment($('#'+notice.id)); SN.U.NoticeReplyTo($('#'+notice.id)); SN.U.FormXHR($('#'+notice.id+' .form_favor')); } } $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).val(''); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttach).val(''); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeInReplyTo).val(''); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).remove(); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements($('#'+form_id)); } }, complete: function(xhr, textStatus) { form.removeClass(SN.C.S.Processing); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit).removeAttr(SN.C.S.Disabled); $('#'+form_id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit).removeClass(SN.C.S.Disabled); } }); }, NoticeReply: function() { if ($('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).length > 0 && $('#content .notice_reply').length > 0) { $('#content .notice').each(function() { SN.U.NoticeReplyTo($(this)); }); } }, NoticeReplyTo: function(notice_item) { var notice = notice_item[0]; var notice_reply = $('.notice_reply', notice)[0]; if (jQuery.data(notice_reply, "ElementData") === undefined) { jQuery.data(notice_reply, "ElementData", {Bind:'submit'}); $(notice_reply).bind('click', function() { var nickname = ($('.author .nickname', notice).length > 0) ? $($('.author .nickname', notice)[0]) : $('.author .nickname.uid'); SN.U.NoticeReplySet(nickname.text(), $($('.notice_id', notice)[0]).text()); return false; }); } }, NoticeReplySet: function(nick,id) { if (nick.match(SN.C.I.PatternUsername)) { var text = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText); if (text.length > 0) { replyto = '@' + nick + ' '; text.val(replyto + text.val().replace(RegExp(replyto, 'i'), '')); $('#'+SN.C.S.FormNotice+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeInReplyTo).val(id); text[0].focus(); if (text[0].setSelectionRange) { var len = text.val().length; text[0].setSelectionRange(len,len); } } } }, NoticeFavor: function() { $('.form_favor').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); $('.form_disfavor').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); }, NoticeAttachments: function() { $('.notice a.attachment').each(function() { SN.U.NoticeWithAttachment($(this).closest('.notice')); }); }, NoticeWithAttachment: function(notice) { if ($('.attachment', notice).length === 0) { return; } var notice_id = notice.attr('id'); $.fn.jOverlay.options = { method : 'GET', data : '', url : '', color : '#000', opacity : '0.6', zIndex : 9999, center : false, imgLoading : $('address .url')[0].href+'theme/base/images/illustrations/illu_progress_loading-01.gif', bgClickToClose : true, success : function() { $('#jOverlayContent').append(''); $('#jOverlayContent button').click($.closeOverlay); }, timeout : 0, autoHide : true, css : {'max-width':'542px', 'top':'5%', 'left':'32.5%'} }; $('#'+notice_id+' a.attachment').click(function() { $().jOverlay({url: $('address .url')[0].href+'attachment/' + ($(this).attr('id').substring('attachment'.length + 1)) + '/ajax'}); return false; }); var t; $("body:not(#shownotice) #"+notice_id+" a.thumbnail").hover( function() { var anchor = $(this); $("a.thumbnail").children('img').hide(); anchor.closest(".entry-title").addClass('ov'); if (anchor.children('img').length === 0) { t = setTimeout(function() { $.get($('address .url')[0].href+'attachment/' + (anchor.attr('id').substring('attachment'.length + 1)) + '/thumbnail', null, function(data) { anchor.append(data); }); }, 500); } else { anchor.children('img').show(); } }, function() { clearTimeout(t); $("a.thumbnail").children('img').hide(); $(this).closest(".entry-title").removeClass('ov'); } ); }, NoticeDataAttach: function() { NDA = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttach); NDA.change(function() { S = '
    '; NDAS = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected); if (NDAS.length > 0) { NDAS.replaceWith(S); } else { $('#'+SN.C.S.FormNotice).append(S); } $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected+' button').click(function(){ $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).remove(); NDA.val(''); }); }); }, NoticeLocationAttach: function() { if(navigator.geolocation) navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(function(position) { $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(position.coords.latitude); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(position.coords.longitude); }); }, NewDirectMessage: function() { NDM = $('.entity_send-a-message a'); NDM.attr({'href':NDM.attr('href')+'&ajax=1'}); NDM.bind('click', function() { var NDMF = $('.entity_send-a-message form'); if (NDMF.length === 0) { $(this).addClass('processing'); $.get(NDM.attr('href'), null, function(data) { $('.entity_send-a-message').append(document._importNode($('form', data)[0], true)); NDMF = $('.entity_send-a-message .form_notice'); SN.U.FormNoticeXHR(NDMF); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements(NDMF); NDMF.append(''); $('.entity_send-a-message button').click(function(){ NDMF.hide(); return false; }); NDM.removeClass('processing'); }); } else { NDMF.show(); $('.entity_send-a-message textarea').focus(); } return false; }); } }, Init: { NoticeForm: function() { if ($('body.user_in').length > 0) { $('.'+SN.C.S.FormNotice).each(function() { SN.U.FormNoticeXHR($(this)); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements($(this)); }); SN.U.NoticeDataAttach(); SN.U.NoticeLocationAttach(); } }, Notices: function() { if ($('body.user_in').length > 0) { SN.U.NoticeFavor(); SN.U.NoticeReply(); } SN.U.NoticeAttachments(); }, EntityActions: function() { if ($('body.user_in').length > 0) { $('.form_user_subscribe').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); $('.form_user_unsubscribe').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); $('.form_group_join').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); $('.form_group_leave').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); $('.form_user_nudge').each(function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); }); SN.U.NewDirectMessage(); } } } }; $(document).ready(function(){ if ($('.'+SN.C.S.FormNotice).length > 0) { SN.Init.NoticeForm(); } if ($('#content .notices').length > 0) { SN.Init.Notices(); } if ($('#content .entity_actions').length > 0) { SN.Init.EntityActions(); } });