<?php /* * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } require_once INSTALLDIR . '/plugins/Facebook/facebook/facebook.php'; require_once INSTALLDIR . '/plugins/Facebook/facebookaction.php'; require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/noticelist.php'; define("FACEBOOK_SERVICE", 2); // Facebook is foreign_service ID 2 define("FACEBOOK_NOTICE_PREFIX", 1); define("FACEBOOK_PROMPTED_UPDATE_PREF", 2); function getFacebook() { static $facebook = null; $apikey = common_config('facebook', 'apikey'); $secret = common_config('facebook', 'secret'); if ($facebook === null) { $facebook = new Facebook($apikey, $secret); } if (empty($facebook)) { common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Could not make new Facebook client obj!', __FILE__); } return $facebook; } function isFacebookBound($notice, $flink) { if (empty($flink)) { return false; } // Avoid a loop if ($notice->source == 'Facebook') { common_log(LOG_INFO, "Skipping notice $notice->id because its " . 'source is Facebook.'); return false; } // If the user does not want to broadcast to Facebook, move along if (!($flink->noticesync & FOREIGN_NOTICE_SEND == FOREIGN_NOTICE_SEND)) { common_log(LOG_INFO, "Skipping notice $notice->id " . 'because user has FOREIGN_NOTICE_SEND bit off.'); return false; } // If it's not a reply, or if the user WANTS to send @-replies, // then, yeah, it can go to Facebook. if (!preg_match('/@[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,15}\b/u', $notice->content) || ($flink->noticesync & FOREIGN_NOTICE_SEND_REPLY)) { return true; } return false; } function facebookBroadcastNotice($notice) { $facebook = getFacebook(); $flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID( $notice->profile_id, FACEBOOK_SERVICE ); if (isFacebookBound($notice, $flink)) { // Okay, we're good to go, update the FB status $fbuid = $flink->foreign_id; $user = $flink->getUser(); try { // Check permissions common_debug( 'FacebookPlugin - checking for publish_stream permission for user ' . "$user->nickname ($user->id), Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); // NOTE: $facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission('publish_stream', $fbuid) // has been returning bogus results, so we're using FQL to check for // publish_stream permission now $fql = "SELECT publish_stream FROM permissions WHERE uid = $fbuid"; $result = $facebook->api_client->fql_query($fql); $canPublish = 0; if (!empty($result)) { $canPublish = $result[0]['publish_stream']; } if ($canPublish == 1) { common_debug( "FacebookPlugin - $user->nickname ($user->id), Facebook UID: $fbuid " . 'has publish_stream permission.' ); } else { common_debug( "FacebookPlugin - $user->nickname ($user->id), Facebook UID: $fbuid " . 'does NOT have publish_stream permission. Facebook ' . 'returned: ' . var_export($result, true) ); } common_debug( 'FacebookPlugin - checking for status_update permission for user ' . "$user->nickname ($user->id), Facebook UID: $fbuid. " ); $canUpdate = $facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission( 'status_update', $fbuid ); if ($canUpdate == 1) { common_debug( "FacebookPlugin - $user->nickname ($user->id), Facebook UID: $fbuid " . 'has status_update permission.' ); } else { common_debug( "FacebookPlugin - $user->nickname ($user->id), Facebook UID: $fbuid " .'does NOT have status_update permission. Facebook ' . 'returned: ' . var_export($canPublish, true) ); } // Post to Facebook if ($notice->hasAttachments() && $canPublish == 1) { publishStream($notice, $user, $fbuid); } elseif ($canUpdate == 1 || $canPublish == 1) { statusUpdate($notice, $user, $fbuid); } else { $msg = "FacebookPlugin - Not sending notice $notice->id to Facebook " . "because user $user->nickname has not given the " . 'Facebook app \'status_update\' or \'publish_stream\' permission.'; common_log(LOG_WARNING, $msg); } // Finally, attempt to update the user's profile box if ($canPublish == 1 || $canUpdate == 1) { updateProfileBox($facebook, $flink, $notice, $user); } } catch (FacebookRestClientException $e) { return handleFacebookError($e, $notice, $flink); } } return true; } function handleFacebookError($e, $notice, $flink) { $fbuid = $flink->foreign_id; $user = $flink->getUser(); $code = $e->getCode(); $errmsg = $e->getMessage(); // XXX: Check for any others? switch($code) { case 100: // Invalid parameter $msg = "FacebookPlugin - Facebook claims notice %d was posted with an invalid parameter (error code 100):" . "\"%s\" (Notice details: nickname=%s, user ID=%d, Facebook ID=%d, notice content=\"%s\"). " . "Removing notice from the Facebook queue for safety."; common_log( LOG_ERR, sprintf( $msg, $notice->id, $errmsg, $user->nickname, $user->id, $fbuid, $notice->content ) ); return true; break; case 200: // Permissions error case 250: // Updating status requires the extended permission status_update remove_facebook_app($flink); return true; // dequeue break; case 341: // Feed action request limit reached $msg = "FacebookPlugin - User %s (User ID=%d, Facebook ID=%d) has exceeded " . "his/her limit for posting notices to Facebook today. Dequeuing " . "notice %d."; common_log( LOG_INFO, sprintf( $msg, $user->nickname, $user->id, $fbuid, $notice->id ) ); // @fixme: We want to rety at a later time when the throttling has expired // instead of just giving up. return true; break; default: $msg = "FacebookPlugin - Facebook returned an error we don't know how to deal with while trying to " . "post notice %d. Error code: %d, error message: \"%s\". (Notice details: " . "nickname=%s, user ID=%d, Facebook ID=%d, notice content=\"%s\"). Removing notice " . "from the Facebook queue for safety."; common_log( LOG_ERR, sprintf( $msg, $notice->id, $code, $errmsg, $user->nickname, $user->id, $fbuid, $notice->content ) ); return true; // dequeue break; } } function statusUpdate($notice, $user, $fbuid) { common_debug( "FacebookPlugin - Attempting to post notice $notice->id " . "as a status update for $user->nickname ($user->id), " . "Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); $facebook = getFacebook(); $result = $facebook->api_client->users_setStatus( $notice->content, $fbuid, false, true ); common_debug('Facebook returned: ' . var_export($result, true)); common_log( LOG_INFO, "FacebookPlugin - Posted notice $notice->id as a status " . "update for $user->nickname ($user->id), " . "Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); } function publishStream($notice, $user, $fbuid) { common_debug( "FacebookPlugin - Attempting to post notice $notice->id " . "as stream item with attachment for $user->nickname ($user->id), " . "Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); $fbattachment = format_attachments($notice->attachments()); $facebook = getFacebook(); $facebook->api_client->stream_publish( $notice->content, $fbattachment, null, null, $fbuid ); common_log( LOG_INFO, "FacebookPlugin - Posted notice $notice->id as a stream " . "item with attachment for $user->nickname ($user->id), " . "Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); } function updateProfileBox($facebook, $flink, $notice, $user) { $facebook = getFacebook(); $fbaction = new FacebookAction( $output = 'php://output', $indent = null, $facebook, $flink ); $fbuid = $flink->foreign_id; common_debug( 'FacebookPlugin - Attempting to update profile box with ' . "content from notice $notice->id for $user->nickname ($user->id), " . "Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); $fbaction->updateProfileBox($notice); common_debug( 'FacebookPlugin - finished updating profile box for ' . "$user->nickname ($user->id) Facebook UID: $fbuid" ); } function format_attachments($attachments) { $fbattachment = array(); $fbattachment['media'] = array(); foreach($attachments as $attachment) { if($enclosure = $attachment->getEnclosure()){ $fbmedia = get_fbmedia_for_attachment($enclosure); }else{ $fbmedia = get_fbmedia_for_attachment($attachment); } if($fbmedia){ $fbattachment['media'][]=$fbmedia; }else{ $fbattachment['name'] = ($attachment->title ? $attachment->title : $attachment->url); $fbattachment['href'] = $attachment->url; } } if(count($fbattachment['media'])>0){ unset($fbattachment['name']); unset($fbattachment['href']); } return $fbattachment; } /** * given an File objects, returns an associative array suitable for Facebook media */ function get_fbmedia_for_attachment($attachment) { $fbmedia = array(); if (strncmp($attachment->mimetype, 'image/', strlen('image/')) == 0) { $fbmedia['type'] = 'image'; $fbmedia['src'] = $attachment->url; $fbmedia['href'] = $attachment->url; } else if ($attachment->mimetype == 'audio/mpeg') { $fbmedia['type'] = 'mp3'; $fbmedia['src'] = $attachment->url; }else if ($attachment->mimetype == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') { $fbmedia['type'] = 'flash'; // http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Attachment_%28Streams%29 // says that imgsrc is required... but we have no value to put in it // $fbmedia['imgsrc']=''; $fbmedia['swfsrc'] = $attachment->url; }else{ return false; } return $fbmedia; } function remove_facebook_app($flink) { $user = $flink->getUser(); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Removing Facebook App Foreign link for ' . "user $user->nickname (user id: $user->id)."); $result = $flink->delete(); if (empty($result)) { common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Could not remove Facebook App ' . "Foreign_link for $user->nickname (user id: $user->id)!"); common_log_db_error($flink, 'DELETE', __FILE__); } // Notify the user that we are removing their FB app access $result = mail_facebook_app_removed($user); if (!$result) { $msg = 'Unable to send email to notify ' . "$user->nickname (user id: $user->id) " . 'that their Facebook app link was ' . 'removed!'; common_log(LOG_WARNING, $msg); } } /** * Send a mail message to notify a user that her Facebook Application * access has been removed. * * @param User $user user whose Facebook app link has been removed * * @return boolean success flag */ function mail_facebook_app_removed($user) { $profile = $user->getProfile(); $site_name = common_config('site', 'name'); common_switch_locale($user->language); $subject = sprintf( _m('Your %1$s Facebook application access has been disabled.', $site_name)); $body = sprintf(_m("Hi, %1\$s. We're sorry to inform you that we are " . 'unable to update your Facebook status from %2$s, and have disabled ' . 'the Facebook application for your account. This may be because ' . 'you have removed the Facebook application\'s authorization, or ' . 'have deleted your Facebook account. You can re-enable the ' . 'Facebook application and automatic status updating by ' . "re-installing the %2\$s Facebook application.\n\nRegards,\n\n%2\$s"), $user->nickname, $site_name); common_switch_locale(); return mail_to_user($user, $subject, $body); }