#!/usr/bin/env php . */ # Abort if called from a web server if (isset($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER)) { print "This script must be run from the command line\n"; exit(); } define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); define('LACONICA', true); require_once(INSTALLDIR . '/lib/common.php'); require_once(INSTALLDIR . '/lib/jabber.php'); set_error_handler('common_error_handler'); # This is kind of clunky; we create a class to call the global functions # in jabber.php, which create a new XMPP class. A more elegant (?) solution # might be to use make this a subclass of XMPP. class XMPPDaemon { function XMPPDaemon($resource=NULL) { static $attrs = array('server', 'port', 'user', 'password', 'host'); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $this->$attr = common_config('xmpp', $attr); } if ($resource) { $this->resource = $resource; } else { $this->resource = common_config('xmpp', 'resource') . 'daemon'; } $this->log(LOG_INFO, "{$this->user}@{$this->server}/{$this->resource}"); } function connect() { $connect_to = ($this->host) ? $this->host : $this->server; $this->log(LOG_INFO, "Connecting to $connect_to on port $this->port"); $this->conn = jabber_connect($this->resource, "Send me a message to post a notice", 100); if (!$this->conn) { return false; } return !$this->conn->isDisconnected(); } function handle() { $this->conn->addEventHandler('message', 'handle_message', $this); $this->conn->addEventHandler('presence', 'handle_presence', $this); $this->conn->process(); } function get_user($from) { $user = User::staticGet('jabber', jabber_normalize_jid($from)); return $user; } function handle_message(&$pl) { if ($pl['type'] != 'chat') { return; } if (mb_strlen($pl['body']) == 0) { return; } $from = jabber_normalize_jid($pl['from']); # Forwarded from another daemon (probably a broadcaster) for # us to handle if (preg_match('/^'.strtolower(jabber_daemon_address()).'/', strtolower($from))) { $from = $this->get_ofrom($pl); if (is_null($from)) { return; } } $user = $this->get_user($from); if (!$user) { $this->from_site($from, 'Unknown user; go to ' . common_local_url('imsettings') . ' to add your address to your account'); $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Message from unknown user ' . $from); return; } if ($this->handle_command($user, $pl['body'])) { return; } else if ($this->is_autoreply($pl['body'])) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Ignoring auto reply from ' . $from); return; } else if ($this->is_otr($pl['body'])) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Ignoring OTR from ' . $from); return; } else { $len = mb_strlen($pl['body']); if($len > 140) { $this->from_site($from, 'Message too long - maximum is 140 characters, you sent ' . $len); return; } $this->add_notice($user, $pl); } } function get_ofrom($pl) { $xml = $pl['raw']; $addresses = $xml->sub('addresses'); if (!$addresses) { $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Forwarded message without addresses'); return NULL; } $address = $addresses->sub('address'); if (!$address) { $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Forwarded message without address'); return NULL; } $type = $address->attr('type'); if ($type != 'ofrom') { $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Type of forwarded message is not ofrom'); return NULL; } return $address->attr('jid'); } function is_autoreply($txt) { if (preg_match('/[\[\(]?[Aa]uto-?[Rr]eply[\]\)]/', $txt)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function is_otr($txt) { if (preg_match('/^\?OTR/', $txt)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function from_site($address, $msg) { $text = '['.common_config('site', 'name') . '] ' . $msg; jabber_send_message($address, $text); } function handle_command($user, $body) { # XXX: localise $p=explode(' ',$body); if(count($p)>2) return false; switch($p[0]) { case 'help': if(count($p)!=1) return false; $this->from_site($user->jabber, "Commands:\n on - turn on notifications\n off - turn off notifications\n help - show this help \n sub - subscribe to user\n unsub - unsubscribe from user"); return true; case 'on': if(count($p)!=1) return false; $this->set_notify($user, true); $this->from_site($user->jabber, 'notifications on'); return true; case 'off': if(count($p)!=1) return false; $this->set_notify($user, false); $this->from_site($user->jabber, 'notifications off'); return true; case 'sub': if(count($p)==1) { $this->from_site($user->jabber, 'Specify the name of the user to subscribe to'); return true; } $result=subs_subscribe_user($user, $p[1]); if($result=='true') $this->from_site($user->jabber, 'Subscribed to ' . $p[1]); else $this->from_site($user->jabber, $result); return true; case 'unsub': if(count($p)==1) { $this->from_site($user->jabber, 'Specify the name of the user to unsubscribe from'); return true; } $result=subs_unsubscribe_user($user, $p[1]); if($result=='true') $this->from_site($user->jabber, 'Unsubscribed from ' . $p[1]); else $this->from_site($user->jabber, $result); return true; default: return false; } } function set_notify(&$user, $notify) { $orig = clone($user); $user->jabbernotify = $notify; $result = $user->update($orig); if (!$result) { $last_error = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','lastError'); $this->log(LOG_ERR, 'Could not set notify flag to ' . $notify . ' for user ' . common_log_objstring($user) . ': ' . $last_error->message); } else { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'User ' . $user->nickname . ' set notify flag to ' . $notify); } } function add_notice(&$user, &$pl) { $notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, trim(mb_substr($pl['body'], 0, 140)), 'xmpp'); if (is_string($notice)) { $this->log(LOG_ERR, $notice); return; } common_broadcast_notice($notice); $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Added notice ' . $notice->id . ' from user ' . $user->nickname); } function handle_presence(&$pl) { $from = jabber_normalize_jid($pl['from']); switch ($pl['type']) { case 'subscribe': # We let anyone subscribe $this->subscribed($from); $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Accepted subscription from ' . $from); break; case 'subscribed': case 'unsubscribed': case 'unsubscribe': $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Ignoring "' . $pl['type'] . '" from ' . $from); break; default: if (!$pl['type']) { $user = User::staticGet('jabber', $from); if (!$user) { $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Presence from unknown user ' . $from); return; } if ($user->updatefrompresence) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Updating ' . $user->nickname . ' status from presence.'); $this->add_notice($user, $pl); } } break; } } function log($level, $msg) { common_log($level, 'XMPPDaemon('.$this->resource.'): '.$msg); } function subscribed($to) { jabber_special_presence('subscribed', $to); } } mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); $resource = ($argc > 1) ? $argv[1] : (common_config('xmpp','resource') . '-listen'); $daemon = new XMPPDaemon($resource); if ($daemon->connect()) { $daemon->handle(); }