# Maintainer: Luke Shumaker # Contributor: Joshua Ismael Haase Hernández (xihh) # Contributor: fauno # Contributor: Márcio Silva pkgbase=libretools pkgname=(libretools librelib gitget xbs) pkgdesc="Programs for Parabola development" url="https://projects.parabola.nu/packages/libretools.git/" license=('GPL3' 'GPL2') pkgver=20160609 source=(https://repo.parabola.nu/other/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz) md5sums=('e98cae9a82c741d5b6c8456903f5ad7b') pkgrel=1 arch=('any') makedepends=('emacs>=24.4' ruby-ronn) # emacs --batch is used during the build to process text checkdepends=(sh-roundup git) build() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver" make } check() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver" SUDO_USER= make check TESTENVFLAGS='--no-network --no-sudo' } package_librelib() { pkgdesc="The shell library portion of libretools" license=(GPL2) optdepends=( 'libretools: for libreblacklist/blacklist.sh' 'wget: for libreblacklist/blacklist.sh' ) cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver" make install-librelib DESTDIR="$pkgdir" } package_gitget() { pkgdesc="A simple to use downloader for git URLs" license=(GPL2) depends=("librelib=$pkgver" git) provides=("libregit=$pkgver") conflicts=("libregit") replaces=("libregit") cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver" make install-gitget DESTDIR="$pkgdir" } package_xbs() { pkgdesc='A tool for working with arbitrary ABS-like build systems' backup=(etc/xbs/xbs.conf etc/xbs/xbs-abs.conf) license=(GPL2) depends=( "gitget=$pkgver" # `helper-abslibre` "librelib=$pkgver" subversion # `helper-abs` ) cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver" make install-xbs DESTDIR="$pkgdir" } package_libretools() { backup=(etc/libretools.conf etc/libretools.d/chroot.conf etc/libretools.d/librefetch.conf) install=libretools.install conflicts=(devtools libretools-mips64el) replaces=(libretools-mips64el) depends=( "librelib=$pkgver" "xbs=$pkgver" # `createworkdir`, `librestage` 'pacman>=5.0.1-2.parabola4' 'pacman<5.1' arch-install-scripts # `mkarchroot` uses `pacstrap` make # `librefetch` openssh # `librerelease` rsync # `librerelease` and `makechrootpkg.sh` systemd # systemd-nspawn tokyocabinet # `toru` #namcap # Namcap is currently dissabled in libremakepkg :-( #subversion # `diff-unfree` # ignore because of xbs wget # `aur`, optdepend for librelib:`blacklist` ) optdepends=( 'binfmt-qemu-static: To build ARM packages from x86' ) cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver" make install-libretools DESTDIR="$pkgdir" }