# Contributor (Arch) : Patryk Kowalczyk <patryk AT kowalczyk DOT WS> # Contributor (Arch) : Maciej Sieczka <msieczka at sieczka dot org> # Maintainer (Parabola) : Aurélien DESBRIÈRES <aurelien@hackers.camp> pkgname=liblas pkgver=1.8.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="library for embedding read and write support of the ASPRS LAS format into your own C/C++ applications, and a suite of command-line utilities based on LASTools for inspecting, manipulating, transforming, and processing LAS LiDAR data" arch=(i686 x86_64) url="http://www.liblas.org/" license=('BSD3') groups=() depends=('boost-libs>=1.38.0' 'gdal>=1.7.0' 'libgeotiff>=1.2.5' 'laszip>=2.0.1' 'libtiff') makedepends=('boost>=1.38.0' 'cmake') optdepends=('oci: Oracle Instant Client, see http://www.liblas.org/compilation.html (must recompile)') provides=(liblas) conflicts=(liblas-hg) replaces=() backup=() options=() install= changelog= source=(https://github.com/libLAS/libLAS/archive/${pkgver}.tar.gz) #http://download.osgeo.org/liblas/libLAS-${pkgver}.tar.gz) noextract=() build() { cd "$srcdir/libLAS-$pkgver" msg 'Configuring build...' cmake -DWITH_GEOTIFF=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -DWITH_GEOTIFF=ON -DWITH_GDAL=ON -DWITH_LASZIP=ON -G "Unix Makefiles" . msg 'Building...' make } package() { cd "$srcdir/libLAS-$pkgver" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install } md5sums=('e7f86bf90166a3ee3de2bc57bb809972')