# Maintainer (Arch): Doug Newgard <scimmia at archlinux dot info> # Maintainer (Arch): XavierCLL <xavier.corredor.llano (a) gmail.com> # Contributor (Arch): SaultDon <sault.don gmail> # Contributor (Arch): Lantald < lantald at gmx.com > # Contributor (Arch): Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail > # Contributor (Arch): dibblethewrecker dibblethewrecker.at.jiwe.dot.org # Contributor (Arch): Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386@yahoo.com.ar> # Contributor (Arch): Eric Forgeot < http://esclinux.tk > # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe> # Globe Plugin and Map Server are disabled in cmake by default. # Uncomment them in the build() portion if you'd like them enabled. # You will also need to install osgearth or fcgi, respectively, before building. pkgname=qgis pkgver=2.12.1 pkgrel=1.parabola1 pkgdesc='Geographic Information System (GIS) that supports vector, raster & database formats, without nonfree ElvenSword resource' url='http://qgis.org/' license=('GPL') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') depends=('qca-qt4' 'gdal' 'qwtpolar' 'gsl' 'spatialindex' 'icu' 'python2-qscintilla' 'python2-sip' 'python2-psycopg2' 'python2-six' 'python2-dateutil' 'python2-httplib2' 'python2-jinja' 'python2-markupsafe' 'python2-pygments' 'python2-pytz') makedepends=('cmake' 'txt2tags' 'perl') optdepends=('gpsbabel: GPS Tool plugin') install="$pkgname.install" mksource=("http://qgis.org/downloads/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.bz2") source=("https://repo.parabola.nu/other/${pkgname}-libre/${pkgname}-libre-${pkgver}.tar.bz2" "libre.patch") mkmd5sums=('b47a7e040341164fd2b8f7970055e3d0') md5sums=('9399b11476a6df55e3446b1bb6101679' '6c5f082d7f41f45762030a80aa89d5ff') mksource() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver # remove nonfree resource rm -rv "resources/cpt-city-qgis-min/es" } prepare() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/libre.patch" # Fixing shebang for .py files sed -i 's/\(env \|\/usr\/bin\/\)python$/&2/' $(find . -iname "*.py") # Fix console.py for new pyqt build system sed -e '/from PyQt4.QtCore/ s/$/, QT_VERSION/' \ -e '/import pyqtconfig/d' \ -e 's/pyqtconfig.*qt_version/QT_VERSION/' \ -i python/console/console.py [[ -d build ]] || mkdir build } build() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver/build cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../ \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DQGIS_MANUAL_SUBDIR=share/man \ -DENABLE_TESTS=FALSE \ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=TRUE \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_QWTPOLAR=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_SIX=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_DATEUTIL=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_HTTPLIB2=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_JINJA2=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_MARKUPSAFE=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_PYGMENTS=FALSE \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_PYTZ=FALSE \ # -DWITH_SERVER=TRUE \ # -DWITH_GLOBE=TRUE make } package() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver # Add optional deps based on selected or autodetected options [[ -n "$(awk -F= '/^GRASS_PREFIX:/ {print $2}' build/CMakeCache.txt)" ]] && \ optdepends+=('grass6: GRASS6 plugin') [[ -n "$(awk -F= '/^GRASS_PREFIX7:/ {print $2}' build/CMakeCache.txt)" ]] && \ optdepends+=('grass: GRASS7 plugin') [[ "$(awk -F= '/^WITH_SERVER:/ {print $2}' build/CMakeCache.txt)" == "TRUE" ]] && \ optdepends+=('fcgi: Map Server') [[ "$(awk -F= '/^WITH_GLOBE:/ {print $2}' build/CMakeCache.txt)" == "TRUE" ]] && \ optdepends+=('osgearth: Globe plugin') make -C build DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # install some freedesktop.org compatibility install -Dm644 debian/{qgis,qbrowser}.desktop -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/" install -Dm644 debian/qgis-icon512x512.png "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/qgis.png" install -Dm644 debian/qbrowser-icon512x512.png "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/qbrowser.png" install -Dm644 images/icons/qgis-mime-icon.png "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/qgis-mime.png" # TODO: these aren't working for some reason, ie, .qgs files are not opened by QGIS... # Appears to be a conflict with some file types being defaulted to google-chrome/chromium if that's installed as well. for mime in debian/mime/application/*.desktop do install -Dm644 "$mime" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/mimelnk/application/" done # compile python files, since the cmake option doesn't seem to account for DESTDIR python2 -m compileall -q "$pkgdir" }