# Maintainer (Arch): Bjoern Franke <bjo at nord-west.org> # Contributor (Arch): flan_suse # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe> # # This suite contains the following: # * xfwm4 theme # * xfwm4 compact theme # * metacity theme # * emerald theme # * gtk2 theme # * gtk3 theme # * unity theme # * xfce4-notify theme # * lightdm theme # * wallpaper (found in the shimmer-wallpapers package; optdepends) pkgname=xfce-theme-greybird _pkgname=Greybird pkgver=1.6.2 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A grey and blue Xfce theme, used by default in Xubuntu 12.04" arch=(any) url=http://shimmerproject.org/projects/greybird/ license=(CCPL:by-sa-3.0 GPL) groups=(xfce-themes-shimmer-collection) depends=(gtk-engine-murrine) optdepends=('elementary-xfce-icons: matching icon set; use the dark icon theme' 'gtk3: required for CSS/GTK3 theme' 'lightdm-gtk-greeter: required for the LightDM GTK theme' 'lightdm-unity-greeter: required for the LightDM Unity theme' 'shimmer-wallpapers: contains the Greybird wallpaper, among others' 'lib32-gtk-engine-murrine: required for multilib') conflicts=($pkgname-git) source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/shimmerproject/$_pkgname/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz) sha512sums=('eddd6b89880dbc034ee32cc17751b6ee1b18b55eef31d745c64f865b96d0fbf36fe6ab59dbe89dbdd032b3ed01395850f9597bdc1897e276b0433e93353d893f') package() { local _themedir="$pkgdir/usr/share/themes" install -d "$_themedir/$_pkgname "{Classic,Compact,a11y} cp -rf $_pkgname-$pkgver/ "$_themedir"/$_pkgname/ rm "$_themedir"/$_pkgname/.gitignore ln -s /usr/share/themes/$_pkgname/xfwm4-compact "$_themedir/$_pkgname Compact/xfwm4" ln -s /usr/share/themes/$_pkgname/xfwm4-a11y "$_themedir/$_pkgname a11y/xfwm4" }