Contributing ============ I'd love to have your patches! Code should be hackable; if you want to modify something, but can't figure out how: 1) ping me for help, 2) it probably means the code was too complicated in the first place. Patches should be sent to ; please put "[PATCH]" and "libretools" in the subject line. If you have commit access, but want me to look over it first, feel free to create a new branch in git, and I will notice it. Try to avoid pushing to the "master" branch unless it's a trivial change; it makes it easier to review things; though I *will* look over every commit before I do a release, so don't think you can sneak something in :) Be sure to make sure to follow the licensing requirements in `HACKING/` I'd love to discuss possible changes on IRC (I'm lukeshu), either on or in personal messages. My account may be online even if I'm not; I will eventually see your message, I do a search for mentions of "luke" on #parabola every time I get on. Please write unit tests for new functionality. Or old functionality. Please write unit tests! See `HACKING/` for details on testing.