libremessages(1) -- common Bash routines ======================================== ## SYNOPSIS `. "$(librelib messages)"`
`. libremessages`
`libremessages` ## DESCRIPTION `libremessages` is a shell library containing many common routines. The name is a bit of a misnomer, it mostly deals with printing messages, but also has other things. `libremessages` uses ``(3) internally for a large portion of it's functionality. The authors make no promises that functionality that is implemented in `libremessages` won't move into `` or vice-versa. So, it is recommended that you use `libremessages`, not ``. ### STAND ALONE USAGE The "normal" way to use libremessages is to source it, then call the provided routines. However, if you call libremessages directly, the first argument is taken as the function to call, and the remaining arguments are passed to it. The only cases where this doesn't work are the lockfile routines (`lock`, `slock`, and `lock_close`), because lockfiles are managed as file descriptors. ### VARIABLES The following variables for printing terminal color codes are set: `ALL_OFF`, `BOLD`, `BLUE`, `GREEN`, `RED`, `YELLOW`. If standard error is not a terminal (see `isatty`(3)), they are set, but empty. They are marked as readonly, so it is an error to try to set them afterwords. ### MESSAGE FORMAT All routines feed the message/format string through `gettext`(1), if it is available. The descriptions will frequently reference `printf`(1)--this isn't really that `printf`. The program described by the manual page `printf`(1) is probably the version from GNU coreutils, every time it is used here, it is `bash`(1)'s internal implementation; try running the command `help printf` from a Bash shell for more information. ### GENERAL ROUTINES Unless otherwise noted, these do not implicitly call `gettext`. * `_` : If `gettext` is available, calls `gettext`, otherwise just prints the arguments given. * `in_array` ...: Evaluates whether includes ; returns 0 if it does, non-zero if it doesn't. * `panic`: For the times when you can't reasonably continue, similar to "assert" in some programming languages. * `setup_traps` []: Sets traps on TERM, HUP, QUIT and INT signals, as sell as the ERR event, similar to makepkg. If is specified, instead of using the default handler (which is good for most purposes), it will call with the arguments ` [...]`, where is a `printf`(1)-formatted string that is fed through `gettext`, and are its arguments. * `whitespace_collapse`: Collapses whitespace on stadard I/O, similar to HTML whitespace collapsing, with the exception that it puts two spaces between sentences. It considers newline, tab, and space to be whitespace. ### PROSE ROUTINES These routines print to standard output, and are useful for printing word-wrapped prose. For each of these, is fed through `gettext` automatically. To generate gettext `.pot` files for programs using these routines, plain `xgettext`(1) won't work because it doesn't know about word-wrapping. Instead, you should use the `librexgettext`(1) program which knows how do handle word-wrapping, and knows about each of these routines by default. * `prose` [...]: Takes a `printf`(1)-formatted string, collapses whitespace (HTML-style), and then word-wraps it. * `bullet` [...]: Similar to `prose`, but prints a bullet point before the first line, and indents the remaining lines. * `flag` [ ...]: Print a flag and description formatted for `--help` text. For example:
`flag '-N' 'Disable networking in the chroot'`
The description is fed through `gettext`, the flag is not, so if part of the flag needs to be translated, you must do that yourself:
`flag "-C <$(_ FILE)>" 'Use this file instead of pacman.conf'`
Newlines in the description are ignored; it is whitespace-collapsed (so newlines are stripped), then it is re-word-wrapped, in the same way as `prose` and `bullet`. If you pass in multiple flag/description pairs to the same invocation, the descriptions are all aligned together. ### NOTIFICATION ROUTINES These routines print to standard error, and all take arguments in the same format as `printf`(1), except for `stat_done`, which doesn't take any arguments. Each of these print to stderr, not stdout. For each of these, is fed through `gettext` automatically. To generate gettext `.pot` files for programs using these routines, plain `xgettext`(1) will work if given correct flags, but you'll find it easier to use `librexgettext`(1), which will handle each of these without any extra flags. * `plain` [...]: Prints a "plain" message in bold, indented with 4 spaces. * `msg` [...]: Prints a top-level priority notification. * `msg2` [...]: Prints a secondary notification. * `warning` [...]: Prints a warning. * `error` [...]: Prints an error message. * `stat_busy` [...]: Prints a "working..." type message without a trailing newline. * `stat_done`: Prints a "done" type message to terminate `stat_busy`. * `print` [...]: Like `printf`(1), but `gettext`-aware, and automatically prints a trailing newline. * `term_title` [...]: Sets the terminal title to the specified message. ### TEMPORARY DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT These are used by devtools, and not used within the rest of libretools. They work by creating and removing the directory referred to by the variable $; `libretools.conf`(5) uses the same variable to where the user saves all their work. If you aren't careful with these, you could end up deleting a lot of someone's work. * `setup_workdir`: Creates a temporary directory, and sets the environmental variable $ to it. Also sets traps for the signals INT, QUIT, TERM and HUP to run `abort`; and EXIT to run `cleanup` (see `signal`(7)). * `cleanup` []: *If* `setup_workdir` has been run, `rm -rf "$WORKDIR"`. If given a numeric argument, it will then call `exit`(1) with that argument, otherwise it calls `exit`(1) with a status of 0. * `abort`: Calls `msg` with the message "Aborting...", then calls `cleanup 255`. * `die` [...]: Exactly like `error`, but calls `cleanup` and calls `exit`(1) with a status of 255. ### LOCKFILE ROUTINES * `lock` [...]: Opens (creating if necessary) the file with file descriptor in the current process, and gets an exclusive lock on it. If another program already has a lock on the file, and this program needs to wait for the lock to be released, then it uses `stat_busy`/`stat_done` to print . * `slock` [...]: Identical like `lock`, but opens a shared lock. This is also known as a "read lock". Many programs can have a shared lock at the same time, as long as no one has an exclusive lock on it. * `lock_close` : Closes file descriptor , releasing the lock opened on it. ### MAKEPKG ROUTINES These routines relate to `makepkg`(8). * `find_cached_package` [-: Searches for a locally built copy of the specified package, in and the current working directory. If is not specified, any value will match. If multiple matching files are found (not counting duplicate links), then an error is printed to stderr and nothing is printed to stdout. * `get_full_version` []: Inspects variables that are set, and prints the full version spec, including if necessary, , and . By default, it will print the information for , following the normal rules for finding . If is given, it will print the information for that sub-package. The versions for different parts of a split package don't have to be the same! ## BUGS `term_title` currently only knows about the terminals screen, tmux, xterm and rxvt (and their various values; "rxvt-unicode-256color" is still rxvt). ## SEE ALSO librexgettext(1), librelib(7), gettext(1), Things that were mentioned: bash(1), xgettext(1), exit(1), isatty(3), libretools.conf(5), makepkg(8), printf(1), signal(7)