From 2d407d9c1b2149d96fd3296923520aa966f9b561 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dan McGee You can get an up-to-date
- mirrorlist containing all available mirrors.
- This URL requires no GET or POST parameters so can be fetched from the
- command line if desired.
+ An up-to-date mirrorlist is available containing all currently active
+ mirrors, optionally filtering by protocol. These URLs requires no GET or
+ POST parameters so they can be fetched from the command line if desired.
+ The following form can generate a custom up-to-date
pacman mirrorlist based on geography.
- Simply replace the contents of Pacman Mirrorlist Generator
Mirrorlist with all available mirrors
- Customized by country mirrorlist
- the generated code./etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
with your generated list.