diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2017-01-20 03:38:18 -0500
committerLuke Shumaker <>2017-01-20 03:38:18 -0500
commit21c22db81eebb576ff8e134ad1c9efdabf58da3d (patch)
parent866ec50736636091bea08ea2eb1a7b4add13a7dc (diff)
parent9f564fe0d5b60a5d6fe5287ca3b8f78849f47163 (diff)
Merge branch 'heads/srix/master' into lukeshu/master
3 files changed, 458 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/examples/assets/js/rrdFile-1.1.1.js b/docs/examples/assets/js/rrdFile-1.1.1.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eabebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/assets/js/rrdFile-1.1.1.js
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ * Client library for access to RRD archive files
+ * Part of the javascriptRRD package
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Frank Wuerthwein,
+ * Igor Sfiligoi,
+ *
+ * Original repository:
+ *
+ * MIT License []
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * RRDTool has been developed and is maintained by
+ * Tobias Oether []
+ *
+ * This software can be used to read files produced by the RRDTool
+ * but has been developed independently.
+ *
+ * Limitations:
+ *
+ * This version of the module assumes RRD files created on linux
+ * with intel architecture and supports both 32 and 64 bit CPUs.
+ * All integers in RRD files are suppoes to fit in 32bit values.
+ *
+ * Only versions 3 and 4 of the RRD archive are supported.
+ *
+ * Only AVERAGE,MAXIMUM,MINIMUM and LAST consolidation functions are
+ * supported. For all others, the behaviour is at the moment undefined.
+ *
+ */
+ * Dependencies:
+ *
+ * The data provided to this module require an object of a class
+ * that implements the following methods:
+ * getByteAt(idx) - Return a 8 bit unsigned integer at offset idx
+ * getLongAt(idx) - Return a 32 bit unsigned integer at offset idx
+ * getDoubleAt(idx) - Return a double float at offset idx
+ * getFastDoubleAt(idx) - Similar to getDoubleAt but with less precision
+ * getCStringAt(idx,maxsize) - Return a string of at most maxsize characters
+ * that was 0-terminated in the source
+ *
+ * The BinaryFile from binaryXHR.js implements this interface.
+ *
+ */
+// ============================================================
+// Exception class
+function InvalidRRD(msg) {
+ this.message=msg;
+"Invalid RRD";
+// pretty print
+InvalidRRD.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return + ': "' + this.message + '"';
+// ============================================================
+// RRD DS Info class
+function RRDDS(rrd_data,rrd_data_idx,my_idx) {
+ this.rrd_data=rrd_data;
+ this.rrd_data_idx=rrd_data_idx;
+ this.my_idx=my_idx;
+RRDDS.prototype.getIdx = function() {
+ return this.my_idx;
+RRDDS.prototype.getName = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(this.rrd_data_idx,20);
+RRDDS.prototype.getType = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(this.rrd_data_idx+20,20);
+RRDDS.prototype.getMin = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(this.rrd_data_idx+48);
+RRDDS.prototype.getMax = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(this.rrd_data_idx+56);
+// ============================================================
+// RRD RRA Info class
+function RRDRRAInfo(rrd_data,rra_def_idx,
+ int_align,row_cnt,pdp_step,my_idx) {
+ this.rrd_data=rrd_data;
+ this.rra_def_idx=rra_def_idx;
+ this.int_align=int_align;
+ this.row_cnt=row_cnt;
+ this.pdp_step=pdp_step;
+ this.my_idx=my_idx;
+ // char nam[20], uint row_cnt, uint pdp_cnt
+ this.rra_pdp_cnt_idx=rra_def_idx+Math.ceil(20/int_align)*int_align+int_align;
+RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getIdx = function() {
+ return this.my_idx;
+// Get number of rows
+RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getNrRows = function() {
+ return this.row_cnt;
+// Get number of slots used for consolidation
+// Mostly for internal use
+RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getPdpPerRow = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.rra_pdp_cnt_idx);
+// Get RRA step (expressed in seconds)
+RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getStep = function() {
+ return this.pdp_step*this.getPdpPerRow();
+// Get consolidation function name
+RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getCFName = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(this.rra_def_idx,20);
+// ============================================================
+// RRD RRA handling class
+function RRDRRA(rrd_data,rra_ptr_idx,
+ rra_info,
+ header_size,prev_row_cnts,ds_cnt) {
+ this.rrd_data=rrd_data;
+ this.rra_info=rra_info;
+ this.row_cnt=rra_info.row_cnt;
+ this.ds_cnt=ds_cnt;
+ var row_size=ds_cnt*8;
+ this.base_rrd_db_idx=header_size+prev_row_cnts*row_size;
+ // get imediately, since it will be needed often
+ this.cur_row=rrd_data.getLongAt(rra_ptr_idx);
+ // calculate idx relative to base_rrd_db_idx
+ // mostly used internally
+ this.calc_idx = function(row_idx,ds_idx) {
+ if ((row_idx>=0) && (row_idx<this.row_cnt)) {
+ if ((ds_idx>=0) && (ds_idx<ds_cnt)){
+ // it is round robin, starting from cur_row+1
+ var real_row_idx=row_idx+this.cur_row+1;
+ if (real_row_idx>=this.row_cnt) real_row_idx-=this.row_cnt;
+ return row_size*real_row_idx+ds_idx*8;
+ } else {
+ throw RangeError("DS idx ("+ row_idx +") out of range [0-" + ds_cnt +").");
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw RangeError("Row idx ("+ row_idx +") out of range [0-" + this.row_cnt +").");
+ }
+ }
+RRDRRA.prototype.getIdx = function() {
+ return this.rra_info.getIdx();
+// Get number of rows/columns
+RRDRRA.prototype.getNrRows = function() {
+ return this.row_cnt;
+RRDRRA.prototype.getNrDSs = function() {
+ return this.ds_cnt;
+// Get RRA step (expressed in seconds)
+RRDRRA.prototype.getStep = function() {
+ return this.rra_info.getStep();
+// Get consolidation function name
+RRDRRA.prototype.getCFName = function() {
+ return this.rra_info.getCFName();
+RRDRRA.prototype.getEl = function(row_idx,ds_idx) {
+ return this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(this.base_rrd_db_idx+this.calc_idx(row_idx,ds_idx));
+// Low precision version of getEl
+// Uses getFastDoubleAt
+RRDRRA.prototype.getElFast = function(row_idx,ds_idx) {
+ return this.rrd_data.getFastDoubleAt(this.base_rrd_db_idx+this.calc_idx(row_idx,ds_idx));
+// ============================================================
+// RRD Header handling class
+function RRDHeader(rrd_data) {
+ this.rrd_data=rrd_data;
+ this.validate_rrd();
+ this.calc_idxs();
+// Internal, used for initialization
+RRDHeader.prototype.validate_rrd = function() {
+ if (this.rrd_data.getLength()<1) throw new InvalidRRD("Empty file.");
+ if (this.rrd_data.getLength()<16) throw new InvalidRRD("File too short.");
+ if (this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(0,4)!=="RRD") throw new InvalidRRD("Wrong magic id.");
+ this.rrd_version=this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(4,5);
+ if ((this.rrd_version!=="0003")&&(this.rrd_version!=="0004")&&(this.rrd_version!=="0001")) {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("Unsupported RRD version "+this.rrd_version+".");
+ }
+ this.float_width=8;
+ if (this.rrd_data.getLongAt(12)==0) {
+ // not a double here... likely 64 bit
+ this.float_align=8;
+ if (! (this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(16)==8.642135e+130)) {
+ // uhm... wrong endian?
+ this.rrd_data.switch_endian=true;
+ }
+ if (this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(16)==8.642135e+130) {
+ // now, is it all 64bit or only float 64 bit?
+ if (this.rrd_data.getLongAt(28)==0) {
+ // true 64 bit align
+ this.int_align=8;
+ this.int_width=8;
+ } else {
+ // integers are 32bit aligned
+ this.int_align=4;
+ this.int_width=4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("Magic float not found at 16.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ /// should be 32 bit alignment
+ if (! (this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(12)==8.642135e+130)) {
+ // uhm... wrong endian?
+ this.rrd_data.switch_endian=true;
+ }
+ if (this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(12)==8.642135e+130) {
+ this.float_align=4;
+ this.int_align=4;
+ this.int_width=4;
+ } else {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("Magic float not found at 12.");
+ }
+ }
+ this.unival_width=this.float_width;
+ this.unival_align=this.float_align;
+ // process the header here, since I need it for validation
+ // char magic[4], char version[5], double magic_float
+ // long ds_cnt, long rra_cnt, long pdp_step, unival par[10]
+ this.ds_cnt_idx=Math.ceil((4+5)/this.float_align)*this.float_align+this.float_width;
+ this.rra_cnt_idx=this.ds_cnt_idx+this.int_width;
+ this.pdp_step_idx=this.rra_cnt_idx+this.int_width;
+ //always get only the low 32 bits, the high 32 on 64 bit archs should always be 0
+ this.ds_cnt=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.ds_cnt_idx);
+ if (this.ds_cnt<1) {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("ds count less than 1.");
+ }
+ this.rra_cnt=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.rra_cnt_idx);
+ if (this.ds_cnt<1) {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("rra count less than 1.");
+ }
+ this.pdp_step=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.pdp_step_idx);
+ if (this.pdp_step<1) {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("pdp step less than 1.");
+ }
+ // best guess, assuming no weird align problems
+ this.top_header_size=Math.ceil((this.pdp_step_idx+this.int_width)/this.unival_align)*this.unival_align+10*this.unival_width;
+ var t=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.top_header_size);
+ if (t==0) {
+ throw new InvalidRRD("Could not find first DS name.");
+ }
+// Internal, used for initialization
+RRDHeader.prototype.calc_idxs = function() {
+ this.ds_def_idx=this.top_header_size;
+ // char ds_nam[20], char dst[20], unival par[10]
+ this.ds_el_size=Math.ceil((20+20)/this.unival_align)*this.unival_align+10*this.unival_width;
+ this.rra_def_idx=this.ds_def_idx+this.ds_el_size*this.ds_cnt;
+ // char cf_nam[20], uint row_cnt, uint pdp_cnt, unival par[10]
+ this.row_cnt_idx=Math.ceil(20/this.int_align)*this.int_align;
+ this.rra_def_el_size=Math.ceil((this.row_cnt_idx+2*this.int_width)/this.unival_align)*this.unival_align+10*this.unival_width;
+ this.live_head_idx=this.rra_def_idx+this.rra_def_el_size*this.rra_cnt;
+ // time_t last_up, int last_up_usec
+ this.live_head_size=2*this.int_width;
+ this.pdp_prep_idx=this.live_head_idx+this.live_head_size;
+ // char last_ds[30], unival scratch[10]
+ this.pdp_prep_el_size=Math.ceil(30/this.unival_align)*this.unival_align+10*this.unival_width;
+ this.cdp_prep_idx=this.pdp_prep_idx+this.pdp_prep_el_size*this.ds_cnt;
+ // unival scratch[10]
+ this.cdp_prep_el_size=10*this.unival_width;
+ this.rra_ptr_idx=this.cdp_prep_idx+this.cdp_prep_el_size*this.ds_cnt*this.rra_cnt;
+ // uint cur_row
+ this.rra_ptr_el_size=1*this.int_width;
+ this.header_size=this.rra_ptr_idx+this.rra_ptr_el_size*this.rra_cnt;
+// Optional initialization
+// Read and calculate row counts
+RRDHeader.prototype.load_row_cnts = function() {
+ this.rra_def_row_cnts=[];
+ this.rra_def_row_cnt_sums=[]; // how many rows before me
+ for (var i=0; i<this.rra_cnt; i++) {
+ this.rra_def_row_cnts[i]=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.rra_def_idx+i*this.rra_def_el_size+this.row_cnt_idx,false);
+ if (i==0) {
+ this.rra_def_row_cnt_sums[i]=0;
+ } else {
+ this.rra_def_row_cnt_sums[i]=this.rra_def_row_cnt_sums[i-1]+this.rra_def_row_cnts[i-1];
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------
+// Start of user functions
+RRDHeader.prototype.getMinStep = function() {
+ return this.pdp_step;
+RRDHeader.prototype.getLastUpdate = function() {
+ return this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.live_head_idx,false);
+RRDHeader.prototype.getNrDSs = function() {
+ return this.ds_cnt;
+RRDHeader.prototype.getDSNames = function() {
+ var ds_names=[]
+ for (var idx=0; idx<this.ds_cnt; idx++) {
+ var ds=this.getDSbyIdx(idx);
+ var ds_name=ds.getName()
+ ds_names.push(ds_name);
+ }
+ return ds_names;
+RRDHeader.prototype.getDSbyIdx = function(idx) {
+ if ((idx>=0) && (idx<this.ds_cnt)) {
+ return new RRDDS(this.rrd_data,this.ds_def_idx+this.ds_el_size*idx,idx);
+ } else {
+ throw RangeError("DS idx ("+ idx +") out of range [0-" + this.ds_cnt +").");
+ }
+RRDHeader.prototype.getDSbyName = function(name) {
+ for (var idx=0; idx<this.ds_cnt; idx++) {
+ var ds=this.getDSbyIdx(idx);
+ var ds_name=ds.getName()
+ if (ds_name==name)
+ return ds;
+ }
+ throw RangeError("DS name "+ name +" unknown.");
+RRDHeader.prototype.getNrRRAs = function() {
+ return this.rra_cnt;
+RRDHeader.prototype.getRRAInfo = function(idx) {
+ if ((idx>=0) && (idx<this.rra_cnt)) {
+ return new RRDRRAInfo(this.rrd_data,
+ this.rra_def_idx+idx*this.rra_def_el_size,
+ this.int_align,this.rra_def_row_cnts[idx],this.pdp_step,
+ idx);
+ } else {
+ throw RangeError("RRA idx ("+ idx +") out of range [0-" + this.rra_cnt +").");
+ }
+// ============================================================
+// RRDFile class
+// Given a BinaryFile, gives access to the RRD archive fields
+// Arguments:
+// bf must be an object compatible with the BinaryFile interface
+// file_options - currently no semantics... introduced for future expandability
+function RRDFile(bf,file_options) {
+ this.file_options=file_options;
+ var rrd_data=bf
+ this.rrd_header=new RRDHeader(rrd_data);
+ this.rrd_header.load_row_cnts();
+ // ===================================
+ // Start of user functions
+ this.getMinStep = function() {
+ return this.rrd_header.getMinStep();
+ }
+ this.getLastUpdate = function() {
+ return this.rrd_header.getLastUpdate();
+ }
+ this.getNrDSs = function() {
+ return this.rrd_header.getNrDSs();
+ }
+ this.getDSNames = function() {
+ return this.rrd_header.getDSNames();
+ }
+ this.getDS = function(id) {
+ if (typeof id == "number") {
+ return this.rrd_header.getDSbyIdx(id);
+ } else {
+ return this.rrd_header.getDSbyName(id);
+ }
+ }
+ this.getNrRRAs = function() {
+ return this.rrd_header.getNrRRAs();
+ }
+ this.getRRAInfo = function(idx) {
+ return this.rrd_header.getRRAInfo(idx);
+ }
+ this.getRRA = function(idx) {
+ rra_info=this.rrd_header.getRRAInfo(idx);
+ return new RRDRRA(rrd_data,
+ this.rrd_header.rra_ptr_idx+idx*this.rrd_header.rra_ptr_el_size,
+ rra_info,
+ this.rrd_header.header_size,
+ this.rrd_header.rra_def_row_cnt_sums[idx],
+ this.rrd_header.ds_cnt);
+ }
diff --git a/docs/examples/index.html b/docs/examples/index.html
index 44fae85..472dd6a 100644
--- a/docs/examples/index.html
+++ b/docs/examples/index.html
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/jquerytools.tabs.tabs-no-images.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/dependencies.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/rrdFile-1.1.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../jarmon/jarmon.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jarmon_example_recipes.js"></script>
diff --git a/jarmon/jarmon.js b/jarmon/jarmon.js
index 586b892..c7af4ed 100644
--- a/jarmon/jarmon.js
+++ b/jarmon/jarmon.js
@@ -332,7 +332,19 @@ jarmon.RrdQueryRemote.prototype._callRemote = function(methodName, args) {
function(res) {
if(res instanceof Error) {
- ret.reject(res);
+ //ret.reject(res);
+ result = {
+ data: [
+ [args[0], 0],
+ [args[1], 0]
+ ],
+ lines: {
+ lineWidth: 0
+ }
+ };
+ ret.resolve(result);
+ return result;
} else {
// Upon successful download convert the resulting binary
// into an RRD file