path: root/NEWS.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'NEWS.txt')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS.txt b/NEWS.txt
index 48503ba..53281c5 100644
--- a/NEWS.txt
+++ b/NEWS.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,36 @@
-Flot 0.x
+Flot 0.6
+API changes:
+1. Selection support has been moved to a plugin. Thus if you're
+passing selection: { mode: something }, you MUST include the file
+jquery.flot.selection.js after jquery.flot.js. This reduces the size
+of base Flot and makes it easier to customize the selection as well as
+improving code clarity. The change is based on patch from andershol.
+2. In the global options specified in the $.plot command,
+"lines", "points", "bars" and "shadowSize" have been moved to a
+sub-object called "series", i.e.
+ $.plot(placeholder, data, { lines: { show: true }})
+should be changed to
+ $.plot(placeholder, data, { series: { lines: { show: true }}})
+All future series-specific options will go into this sub-object to
+simplify plugin writing. Backward-compatibility code is in place, so
+old code should not break.
+3. "plothover" no longer provides the original data point, but instead
+a normalized one, since there may be no corresponding original point.
+4. Due to a bug in previous versions of jQuery, you now need at least
+jQuery 1.2.6. But if you can, try jQuery 1.3.2 as it got some
+improvements in event handling speed.
- Added support for disabling interactivity for specific data series
@@ -8,15 +38,12 @@ Changes:
- Flot now calls $() on the placeholder and optional legend container
passed in so you can specify DOM elements or CSS expressions to make
- it easier to use Flot with libraries like Prototype or Mootools.
+ it easier to use Flot with libraries like Prototype or Mootools or
+ through raw JSON from Ajax responses.
- A new "plotselecting" event is now emitted while the user is making
- selection.
+ a selection.
-- Added a new crosshairs feature for tracing the mouse position on the
- axes, enable with crosshair { mode: "x"} (see the new tracking
- example for a use).
- The "plothover" event is now emitted immediately instead of at most
10 times per second, you'll have to put in a setTimeout yourself if
you're doing something really expensive on this event.
@@ -49,10 +76,6 @@ Changes:
set to true connects the points with horizontal/vertical steps
instead of diagonal lines.
-- Thresholding: you can set a threshold and a color, and the data
- points below that threshold will then get the color. Useful for
- marking data below 0, for instance.
- The legend labelFormatter now passes the series in addition to just
the label (suggestion by Vincent Lemeltier).
@@ -62,6 +85,48 @@ Changes:
don't have to start from the axis. This can be used to make stacked
+- New option to disable the (
+- Added pointOffset method for converting a point in data space to an
+ offset within the placeholder.
+- Plugin system: register an init method in the $.flot.plugins array
+ to get started, see PLUGINS.txt for details on how to write plugins
+ (it's easy). There are also some extra methods to enable access to
+ internal state.
+- Hooks: you can register functions that are called while Flot is
+ crunching the data and doing the plot. This can be used to modify
+ Flot without changing the source, useful for writing plugins. Some
+ hooks are defined, more are likely to come.
+- Threshold plugin: you can set a threshold and a color, and the data
+ points below that threshold will then get the color. Useful for
+ marking data below 0, for instance.
+- Stack plugin: you can specify a stack key for each series to have
+ them summed. This is useful for drawing additive/cumulative graphs
+ with bars and (currently unfilled) lines.
+- Crosshairs plugin: trace the mouse position on the axes, enable with
+ crosshair: { mode: "x"} (see the new tracking example for a use).
+- Image plugin: plot prerendered images.
+- Navigation plugin for panning and zooming a plot.
+- More configurable grid.
+- Axis transformation support, useful for non-linear plots, e.g. log
+ axes and compressed time axes (like omitting weekends).
+- Support for twelve-hour date formatting (patch by Forrest Aldridge).
+- The color parsing code in Flot has been cleaned up and split out so
+ it's now available as a separate jQuery plugin. It's included inline
+ in the Flot source to make dependency managing easier. This also
+ makes it really easy to use the color helpers in Flot plugins.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed two corner-case bugs when drawing filled curves (report and
@@ -76,7 +141,7 @@ Bug fixes:
problem reported by Sergio Nunes).
- Updated mousemove position expression to the latest from jQuery (bug
reported by meyuchas).
-- Use borders instead of background in legend (fix printing issue 25
+- Use CSS borders instead of background in legend (fix printing issue 25
and 45).
- Explicitly convert axis min/max to numbers.
- Fixed a bug with drawing marking lines with different colors
@@ -98,7 +163,15 @@ Bug fixes:
with vertical lines.
- Round tick positions to avoid possible problems with fractions
(suggestion by Fred, issue 130).
+- Made the heuristic for determining how many ticks to aim for a bit
+ smarter.
+- Fix for uneven axis margins (report and patch by Paul Kienzle) and
+ snapping to ticks (concurrent report and patch by lifthrasiir).
+- Fixed bug with slicing in findNearbyItems (patch by zollman).
+- Make heuristic for x axis label widths more dynamic (patch by
+ rickinhethuis).
+- Make sure points on top take precedence when finding nearby points
+ when hovering (reported by didroe, issue 224).
Flot 0.5