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authorLuke Shumaker <>2015-01-14 15:08:36 -0500
committerLuke Shumaker <>2015-01-14 15:08:36 -0500
commitcab760a1b7912548daf2fa033f11b4ea939a86f3 (patch)
tree5f7a474a1735611a445dc7b30abaed2ede95d465 /web/
parentf88134611501801b5f4042f11f01dd9a15afcd2f (diff)
this was sitting thereoldblog
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4 files changed, 742 insertions, 0 deletions
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+</li> <li id="statusnetwidget-4" class="widget-container widget_statusnetwidget"> <span class="widget-title">Me on</span> <ul class="statusnet"><li class="statusnet-item">Someone egged a bunch of cars in our neighborhood. <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/12/03 05:58:48"><a href="">2011/12/03</a></abbr></span></li><li class="statusnet-item"><a href="">!git</a>. is. such. win. <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/11/27 20:32:11"><a href="">2011/11/27</a></abbr></span></li><li class="statusnet-item">My favorite sites could get shut down by 1st censorship system for the internet. Must stop it: 11/16 <a href=""></a> <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/11/16 12:46:11"><a href="">2011/11/16</a></abbr></span></li><li class="statusnet-item">One of these days I'll hack <a href="">!emacs</a> daemon to expose the server via 9p. <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/11/03 21:51:32"><a href="">2011/11/03</a></abbr></span></li></ul> </li> <li id="recent-posts-2" class="widget-container widget_recent_entries"> <span class="widget-title">Recent Posts</span> <ul>
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+ <li><a href="" title="[Emacs] autopair problems when using term-mode">[Emacs] autopair problems when using term-mode</a></li>
+ <li><a href="" title="Why `sed -i&#8217; exists">Why `sed -i&#8217; exists</a></li>
+ <li><a href="" title="Questions about copyright of the deceased">Questions about copyright of the deceased</a></li>
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+ <div class="entry-summary">
+ <p>I&#8217;ve decided to to a morning-pages type thing here, just to get info out. This means that I&#8217;ll be posting 250-ish word weblog post snippits sharing whatever, and fairly frequently posting, if this works. So, what is the purpose of &hellip; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span></a></p>
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+</li> <li id="statusnetwidget-4" class="widget-container widget_statusnetwidget"> <span class="widget-title">Me on</span> <ul class="statusnet"><li class="statusnet-item">Someone egged a bunch of cars in our neighborhood. <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/12/03 05:58:48"><a href="">2011/12/03</a></abbr></span></li><li class="statusnet-item"><a href="">!git</a>. is. such. win. <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/11/27 20:32:11"><a href="">2011/11/27</a></abbr></span></li><li class="statusnet-item">My favorite sites could get shut down by 1st censorship system for the internet. Must stop it: 11/16 <a href=""></a> <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/11/16 12:46:11"><a href="">2011/11/16</a></abbr></span></li><li class="statusnet-item">One of these days I'll hack <a href="">!emacs</a> daemon to expose the server via 9p. <span class="statusnet-timestamp"><abbr title="2011/11/03 21:51:32"><a href="">2011/11/03</a></abbr></span></li></ul> </li> <li id="recent-posts-2" class="widget-container widget_recent_entries"> <span class="widget-title">Recent Posts</span> <ul>
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+ <li><a href="" title="[Emacs] autopair problems when using term-mode">[Emacs] autopair problems when using term-mode</a></li>
+ <li><a href="" title="Why `sed -i&#8217; exists">Why `sed -i&#8217; exists</a></li>
+ <li><a href="" title="Questions about copyright of the deceased">Questions about copyright of the deceased</a></li>
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+ <div class="entry-summary">
+ <p>I&#8217;ve decided to to a morning-pages type thing here, just to get info out. This means that I&#8217;ll be posting 250-ish word weblog post snippits sharing whatever, and fairly frequently posting, if this works. So, what is the purpose of &hellip; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span></a></p>
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+ <h2 class="entry-title">Why `sed -i&#8217; exists</h2>
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+ <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on</span> <a href="" title="05:21" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">2011/05/27</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by lts">lts</a></span>
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+<p>I&#8217;ve decided to to a morning-pages type thing here, just to get info out. This means that I&#8217;ll be posting 250-ish word weblog post<br />
+snippits sharing whatever, and fairly frequently posting, if this works.</p>
+<p>So, what is the purpose of the <code>-i</code> flag to <code>sed</code>? Simply, it edits the file in place, instead of dumping the edit to stdout.</p>
+<p>Those of you familiar with &#8220;<code>cat -v</code> Considered Harmful&#8221; or just traditional UNIX design will say &#8220;bah, what a useless flag, just use <code>sed 's/regex//' < file > file</code> to write the changes back to the file.</p>
+<p>But there&#8217;s a problem with this. There is a race condition, the file has been opened twice, once for reading, and once for writing. If they get closed in the wrong order, you will end up with an empty file. In my experience this very seldom happens. However, when you have a shell script that usually works, but just occaisionally corrupts your `database&#8217;, you&#8217;ll see why <code>sed -i</code>&#8216;s important.</p>
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+ <li><a href="" title="[Emacs] autopair problems when using term-mode">[Emacs] autopair problems when using term-mode</a></li>
+ <li><a href="" title="Why `sed -i&#8217; exists">Why `sed -i&#8217; exists</a></li>
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+ <h2 class="entry-title">Why `sed -i&#8217; exists</h2>
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+ <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on</span> <a href="" title="05:21" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">2011/05/27</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by lts">lts</a></span>
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+<p>I&#8217;ve decided to to a morning-pages type thing here, just to get info out. This means that I&#8217;ll be posting 250-ish word weblog post<br />
+snippits sharing whatever, and fairly frequently posting, if this works.</p>
+<p>So, what is the purpose of the <code>-i</code> flag to <code>sed</code>? Simply, it edits the file in place, instead of dumping the edit to stdout.</p>
+<p>Those of you familiar with &#8220;<code>cat -v</code> Considered Harmful&#8221; or just traditional UNIX design will say &#8220;bah, what a useless flag, just use <code>sed 's/regex//' < file > file</code> to write the changes back to the file.</p>
+<p>But there&#8217;s a problem with this. There is a race condition, the file has been opened twice, once for reading, and once for writing. If they get closed in the wrong order, you will end up with an empty file. In my experience this very seldom happens. However, when you have a shell script that usually works, but just occaisionally corrupts your `database&#8217;, you&#8217;ll see why <code>sed -i</code>&#8216;s important.</p>
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